Finding Forever (Meet the McIntyres Book 5)

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Finding Forever (Meet the McIntyres Book 5) Page 22

by Rebecca Barber

  “Put your clothes on and get out here, you two!”

  Not recognising the bossy voice, I looked at Connor for an explanation. “Beau.”


  “Come on. We better go before he comes in.”

  Straightening my shirt, I let Connor lead me back through the door, all the time wishing I had a mirror so I could see how terrible I looked. I knew I wasn’t one of those people who cried like a lady and three minutes later you could barely tell. No, I was one of those who when the emotions got the better of me, I looked like I’d been hit by a truck on my way out after a night drinking. Right now, I was betting I looked more like the latter. Unfortunately.

  “Here she is!” Payton squealed as she stepped out from behind the crowd holding a huge cake covered in thick white icing.

  “What did you do?” I asked, letting go of Connor and moving towards the cake. If it was a choice between one of Payton’s creations and a guy, it was an easy choice. Sugary goodness, get in my belly.

  “We’re so happy for you, Zoe, and we just wanted to say how excited we are to be part of this with you.” Swiping my finger along the side of the cake, it came away with a lump of icing. Before anyone could scold me, I popped it in my mouth and groaned at the deliciousness. With huge ‘congratulations’ written on the top, it was the best thing I’d ever seen. I couldn’t wait to stock my glass cases with Payton’s treats. I knew how incredibly lucky I was to have her agree to be my exclusive dessert supplier. The only thing I didn’t quite have figured out yet was how I would stop myself from eating them all.

  With a flash of blinding light, we both turned towards Carly and growled. “I’m going to break that camera…” I started before Payton cut me off.

  “Not if I get hold of it first.”

  Payton set the cake on a table and took off in the direction Carly had just disappeared. They may have been best friends, but I wouldn’t put it past them to end up in a cat fight.

  “Zoe?” a timid voice called my name as soft fingers clasped my arm.

  “Holly! Thank you so much for coming. Did you get something to eat?”

  She snorted. “Yeah. The food was awesome. I need a nap now.”

  “That happens.”

  “This is really cool.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I know I shouldn’t ask…”

  “You can ask me anything.” There was something about Holly that just made you want to help her. She rarely asked for it, and didn’t back chat anyone who didn’t share her DNA. She was just so damn sweet. I hoped life didn’t beat that out of her. She’d already been through enough. It was time for her to catch a break. And from the way Jack was staring at her with that lovesick dreamy look on his face, I wasn’t too worried.

  “Is there any chance you might have any jobs going? You don’t have to…”

  “Holly.” I took her nervous hands in mine, even if it was just to stop her fidgeting. “I’d love for you to come and work with me. But only if you want to.”

  “I do.”

  “Then let’s talk. We’ve still got some things to do before we open, but if you want a job, I’d love to give you one.”

  “Thank you.” A sigh of relief left her lips as she hugged me tight. When she pulled back, she looked at me strangely. “So, I heard you’re selling Jenna’s place?”

  “Yeah. It’s time.”

  “Where are you going to live?”

  With my arm around her shoulders, I led her over to an empty booth and watched her slide in before following. When a tap on my shoulder handed over a piece of cake and a fork, I couldn’t pause long enough to look at it. I stuffed a huge bite in my mouth. It was good. Damn good.

  “You know, I’m not sure yet. It has to sell it first.”

  “I know somewhere.”

  “You do?”


  Squeezing into the other side of the booth, Payton, Carly, Josie, and Mia appeared, each holding their own cake-filled plates like they were precious jewels.

  “So, Zoe.”

  “Yes, Payton.”

  “We need details,” Carly added.

  This was starting to feel like an ambush. “Details about what?” Honestly, there’d been so much going on recently they had to be more specific.

  “Connor,” Mia hinted, taking a teeny tiny bite. If she was too slow eating it, I wasn’t against finishing hers.

  “What about Connor?” Suddenly I wasn’t hungry anymore. Maybe it was the weight of five sets of eyes staring at me making me self-conscious.

  “Enquiring minds want to know, are you two like a thing now?”

  “A thing?”

  “You know, together. Are you and Connor together?” Holly spat out. For the youngest of the group, at least she got to the point.

  Without giving me a chance to answer, Connor swooped in and saved the day. “You bet your ass we are. Now, as much as I love you guys, can you leave now?”

  “Really? We’re eating.”

  “No, you’ve eaten. Now you’re being annoying.”


  “Come on, Payton, you know I love you but…please leave. I have to get Lachlan home to bed.” My heart soared. The way he thought about Lachlan, Connor treated him as if he was his own son.

  “Just Lachlan?”

  “Just Lachlan what?”

  “Is it only Lachlan you want to get into bed or his mum too?” Beau added, jumping to his wife’s defence.

  My mouth hung open. Even though I may have given it more than a little consideration, it didn’t mean I was saying it out loud. Beau had no such shame, though. And Connor. Well, he didn’t exactly spring to defend my honour, either. Instead, he shrugged, not giving them an answer either way.

  “Oh fine. Come on. We know when we’re not welcome.”

  It took almost forty-five minutes for them to clear out. Although I’d been off guard when Connor had first suggested they leave, by the time I was wrapping the last slice of cake in plastic wrap, I was glad he had.

  Locking the door behind Ryan, who promised he’d still be in town tomorrow and demanding a catch up, now it was just us three. Connor, Lachlan, and me. And suddenly I was nervous. What happened now?


  “So…” Tossing the towel into the sink, I rounded the counter and fell into his arms. It was the only place I wanted to be.

  “Are you happy about how today went?”

  “Which part?”

  “Any of it? All of it?”

  Going over everything that happened, I couldn’t believe that somehow that much action had been jam-packed into a single day. Even more surprising, I was still standing. It just didn’t seem possible. “Yeah. I really did. Some parts more than others.”

  “Oh yeah. Which parts? ’Cause you know, I’m more than happy to challenge them and make sure your night is even better.”

  “Promises. Promises.”

  “You know I’m good for it.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  Bending down, I picked up a forgotten pencil and set it on the counter. The place was almost restored to normal and we could get out of here. With Lachlan tucked up in his stroller playing with that damn monkey again, my heart felt so full I was convinced it was going to burst.

  “So, what am I competing with? What was the best?”

  Biting my lip, I watched as Connor reached down and adjusted himself. Again. I’d caught him doing it all afternoon. At one point I was tempted to ask if he had a problem and needed to see someone.

  “I think it has to be when I was offered somewhere new to live.”

  “You did?” Connor’s voice did this weird high-pitched squeak thing that was kind of adorable.

  “Yeah. As long as my new flat mate doesn’t mind.”

  “Flat mate? Hmmm. Male or female?”

  And right on cue here comes caveman Connor. “Male.”

  “Nope. No fucking way. Not a chance in hell, Zoe.”

  “Come on. It’s an amazing pl
ace. Big yard for Lachlan to run around. And I’ve already been warned my new flat mate might be a stubborn ass sometimes, but he means well.”

  Folding his arms over his chest, Connor had this look on his face like he’d just sucked a lemon. It was so much fun riling him up. “Where is it then?”

  “Not far from here, actually.”

  “Zoe. Where is it?”

  “1056 Clement Road.”

  “1056 Clement. Wait! What?”

  “Yeah. Seems Holly’s moving in with Jack, leaving her room empty. She offered it to me and Lachlan. I told her I’d have to check with her roommate, but if he said it was okay…”

  I didn’t even get my sentence out before I was lifted from my feet and spun in a circle. “Are you serious?”

  “Connor McIntyre, want to be my roomie?”


  Well, I wasn’t expecting that. I struggled to get out of his grip. He lowered me to the ground but didn’t loosen his hold.

  “No. You’re not sleeping in Holly’s room.”

  “O-okay.” My mind was chanting, Don’t cry. Don’t cry. I should have expected it, really. Everything else was be too good to be true. It was my own fault for believing.

  Cupping my face in his hands, Connor forced me to look him directly in the eye. Blinking back the tears, I hoped he didn’t see. “Lachlan can have Holly’s room. The only place you’re sleeping is in my bed.”

  “Your bed?”

  “Fine. Our bed.”

  “Our bed. Yeah, I like the sound of that.” And I really, really did.

  “Stop looking like that. Anyone would think I’m trying to strangle you.”

  “You mean you aren’t?” I asked my wife as she tightened the noose, I mean tie, around my neck.

  “You’re a funny man, Connor McIntyre.”

  “Ah thanks, sweetheart.” If I kept this up there’s a good chance not only would I be wearing a suit and tie to my sister’s wedding, but a black eye as well.

  “There. Done. Now go and check on your son while I finish getting dressed.” With a smack on the ass, I was shooed out of the bathroom. I wouldn’t have minded standing there a bit longer. My wife looked hot in her panties, bra, and heels. Despite her whinging about her—to use her words, ‘massive’ belly—even at five months pregnant she was the sexiest damn woman I’d ever seen.

  Heading down the stairs was like descending into the depths of hell. Or chaos. Or both. Beau was already there trying to wrangle his tribe. Robin was perched on the lounge, her tablet in her hand watching cat videos, while her twin four-year-old brothers, Evan and Ethan, ran around the room driving their trucks into every piece of furniture—and the occasional leg—that they could.

  “Boys, can you put those away?” Beau pleaded, already looking like he needed a drink.

  As if like magic, Gage appeared, carrying five bottles of beer. He was a life saver. Snatching one from his hand, I took a sip. “Thanks, man.”

  “No worries.”

  “Can you believe Holly’s getting married today?”

  “Nah.” Honestly, I don’t know how she was ready to be a wife. I sure as shit wasn’t ready for her to be a wife. She’d just turned twenty-five. She was too young. Had too much to do. But she was doing it anyway. Stubborn pain in my ass.

  “We sure this guy’s good enough?” Ryan asked, sidling up to where we were standing.

  “No!” Beau and I replied together.

  “Boys! You’re not causing trouble, are you?” Mum asked, stepping out of the laundry with a dish towel in her hand.

  “Of course not,” Gage lied sweetly. If any of us were going to get away with lying, it was going to be him.

  “Good! Because you know Holly’s already freaking out, she doesn’t need to worry about you lot causing trouble.”

  “Yes, Mum.”

  “Beau, can you go outside and meet the celebrant? Gage, Carly needs you upstairs. Ryan and Alex, you two need to go into the kitchen and help Payton. She’s having some quiche crisis or something. I don’t know. I tried to get her to sit down before she popped out my granddaughter on the floor…”

  “Mum! She’s still got three weeks before she’s due,” Beau attempted to calm her down. It wasn’t working. Anyone would think she was the one getting married. Did Bridezilla have a mother? ’Cause I just found her.


  “Yes?” I guess it was my turn for instructions. I’d figured out early this morning before everyone arrived, it was easier to do as I was told and keep my mouth shut. I’d said one thing; one tiny little thing, and I’d gotten slapped up the side of the head from Mum and made Holly cry.

  “Go keep the kids entertained. And try not to get dirty!” Geez! Was I a four-year-old? Checking my watch, I noticed we only had an hour before this thing got underway. Thank god. It felt like it’d been going on forever. I spent most of this week mowing and weeding and cleaning up the backyard, making sure everything was perfect for Princess Holly. I might have bitched and moaned about it the whole time, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Yes, Mum.”

  She made it up five steps before turning to see us still standing around enjoying our beer. “Now, boys!” Sometimes I hated that damn mother’s intuition. Scattering quickly, we all focused on our assignments.

  “Hey boys! Where’s your cousin?” I asked Ethan as he drove his matchbox car over my newly shined shoe.

  “Dunno.” Well, that was helpful. Not.

  “He’s outside. He’s being grumpy,” Robin filled in, not once looking up from her game.

  Heading out the front, I saw cars filling the front yard and women stepping out, their high heels sinking into the grass. I’d never understand that. They knew they were coming to an outdoor wedding.

  Spying the lone boy swinging on the tire swing that hung from the old gum tree in the corner of the yard, I headed over.

  “What are you doing out here?”

  “Mum told me to get out from under her feet.”

  “Yeah. She told me that too.”

  “Why’s she always so cranky?” Lachlan asked, looking up at me from his perch.

  “She’s not, mate. She’s just pregnant.” And wasn’t that the truth.

  “Dad? Is she always going to be like this?”

  “I hope not. Now you going to come inside with me and find Grandma? Last time I saw her she had cookies.” I wasn’t above bribing him.

  “Yep.” He climbed off the swing and took my hand.

  Together we walked across the yard towards the house. A movement from the curtains upstairs caught my eye and I caught Zoe watching over us. It was like nothing had changed. From the moment she moved in to my house and my heart, she’d owned me. In truth, she probably owned me long before that. Well, her and Lachlan. It was four years since she’d taken my last name and put me out of my misery, becoming my wife. But what she gave me on the late autumn afternoon was so much more than I could ever repay her for. After our ceremony and smiling for a million photos—whoever said it was a good thing having a photographer in the family obviously hadn’t met Carly—Zoe had given me the greatest gift. Adoption papers. She didn’t just want me as her husband, she wanted me as Lachlan’s dad. I cried. I cried like a bloody baby. Now we were expecting our daughter. I wasn’t sure I was sold on the idea of having a little girl. Growing up with Princess Holly had been enough. Now she was about to become someone else’s queen and I was getting a princess of my own. Heaven help me.

  Zoe cricked her finger, summoning me. I knew that look. I loved that look. “Looks like your mum wants me?”

  “What did you do?” I loved that he was so young and innocent. It meant I was doing a half decent job. I hadn’t corrupted him. Not yet, anyway.

  I knew exactly why Zoe wanted me. Not that I could tell our son that, though. “She probably needs me to do up her zipper or something.” Definitely something.

  “Can I go find Aiden?”

  “Yep. Just try not to get dirty,” I warned
as he took off like a tornado through the house.

  “Whoa!” Mia was almost knocked off her sky-high heels.

  Grabbing her elbow, I steadied her. “Sorry. He’s on a mission. Got to find Aiden.”

  “Ah! That’d do it. Need me to do anything?” Mia offered as Derek appeared, looking much more comfortable than I was feeling. While he still had a shirt and jacket on, he was missing the noose. Tugging at my neck, I wanted to pop my top button, but I knew I’d be in trouble.

  “If you can check Carly has everything she needs, and maybe start herding everyone out the back?”


  Bounding up the stairs, I was quickly back in our bedroom. For someone who shooed me away, Zoe was still decidedly underdressed for the occasion. Perched on the edge of the bed, still wearing the sexy as hell black bra and panties I’d left her in, she was rubbing her belly, which had popped, with tears running down her cheeks.

  Without hesitating, I dropped to my knees in front of her and swiped away a black tear with my thumb. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

  “I’m fat!” She sobbed. She was so damn adorable. Even snotty and miserable, she was stunning.

  Reaching up, I kissed her soft, salty lips. “You’re not fat, baby. You’re pregnant. That’s my little girl in there.”

  “I look like a whale!” She sobbed even harder as she hugged me close, her ever growing boobs pressing into my chest. Sitting beside her in a scrunched-up ball was the navy dress she was supposed to be wearing. I’m guessing she’d got it on, couldn’t do it up, and lost her shit. Wouldn’t be the first time, and somehow, I doubted it would be the last.

  In my pocket, my phone chirped. I dug it out.

  Beau: Stop fucking your wife. We gotta get this show on the road.

  Zoe read it over my shoulder and giggled. “That’s what they think we’re doing up here?”

  “Why wouldn’t they?” I teased, kissing her in that spot just below her ear that made her purr.

  “Look at me. No one would want to fuck me.”

  Well, that was it.

  She might be pregnant, but for weeks she’d been bitching at me to stop treating her like she was breakable. Picking her up by her underarms, I tossed her back on the bed, loving the way her boobs bounced as they fought the confines of the black lace.


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