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Legend of the Inero Dragon

Page 17

by JF Jenkins

  "Yes," he said, his jaw clenched.

  "Because you're—"

  "Tired. I told you that."

  She nodded, wanting to believe him. She'd seen him be tired before. Groggy, out of it, and a little testy was how he normally behaved when he felt that way. He was none of those things. Something more was going on, and it hurt that he wouldn't tell her what it was just yet.

  "It's done though, right?" she asked, deciding to take the conversation in a new direction. Maybe he'd open up to her more if she took a new approach to the issue.

  "Yes, it is finished."

  "Now we can leave."

  "I have one last thing to do. In order to do so, I must remain on my father's good side," he said, giving her a weak smile. This was the first thing he'd done that was normal since he came back from his meeting with Lynx and the prophet. That was around a day ago.

  Gwen sat in a chair, placing her hands on her knees because it was the only thing she could think of to keep herself calm. She felt like throttling him. Why did he have to keep playing his father's games?

  "And what is that?" she asked.

  "Warn the Oceina."

  She raised an eyebrow. Her hands moved from her knees to her hair. Warn the Oceina? Is he nuts? What could he possibly tell them anyway that they don't already know? "And how are you going to go about doing this? Without getting caught, I mean."

  "When the council reconvenes next weekend for the swearing in of the new Oceina Lord, I can tell them then. They deserve some kind of advantage. At the very least, they should be allowed to know why all of this is happening."

  "And you have all of those answers?"

  "I know enough. It's something." He sat down next to her with a heavy sigh and grabbed her hand. His touch was so tender and sweet. She had a hard time staying mad at him for all of his earlier bizarre behaviors.

  She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "Don't think that one sweet gesture is going to make up for you being a jerk to me all day." Her tone was playful. She felt this would be the easiest way to let him know he had hurt her without him becoming defensive.

  "I didn't know how else to communicate to you to drop it. You keep pestering me."

  "Because you're acting different."

  "I'm exhausted. Physically and emotionally exhausted. That stupid ritual took a lot out of me and a lot of strange things happened. I'm trying to recover from it all. Which would be a lot easier, I should add, if you didn't ask me every five minutes if I'm sure I'm fine." He glared at her. She couldn't think of a time he'd ever done that before.

  Gwen scowled at the scolding, even growled a little. He was right though. She needed to back off for his sanity. When her intuition told her something was off, she couldn't ignore it easily. It was hardly ever wrong.

  "I won't do it again," she said after a moment. "It must have shaken you up badly if you're reacting to it so strongly. What happened there?"

  Jason quickly shook his head. "If I want to talk about it later, I will. I promise. Right now I need to process the whole thing, and I need to plan our next move carefully. If I can play our cards right, then we can…"

  She leaned toward him, trying to encourage him to continue. "Yes?"

  "Everything will be a lot better," he said.

  She rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for upsetting you."

  When he kissed her forehead, everything started to feel right again. These were the things she knew and loved about him: his calm presence, his level head, and his small, tender affections, among other things.

  "I'm going to rest now. Hopefully that will help."

  Nodding in agreement, she let him go. Hopefully it would. Her pesky gut intuition told her otherwise. Put up your guard and watch him carefully. Whatever happened in the ceremony left him a changed a man.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Downtime was plentiful during the trip to the Dragon Council. Because the Oceina Lord was new, most of the time was dedicated to him learning the ropes of the system. It annoyed Matt to no end. Wouldn't it have made sense for the Oceina to name a replacement that had the knowledge to lead a nation instead of a man so young? The Lord couldn't have been any older than eighteen. He answered to the name of Darien. In the end, it only made Matt's job easier. With weak leadership, they'd be much easier to overtake.

  The meetings were dull to sit in on. So much of the information was being repeated for the new lord with no real progress on any issues being made. More specifically, the main issue, which was the 'Inero plague,' and what the other lords wanted to do about it. Matt's father hoped the other lords would aid their cause, but Matt knew better. The Aero would stay hidden in their mountains, and the Oceina would claim ignorance. Matt could practically feel the bitterness seething off of the young Oceina Lord as he sat in his chair. Good, be angry with me. I can't wait for another go with you.

  He smirked, imagining their next meeting. Next time, Matt wouldn't hold back. If the rumors he'd heard about the Oceina Lord were true, then he was Touched just like Matt. It was only fitting that the two would square off. He'd overpower the Lord and give the man a reason to be afraid.

  Matt stepped outside into the breezy, tropical air of the island. It was later in the afternoon, and he needed to decide what to do with his time. He'd already checked in with Kat, who was sleeping at the pool. He was grateful she had someone he could trust to watch over her in his absence. At first he'd been unsure of Lenora, but she'd proven her worth. He could see how happy and complete she made Kat feel. His bride finally had the family she had always dreamed of. Things finally felt like they were coming together for him. All he had to do was make things better between him and his brother. He'd been neglecting their relationship to take care of Kat and work for Lynx. And he hated that.

  Where are you? he asked, hoping Jason would hear. Ever since the summoning ceremony with the prophet, their ability to communicate was out of whack.

  Me? Jason replied.

  Yes, you.

  I went out for a walk. I wanted to make use of the time off instead of sitting around and doing nothing.

  I'm doing the same, actually. Can I meet you? Where are you?

  I just left the garden out front of the Oceina housing. Next I'll be entering the Aero garden. I figure it doesn't hurt to explore, right?

  Matt clenched his fists. His brother didn't understand, so he couldn't be scolded. Besides, it was just like Jason to want to explore the other territories. He was curious and peace loving, but did he have to pick those two places to venture into? The Aero weren't involved in the quarrel brewing between the nations. Nor would they ever be. The Great Aero Lord had made it clear in the meeting that he didn't sympathize with the Inero at all. Matt didn't want to be anywhere near their territory.

  He spotted Jason looking at some small, white flowers in the garden. The two briefly made eye contact then Jason walked toward him. Matt was glad he didn't have to leave the path in the trees he was wandering on.

  "Restless too?" Jason asked with a half smile.

  Matt nodded. "The hall is getting stuffy and I'm tired of listening to the others complain. What are you doing out this way?"

  "I told you I was going for a walk."

  "But I mean this way. You didn't want to walk by our housing?"

  Jason rolled his eyes. "I've seen everything over there. I'd like to explore the whole island if I could but I don't think I'll have time. All I know is that I need to move."

  Matt moved closer. He could smell the sour scent of nerves coming off of Jason. "Are you okay?"

  "Yes, why?"

  "Because you're not okay and I don't know why you're lying about it," he said.

  Jason folded his arms in front of him, a deep scowl on his face. "Everyone is saying that to me lately. I'm not sure how to feel about it because I feel great."

  Matt shook his head and he rolled his eyes slightly. Why was Jason jumping on him and being so defensive? "I wasn't sure if maybe you were feeling anxious since you're honeymooning
after this. You're going to be taking a huge step. It's normal. Everyone feels this way the first time."

  "Oh, I thought you meant…"

  Matt raised both of his eyebrows, waiting to see if he'd continue.

  "You're right. I'm sure it's stupid of me to feel this way," Jason said.

  "I don't think so. But, then again, I felt just as stupid," he said, offered his brother a small smile.

  Jason sighed. "The meetings aren't helping any. There's so much tension."

  Matt watched him, studying his face, trying to figure out what was going on in his head. "Why are you here? You didn't have to come this time. If it stresses you out, and there's no purpose to you coming, you should have just stayed home."

  "No purpose to my coming? What is that supposed to mean? Just because I'm not the favorite doesn't mean I'm completely worthless to the family."

  "I didn't say—"

  "But you implied it by suggesting my work and input isn't needed here. You told me I needed to put in my time for the cause, which I did. If I'm going to put in more of my time, I want to understand why."

  The two stared at each other in silence. Matt wasn't sure what else to say. Why was Jason lashing out at him so much? This wasn't like him. How out of touch were they from each other? He wasn't sure if he recognized his twin at all anymore. "That isn't what I meant. I don't see why it matters either way. You've made it clear you don't want to be a part of this or to help your family."

  "Because I'm still looking for a reason that this is a good idea," Jason said, pushing past his brother. "Have a safe trip back. I don't think I'll be there to send you off tonight."

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Jason waited on the bench out in the courtyard for the Dragon Lord of the Oceina. Nervous knots tied in his stomach. He almost wanted to forget the entire thing. The fight with his brother the day before left him feeling like a traitor, even if he was doing the right thing. Relaying what he knew would be how he proved his worth to the cause. It just wouldn't be for the side his family preferred. On top of that, all throughout the last council meeting he had watched the Lord's body language, trying to get a feel for what the man was like. From what he remembered of his father, Orion had been a kind and calm man. His son, Darien, didn't come across as being similar in demeanor. The young man, who probably wasn't much older than Jason, would certainly sit in his chair in a cool and collected fashion. Jason saw the fire in his eyes. He was waiting for a reason to exact his revenge.

  "My lord," Jason said politely, standing up from the bench to bow as soon as he saw the young man approaching with two of his council members. He'd hoped Darien would have come alone, but given the circumstances he shouldn't have been so surprised. If the situations were reversed, he wouldn't come to meet a member of the enemy alone either. He tried to not let his intimidation show, wanting to appear a lot stronger than he felt.

  "And you are?" Darien asked. Jason's heart sank at the dark tone of Darien's voice. This meeting would not go as nicely as he had hoped. The Lord clearly held a great deal of bitterness toward the Inero people.

  "My name is Jason," he said, motioning for Darien to sit. He pulled out some food he had prepared for them to share in hopes of it coming across as a peaceful gesture. All of the Oceina stared at him. He regretted the decision. The food provided him with something to stay occupied with, though, so that was a plus.

  "Yes, I am of the Inero," he continued, meaning for the conversation to be light and show he did have understanding and sympathy for the lord. "I know you aren't exactly pleased with my people—with good reason. We are responsible for your father's death."

  "Thanks for the reminder," Darien said, his tone still dark. Jason winced.

  "I, um…" Jason stammered, swallowing hard. "If you'd rather sit and belittle me, be my guest. But I won't feel motivated to tell you what you want to know. My people, my kin even, may be responsible for what happened. But I wasn't. I'm on your side."


  "Good question. I don't agree with what my father is doing. My father is the Great Lord of the Inero, Lynx. He doesn't have a high opinion of you. You should keep playing dumb because it'll work to your advantage. He pities you. He doesn't want to kill you. Yet." He straightened his posture, hoping that would help with his confidence level. He needed to be knowledgeable and strong or they wouldn't trust him.

  "Kill me like he did my father?" Darien asked, raising an eyebrow.

  The two made eye contact. "Right. My father seems to believe that..." He swallowed and closed his eyes. "That your kind was a mistake. And it is his divine purpose to correct this."

  The three Oceina men all gaped at one another, all with slack jaws of horror and frowns of confusion. One gasped. The Great Lord must have been stunned into silence because another young man, who Jason recognized as the Oceina Lord's First Council, spoke next.

  "How can we be a 'mistake'? That's like saying God himself made a mistake. Unless he was told this by God, I don't really believe it's possible!" He was a bold young man. Under other circumstances, Jason and he might have gotten along well.

  Jason drew in a breath then responded. "He believes it because he was told this by a boy who thinks he's God's prophet. He's not. My father says it is his duty to claim your land and reeducate your people by teaching them our ways. He thinks all of your kind should be killed or enslaved. That your creation was some kind of a mistake, and God wants him to fix it. The problem is your magic is a lot stronger than ours. My father, for the last twenty-some years, has been finding a way to work around our weaknesses and expose yours. The production logs your father noticed was my father trying to multiply his army and get them motivated to develop new weapons—weapons which won't fail against your kind and will enhance our strengths."

  No one spoke for several minutes. The only sound to be heard was the occasional bird chirping. Jason decided to let them have a moment to process all of this information. A lot of it was hard for even him to comprehend. He wouldn't have believed any of it possible if he hadn't witnessed the entire plan play out through his brother. Repeating it out loud made it feel even more real. With that came the realization that getting away was the best decision he'd made for a long time. He didn't want to be at home when all of this blew up.

  "This is ridiculous, not to mention blasphemous. Claiming God made a mistake is…" the First Council responded, his face flushed with anger.

  Jason nodded. "I agree. It's stupid. I only know all of this because my twin brother Matt is on the inside of the operation. He does not share my sympathies or beliefs, however. I catch a lot of this through his thoughts. We're connected the same way we connect with our wives. I think it's because we're identical twins."

  "And you would know this, how? Are you married? You certainly don't smell like you are."

  Jason's face flushed as he tried containing his anger. He clenched his fists tightly. He smiled, lowering his head, hoping to play off his frustration as embarrassment. I must not pick fights.

  He thought about Gwen, channeling his love for her in an effort to feel something positive. "I am. We're supposed to be honeymooning right now. It's why I didn't return back with my family. It's complicated. I would hope you understand since your kind actually believes in love, right? I want that…love. I don't want to be miserable like everyone else in my family. And I definitely don't like the direction they're going in. No good can come from this."

  The other council Darien had brought stepped forward and knelt down beside Jason, placing a comforting hand on his knee. "You're right in your instincts. Your father's bitterness has turned the entire nation into one of selfishness. Do you know when we can expect these attacks?"

  "No," Jason said. "I've told you everything I know. If I hear anything more, I'll find a way to tell you, but it could get dangerous. I can't risk that kind of consequence just yet."

  "Thank you," the man said, giving Jason's knee one last squeeze before standing. "My lord, what would you have us do?"

  The three began to talk politics while Jason only half paid attention to them. The Oceina did things so differently from the Inero. It was confusing and fascinating at the same time. If this had been his father, orders would be barked out at all of the people, and he wouldn't bother listening to much council. All he'd want to know was the best way to attack. Jason debated expanding on the details he did know. Anything could have been considered crucial. There was so much he didn't understand, and he didn't want to give them a hypothetical answer that could end up hurting more than helping.

  Besides, why would you want to help them anyway? They don't respect you, a voice within him said.

  It's the right thing to do, he decided. He'd stick by his decision to do what he could.

  He ate his lunch, trying not look at them while they spoke. He'd done his part. Whether or not it helped was another story. At least he could sleep knowing he'd done everything he thought possible.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Kat waited for the men to return at the landing pad along with Lenora. The Terran dragon would be there soon with Matt. It was early in the morning, much like the last time he had returned, and her body urged her to go back to sleep. She knew she wouldn't be able to without him.

  The great, dark brown beast of a dragon slowly descended to the platform just outside of the castle. She stared up at it in awe, having never seen anything quite like it before. She'd seen the Inero dragons, but they were nothing like the Terran. The enormous scaly beast let out a small groan, causing the ground to shake as its feet touched down. Hidden amongst its large spikes was Matt. He looked so pale compared to the dark colors of the dragon, almost sickly. When his eyes met hers, however, she saw him light up.

  Matt stood, walked a few feet toward the edge of the ten-foot-tall beast's back, then jumped. He ran to her and scooped her up into his arms so he could kiss her.

  "Miss me?" she said with a coy smile.


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