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Challenge Protocol

Page 9

by Dawn Ryder

  “Don’t worry, baby, I’m hungry too.” His voice was rough now. He pulled his cock back and she felt the head lodge against the opening of her sheath. Her lower spine arched, raising her bottom for him. He pushed into her slowly, parting her pussy with a smooth thrust that made her groan.

  “Oh yeah, I’m going to enjoy this meal.” He released her hair and straightened up. He grasped both sides of her hips, his grip hard. “I’m going to gorge myself on you.”

  There was harsh promise in his voice. It touched off a firestorm of need that raced through her. He pulled out almost completely before thrusting hard. His cock speared into her pussy until she felt him flush against her bottom. Her body was full to bursting, his cock stretching her beyond what her vibrator did.

  She lost track of time as he began to make good on his promises. He held her hips as he set up a hard rhythm. His body slamming his cock deep, so fast that she heard the wet slap of their skin hitting when he lodged his length completely inside her. She whimpered as pleasure spiked up her spine each time he penetrated. Perspiration coated her skin and he gripped her hips harder as he hammered his cock into her.

  But she didn’t come. She sensed he wanted it that way. Her clit begged for just a little friction. She was so aroused, two plunges across the front of her sex and she’d explode into climax. Instead she cried out as he worked behind her, filling her pussy, withdrawing and slamming back inside her. She heard him panting as she gasped for more air to feed her speeding heart. Her hands clawed at the hammock, locking into it to keep herself from being pushed by his thrusts. It was a battle against need. She craved an orgasm to end her longings, but didn’t want to give up the hard presence of his cock stretching her pussy. Clamping her lips shut, she held back the demand to finish that threatened to escape her mouth.

  “Not enough…” he growled before pulling free. She hissed at his withdrawal, before she felt him turning her body. She fell back onto the surface of the hammock as he pushed her thighs wide. He thrust deep, his cock pressing down on her clit as he penetrated her. A harsh cry rose from her lips as her spine arched. Need and pleasure twisted together, yanking her towards a climax that was going to overwhelm her. He caught her hair and her eyelids rose.

  The look on his face was primitive, raw and full of demand, his teeth bared as he groaned. “Come on, baby, come with me.”

  It was the final straw. Climax burst through her as he plunged hard and deep between her thighs. She clawed at his arms while clamping her thighs around his hips. A snarl worked its way through his teeth. His cock slammed into her a few final times as pleasure jerked her around before dumping her in a gasping jumble of satisfied limbs. She didn’t think she could move, almost lost the battle to not pass out as her vision went black.

  Dragging in huge lungfuls of air, she felt her lover tremble against her thighs. His shoulders shook as he forced his body off hers. The night air brushed against her wet skin, drawing a shiver from her. Dack reached for one of her sunbathing towels and quickly cleaned the condom and his climax from his body. He tossed it aside before hooking an arm beneath her knees. He placed her on the hammock lengthwise, before it shook when he lowered his frame onto it. He pulled her against his body, pushing her head down onto his shoulder as it swung back and forth, rocking them. The sound of his heart filled her ear as they both lingered in the glow of satisfaction.

  It was the closest thing to perfection she’d ever experienced with a man. She let herself slip into a half sleep that was amazingly comfortable.

  Chapter Five

  “You ever sleep out here?”

  The hammock swayed slowly. She lifted her head to listen for any ominous cracking sounds from the frame. A large hand pressed her head back onto Dack’s shoulder.

  “You’ve managed to make this into quite the urban getaway. That water masks the sounds of traffic pretty well.”

  She couldn’t help but enjoy the praise. “Welcome to my little island paradise.” She lifted her hand and spread it out in invitation. “Since running off to Tahiti every month isn’t in my budget, I transplanted a little slice of it.”

  “Good location too.” Now his voice dipped into that husky, Southern drawl again. She couldn’t help but enjoy the sexual humor.

  “Yeah, it’s private enough. I had to pay more for this unit because it was an end one.” She still wasn’t happy about the price, but tonight she sure was enjoying the benefits of it. The hammock continued to sway, taking both their weight. A wave of tenderness washed over her as Dack seemed perfectly at ease, his fingers stroking along her hip and upper thigh in lazy caresses. He didn’t seem in any hurry to get his pants on and ditch her. It was funny the way that made her feel valued. She’d always been the first one to state, loud and clear, that her opinion of her worth didn’t stem from any man.

  But Dack wanted to hold her and that touched her heart. Maybe it was silly, like fairytales and tulle dresses, but it still felt mighty damn fine.

  The candles were still burning, their golden light only taking the edge off the darkness. They flickered in the breeze, making the light dance over their skin. The wind rustled the leaves, adding to the illusion that they were completely alone, instead of in the middle of an urban jungle. Under the patio cover, they were both shrouded in shadow. His body keeping hers warm as the night grew cooler.

  “You didn’t answer me, do you sleep out here?” Dack sounded as though he liked the idea. Pushing her fingers through the hair on his chest, she hummed with enjoyment as the idea made her smile.

  “No. Sadly enough, I’m not quite that bold. Even though this is a good part of the city, we still have crime. My mama always taught me that half of not getting ripped off was being smart enough to not leave your stuff out in the open. That includes me.”

  “Sounds like your mother’s a smart woman.”

  “My mama’s the best.”

  “She raised one interesting daughter, I know that much.”

  Dack sounded so relaxed it almost made her sad. The reason it touched off pity inside her was because he seemed so ill at ease when he discovered himself kicking back. While life was often rough, it just wasn’t right that he expected to be on guard all the time. She frowned as she considered what he’d told her about that aspect of his life.

  “So, where’s Logan?”

  The arm draped over her tensed. The hammock swung gently back and forth as she lifted her head to look at her companion. “Is there a problem with me asking that question?”

  His face tightened back up, the moment of relaxation dissipating. “No.”

  He sounded just a little jealous and she enjoyed the sound. She liked Logan but Dack touched her a little deeper.

  “It sounds as though you’re the one having a problem with him.” She tried to push her body off his and sit up to see his face but he held her in place, refusing to release her.

  “Don’t make that mistake, baby. I told you up front that it was a package deal. You don’t have to let him touch you but it makes things a lot simpler.”

  “Are you telling me to sleep with him?”

  Dack didn’t answer for a long moment. His arm tightened around her, holding her against his chest.

  “No. I just know that it doesn’t work very well when only one of us has a date. That’s why I said it would be better if I left you alone. I should have.”

  The resignation in his voice irritated her. She wanted to stand up on his behalf and battle whatever demon kept him looking over his shoulder. “Let me loose, Dack, I’m getting seasick and I’ll throw up all over you if you keep playing the alpha male.”

  He frowned but released her. He sat up, following her off the hammock. Regret covered his face for a moment as he watched her. Moving over to where she’d left her dress, she took a deep breath before turning back around to face her lover. He’d told her. It was her fault for forgetting about Logan in the heat of the moment. Getting mad wasn’t fair, and besides, she had a personal rule that forbade her getting worked int
o a snit over any man.

  Dack was upsetting her balance. It made the idea of adding Logan to the mix sort of overwhelming.

  “Don’t frown, baby.”

  Dack’s voice was so relaxed she smiled in response to it. His dark eyes glittered as he stroked her cheek.

  “That’s better.” He rolled off the hammock, landing perfectly on his feet.

  “Okay. Sorry, you did tell me that. No problem.” She looked back to see Dack already back in his pants. Now that was sad. The man was the picture of perfection in the buff. He should have to stay that way, at least while he was in her island paradise anyway.

  “You’d be sort of odd if you didn’t have a problem with it.”

  She slipped her dress on, enjoying the frown that twisted his lips as the fabric slithered into place.

  “Most women get a little upset when they find out that someone has been watching them have sex.” His lips lifted into a wolfish grin. “I think you actually found it hot.”

  She got the idea that he said it bluntly on purpose. Almost as if he was intent on sealing the lid tight once again and hiding behind his tough “I’m a loner” shell. If she was pissed off at him, he could walk away easily, confident in the fact that she was having a hissy fit over something he’d disclosed before they got naked. Well, he didn’t know her very well.

  “What are you fishing for Dack? A horrified comment or an invitation for your partner to come join us?”

  A bark of laughter escaped his lips before he clamped his lips shut against it.

  “You surprise me, baby. I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman who talks as plain as you do. Better watch it, I might decide to keep you.”

  “I’m not a kept woman.”

  Dack pegged her with a hard look. “You tempt me to do it anyway. Your temper is part of what I like best about you.”

  Her breath froze for a moment. He looked as if he meant it. Hard determination glittered in his eyes.

  “Your sense of humor stinks.”

  Reaching for the doorknob on her back door, she pushed it inward to avoid the topic. Tension was rippling down her spine again from just a conversation. She needed to get a grip. They’d had sex, her control should have returned.

  The scent of coffee filled her small kitchen. Well that wouldn’t be hard since her coffeemaker remained on the countertop because it was one of her best friends. Especially since meeting Dack and Logan.

  “This place is too small.”

  Cambria offered Logan a shrug as Dack followed her inside. Logan’s disgruntled tone amused her as she watched him sweep the tiny living room with a poorly disguised frown. “The deck is splendid.”

  Logan cleared his throat in response to her remark. He reached for the coffeepot and refilled his mug.

  “Are you inviting me out to check it out?”

  Propping a hand on her hip she eyed the man who had just witnessed her having sex. It wasn’t as disturbing as she’d thought it might be. A calm acceptance settled over her.

  “Are you planning on waiting patiently for an invitation? Now that’s the first real difference I’ve seen in you two.”

  Logan set his mug down. “There’s a few others, mark my word.”

  She scoffed at his comment. “That’s a Turkish blend of coffee. The real stuff. It sounds like you’ve had a lot of it already.”

  He lifted the mug to his lips and drew a long sip from it. He watched her over the rim, enjoyment sparkling in his eyes. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to find something to do with my energy.”

  His voice was full of suggestion. It sent a little ripple of anticipation through her even as it touched off a feeling of uncertainty. Turning her head, she looked at Dack but jealousy wasn’t staring back at her. There was only a hint of tension in his eyes.

  “By all means, plan away.”

  “Can I pour you a mug?” Logan’s voice was coated in mischief. Full-grown, aggressive-male kind of humor. Part of her was suspicious that they considered her a slut, but that wasn’t enough of a deterrent to keep excitement from rippling through her. There was a voice inside her that didn’t give a damn what they thought about her if they were willing to share her.

  The idea was just too damn tempting to discard, even for her pride. One crazy night wouldn’t taint her forever. But it sure would be a memory to treasure.

  Her phone rang and she jumped. So deep in her thoughts, the buzz shocked her. She grabbed it before looking at the caller identification label.

  “Oh, Cammy…I’m so glad you answered the phone.” Mia’s voice was coated in tears. It tore away everything but worry for her friend as Cambria listened. She rolled her eyes but couldn’t ignore the plea coming from her friend. She had a soft spot for Mia, no doubt about it.

  “Relax, China Doll, I’ll be right there. The cops can’t call your family. You’re legally an adult.” She hung the phone up before getting dragged into a longer conversation. With a huff she turned and grimaced at the two men she was choosing a friend over. Reality stank sometimes.

  “Problem?” Logan was all business. Every trace of teasing had vanished from his voice as the kitchen light flickered to life. Turning her head, she found Dack intent on her, his eyes serious.

  “I’ve got to go.” She had to force the words past her lips as disappointment ran through her. “Mia needs some help. Some jerk rearended her and took off.”

  “So why doesn’t she want her family called?”

  A little tingle of suspicion ran down her spine as she turned to look at Dack. He’d pulled that sliver of information out of her conversation like an expert. She swept him with a quick glance, hesitating for just a moment on the shoulder harness in plain sight since his jacket wasn’t hiding it.

  “Is she driving under the influence?” Logan asked the hard question. Turning her attention to him, she faced a tight mask that didn’t give her any hint as to what he was thinking.

  “No, I believe I said the word ‘cop’ in that conversation. She’d already be in cuffs if that were the case.”

  Her annoyance didn’t gain her anything. Two pairs of eyes remained intensely trained on her as Dack took a step closer to her, decreasing the space between him and Logan.


  That single word was mutating into a complex idea, riddled with sexual possibilities. She should brush it off now before it latched onto her. Get rid of them both and crush the possibility of the relationship growing into something she couldn’t control. She had major control issues. She knew it. The idea of being out of control scared her to bits.

  “Why doesn’t Mia want her family involved, Cambria? Why you?”

  Dack’s question invaded her personal space. She propped a hand on her hip as she glared at him. “Because she’s my friend. As far as I’m concerned, there doesn’t have to be any other reason.” She fanned her hand out between them both. “I would think that the two of you would grasp that concept more than the average Joe. Anyway, guys, I’ve got to take some clothing to that girl before she ends up in ICU from heart failure.”

  “Clothes? I thought you said she was in her car.” Dack actually caught her upper arm. He stepped up too close. She caught a whiff of his scent and it triggered a response that ran down her spine in a single moment.

  “You know something, Dack? My brother came back from some special training program with this exact, same annoying habit.” She gave her arm a jerk and planted her hand in the center of his chest. Shoving at the wall of muscle, she watched him debate whether or not to move.

  Dack suddenly offered her a knowing grin. “Okay, baby, but you’re not used to sharing personal information with your lovers either.”

  He stepped back. Frustration colored his face as he locked stares with her. There was a demand there that rubbed her pride. But he had a very good point, she was being as secretive as the pair of them.

  “Mia is from a very traditional Korean family. She worked under Carl Burton for years longer than I would have put up with his lazy w
ays because her family feels that quitting is a personal weakness. Don’t get me wrong, they love that girl but some of their expectations are high. Mia doesn’t want her mother to find out she owns a miniskirt or fuck-me pumps. Much less that she was wearing them at a nightclub.”

  Dack offer her a pleased nod. His lips settled into a smug grin. “A little harder than you think, isn’t it? Handing over that trust.”

  “You got me there.” But she wasn’t upset over it, just a little uneasy as she felt him easing closer to her emotionally. Maybe it had been too long since she’d let one of her lovers near her heart.

  “Every kid has to grow up at some point. Her mother will adjust like the rest of the parents in this world.”

  “That’s the thing about friends.” She shrugged. “You don’t get to choose all the little details about them. Mia’s family is conservative to the point of repression in my opinion. I’m still wondering just how her parents managed to have sex enough times to account for her and her siblings. Her father is very traditional and expects his daughter to sleep under his roof, a virgin until her wedding day.”

  Dack raised an eyebrow at her.

  “No joke. All of her brothers still live at home. Which brings us to Mia. I love that girl and feel it is my personal duty to introduce her to the rest of the world.”

  “So you lead her astray.” Logan was laughing at her now. His lips were sitting in a smug smile as he chuckled again. “That’s interesting. Not that I minded following you in those stilettos.”

  “We’ve been tight a long time, Mia and Me.” Offering Dack a resigned look, she moved into the doorway of the kitchen. “Got to run.”

  It was a little bit of a relief to have something pulling her away. Everything was too intense, too powerful. She didn’t know if the planets were in alignment or what other funky explanation there might be for it. Somehow, tonight, she’d run into a pair of men who just seemed to hold the ability to touch her deeper than she’d thought possible.


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