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Fallen Angel, Part 4 - A Mafia Romance: Fallen Angel Series

Page 20

by Tracie Podger

  Robert sighed. “This is something I found very hard to believe at first, but yes, he told one person. He told Joe that Rocco was still alive.”

  I sat bolt upright. “You’re fucking kidding me?”

  “No, and don’t swear, it doesn’t suit you.”

  “Joe knew the only man his daughter loved was alive! Wow, I…I don’t actually know what to say. How could he do that to her?”

  “He found out many years later, and I’m talking many, many years later. He was told not to tell her. I believe that would have been something he regretted. I knew the man, Brooke. He was like a father to me. It had to be with very good reason that he never told her.”

  “That is still wrong. I’m stunned. Why did Rocco not want Evelyn to know he was alive?”

  “I didn’t exactly get a chance to ask him.”

  Shaking my head, I settled back into Robert’s side. Sadness crept over me. Evelyn was the kindest woman I’d known. To rob her of the chance of happiness, to lie next to the love of her life at night, to marry and have children was, well, criminal.

  “I think we need to get Gerry to bed, and I really could do with being snuggled under the duvet and just reading for a while,” I said.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been to bed this early, but it will be nice.”

  Robert stood and walked to the TV room. I heard the “Oh, no” from Gerry followed by the usual, “Five minutes?”

  Together we walked downstairs.

  “Pj’s on and teeth cleaned,” I instructed as I pulled back the duvet, ready for Gerry.

  Robert and I sat on the edge of the bed after Gerry had climbed under. He grabbed his teddy and held it to his chest.

  “Today was a good day, wasn’t it?” he said.

  “Sure was. Now close your eyes and think happy thoughts,” I said.

  It didn’t take long for his eyelids to droop, although he fought them. It also didn’t take long for his breathing to deepen and for us to know he’d fallen asleep.

  We crept from the bedroom and left the door ajar. Once inside our own room, I stretched, my body ached from tiredness and stress. I undressed and climbed under the covers. Robert did the same.

  “Lay on your front,” he said.


  “Because I’m going to give you a massage.”

  I rolled over on my stomach. I heard the noise of Robert’s bedside drawer slide open. It had been renamed his drawer of pleasure since it contained an array of toys. I rested my head on my forearms and waited. I felt a drip of liquid as it hit me between the shoulder blades, another a little way below it. Further drips ran down my spine. Robert knelt beside me and placed his hands in the centre of my back, and he separated them. One travelled to my neck and the other to my ass, spreading the oil. His hands were hot, his pressure just right to work out the tension. I parted my legs just a little—it was an invitation should he want to go lower.

  He kneaded, alternating pressure between bordering on painful and feather light. And the next thing I knew, it was morning.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “You’ve slept twelve hours straight,” Robert said as I walked across the room to where he was sitting with Gerry.

  “I know. I ache all over.”

  “We can go for a walk. That stops your body aching, doesn’t it, Dad?”

  “A walk would be lovely. Let me get some shoes on.”

  Together, we walked through the woods. We weren’t really paying attention to where we were and before we knew it we had come to a clearing. Gerry stopped abruptly, his face had paled. Ahead of us was the chapel.

  “Let’s go this way,” Robert said.

  Gerry stood still. “Can we go inside?” he quietly asked.

  I knelt down in front of him. “If you want to, we can. But if you want to leave, you just turn round and walk straight back out again, understand?”

  He nodded and we walked towards the chapel.

  “Who are all these people?” he asked, stopping beside a grave.

  “They were here when I built the house,” Robert answered.

  He wandered around running his hand over the gravestones. I could see his lips moving as he read the inscriptions. After a few minutes, he walked towards the door. He paused and looked at it. I could see his shoulders rise as if he’d taken a deep breath before he turned the handle. The door swung open and after hesitating, he walked in. We followed behind.

  He didn’t speak as he walked to the altar. He looked at the window in the rear wall, the stained glass window with the angel. Sunlight filtered through creating a rainbow on the stone floor. I watched as he placed his hand in the beams of colour.

  “This is where he took me.” He spoke so quietly it was hard to hear.

  “Did he say anything?” Robert asked.

  “No, he just walked up to us. He knocked Evelyn to the floor then he picked me up. I didn’t do anything; I thought he was playing at first. Harley ran at him, he punched him in the back and grabbed hold of his leg. The other one pushed him away.”

  Gerry walked around the altar and stood under the window. He looked up.

  “I wasn’t scared at first because I could see her. She’s on your back and I knew you’d come and get me. I stared at her so hard that when I closed my eyes I could still see her. When I did get scared, I closed them and she was there.”

  I covered my mouth with one hand to stop the sob. Robert took my other hand in his.

  Gerry turned towards us. “I’m not scared anymore.”

  I walked towards him, knelt down and wrapped my arms around him. He embraced me back. Robert took a seat on a pew alongside us.

  “We’re you scared?” Gerry said, it took me a moment to realise he was talking to Robert.

  “No. She looks after me too,” he replied as he looked up at that window.

  “When I’m older, I’m going to get her on my back too.”

  “You need to be a lot older than you are now,” Robert said.

  I opened my mouth to speak but then closed it. I didn’t want my son talking about getting a tattoo and hoped that he’d forget about it when he was old enough.

  “Shall we go?” Gerry said. Robert slid out from the pew and I stood.

  As Robert pulled the doors closed behind us, Gerry looked up at me and gave me a smile, a heart stopping, ear-to-ear smile. He had that sparkle back in his blue eyes.


  We walked out of the shadow of the trees and onto the drive. Katrina’s sport’s car was parked near the garages, and as we got close I heard her laugh. Robert and I could see Travis leaning against the rear of the Range Rover and smiling at whatever had made Katrina laugh. When he saw us, he pushed himself from the car.

  “Well, thanks for coming. I’ll, erm, see you tomorrow?” he said.

  “Of course. Good afternoon, young man,” Katrina said to Gerry as she saw us walk towards them.

  “We went to the chapel. It was cool,” he replied.

  She raised an eyebrow and smiled at me. “Well, that’s great. Maybe we can chat about that next week.”

  “Nah, I don’t need to anymore. Is Harley around?”

  “He’s eating his lunch. I’ll send him over later,” Travis replied.

  There seemed to be a little awkwardness between Travis and Katrina, yet they’d been laughing no more than a few seconds before.

  “Lunch sounds good. Shall we go in?” Robert said.

  We said our goodbyes and left them.

  “Get your fifty dollars ready,” Robert said once we’d walked inside the house.

  “I thought he was meeting her at the club.”

  “So did I. Change of plans, I guess.”

  I followed Gerry up the stairs and Robert headed to the bedroom. He needed to go into work and wanted to change into his suit. He had a meeting scheduled with the lead investigator into the bombing; it appeared they weren’t making any progress. I had no doubt they suspected Robert had information, and I imagined they also knew they’d n
ever get that information from him.

  As we’d skipped breakfast, I prepared a feast of a lunch. I laid out cold meats, olives, cheeses and bread. I called down to Robert as Gerry and I sat and ate. He joined us a few minutes later, ate quickly and kissed us both as he shrugged on his jacket.

  “I’ll be back late. Don’t wait up,” he said as he headed for the stairs.

  It was a little while later that Evelyn and Harley joined us. I had wondered whether he would. Evelyn and I cleaned the house while the boys decided on a board game.

  “I spoke to Franco earlier. He sounded so sad,” Evelyn said.

  “It couldn’t have been easy going back to an empty house.”

  “No, I don’t suppose it was. I have all the details for the service and then the burial. Do you think you’ll go?”

  “Probably not to the service, it’s too soon. I was going to speak to Robert about the burial though.”

  Sofia was being buried in her village—the same village Rocco had once lived. I knew Evelyn was keen to go as she wanted to support Franco but I worried for her. I struggled with the fact I knew he was alive and she didn’t. Whatever it was that had kept him away from her must have been serious.

  “Did you notice Travis and Katrina earlier?” I asked.

  “No. I knew she had come to visit, so Harley was with me all morning.”

  “He’d told me he didn’t like her but they certainly found something to laugh about.”

  “Really? Why doesn’t he like her?”

  “I think he finds her a little bossy.”

  “She’s rather professional and certainly not the type of woman Travis would normally date.”

  “I don’t think it will come to a date, but they did seem overly friendly.”

  “Would be nice if he settled down with someone though,” Evelyn said.

  “It would, but I think he’s a bit stuck in his ways now.”

  While Evelyn carried on with the one thing she loved and I hated, ironing, I opened my laptop to catch up with some work.

  My assistant, Jennifer, had done well in covering but there were brochures to approve, restructuring of a company to discuss and general admin to get on top of. I would have to return to work, even if for a couple of hours a day, at some point.


  Gerry was showered and reading in bed and Evelyn had taken Harley home when I heard the Range Rover pull up on the drive. I wasn’t expecting Robert back until later. I watched through the window as he excited the car but Travis drove back down the drive. Before joining me in the living room, I heard him look in on Gerry, their muffled voices floated up the stairs.

  “Hey, baby,” he said as he walked towards me.

  “Hey, yourself. Good day?”

  “It was okay.”

  “You’re back early. I thought you said you’d be late.”

  “I was meant to be but Travis has an important meeting.”


  “Katrina. Let me have a shower and I’ll tell you all about it. By the way, hungry here.”

  I chuckled as I walked to the kitchen to fix him some dinner. Robert joined me at the breakfast bar and I slid a glass of wine across the counter to him.


  “Food first,” he said with a smirk.

  “Not fair.”

  “Since when have I ever played fair?”

  The microwave pinged and I retrieved a warmed through dish of pasta for him. From the look on his face, he wasn’t overly impressed and I chuckled.

  “Do I have to wait until you’ve eaten before you tell me?” I asked.

  “She told him they were going on a date.”

  “She what?”

  Robert laughed. “She told him, and I quote, ‘Travis, I’d like for you to take me to dinner’. I think he was a little stunned.”

  “Wow. Is he?”

  “Yeah, that’s why I’m home early. He’s taken her to the club.”

  “I’d love to be a fly on the wall there, but what about the boys? Can she still give them their therapy?”

  “She seems too professional to do anything she shouldn’t. There was no mention of her not continuing with their sessions.”

  “When was the last time he dated anyone?”

  “A long time ago, can’t remember her name, but it didn’t last long.”

  “Oh, yes. I remember now, he took her out three or four times I think.”

  “Anyway, I have to finish up a report. If you’re making coffee, I’ll have one.”

  Robert headed to his home office and I cleared the dishes. I spooned some coffee into a pot and placed it on the stove. He liked a strong espresso in the evening—strong enough for the spoon to stand upright. It was a wonder he got any sleep with the amount of coffee he drank. I waited for it to percolate before pouring and heading to the home office.

  Robert was at his desk when I entered the room. He pushed himself back as I approached.

  “I just had a thought. We never got to round three.”

  “Round three?”

  “Yes, you fell asleep on me.”

  “Shouldn’t you be thinking of the report you have to finish?” I replied as I placed his coffee on the desk.

  “Fucking you occupies my mind most of the day. It’s a good thing I can multi-task.”

  “Did I ever tell you just how charming you are?”

  “Many times, I think.”

  He reached out and took my hands, gently pulling me to stand between his legs. He pulled the hem of my shirt from my jeans and slowly unbuttoned it. With his hands on my hips he leant forwards and kissed my stomach.

  “See, that was charming, wasn’t it?”

  “Mmm, not sure, do it again.”

  “I have a better idea.” He stood, closed the lid of his laptop, took my hand in his and led me to our bedroom.

  As I stood in the middle of the room, he walked behind me. With one hand he unbuttoned my jeans, sliding his palm down my stomach to the top of my panties and my heart rate quickened. His other had gripped my ponytail, tilting my head to give him access to my neck. His tongue licked and his teeth gently nipped down my neck. He pulled the shirt down my back and across my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. He trailed his fingers up my stomach and across one breast, following the material of my bra to the clasp. He made quick work of opening it and slid one strap, then the other, down my arm until it ended up with my shirt on the floor.

  He moved to stand in front me, and as I reached out to unbutton his shirt, he took a step back.

  “No,” he said quietly.

  My arms fell to my side and he smiled that wicked smile that he had. He hooked his fingers in the loops of my jeans and dragged them down my legs, falling to his knees at they pooled at my feet. He gripped one ankle lifting my leg until it was free of the material, doing the same with the other.

  He reached up and dragged my panties down. I stood completely naked before him. He rested back on his heels looking at me.

  “Do you realise how beautiful you are?” he whispered.

  I opened my mouth to speak but he raised his finger to his own lips.


  He stood and walked to his bedside cabinet. I felt a sliver of material across my back when he’d returned and he covered my eyes with it. Every movement was slow and sensuous. I could hear him, I could smell him but I couldn’t see him.

  “Open your mouth,” he said.

  A cold metal touched my lips. I reached out with my tongue to taste and smiled—my little silver friend gently vibrated.

  Robert ran the vibrator down my chest and circled a nipple; my skin prickled in its wake.

  “Hold out your hand,” he said.

  I did and he placed the vibrator in my palm. “On you knees and fuck yourself with it,” he added.

  I lowered to my knees, parted my legs and rested back on my heels. I could hear the rustle of clothing being removed as I ran the vibrator over my stomach, lower and lower. My body shivered and I l
et out a gasp as the tip touched my clitoris. I teased, circling, sliding it over my opening until every part of me felt on fire with sensation.

  Robert placed his hand on my head; he was standing close. I felt something brush very gently against my lips. I opened my mouth and my tongue licked the head of his cock. With every stroke of his shaft, his fisted hand hit my chin.

  My breathing quickened and my heart raced. I pushed the vibrator inside me, wanting to feel the tingle, and as I brought myself to an orgasm, so did he.

  Hot liquid hit my chest and dripped down my breasts, he moaned and his hand gripped my head. I dropped the vibrator to the floor using my fingers to extend the delicious sensation, to stoke the fire that started in the pit of my stomach and caused heat to rush over my skin. When I could come no more, I raised my fingers to my mouth.

  Robert knelt, his legs on either side of mine. He gripped my wrist, pulling my fingers from my mouth and sucking on them himself. His tongue swiped between them, lapping up every last drop.

  He stood and as he did he took my hands, pulling me to my feet. He picked me up and laid me gently on bed. I felt the bed dip slightly as he climbed on himself and crawled up my body. His lips met mine, his tongue forced my mouth open and his kiss was fierce. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and gripped the hair at the nape of his neck. Our bodies slid against each other’s when he pushed inside me. He stilled for a moment before pulling the blindfold from my eyes. I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the light.

  “I want to see your soul,” he whispered.

  He reached up to grab my wrists, holding my hands above my head and then he fucked me hard.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and lifted my hips forcing him deeper. I cried out as another orgasm started to build. He fucked me through it, faster until sweat dripped from his brow, until every muscle, tendon and vein either tensed or pounded with exertion.

  He gritted his teeth and growled. That noise was my undoing. I closed my eyes, freefalling into a myriad of sensation and pleasure. My legs shook, I couldn’t catch my breath and tears ran down my cheeks as I came.

  I felt my body sag into the bed; all strength had left me. My legs fell to either side of him. He slowed his pace but he wasn’t done yet. He let go of one of my hands and I felt his fingers gently brush over my clitoris. The shock of his touch to my over sensitive body had me writhing underneath him. I tried to pull his hand away and as I did I could feel his wet cock sliding in and out of me.


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