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Hate 2 Lovers

Page 6

by J. D. Hollyfield

  After dinner, as Roman cleans up—which, I might add, is a really sexy look on him, with his shirtsleeves rolled up as he washes dishes—Virginia and I sit in the library as she pulls out photo album after photo album.

  “Roman was such a cute baby,” I tell her, using my thumb to brush over an old photograph. Even back then he had that charming smile and his big, shining pale brown eyes.

  “He was the best baby. Still is a big baby at times,” she replies. For some odd reason, my mood flips. The continuous mention of the word baby has me all sorts of messed up.

  I use my palms to cover my face as I begin to cry.

  “Oh dear, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Her small hand pats my shoulder.

  I want to tell her it wasn’t her. But I can’t seem to stop the waves of tears from falling.

  “It’s not you. It’s me. My emotions are a mess.” I give her a wobbly frown. “I… I have something to tell you.” I wipe my cheeks, trying to control my hiccupping.

  “All right, sweetie. What is it?” She smiles that honest, kind, motherly smile that I miss from my own mom so much. I begin to cry again, because I wish my mom were here. I wish she were holding my hand, telling me it’s going to be okay.

  Virginia moves in and wraps me in her tiny frame. I accept her embrace and melt into her as I cry. When the tears begin to settle, I pull away.

  “I’m sorry,” I choke out. “I’m not normally like this. I promise.”

  She grabs my hand, offering me a reassuring squeeze. “There is no judgment here, sweetheart.”

  I don’t know why it’s so hard to say it. The words begin to work their way up my throat, but I fail every time they threaten to fall from my lips.


  I’m suddenly nervous.

  How will she take the news?

  Will she think ill of me for getting pregnant before marriage?

  Will she want someone better for her son?

  I’m spiraling into a panic attack, my eyes squeezing shut, when the two words vomit out of my mouth.

  “I’m pregnant.” Oh God, that felt like a million bricks off my shoulders.

  I open my eyes to see what kind of woman I’m now dealing with.

  But her smile is just the same.

  “Did you hear me?” I question, because she doesn’t look fazed at all. “I said I was pregnant. With your son’s baby.”

  Why isn’t she mad or trying to drag me by my hair out of her perfect home? Maybe she’s in shock. I would be too. Having to deal with a bastard baby probably doesn’t sit—

  “I know, dear.”

  And what?

  “Wait, you knew?” I ask stunned. “How?”

  Virginia grabs the photo albums sitting in my lap and sets them on the end table. Turning back to me, she says, “A mother knows things like that. If my son hadn’t already confided in me, I would have figured it out during our talk today. You remind me a lot of myself when I was pregnant with my first.”

  My eyes mist over. Roman told his mom.

  “I’m very close with my children. I raised them to know they could always come to me. No judgment. Roman confessed you were with child yesterday. He was filled with so many emotions. Nervous you would turn him down. Scared he would fail you as a co-parent. Fail the child as a father. He confessed that as strange and unexpected as it is, he’s excited. He feels something fierce for you and that growing child.”

  I don’t know how to respond. It’s just too much to take in. I’m throwing myself back into her embrace when heavy footsteps enter the room. “Am I interrupting something here, ladies?” Roman’s voice breaks us apart, both of us wiping the freshly shed tears.

  “Yeah, I was just telling your mom what we did.”

  “What we did?” Roman laughs.

  “That you and this amazing woman are having my grandbaby,” Virginia replies with a grin from ear to ear.

  Roman smiles, his eyes soft and tender as he regards me. He walks over and kneels in front of me. Taking my hands into his, he lifts them, placing a gentle kiss to the top of my knuckles.

  “We sure are.”

  Walking up to the doorway of my apartment, I feel lighter on my feet. My mood is up, and I have a smile on my face. I haven’t stopped babbling to Roman about every random, nonsense thought I’ve had since we got back into his car.

  “And then the photos. Just think, if we had a boy, he would have the same mop of hair!” I push my key into the lock and swing the door open. As I make my way into my apartment, I’m feeling extra frisky. I toss my keys on the table and begin undressing. “I swear all this talk is making me seriously fucking horny.” I pull my shirt off and turn, only to realize Roman is still standing in the doorway with his hands in his coat pockets. “What are you doing? Get in here. Clothes off,” I instruct. “Hurry.”

  He still doesn’t budge, which causes me to worry.

  “Roman. I’m talking to you. Get in here.” But he doesn’t make a move to enter my apartment.

  My stomach knots as I fret that maybe this is too much for him. Maybe I said too much. Put too much pressure on him.

  “I’m not coming in tonight.”

  “Why?” I ask, my voice shaking.

  “Because I want more than just our passion. I want you. All of you. And if it takes having to start from the beginning, then that’s what I plan on doing.”

  I don’t understand.

  “I want us to start over, Andie,” he explains, his tone firm. “I don’t want you to hate me.”

  My heart squeezes so tight I fear my legs will buckle. “I get it,” I say just above a whisper. I struggle to maintain eye contact, so I break the hold and grab my shirt, throwing it back over my head. “It’s fine. I’ve been a bitch. I’d probably want to take it slow, too. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I offer him a wave, turning to walk to my room.

  “Wait.” His voice is strained. “Give me an hour. I’ll be back.”

  I nod and watch him shut my door.

  Just as promised, an hour later, Roman is knocking on my door.

  I open the door to see his hands are filled with plastic bags.


  He doesn’t ease my curiosity but walks past me and drops the bags on the kitchen counter. Shuffling through them, he begins pulling out books.

  “What to Expect When You’re Expecting… Birthing from Within….” He pulls out another one, waving it around. “The Expectant Father.” He offers me the most handsome wink.

  “Since I won’t be letting you rip my clothes off, I figured we could catch up on some reading material.”

  If I didn’t think he was perfect before this moment, when he pulls out two tubs of ice cream, it’s definitely confirmed. He is perfect now.

  “Roman?” I say as I grip at the front of his coat and pull him to me.

  “Yes, babe?”

  I stand on my toes and brush my lips against his. “I don’t hate you.”

  “I know.” And he presses his lips back to mine.

  Sometimes a Man Just Knows These Things

  “EW! SO DID YOU KNOW that your body creates mucus during pregnancy and right before you give birth, there’s this thing called a plug that falls out of you?!”

  I look up from one of the books to see Andie’s upper lip curled in horror. She shudders before shoving another bite of ice cream into her mouth.

  Chuckling, I point at the book in my lap. “Did you know that it is very common for the father to become the stay-at-home parent?”

  She stretches her legs over my thighs and brushes against my cock. We’re supposed to be trying something new here. Partners. Friends. Parents. But right now, I’m barely holding back from dragging her all the way into my lap and sucking ice cream off her tits.

  “Did you know that my vag is going to expand to ten centimeters so a human head can squeeze through it?”

  Annnnnd my boner is gone.

  “That’s disturbing,” I tell her with a grunt and change that t
errifying subject. “This book says we should keep a journal of all your appointments and measurements in order to be cognizant of the changes.”

  She’s already shaking her head. “No way. You are not measuring me, Mr. Holloway. If I get fat, you better deal with it, because this child is going to be a big oaf like you. Your fault, not mine. But, dear God, I hope this kid doesn’t have your big head.” Despite her tough girl act, she’s fighting a smile.

  That smile is going to be the death of me.

  Boner back on track.

  With a growl, I toss away our books—which makes her giggle—and steal her tub of ice cream—which makes her growl. Once our hands are free from distractions, I pull her into my lap where she belongs. Her long legs straddle my hips, and she gazes down at me with an unguarded expression. I could get used to this side of her.

  “You’re beautiful,” I tell her, my gaze boring into her eyes. “Now. Two months from now. Big and fat and swollen with my kid inside of you. And after that too.”

  Her palms find my cheeks, and she drops a soft kiss on my lips. “We’re really doing this?”

  I smile against her lips and clutch her ass. “You better fucking believe it.”

  We kiss slowly. Usually, we’re all but devouring one another. But I promised her things were going to change between us, and I’ll be damned if I let us go back down that same road again. My cock aches, especially now that she’s slightly rocking against it, but I refuse to strip her down and fuck her.

  “Let’s go to bed,” I murmur against her mouth.

  She nods and reluctantly climbs off my lap. Her cute ass jiggles when she bends to steal one last bite of ice cream before putting it away in the freezer. Once the apartment is all locked up and the lights are out, I lead her to her bedroom. We’ve fucked more times than I can count in both of our beds. And a few times we accidentally slept as well. This is the first time we’ve made a conscious decision to spend the night with each other.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you looking so casual,” she muses as she fusses with turning down the sheets on the bed.

  I smirk as I tug my T-shirt off my body and toss it at her. “You’ve seen me naked but seeing me in sweatpants is suddenly alarming.”

  She sticks her tongue out at me. “You know what I mean.”

  When I push down my sweatpants and saunter past her into the bathroom, wearing nothing but black boxers, I don’t miss the hiss of air that leaves her throat. Andie can be downright crude, but tonight she’s prim as she brushes her teeth beside me at the sink and side eyes me. She’s still fully clothed, but I see her wiggling in the mirrored reflection.

  “What?” she grumbles as foam from the toothpaste dribbles down her chin. “I have to pee.”

  “So pee,” I challenge with a lifted brow.

  She spits and shakes her head at me. “No way. Not in front of you.”

  At this, I laugh. “So I can have my tongue between the lips of your pussy and my finger up your ass, but I can’t watch you take a piss?”

  Her elbow in my ribs knocks the breath out of me. “No! Now get out!”

  I barely get to spit and rinse before she’s shoving me out of the bathroom. With a chuckle, I turn off the bedroom light and crawl into her small bed. My bed is larger and more ideal, but I’d rather be here with her than alone anywhere else.

  Maybe one day we’ll have a bed together.

  The thought warms me as I stare up at the dark ceiling. Once Andie finishes peeing in private, she climbs into bed with me. She also lies on her back and doesn’t touch me.


  I roll over onto my side to face her. My palm rubs her stomach. “Mmm-hmm?”

  “I like your mom.”

  Grinning, I lean forward and plant a kiss somewhere on her face, although I can’t tell exactly where because it’s dark. “I like her too.”

  She’s quiet for a minute but then exhales and it sounds sad. “She reminds me of mine.”

  An ache forms in my chest. We lost Dad over a decade ago. I couldn’t imagine what it would feel like not to have Mom in our lives.

  “I’m sorry.” My voice is husky, and I press another kiss to her face.

  “I miss her. She would have…” she trails off. In the darkness, she sniffles.

  I wrap my arms around her and roll onto my back, bringing her to rest against my chest. While stroking her hair, I tell her, “She would be proud of you.”

  Silent tears stream from her and soak my bare chest. “I don’t know how…to be whatever it is you want us to be…” Then she lifts up from our embrace and breaks down in sobs.

  “Shhh,” I coo and cradle her face with my palms. I urge her to me and start kissing her wet cheeks. Her legs are bare now, and I’m thankful she’s no longer wearing yoga pants. I kiss her plump lips softly at first. And then I kiss her with more need than I mean to exhibit.

  “Roman,” she whimpers against my mouth. “I need…”

  I find the hem of her shirt and tug it away from her. Once she’s naked up top, she finds my hands and draws them to her chest. Goddamn those tits.

  “You’re beautiful,” I murmur as I pinch her nipples. “So beautiful and mine.”

  She lets out a shocked gasp when I roll her onto her back. I peel away her panties and push down my boxers. My intention was to take things slow, but the fire burning inside of me will only be quelled when I am deep inside this woman. I’m about to ram inside her, but something makes me stop short.

  This time feels different.

  There’s more substance.


  More than desire and excitement.

  A need that goes beyond the surface—straight to the heart.

  “Spread your legs,” I instruct in a hoarse voice. “I’m going to taste you now.”

  She obeys—which is really fucking surprising because she usually hates when I demand things of her. I nuzzle her clit with my nose before running my tongue up the seam of her perfect cunt.

  “Yesssss,” she cries out, her fingers spearing into my hair.

  I’ve tasted many women in my life, but never have I tasted one I wanted to completely devour down to her soul. I’m strangely possessive over Andie and it only seems to worsen by the minute. When I nip at her clit, she yelps and pops me upside the head. I can’t help but chuckle as I massage away the pain with my tongue until she’s squirming with need.

  “I need you,” she tells me, her voice breathless. “Now.”

  Since she’s right on the edge, all it takes is my sucking on her clit and pushing one finger inside her slippery pussy for her to lose control. She all but rips the hair straight from my scalp. Sometimes Andie’s mean and violent and physical—and that really gets my dick hard.

  As soon as she stops shuddering so wildly, I climb over her perfect body and search for her sweet mouth in the darkness. Her lips are greedy as she kisses me hard. I let out a groan when she digs her fingers into my ass cheek and growls at me. “Inside, Roman.”

  Her cunt is hot and welcoming as I push into her tight opening. My cock fits perfectly inside her. Just snug enough to strangle me with bliss. Just deep enough to send her hurtling toward the edge with every thrust.

  “You’re mine,” I murmur against her lips as I buck into her harder and harder. Her fingers gouge into my flesh, and I like that this woman bruises me all the goddamned time. It’s like I wear the proof of her everywhere I go. Carry her with me even when she’s not around. She certainly has already colored herself all over my heart. “You’re mine,” I say again, because I don’t want her to ever forget.

  “I know,” she utters.

  As soon as her body shudders beneath me and her pussy clenches with her orgasm, I have no shot in holding out. My dick spurts its heat deep inside her. If she wasn’t already pregnant, I’d have knocked her up with the amount of sperm that seemed to gush into her.

  This need to mark her is so feral. So goddamn animalistic. So overwhelming that I can hardly see straight.
And I feel like it’s only going to grow wild as time goes on.

  I’m fucking obsessed with her.

  And I hope to God the feeling is mutual.

  “That’s the heartbeat,” Dr. Patterson says with a smile on his face. “Do you hear it?”

  Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.

  Steady. Strong. Our child.

  Andie’s grip tightens around my hand, and her eyes are leaking tears. She’s so fucking beautiful in nothing but a paper gown and a smile that could blind those who aren’t ready for it.

  I’ve never been more ready.

  “Our baby,” I tell her proudly, my own grin matching hers.

  “Everything appears to be healthy,” Dr. Patterson tells us. “Ms. Miller, you’re measuring about nine weeks along.”

  I try not to think about ten minutes earlier when he had a wand pushed inside my woman’s vagina. Dr. Patterson is probably in his late forties and looks good for his age. The thought of him touching what’s mine was infuriating, but it all faded away the moment I saw the tiny blob on the monitor.

  “I’m going to prescribe you some prenatal vitamins. I also want you to make sure you’re getting plenty of folic acid and drinking lots of water. Exercise is crucial too. You’re carrying a human inside of you, so you’re going to need to take extra care of both yourself and your baby,” he tells her and pats her knee.

  Andie and I are both in a daze as we leave the clinic. It isn’t until we’re seated next door in the Italian restaurant that it really sinks in.

  “It’s real,” she murmurs as she absently tears off the end of her breadstick. “I heard it. It’s alive in there.” She shoves the bite of bread in her mouth and pats her belly. “Food’s on the way kiddo,” she garbles out between chews.

  I simply stare at her in awe. Over the next several months, her stomach will swell with the growth of our child. Our child. Intense pride courses through me. She’s mine. This baby is mine. We’re a…family.


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