Book Read Free

Hate 2 Lovers

Page 13

by J. D. Hollyfield

  Oh, shit.

  Our Story Is Different. Our Story Is Explosive.

  “WHO THE FUCK IS FRANK?” I roar as I storm into my office with the fury of a thousand hurricanes. I’m going to kill him. I will fucking kill him. But first, I’m going to wring her pretty little neck for keeping this shit from me.

  My eyes find her widened blue ones as she bites on her plump bottom lip in a sexy-as-shit way that would normally have me bending her over her desk. Not today. Today I’m too fucking pissed to get distracted by her dick-sucking lips.

  “Goddammit, Andie,” I snap as I prowl over to her.

  She jolts into action and holds up both her hands as if to calm me. There’s no calming me. She’s going to tell me about this fucker who just tried to kill the woman I love and our baby.


  Her tongue darts out and licks that swollen lip. It’s distracting as hell. I let out a low growl of warning.

  “It’s nothing,” she insists, her voice shaky. “So stupid. Frank is just a stupid, harmless idiot who’s mad because he got fired.” But despite her words, I can see the fear glimmering in her shiny blues.

  “You could have been killed,” I say in a low voice. My palms find her throat, and I run my thumbs along her jaw on both sides. “Tell me everything.”

  When her eyes dart away and her nostrils flare, I know she’s about to start lying. I’ve been with her long enough now that I can read all of her emotions and tells.

  “Don’t lie, baby,” I warn, drawing her gaze back to me.

  I lean into her and take a moment to revel in the way her slightly swollen stomach presses against mine. My kid is in there—a kid this Frank fuck could have taken out this afternoon.

  “I made an anonymous call and made up some shit. Most of it was true…some of it couldn’t be proven, but, whatever, I’m sure it was true too,” she says with a huff. “He took advantage of Dani all the time and was mean to her. It pissed me off, and once she got fired, I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. I was hungry and emotional and I just did it. Frank’s a big loser. I didn’t think he was capable of harassment.”

  I blink at her and clench my jaw.

  She frowns. “I think he’s been following me. Dani and I ran into him a few weeks back and he pushed me—”

  “HE WHAT?!” Her whole body flinches at my tone, so I lower my voice because I don’t want to freak out our unborn child. “Why are you just now telling me this?”

  “And then,” she continues, swallowing, careful to avoid my question. “You and I saw him that one day.”

  “Wait,” I interrupt with a growl. “That beady-eyed, tall and lanky motherfucker you used to work with?”

  She nods. “In the flesh.”

  I knew I was getting a weird vibe from her. “Jesus,” I grumble. “If I would have known, I’d have kicked his ass right then.”

  Her palms slide up my chest, and she links them around the back of my neck. “You’re sexy when you’re pissed.”

  My brows furl together because this is no time to joke, but it doesn’t stop me from leaning in to inhale her sweet scent. “I’m more than pissed, Andie. I’m fucking furious.”

  She parts her lips and stands on her toes to try to distract me with a kiss. And, my God, is she good at distraction because after another second, her tongue is in my mouth. Sweet and perfect and mine. The anger swirling through me funnels its way into our kiss. I devour her. I scold her for being secretive by biting at her lip and sucking on her tongue. My fingers find her ass through her leggings, and I draw her up against me. Those sexy, long legs of hers wrap around my waist, so that when I walk her over to the wall, I can grind my now hard dick against her sweet spot.

  She whimpers when I bite her lip again, and I feel like we may be breaking my lame-ass, self-imposed, no-sex-in-the-office policy very soon.

  “Roman,” she begs, her voice breathless. “I need you.”

  “I need you too,” I groan. I hold her ass up with one hand and fumble with my belt with the other. I’m just unbuttoning my slacks when the door flies open.

  “Yo, fuckface!” Linc bellows. “Dani gave me that idiot’s address and holy shit I did not expect to walk in on you fucking my sister. Jesus, Andie! Gross!”

  She slides to her feet, her face and neck beet red. “Oh my God! Leave, punk! If the office wall’s a rockin’ don’t come a knockin’! Common decency!”

  I quickly adjust my pants and allow his earlier words to settle in my brain. “Address? You have that dead man’s address?”

  Linc gives me a triumphant smirk as he waves the paper. “You want to go fuck him up with me?”

  He’s still grinning from ear to ear when my two siblings and Dani file in behind him.

  “You’re not going to fuck anyone up,” Ram says with a grumble. “You two can go to the police station, like normal, responsible adults, and file a report. Kicking that twit’s ass will only get you both in trouble.”

  Since when did Ram become Mr. Responsibility?

  “But he tried to run her off the road,” I argue, my fury once again rising in my chest. “He fucking shoved her.”

  Ram winces at that thought, and a flash of anger flickers in his eyes. But then he takes a deep breath to calm himself. “I know. I’m pissed too. Just trust me, okay?”

  I nod and glance over at Andie. She’s still flushed but pretty as ever. God, I’ll never tire of looking at her.

  “Is that all you two do, anyway? Fuck every time you’re alone?” Linc questions, his massive arms crossed over his chest.

  I roll my eyes. “Why are you even here? Don’t you have some property to deface or something? Banks to rob? Cops to evade?”

  His jaw clenches, and I can tell I picked at a wound. He counters back with a vicious bite to his words. “Why are you even with her? If all she is to you is a piece of ass, you should run along, rich boy. Do you even know what her favorite movie is? Her favorite color? Do you know what she loves to do in her free time?” His words pick at my wound too.

  It’s in this exact moment, with everyone’s eyes on me, that I realize something.

  I’ve been to dinner with Andie many times. We’ve been shopping and to parties and to bars. I know her body, every beautiful square inch. Together, we’re having a baby. But I don’t know much about what makes Andie, Andie. I don’t know what makes her tick. Her past is something she reveals in snippets and she tends to keep pieces of herself locked away.

  But you never ask her to show them to you.

  You just accept that she doesn’t want to talk about those things.

  A sense of sick embarrassment washes through me. I’ve never dated my girlfriend. Ignoring everyone, I snag Andie’s hand and drag her past the group crowding my doorway. “We’re going to the police station to file a report,” I bark out to anyone who cares. “We’re not coming back today.”

  “I still can’t believe they won’t do anything,” Andie gripes as she stares out the window. After we left the office earlier, we stopped by the police station. They said they’d talk to him but they really didn’t have anything to go on. I did make her file a restraining order but a lot of good that will do if he harasses her again. “Where are we going, anyway?”

  I reach over and grab her hand. We’d gone home, so I could change out of my work clothes, and are back on the road. While she checked her mail, I packed us some food. Now, we’re headed out on a date.

  “It’s a surprise,” I tell her with a grin and squeeze her hand.

  Her smile is cute, and I crave to see more of them. As we drive, I wonder if our kid will have her smile. If she’s a girl like Andie thinks, I’m in big trouble. I’ll have to kill people. Boys to be precise. We’ll have to get a farm where I can bury all their dead, eyeless bodies. Nobody will even look at my daughter.

  Thank God we’re having a boy.

  We drive outside of the city as the sun sets. Mom and Dad used to take us out to a lake on one of Dad’s friends’ properties. A ga
te with a keypad, which we all know the code to, protects it. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are always traveling around in their RV, visiting their kids, so they’re never at their lake house. When I pull down the long gravel road, Andie turns to frown at me.

  “Where are we going?” she tries again. “Are you taking me out to the woods to kill me?”

  I laugh and bring our joined hands to my lips so I can kiss her knuckles. “If I was gonna kill you, it would have been months ago. Now, I just want to keep you.” I wink at her, which earns me another one of those breathtaking smiles.

  “Do you know these people?” she questions when I key in the code and drive through the opening gate.

  “Yeah. Friends of my parents. Last I saw on Facebook, they’re in Fort Worth visiting their youngest. We’re all alone.”

  I drive another quarter of a mile down the winding road toward the lake. Once we roll up to it, Andie lets out a gasp. My gaze follows hers to the water’s surface that seems to glitter with a thousand warm colors as the setting sun’s rays bounce against it. As soon as I put it in park, she jumps out and walks toward the pier. I gather the bag of food and the blanket I brought. While she kicks off her shoes and then sits to dip her toes in, I stretch out the soft blanket in the grass before mimicking her actions. Once I’m seated next to her on the small pier and my own toes are swirling in the still-icy water, despite the warm early spring day, I turn to look at her.

  Her palms are on the wooden planks behind her and her head is tilted up toward the sky. Long blonde locks of hair spill out behind her and just barely touch the pier below her. She’s smiling—a smile so fucking serene—and I could simply stare at her all day.

  “You’re beautiful,” I tell her, my voice hoarse. The words don’t seem to describe just how fucking stunning she is.

  She cracks an eye open and peeks at me. “So are you.”

  “Who knew you could be so nice?” I tease as I lean in and kiss the bare flesh on her throat.

  Her giggle is sweet and innocent and so fucking perfect. “I was going to also say, ‘If you’re into big heads and all’.”

  I roll my eyes and take a playful bite of her neck. She yelps and drops back so she’s flat on the pier to escape my nibbling.

  “Asshole,” she grumbles.

  I beam at her. “You like it.”

  Her smile tells me I’m right.

  “Why are we here?” She shields her face from the sun with her hand to look at me. “Seems kind of random.”

  I lie down beside her on my elbow and run circles with my finger along her slightly swollen stomach. “I never do anything special for you. I’m sorry for that. You deserve…” I trail off and sigh. “A lot more than I give to you.”

  Her brows scrunch together and she gives a slight shake of her head. “Roman, this,” she says pointing between us, “is more than anyone has ever given me. You’ve given me everything.”

  “I just…” I frown down at her. “Linc has a point. I don’t know anything important about you.”

  She looks out over the lake, her gaze distant. “There isn’t much to know,” she argues softly.

  I shake my head. “There’s plenty. I want to know if you played sports in high school or if you were a cheerleader or a band nerd. I want to know what kind of music you listen to when we’re not in the car together. I want to know what you’d be doing this evening if you were all alone. I feel like there are all these hidden parts of you—like little gifts—and I want to open them all like a greedy kid on Christmas morning.”

  She laughs. “Well, I was never good enough to be a cheerleader or a band nerd. Try all black wearing, heavy eyeliner, and blue-streaked hair. I had bracelets made out of chains, and black concert T-shirts were my go-to. You could say I was a bit of a misfit.”

  I’m grinning as I try to imagine my blonde-haired angel trying to be bad. I mean, the girl has a mouth on her and can be meaner than hell, but I can’t picture it. “So you were a rebel. While I was out tossing footballs, you were what? Tagging buildings?”

  “We’re an unlikely pair,” she says with a wicked gleam in her eyes.

  “We’re a perfect pair,” I correct and kiss her on her luscious lips. “So I’m guessing you were into 90s alternative rock then?”

  “Yep. Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden. That’s why I always like when Ram chooses the music. He knows the good stuff.”

  “What would you be doing tonight if you were all alone?” I question.

  Her blue eyes—that are extra brilliant in the sunlight—look past me. Sadness draws her features into a frown. “Nothing.”

  I quirk an eyebrow up at her. “No hobbies?”

  She chews on her bottom lip. “This is stupid.”

  “What? Us talking or your hobby?”


  My heart drops, and I begin to question if I’m pushing her too hard. She’s so fucking difficult to read sometimes. I’m about to tell her we can talk about something else when a look of guilt washes over her features. Her bottom lip wobbles and her pretty blues become glassy with unshed tears.

  “I…” she trails off and darts her gaze away from mine. “Please don’t laugh at me.”

  I’m far from laughing. She’s holding this sweet gift right in front of me but has her hands desperately trying to keep the lid on it. Just take the lid off, baby. Let me see inside.

  “My mom and I used to scrapbook. When she was ill and couldn’t do much else, I’d crawl into her bed with her, and together we’d look through old photos so that we could organize them by themes and dates. It was fun. I have my entire childhood catalogued in scrapbooks and a ton of friendship books with Dani.” Her eyes skip to mine, and I can tell she’s waiting for me to make fun of her.

  “I’d like to see some one day,” I tell her as I run my thumb across her bottom lip. Then I lean in and kiss her. “Now was that so hard?”

  She lets out a nervous giggle. “It’s just…it probably seems cheesy to you.”

  “I think you forget I have the girliest mother ever and a little sister. They did their fair share of scrapbooking growing up. Once, Reagan was mad at me, so she made a book full of every unflattering picture of me she could find. When my prom date and I showed up to take pictures at the house, Reagan sat right between us on the sofa and proceeded to show my date every single picture I hated of myself. I don’t even know where that thing ended up, but if it were up to me, it’d be in the trash.”

  Andie sits up on her elbows. “Wait? Reagan and your mom scrapbook? Like are they serious scrappers? Do they go to any meet ups or anything?”

  “Guess you’ll just have to ask them.” I tangle my fingers in her messy-from-the-wind hair and steal a kiss. It’s not sweet at all—it’s hungry for her. We kiss slow at first, and then hard. But then she’s rolling me over onto my back and straddling me. My palms roam over every perfect part of her body. She rubs against my hard cock until I’m nearly coming in my pants.

  “Stop,” I groan.

  She lifts her head and her blonde hair curtains us in. “Why?”

  “Because you’re going to make me come in my pants like a fucking teenager,” I tell her with a grumble.

  Her eyes gain the evil glint I love so much, and she starts rocking her hips against me. Slow and teasing. My fingers dig into her hips, and I urge her faster. Our lips meet again, and I want to own her body right on this hard pier. Instead, I rise to my feet, with her wrapped around my body, and stride back over to the blanket on the banks. I drop to my knees with her still in my grasp as I yank at her shirt. Once it’s gone and I free her swollen breasts from her bra, I lay her down on her back.

  I can’t take my eyes off her perfect tits. The pink nipples are hard and at attention as a cool breeze blows across her flesh. I need to see more of her. She lifts her ass off the ground when I begin tugging her pants down. Soon, I have her completely naked and at my mercy.

  “This was supposed to be a date but I can’t not be inside you right now,” I grunt in frust
ration. I’m pissed at myself for having no self-control whatsoever.

  Her lips quirk up in a conspiratorial smile. “I won’t tell anyone we fucked on the first date if you don’t.”

  And just like that, all apprehension is washed away as I rip off my shirt. Seconds later, I’m naked and hovering on top of her. I like staring at her when she’s like this. Blonde and angelic and a goddamned vision. My thick cock rubs back and forth against her clit, making her shiver, but I don’t even attempt to enter her. I’m perfectly content watching her writhe with need.

  “Roman…” she growls in warning. “Stop teasing.”

  “But you love it,” I argue with a smirk and pinch one of her nipples with my finger and thumb.

  Her body shudders and she scowls. “Just fuck me already.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. She’s so damn cute when she gets demanding. “How else may I serve you?” I tease.

  She sticks her tongue out at me. “God, I hate you.” But for someone who supposedly hates me, she’s grabbing for my cock with ferocious intensity in an overwhelming need to have me inside of her.

  “I know,” I tell her with a wink.

  Her tits push forward, and she lets out a moan of pleasure when I drive all the way into her slick opening. Our mouths meet, and I kiss her sweetly while I fuck her roughly. We’re two stars on a collision course for each other. There is no orbiting around one another like some sweet love story.

  Our story is different.

  Our story is explosive.

  Our story is chaotic.

  Our story is my favorite.

  Log Jammed

  I’M IN THE MOST COMFORTABLE position ever. In my bed, with a large warm oaf wrapped around me. And I couldn’t feel more content. Well maybe minus the fact that I have to pee. And my stomach keeps pulsating, which means there sadly might be some gas in my future.

  Roman’s warm breath is on my neck as his hand leisurely rests on my stomach. Ever since the baby, this has been his thing. Covering my belly with his strong embrace. Like it’s his way of protecting our little bean.


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