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Miracle Cure

Page 40

by Coben, Harlan

  “Is this a Facebook page?” Win asked.

  “Yes. Suzze said she uses it to promote her tennis academy.”

  Win leaned a little closer. “Is that her sonogram?”


  “And how does a sonogram promote her tennis academy?”

  “That’s what I asked. She said you need the personal touch. People don’t just want to read self-promotion.”

  Win frowned. “So she posts a sonogram of a fetus?” He glanced up. “Does that make sense to you?”

  In truth, it did not. And once again—with Win wearing reading glasses and the two of them whining about the new world of social networks—Myron felt old.

  “Check out the picture comments,” Myron said.

  Win gave him the flat eyes. “People comment on a sonogram?”

  “Just read them.”

  Win did. Myron waited. He had pretty much memorized the page. There were, he knew, twenty-six comments in all, mostly various good wishes. Suzze’s mother, the aging poster child for Evil Stage (Tennis) Mom, for example, had written: “I’m going to be a grandma, everyone! Yay!” Someone named Amy said, “Aww cute!!!” A jocular “Takes after his old man! ;)” came from a session drummer who used to work with HorsePower. A guy named Kelvin wrote, “Congrats!!” Tami asked, “When’s the baby due, sweetie?”

  Win stopped three from the bottom. “Funny guy.”

  “Which one?”

  “Some turdlike humanoid named Erik typed”—Win cleared his throat, leaned closer to the screen—“ ‘Your baby looks like a sea horse!’” and then Erik the Riot put the letters ‘LOL.’”

  “He’s not her problem.”

  Win was not placated. “Old Erik still might be worth a visit.”

  “Just keep going.”

  “Fine.” Win’s facial expressions rarely changed. He had trained himself in both business and combat to show nothing. But a few seconds later, Myron saw something darken in his old friend’s eyes. Win looked up. Myron nodded. Because now Myron knew that Win had found the two words.

  They were there, at the bottom of the page. The two words were in a comment made by “Abeona F,” a name that meant nothing to him. The profile picture was some sort of symbol, maybe Chinese lettering. And there, all in caps, no punctuation, were the two simple yet wrenching words: “NOT HIS.”


  Then Win said, “Yowza.”


  Win took off his glasses. “Need I ask the obvious question?”

  “That being?”

  “Is it true?”

  “Suzze swears that it’s Lex’s.”

  “Do we believe her?”

  “We do,” Myron said. “Does it matter?”

  “Not on a moral basis, no. My theory? This is the work of some neutered crank.”

  Myron nodded. “The great thing about the Internet: It gives everyone a voice. The bad thing about the Internet: It gives everyone a voice.”

  “The great bastion for the cowardly and anonymous,” Win agreed. “Suzze should probably delete it before Lex sees it.”

  “Too late. That’s part of the problem. Lex has sort of run off.”

  “I see,” Win said. “So she wants us to find him?”

  “And bring him home, yes.”

  “Shouldn’t be too difficult to find a famous rock star,” Win said. “And the other part of the problem?”

  “She wants to know who wrote this.”

  “The true identity of Mr. Neutered Crank?”

  “Suzze thinks it’s something bigger. That someone is truly out to get her.”

  Win shook his head. “It’s a neutered crank.”

  “Come on. Typing, ‘Not his’? That’s pretty sick.”

  “A sick neutered crank. Do you ever read the nonsense on this Internet? Go to any news story anywhere and look at the racist, homophobic, paranoid ‘comments.’” He made quote marks with his fingers. “It will make you howl at the moon.”

  “I know, but I promised I’d look into it.”

  Win sighed, put the glasses back on, leaned toward the screen. “The person who posted it is one Abeona F. Is it safe to assume that’s a pseudonym?”

  “Yep. Abeona is the name of a Roman Goddess. No idea what the F stands for.”

  “And what about the profile photograph? What’s this symbol?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You asked Suzze?”

  “Yep. She said she had no idea. It looks almost like Chinese lettering.”

  “Perhaps we can find someone to translate it.” Win sat back and resteepled the fingers. “Did you notice the time the comment was posted?”

  Myron nodded. “Three seventeen a.m.”

  “Awfully late.”

  “That’s what I was thinking,” Myron said. “This could just be the social-networking equivalent of drunk texting.”

  “An ex with issues,” Win said.

  “Is there any other kind?”

  “And if I recall Suzze’s rambunctious youth, there could be—conservatively speaking—several candidates.”

  “But none that she imagines doing something like this.”

  Win continued to stare at the screen. “So what’s our first step?”



  Myron moved around his renovated office. Gone were the posters of Broadway plays and Batman memorabilia. They’d been taken down during the paint job, and Myron wasn’t really sure if he wanted to put them back up. Gone too were all his old trophies and awards from his playing days—his NCAA championship rings, his Parade All-American certificates, his College Player of the Year Award—with one exception. Right before his first professional game as a Boston Celtic, as his dream was finally coming true, Myron had seriously injured his knee. Sports Illustrated had put him on the cover with the tagline IS HE DONE? and while they did’t answer the question, it ended up being a big fat YUP! Why he kept the framed cover up, he wasn’t quite sure. If asked, he said that it was a warning to any “superstar” entering his office how quickly it can all go away, but Myron somehow suspected it went deeper than that.

  “That’s not your usual modus operandi,” Myron said.

  “Oh, do tell.”

  “This is usually the part where you tell me that I’m an agent, not a private eye, and that you don’t see any purpose in doing this because there is no financial benefit to the firm.”

  Win said nothing.

  “Then you usually complain that I have a hero complex and always need to rescue someone in order to feel complete. And last—or I should say, most recently—you tell me how my interfering has actually done more harm than good, that I’ve ended up hurting and even killing maybe more than I’ve saved.”

  Win yawned. “Is there a point?”

  “I thought it was pretty obvious but here it is: Why suddenly are you willing—enthusiastic even—about taking on this particular rescue mission when in the past—”

  “In the past,” Win interrupted, “I always helped out, didn’t I?”

  “For the most part, yes.”

  Win looked up, tapped his chin with his index finger. “How to explain this?” He stopped, thought, nodded. “We have a tendency to believe good things will last forever. It is in our nature. The Beatles, for example. Oh, they’ll be around forever. The Sopranos—that show will always be on the air. Philip Roth’s Zuckerman series. Springsteen concerts. Good things are rare. They are to be cherished because they always leave us too soon.”

  Win rose, started for the door. Before he left the room, he looked back. “Doing this stuff with you,” Win said, “is one of those good things.”


  Play Dead

  Deal Breaker

  Drop Shot

  Fade Away

  Back Spin

  One False Move

  The Final Detail

  Darkest Fear

  Tell No One

  Gone for Good

  No Se
cond Chance

  Just One Look

  The Innocent

  Promise Me

  The Woods

  Hold Tight

  Long Lost


  Live Wire




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