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Darkness Descends: A Skye Faden Novel

Page 51

by Alisha Ashton

  Taran opened his eyes and smiled seeing that Ciaran had been drawn to her like a moth to the flame. He should have known that the little bastard would not be able to show the same restraint he had. All amusement was forced from his mind when she spoke again, her demands drawing his complete attention as she tightened around him.

  “Faster,” she moaned between kissing her lover and gasped when Taran followed her bidding.

  Three cries joined as all were being swept away by ecstasy, her hand keeping Ciaran’s body in time with theirs. Her mind was exploding at the irresistible sensation of having these men both touching her, both moaning against her, both desperate for the release that was coming. They were hers, no one else’s. These men belonged to her completely. That knowledge was intoxicating. She listened to their hearts beating wildly in their chests, drank in the scent of their sweat and skin against her own. Their breathing reached a feverish pitch and she knew this was it.

  Taran was waiting for her command. It was all it would take to break his will.

  Ciaran was hers to claim. He only waited for her actions to take him with her.

  “More!” She cried and guided Ciaran to slide inside of her soaked heat beside Taran.

  “Holy... !” Taran screamed in shock as the three of them began to climax in unison. The sudden change in agenda somehow sent his body far beyond what it was intending. If she had been clamped down tightly around him before, there was no word to describe the feeling now.

  Ciaran could only manage a stream of curses in his native tongue.

  Both men were stunned by the sudden unexpected position they found themselves in – as well as the sheer ecstasy it was causing.

  “Oh Gooodd!” Skye shrieked. Her body writhed between them as they instinctively held her in place for their releases, burying themselves inside of her completely.

  Ciaran was kissing her madly again, moaning into her mouth as he shuddered.

  Taran was biting down on her shoulder, every muscle in his exquisite body trembling against her back.

  They each were flexing deeply inside of her, filling her with their seed. The pleasure of it was beyond anything she would have believed possible.

  Once the final aftershocks of the shared orgasm had passed, the men quickly removed themselves from the union. They cleared their throats as an uncomfortable silence settled over them.

  Skye smirked at their awkwardness, rolling onto her back and letting her eyes pass back and forth between their embarrassed expressions. “That... was phenomenal. I don’t care how much bickering you two do, it’s not going to change the fact that you both thought so,” she told them, watching in amusement as eye contact was avoided at all costs.

  “Well...” Ciaran began, finally shaking his head and grinning down at her. “It was certainly better than Dublin,” he granted, laughing when Taran punched his arm.

  “Shut it,” Taran growled, pointing at him in warning.

  “All right, but hey – you’re nah gonna deny the fact tha we’re both a li’l gay for this,” Ciaran said, laughing his ass off as those words turned Taran’s face a deep shade of outraged crimson.

  “Tha’s nah true and I swear if ya say tha outside these walls, I’ll make it so ya never speak again. Besides, it’s nah as though the idea was either of ours,” he said, arching an accusatory brow at Skye.

  “But...” Ciaran began with a grin and held up a finger, pointing at him as he reminded, “Ya still got off on it.”

  “Now tha’s nah fair. I was already past the point of no return and –” Taran began in a defensive tone that made it clear he would readily spend the next three hours debating this.

  Skye rolled her eyes and cut him off. “Oh calm down, would you? Look, nothing was inserted into either of your bodies by the other, so chill. Bottom line – again – it was phenomenal. Are we all at least agreed on that point?” She asked, eyeing them both expectantly and waiting to see if either of them would deny a direct question from her.

  Ciaran, of course, nodded without pause, flashing an impressed smile that told her he would readily add it to his nightly routine if given the opportunity.

  Taran grumbled under his breath for a moment before grudgingly nodding his agreement.

  Skye smiled victoriously. “Good. Now, since you’ve both left me blissfully spent, I’m going to sleep. If you’re intending to fight like an old married couple about this, you’ll just have to wait until the morning because, as it turns out, I’d like to curl up exactly the way we are now.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me, love,” Ciaran said with a smile. He grabbed a pelt from the foot of the bed and draped it over her... then paused and stared at her in disbelief for a second. He struggled to keep his voice from giving away how surprised he truly was. “Uh, Taran. Tha’s a good look for her... don’t ya think?” He asked his brother purposefully.

  Taran, while still trying to keep up the defensive charade of discomfort, could not deny that Skye was a vision in that moment – a vision bearing uncanny resemblance to someone they had both seen only once in all their years. Her wild blonde hair was tousled hopelessly. Her pale, flawless shoulders were bare as she cuddled the white fur closer to herself.

  “Aye,” Taran breathed in a thunderstruck tone. He stared at her for another long moment in awe before clearing his throat and managing to change the subject. “Though I’ve nah found a look on her tha isn’t beautiful – and I’ve even seen her in many, even a dress,” he said with a grin as he covered himself and curled up behind her.

  “What? When? Ya wear dresses?” Ciaran demanded in disbelief. “And here I had ya pegged for a frequenter of the army surplus shops.”

  “I don’t and I am. Taran tricked me into it wearing one and it will never, ever happen again,” Skye said with a smile as Ciaran settled down in front of her. She lifted the pelt and laughed when he eagerly took the invitation to cuddle closer.

  “Too bad. It was a once in an eternal lifetime deal and ya missed it,” Taran taunted before a yawn snuck up on him. “Shame, she looked something beyond striking. And I’ve seen her dancing in a club as well, soaking wet wearing nothing but two tiny bits of lace.”

  “All right, tha’s just nah fair. And unless you’re looking for a repeat performance of our ‘nah gay’ gay sex I’d stop talking about Skye’s scantily clad and provocatively wiggling –” Ciaran warned, but trailed off and added, “Nope, too late.”

  This of course earned him another punch to the shoulder from Taran as he and Skye cracked up.

  “Fine! Just avoid the topic then,” Ciaran breathed as he closed his eyes.

  Silence had only settled over them for a few moments before Ciaran’s voice broke it again.

  “Taran... ?” He said, waiting for the exhausted, ‘hmm?’ that came in response.

  Skye watched the grin forming on his lips, knowing he was up to no good as he continued.

  “Will ya hold my hand while I sleep, lover?” Ciaran managed before bursting out laughing.

  Instantly, Taran was growling and reaching over Skye for him.

  “Enough!” She laughed. “Both of you shut up and go to sleep! Ciaran, I’ll hold your hand,” she told him.

  He happily entwined his fingers with hers.

  “And we’ll work on getting him to do it some other time,” she whispered conspiratorially.

  “Like hell ya will!” Taran grumbled, wrapping his arm around her middle and nuzzling his face into her hair.

  “Goodnight, Taran,” Skye whispered, smiling as he whispered back, “G’night, my love.”

  “Goodnight, Ciaran,” she whispered, staring into his sleepy eyes as he whispered back, “G’night, a stóirín.”

  She sighed contentedly to herself as she closed her eyes, marveling at how the strangest series of events in the history of the world resulted in her lying in bed, in a castle, in Scotland, between her two faol lovers. The truly odd part was that, somehow, in that instant, she knew this was where she belonged. It was as if everything in he
r life had led up to this. This country, this castle, these men – it seemed as though they were what she had been fighting to reach her entire life. The bond to them had somehow completed her.

  Taran – her masculine, romantic lover. She knew he would care for her and keep her heart safe. He would stay by her side for all time, content with their commitment to one another and needing nothing more from his immortality than her love. He was her mate, the only man she could truly be a woman for.

  Ciaran – her beautiful, comedic lover. She knew he would fawn over and adore her always. He possessed a love of life that would send him around the world on a whim – but he had given his heart to her. She was the home he would return to when his adventures reached an end.

  It all seemed so... right.

  With their warm bodies surrounding her protectively and a smile on her lips, she drifted off to sleep.

  35: Enlisting

  “Now tha is a true testament to the strength of Scots craftsmanship,” Drostan mused.

  Skye opened her eyes groggily, smiling as she found herself still nestled safely between her men.

  Wait... Drostan?

  She lifted her head in confusion and found her Maker standing with a foot resting on the end of the bed, a steaming cup of tea in his hand, and a thoroughly amused smirk on his face.

  “Mornin’, sunshine,” he greeted with a grin, inclining his head to her before motioning with his mug to the wondrously amusing new sleeping arrangement he had just discovered. “Well, I see the bed is still in one piece – but what of these two? Have ya broken them in properly, I wonder?”

  Hearing the familiar and obnoxiously perky voice of his brother, Ciaran let out a long groan.

  “Bugger off. It’s too early for ya to be bothering us,” he whined.

  Skye smiled when he buried his face against her chest. She ran her hand through his hair and kissed his forehead as she felt Taran stirring behind her.

  “Early?” Drostan laughed. “Oh, tha is rich! I s’pose it answers my question, though. It’s nearly noon.”

  Taran propped himself up on an elbow, still breathing shallowly through his nose as he had while fast asleep. He barely managed to open one eye as he scowled up at his brother.

  “Ya know, it’s common courtesy to at least knock before ya come barging into a man’s bedchambers,” he said in annoyance and pressed his forehead to the back of Skye’s hair. He struggled to stay awake when she reached behind her and began stroking his neck.

  “Tried tha, so did Miko for nearly an hour. Gave up and figured I’d best come check if ya were still alive,” Drostan said as he leaned against the bedpost. “By the scent of this place, it seems ya all had quite an eventful evening. And, I must say, ya certainly look the part of a warrior from our mortal clan now,” he laughed.

  Taran scowled up at him in response.

  “How’s that?” Skye asked curiously.

  “Taking a woman and a boy for his bed mates,” Drostan said with a smirk. “This arrangement looks eerily similar to the tradition tha always disturbed your mate there so much.”

  “This is nah like tha,” Taran insisted.

  “Oh, aye – there are differences, of tha we’re agreed. Ciaran is, after all, considerably older than the standard adolescent. Then again, he still has those boyish good looks,” Drostan teased.

  “Thanks!” Ciaran said cheerfully despite his exhaustion. “And hey, ya didn’t age half bad, yourself. Well, ya know, before ya simply didn’t age at all.”

  “Drostan?” Skye cut in and waited for him to look over at her. “Why are you in here?” She asked impatiently.

  “Ah, well, Latharn said to tell Taran tha the call for a Gathering will be taking place upon the rising of the moon this night,” he told her.

  Skye arched a brow. “And... ?” She pressed.

  He waved his hand dismissively. “Tha was all. Now, let’s get back to this entertaining turn of events. Tell me, how exactly is this working out? Are they taking turns at ya, or is it just a free for all? Ya know, like ‘no holes barred’?” He asked curiously.

  Taran groaned in disgust as he laid back down behind Skye, burying his face against her similarly to Ciaran.

  “I just have to wonder,” Drostan continued. “With ya being from the city of ‘brotherly love’ – have ya been educating them on alternate meanings of the phrase?”

  “Are they awake yet?” Miko whispered as he entered the room cautiously. Getting a look at the bed, his eye widened in disbelief. “No freaking way!” He cried with an astonished laugh. “Oh snap – Skye, you little pimp! Ciaran, too?” He exclaimed as he approached.

  Skye’s heated glare did not do a thing to deter him.

  “Ya keep walking toward this bed and I am definitely gonna bite ya,” Ciaran warned against her chest.

  Miko stopped dead in his tracks.

  “And then I’m gonna come beat ya within an inch of your life wearing nothing but a grin,” Taran grumbled.

  Miko curled his lip and took a step backward.

  “Smart man,” Ciaran commended without ever having to look up.

  “What do you want, Miko?” Skye asked with a sigh, hoping to get these two out of the room so she could go back to sleep.

  “To know why I wasn’t informed that you were enlisting! I mean, not that I’d be cool with sharing with Tar because, you know, even if there’s no sex going on between the two dudes, that’s still kinda gay,” Miko began, holding his hands up as if wanting no part of it.

  “I told ya!” Ciaran announced victoriously as his head came up. “Did I nah tell him, Skye?” He asked with a satisfied grin.

  “It’s nah –!” Taran cried indignantly to Ciaran as he sat up, but broke off the debate temporarily, turning and pointing at the mortal instead. “Lance, so help me –!” He growled.

  But Miko just kept right on pleading his case to Skye. “Now me and you one on one? That I’d be all about – sign me up. I bet I could curl them pretty little toes of yours if given the chance to work my –”

  “Miko!” Skye called in frustration.

  “What?!” He cried indignantly. “All I’m saying is I was giving you the eye way before you even met these guys – hell, before you even got bitten. It seems pretty messed up that I wasn’t even offered the position of fuck-buddy if you were hiring.”

  Skye closed her eyes and ground her teeth, fighting back the urge to climb from the bed and smack him upside his head. “Get to the point,” she snapped.

  Hearing the change in her tone, he cleared his throat and got back on topic. “Right, I wanted to ask if you know about computers. I can’t get my new one to link to the big brain back home for some reason. I’ve tried everything I can think of.”

  Skye scowled up at the men standing at the foot of the bed for a moment before managing to form words. She pointed at Drostan first. “You came in here to tell us something we wouldn’t even need to know until later tonight...” Her finger switched to Miko. “And you came in here looking for... Tech Support?” She demanded.

  “If ya’d like to kill them now, I’ll lend a hand,” Taran offered.

  “Well, I’ll nah,” Ciaran whined as he rested his head back on his pillow. “Ya can handle these muppets yourself without breaking a sweat and I’m fierce knackered. I should be sleeping till tomorrow to make up for what was done last night.” He looked up at her with one of those mischievous smiles on his lips. “And by ‘sleeping’ I do mean ‘sleeping’, a stóirín. Nah just 20 minute increments of rest between rounds,” he teased.

  Skye cleared her throat and smirked at the reminder. Lying naked between two extremely well equipped men led to an awful lot of pleasant awakenings. With three of them there, it was not very long between trysts before one of them awoke again looking for more. She had to shake her head to get the memories to stop replaying.

  “All right... Drostan? Get. Out.” She ordered with an arched brow and he grinned. “Miko? If you bring me some coffee and your damned laptop in about an
hour, I’ll see what I can do.” Miko clapped happily until she cut in. “But only because doing so won’t involve me leaving this bed.”

  “Thanks, you’re the best!” He gushed before racing out the door.

  Her eyes wandered back to the ancient that was still staring down at them in obvious amusement.

  “Drostan, I can’t help but notice you’re still here,” she breathed in frustration.

  “Still trying to work out the mechanics of the three of ya going at it, is all,” he offered.

  “Well take your pondering elsewhere,” she growled.

  He inclined his head to her with a laugh as he took his leave.

  “Is he always this nosey?” She asked once she lay back down on the bed, rolling over to face Taran and curling up against his chest.

  “Sadly so, he ne’er was one to keep his curiosity to himself,” Taran said before kissing the top of her head. “Morning, wee one,” he whispered lovingly. “Did ya sleep well?”

  “Yeah, for the whole hour since the last time we were awake,” Skye laughed. “Can we just stay in bed today?”

  “Aye,” he said with a chuckle. “D’ya think ya can keep your eyes open long enough for a bath first?”

  She purred in approval and cuddled closer to him.

  “Ooh, are you joining me?” She asked hopefully and grinned when he nodded. “Then babe, you can bet your all-kinds-of-fine ass I’ll be keeping my eyes open,” she assured with a wink.

  Taran laughed heartily at her words as he climbed from the bed.

  When she sat up to follow him, she found that Ciaran had already passed out behind her. She smiled at how adorable he looked. After tucking him in and kissing his cheek, she trailed along after her mate to the bathroom.


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