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Fulfilling Torment

Page 4

by B. L. Purser

  “Fine, I agree to let you do things your way.”

  A small twinge of sadness flitted through my tense body before dissipating into my dark soul. I was about to torment this beautiful, vibrant woman, and I had never wanted anything more. I felt like a death row inmate staring at his last meal. The deep longing that took over my body quickly vanquished any inkling of remorse or regret.

  While piercing her gaze with my dangerous stare, I barked out orders.

  “Remove all of your clothing.”

  No sooner had the words left my mouth; she sprang from the bed and began taking off her dress. The confident business woman was gone. She seemed to have transformed into a robot at that moment, and I could tell she was just going through the motions. She was already trying to shut down and close me out, but there was no way in hell I was going to let that happen. She had finished removing her dress, bra and panties when she looked at me.

  “Lose the garter belt and stockings too.”

  Her stare never faltered as she rebelled against my request.“No.”

  Who did she think she was? I was in control of this show, and I was going to go above and beyond to prove that to her. “I said, remove all of your clothes. Don’t defy me again. Just follow the damn orders from now on.”

  Figuring she was going to argue, I was pleasantly surprised when she continued removing her clothing. She slowly slid her stockings down her gorgeous legs. Then, she hesitantly removed her garter belt. As she stood with her back stiff, I realized why she had wanted to keep them on.

  Son of a bitch! What had happened to this beautiful woman? Her gaze never left mine as she watched me take in every inch of her. She had one large, terrifying scar that ran from hip bone to hip bone. It was thick and jagged in appearance. Amazingly, the garter belt had covered it up perfectly. With it now revealed, I noticed all of the tiny scars that began above the large one and ran vertically to stop below the large menacing one. Even though the tiny scars were not covered up by a garter belt, they were not as noticeable when the large one was not on display. From there, the scars traveled down across her thighs. Now, I understood why she felt the need to wear thigh highs. They, combined with a garter belt, covered up much of the damage. Besides, they sure as hell distracted the eye from it.

  I realized what she was waiting for. She was anticipating the pity or disgust that she knew would surely come. I’d been there. I’d seen the looks that people had given me through my darkest moments. I hated those looks the most. I hated that those people felt sorry for me. I hated that they thought the events of my life had made me weak. I hated it most because it was true. With these memories flashing through my mind, I vowed she would never find pity in my eyes. Furthermore, disgust was nothing that could be remotely associated with her. She had obviously been through hell and come out with the scars to prove it. Just thinking about it, made me want to kill someone.

  I knew what she needed probably better than she did. Her frightening scars did nothing to squelch the burning desire I had for her. To prove this, I removed my clothing and revealed my bulging erection.

  At that moment, I realized we were the same. We both had a need that drove us down to the core. It was why she did what she did, and why I functioned the way I did. It was why she was familiar the very first time I met her. I smiled to myself as I thought about the thing that drove us both more than anything else in the world. I now knew her weakness. I was sure that it had everything and nothing to do with those vicious scars. I also surmised that in order to keep myself together, I had to take it from her. I grew even harder at the thought.

  “Lay on your back with your knees bent and your legs apart. I want you to grasp each ankle with your hands, and don’t let go unless I tell you to. Do you understand my directions? You will do everything I tell you to do. You will deny me nothing. I will take you any way I want to.”

  I spouted the directions like a military commander addressing his platoon. I wanted to punish her for what she had done to me that first night. Not because of the drugs or sex, but because of the control she took from me. It maddened me to think that she was able to convince me to hand it over to her so easily. She was the only woman that I’d ever relinquished control to. All of my sexual encounters, or any other encounter for that matter, were all focused around me getting what I wanted. I never cared about the other person involved and their needs. Yet, this situation had obviously been just about her needs. The fact that I received enjoyment from it was just a perk. I had to realign the planets by taking back the control that I’d given her so easily the first night we met.

  She did as I asked and grabbed her ankles. Looking into her eyes, I could now see the fear sneaking in. It thrilled me more than any amount of money in the world.

  I situated myself on my knees well below where she lay. The position that I had placed her in was no coincidence. She was open and on display for me. It was a vulnerable pose and would let her know that I was completely dominating her body. I took a minute to enjoy the view. She was full and hot with obvious desire. The bead of liquid that was building at her opening seemed to be beckoning me. I was intrigued to know that she wasn’t completely turned off by her current predicament.

  I grabbed her wrists and yanked her forcefully toward me. The size and weight of her body were no match for my strength, and she easily slid into a more convenient location. I slowly leaned down placing my face inches from her sex. I breathed deeply to take in the sweet aroma of her body’s naturally enticing fragrance. With a single movement of my tongue, I slide along her opening taking care of the wetness that had teased me earlier. She shuttered and gasped at my boldness. A glance into her deep blue eyes told me everything I needed to know. Her body was betraying her. She didn’t want to respond to me. She wanted me to think that I couldn’t get to her. But I was getting to her, and she was pissed. My plan was working beautifully. Her reaction made me double my devious efforts. This time, I slid my tongue slowly and precisely into her. Instead of retreating quickly, I began to make circular motions. I could tell she was trying hard to fight it, but her hips began to wriggle back and forth as my tongue hit again and again on that one spot that was making her release those low seductive moans. In contrast to my slow beginning, I rapidly pulled away.

  “Stay there and don’t move an inch. If you do, you’ll regret it.”

  Then, I walked away. I had to make her feel the urgency and what the lack of satisfaction would do. I stood at the minibar and downed a bottle of water. After a few moments, I walked back over to the bed to where she lay. Making sure I didn’t touch her anywhere else, I ran my fingers from her ankle up to her sex. Once I reached my ultimate destination; I pushed two fingers into her soft, wet opening. She welcomed me in with a sharp gasp and low moan. She was obviously ready. I withdrew my fingers and ran them down the other leg to her ankle. Once again, I walked away leaving her steaming body frustrated and waiting. I knew the wet trail that my fingers had just left was cooling and becoming uncomfortably noticeable. It was all part of my plan.

  I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I knew that the waiting was tormenting her, and I found so much satisfaction in her vulnerability. As the hot water beat down on me, I could imagine her still waiting. She knew that I was in the shower, and I had intentionally left the door open so she could hear every sound. She would know when the shower was over, and she would anticipate every second until I returned.

  I understood her obstinacy, and I used it in my favor. I knew she would not allow herself to move. Wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around my waist, I walked back over to where she lay. Her motionless position confirmed that I’d been correct in my assumptions. The only thing different was her eyes.

  They had become the deepest, darkest blue that I’d ever seen. I knew they held a warning for me, and I was reading it loud and clear. She’d had enough. The time that I’d spent away from her had done exactly what I’d wanted it to. She was unaware of what was to come. She hated this feeling
because she realized that uncertainty breeds loss of control. It harbors doubt and, all of those things lead to what she fears most in life.

  Chapter 7

  – Cam

  I was seething with anger. He knew the hell he was putting me through, and he was gaining enjoyment from it. What’s more, my body had taken his side. It was betraying me more and more with every crumb he threw my way. At that moment, I’d never hated anyone more than I hated him. The only thing that allowed me to keep my composure was knowing that I would never have to set eyes on him again after this. This one thought provided me enough relief to keep the walls intact, and my resoluteness secure.

  He was now standing over me once more. After searching my eyes for a moment, he began raking his gaze over my body again. I could feel the scorching trail that his eyes left across every inch of me. He was thorough in his plight as if memorizing every detail. I loathed his ambition as much as I loathed him.

  I didn’t realize his objective when I’d given him permission. I originally thought he just wanted sex, but this was so much more than that. I knew it was impossible, but he seemed to know me, and this perceptive knowledge was proving to be my undoing. He didn’t just want my body; he wanted my emotions. Emotions that I denied everyone. Emotions that I even denied myself. It was too much. I knew that I couldn’t continue this because it would ruin me, but I couldn’t stop. This was not the kind of man that took rejection easily. I was screwed¸ even if it was only figuratively at the moment.

  My self-realization must have also clued him in on how close he was getting. I watched his face transform from pure evil to unadulterated lust. I was familiar with this side of him. It was the one that I had seen in this very room at our last rendezvous. He’d made the decision to let me survive after all. I don’t know why he’d changed his mind, but it gave me a much-needed pardon from the terror building within me.

  He attacked me like a mountain lion seizing its prey. The force behind his wildness caused me to lose the grip that I had on my ankles, and my body became trapped between the bed and the weight of this dominating animal on top of me. With one swift movement, he forced his tongue between my lips and took control of my mouth. Our deep passionate kissing immeasurably intensified my previous desires, and I could feel my sex becoming slicker. As our kissing continued, he ran his hands up along each side of my body to grab handfuls of my already mussed hair. Aggressively, he pulled my hair until the pain mixed with the desire running through the rest of my body. This mixture was intoxicating. If these feelings grew any more intense, I knew I would melt into a puddle right here on the bed.

  When he seemed to have his fill of my mouth, he began trailing rough kissing bites down my neck until he found my right nipple. He sucked hard once and then unexpectedly clamped down with his teeth. The pain caused me to cry out. My voice was unrecognizable. It sounded like it belonged to another woman in the throes of treacherous acts. At that very moment, he shoved two fingers deep inside me. The pain mixed with pleasure brought me to the brink of euphoria. He knew I was getting close as he moved to my left breast and circled the areola with his tongue. He removed the fingers that had been plunging in and out of me, and slid them up my body to rest on my swollen lips. His voice was rough and deep as he spoke.

  “Lick my fingers. I want you to taste how sweet you are. I’ve never tasted anything as good as you.”

  I’d never partaken in such wicked acts before. In the past, I’d been more direct in my foreplay and only used it as a means to get to my release quicker. But this was on a completely new level for me. This man was a wolf. Instead of sheep’s clothing, he wore a corporate suit. I’d met my match, and the challenge was not lost on me.

  I opened my mouth and encircled his fingers with my tongue. I took them deep into my mouth and sucked convincingly. He knew what I was insinuating even though I’d voiced nothing. I noticed that I was getting my point across from his uneven and harried breathing. He withdrew his fingers and sat up so that our hips were perfectly aligned. He didn’t stay that way long though.

  “Is that what you want? Do you want to suck something? I can give you something much better than fingers.”

  As the words emanated from his mouth, he shifted himself so that his erection was directly over my mouth. He was mocking me, seeing if I was up for the challenge. If there was one thing I could say about myself, I never backed down from a challenge.

  I took his smooth, hard shaft into my mouth, and he began to move. In the position I was in, I had no control over movement. He was the only one who could set the pace and depth. All I could do was take what he had to give. I surmised quickly that I had to show him, even in this position; I had the power. So, as he pumped in and out of my mouth, I swirled my tongue and sucked vigorously. When the tip came close to the front of my tongue, I worked on massaging that sweet spot directly below the head. His moans and vehement curses were all the confirmation that I needed to inform me that I was driving him crazy. Finally, I pulled out the last stop and ever so slightly let my teeth connect with his shaft. As his vigorous movements quickened, I knew he was close to release, and if he allowed it, I would win.

  Obviously, he felt my preconceived victory and quickly removed his sex from its warm wet home. He would never let me win so easily. He removed a condom from the side table drawer and slid it down his gorgeous shaft with precision and speed. At that moment, we were both wound tighter than I ever thought possible.

  The flash of hostility that crossed his eyes told me that he was through with the games. It was time. He grabbed my legs and stretched them into to air to allow easy access into my awaiting sex. Still holding my legs in the air, he plunged himself into me with enough force to make us both shift upwards a good foot. He began pumping violently, and with every thrust, I came closer and closer to release. Although, I’d never been one to make noise in the bedroom, I found that I could not stop the cries of pure pleasure from leaving my mouth. With every thrust, they grew louder and louder, and he seemed to grow longer and harder. It was like the screams had become the driving force behind his mission. Just as I was about to climax, he flipped me over onto my stomach. How he managed to do this and remain inside of me, I will never know. One more thrust and it hit with a bigger force than I’d ever experienced, and I exploded blissfully around his pumping cock. Another four thrusts and I felt him detonate inside of me. The aftershocks ravaged our bodies as we remained in that position for what felt like forever. When he withdrew from me, the emptiness felt like it would shatter me. Before I drifted off into my euphoric solitude, I felt him bend and place a kiss on my wet cheek. I hadn’t even realized I let a single tear escape.

  – Aiden

  Camilla Anderson. The name seemed to suit her. As I stared at the paper that the hotel concierge had written her name on, I couldn’t help but revel in the irony that I’d never even bothered to ask her name prior to or after our two encounters. In fact, speaking to the concierge as I was leaving the hotel was more of an afterthought than anything, or at least that’s what I kept telling myself. I knew that our little adventure had come to an end, but I couldn’t stop myself from picking up the phone. I needed some clear-cut answers, and I knew just the man to call.

  “Hello Drake, I need a background check on someone. Her name is Camilla Anderson, and she is probably in her early to mid-thirties. That is all the information that I have except for a physical description. I realize that is not a lot of information, but that is why I pay you top dollar. She is a business woman and has been visiting New York City on business as of late. I expect a report on her to be on my desk in the morning.”

  I gave Drake the physical description that seemed to be etched into my memory and finished the call.As I hung up the phone, my thoughts drifted back to the previous night. From the looks of the scar and the emotional baggage she masked behind those beautiful eyes, I knew that she had been abused. I played scenes through my mind of a boyfriend violating her; a husband raping and befouling her, or a father pus
hing incestuous acts on her. Although I didn’t know which scenario was accurate, I knew that whatever it was, it was appalling.

  What I couldn’t understand is why it kept coming to my mind. She was an easy piece of ass; a good way to exert a little energy. Correction, a lot of energy. It was over now, and I was a stupid prick to continue ranting about it. As I reached for the phone to call Drake and tell him to scrap the pointless mission, the intercom buzzed, and my secretary’s voice exuded from the speaker.

  “Drake is on the phone for you sir. Would you like to speak with him, or should I take a message?”

  Had he found out about this mystery woman that quickly? As I picked up the phone, I couldn’t help but notice that my pulse quickened slightly.

  “Hello Drake, I’m listening.”

  I waited as he began his explanation for calling back so soon.

  “Sir, I just wanted to get a little clarification. Do you want a more extensive background check than the one you already have on Camilla Anderson?”

  Now, it was my turn for clarification. “Drake what the hell are you talking about?”

  I could feel my blood pressure rising as he spoke.

  “Camilla Anderson is a new-hire runner for Bennett International. So, she has already had the initial new employee background checks. I just sent them to you electronically. Would you like me to have a more extensive background check completed on her, sir?”

  What the fuck? Was she an employee of Bennett International? Why did she appear to be staying at the hotel on business, when in actuality she lives here? Had she sought me out intentionally? Was she a spy?

  Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. The bitch is looking for a payday. She knew who I was this entire time. She is going to try to make a quick buck by selling her story or by trying to get me to throw some cash her way to keep it under wraps. I could see clearly the spin that she was going to put on it. Poor little southern lady gets taken advantage of by the menacing Aiden Bennett. The fact that she was an employee and could throw in some sexual harassment undertones would be icing on the cake. The media would eat it up. They were always trying to get dirt on the recluse that never seemed to be in the public eye. Women were all alike. They thought with their pussies and pocketbooks, and most of the time they used their pussy to fill their pocketbooks. The hell if she was going to get a dime from me!


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