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Fulfilling Torment

Page 13

by B. L. Purser

  I knew the bruises I left on Cam were in no way considered domestic abuse, but they still got to me. If I closed my eyes, I could see her peacefully sleeping form stretched out on the couch. She was gorgeously perfect in her complete nakedness except for the finger-tip bruises left by me. They had to be pretty bad to bruise immediately. I worried that more bruises may surface after time had passed. The thought haunted me.

  Even though I was worried about the bruising, I had not come down from the intense high that the encounter had given me. She had surpassed all of my expectations when she insisted that I get rougher. It’s as if she knew I was trying to release all of the anger and rage that had been living inside of me. Amazingly, my plight had worked. The thoughts that had once haunted me regarding Cam were gone. I no longer worried about her having some kind of control over me. I was perfectly content with our current arrangement.

  I glanced out of the window of my apartment and curiously wondered if Cam was still asleep. My answer was confirmed when I noticed the light shining from her bedroom window. She was awake. It was all I could do to resist the urge to check on her. I knew that doing that would probably be crossing one of the invisible lines that we had put in place. Since nothing inside of my apartment seemed to hold my attention, I settled on going for a nice walk on the beach.

  It was a beautifully clear night. I knew that the fresh air and wonderful ocean sounds were just what I needed to help me relax. I glanced quickly at my appearance. I had lost the coat and tie prior to ever meeting up with Cam, and I didn’t bother with tucking my dress shirt back in after our rendezvous. So, I decided that I could just roll up the sleeves of my un-tucked shirt and roll up my dress slacks some. Then, I would be ready to go. I didn’t even bother with putting on shoes. After all, I knew that I would most likely be the only one on the beach.

  I walked out of my apartment and down a short pathway to get to the beach. Once reaching the beach, I stopped and took in the beauty of the moonlit view. It combined with the sounds and smells immediately relaxed me. I stood there for a few minutes just watching the waves rolling in until, I was suddenly startled by a female voice.

  “Good evening Aiden. It looks like we both wanted to enjoy the beach this evening.”

  It took me a minute to locate the body belonging to the sexy voice because she was seated in a swing in the shadows of the palm trees. Had she not greeted me, I would never have even known that she was there.

  “Good evening Cam. I wasn’t expecting to find you here.”

  I walked over to where she sat.

  “I was about to take a walk on the beach, but I like your idea much better. Is there room for me to join you?”

  She patted the space beside her as she responded. “Certainly, but only if you promise to be sweet.”

  This was a new side of her. She seemed to be playfully teasing me. I enjoyed seeing the smile on her face for a change. I held up two fingers,

  “Scouts honor.”

  She giggled and asked, “Were you really ever in the boy scouts? I just can’t picture that.”

  It was my turn to offer up a small laugh. “Actually, no. I never had an interest in being a scout.” I didn’t bother to tell her that I couldn’t handle the thought of other kids questioning why my father didn’t come to all of the functions. No, I wanted to keep the conversation light and stress-free.

  “So what are you doing out here in the dark shadows?”

  I glanced at the side of her face as I spoke, and mentally commended myself on my decision to bring her here. It was probably the best decision I had ever made. As I awaited her reply, I pushed the swing gently to provide some rhythmic movement.

  “I haven’t been to the beach in a really long time. The beach use to be my favorite place to visit, but things changed, and I wasn’t able to go anymore. I actually visited Cozumel in high school. I was just remembering a few events from the trip. Life had been very simple then. I just hate I took it for granted at the time.”

  I watched as she sighed deeply. “Oh well, I can’t change things now.”

  She seemed to be transported back in time, and I didn’t know if I should let her continue in the past or try to pull her back into the present. Deciding for the latter, I addressed the topic that had been weighing heavily on my mind.

  “Listen Cam, I’m really sorry about the bruises. I didn’t realize that I was…”

  Before I could get the rest of my comment out, she cut me off.

  “Now you listen to me Aiden Bennett. You are not going to make what we did out to be anything but extraordinary. So, you just stop. I came out here to continue the enjoyment of my relaxed state. If you can’t enjoy it too, then you need to get lost.”

  That was one of the things that intrigued me about Cam. It didn’t matter that my name was Aiden Bennett or that I was exorbitantly rich; she always said what she thought. This time, her thoughts put my mind at ease.

  “No problem, Cam. I’ll drop it. I don’t want to have to leave this tranquil setting.”

  We were both quiet for a long time. It seemed that all of the surrounding elements worked together to place us in a peaceful trance. Cam was the first one to break the spell.

  “I am about to fall asleep on you yet again. I guess it’s time for me to find that nice comfy bed in my apartment.”

  I watched her stifle a big yawn and stand. She bent down and placed a light kiss on my cheek.

  “Thank you for the great sex.” She stood and winked at me.

  I gave her a small smile and a quick reply, “anytime.”

  With that, she turned and walked back down the path to her apartment.

  I wondered if she understood how sincerely I meant my reply.

  Chapter 21

  – Cam

  The first explosive night seemed to set our routine for Cozumel. I had worried that it might be a little awkward seeing Aiden at work and then sleeping with him at the apartment. We had never really discussed it, and I assumed that I would just pretend I didn’t know him. However, my concerns turned out to be unwarranted. I had been provided a nice office close to the factory area and convenient to the employees that I had to interview. Aiden was set-up somewhere in the corporate section of the huge location. We both had an overload of work since we were trying to get finished by the week’s end, so we took very few breaks.

  Since my schedule was based on the factory workers’ schedule, I often finished up well before Aiden. It had become a ritual for me to find a secluded spot on the beach at my apartment and bake in the sun until it inevitably sank into the ocean. Sometimes, I would unknowingly drift off to sleep only to be awakened by Aiden lifting me up and carrying me inside. The first time it happened I almost took his head off with one of my self-defense moves. Now, I had gotten used to it, and oddly enough, I even somewhat looked forward to it.

  We would always end the day with mind blowing sex. In fact, we had pretty much christened ever square foot of the apartment including balconies and patios. One time, we never even made it inside. Sex under the moon with the ocean sounds in the background was divine. Of course, getting sand in every nook and cranny left a little to be desired. It seemed Aiden was insatiable, and my libido welcomed the challenge.

  During our breaks between escapades, we would discuss work and eat food that he ordered in. Contrary to what I had thought, I kind of enjoyed meeting the employees. Seeing their culture reflected in their work ethic was fascinating. I found myself wanting to see to it that they were happy. I filled Aiden in on the information that I was getting from them, and he would think out loud about decisions he would make because of it. It was interesting to see his business mind at work. I could easily see why everything he touched turned to gold. He knew that happy employees made better workers. As simple as the concept seems, most companies never stop to take notice of the happiness of their employees.

  This side of Aiden caught me off guard. He got pleasure from making people happy. He actually held compassion for these people. Lookin
g back, I noticed that it was a hidden trend with him. One that I felt he was even hiding from himself.

  We never discussed anything personal, so the awkwardness that I had feared was nonexistent. It was as if we were merely co-workers. Of course, our co-working was much different from the norm. Each night, after we had completely exhausted one another, he would re-dress in his expensive business suit minus the discarded tie and return to his apartment. We both knew that actually sleeping together in the same location would be much too intimate.

  It was obvious that my new working environment agreed with me. My skin had become a golden tan, and my hair had developed gorgeous natural highlights from the sun. Add that to the wonderful nights of sleep I was getting, and I hardly recognized myself in the mirror.

  I knew it was all too good to be true. Allowing myself any amount of reprieve was a mistake. This was obviously an elaborate mirage; one that given time would dissipate only to reveal the destitute dessert. However, my body craved the rare opportunity of peace, and I didn’t have the strength to deny it.

  Just as Aiden had projected, we finished up work on Saturday and prepared for our flight back to New York the next morning. Although I was saddened by thoughts of leaving, I was more anxious about returning together on the same plane. I didn’t know where his mind was in regards to us, and I prayed that he would not turn cold and calculated on me. I was most definitely not fond of that side of him. I had not changed my mind; I still wanted nothing more than a physical relationship with him. It just made it easier when the person that you were sleeping with was actually nice to you. Mean Aiden was definitely not a pleasure to be around for any reason.

  As we boarded the plane the next morning, I was a bucketful of nerves. My fear of flying combined with my anxiety from not knowing Aiden’s frame of mine had me feeling nauseous. I sighed in relief when I noted the smile projecting from his eyes. Going home had not initiated the presence of his unpleasant identity. Maybe the arrangement would transcend nicely into our lives in New York.

  I should have known he had something up his sleeve when we were not followed onboard by his driver and body guard. However, I just assumed they were making the final arrangements and would be boarding shortly. I blame my naivety for it having not crossed my mind until he passed by his seat to stand in front of where I was sitting. I caught the impish glare in his eyes as he leaned down and whispered in my ear.

  “How would you feel about joining the mile high club?”

  I instantly felt my face turn scarlet. How could I be so easily embarrassed when I was technically all sorts of sordid? I guess he and I both were walking contradictions. He finished his taunt by licking the ridge of my ear and pulling away. I watched as he walked ever so slowly to his seat. He probably knew I was checking out the way his tailored pants curved around his perfect ass. Now, I was about a hundred degrees of hot and bothered. Bastard!

  We were quickly cleared for take-off, and in a matter of minutes we were airborne. Traveling by private jet was definitely a million times better than flying commercial. With this in mind, I began reminiscing about the events to come when the seatbelt light was no longer illuminated.

  Chapter 22

  – Aiden

  I could still envision the heat spread across her body when I made the suggestion of our in-flight adventure. Just when I thought being with her couldn’t get better, it had surpassed everything that we had previously experienced. It seemed that each encounter always topped the last. This made little sense to me considering I was trying to purge her from my system. Shouldn’t I be craving her less instead of more?

  The only way that I could appropriately describe this feeling was fulfilling torment. Everything inside of me felt content. Yet as wonderful as it was, it was equally torturous. I knew this would all eventually end. I recognized it for what it was…the calm before the storm. It was too perfect to be real, and I already sensed the thunder rolling in. What I couldn’t understand or figure out was how to prepare for it.

  As instructed, Dean sent me a full report each evening of everything going on in the life of Cam. Each time I saw the e-mail come through, a hint of guilt would wash over me. I knew Cam would not approve. In fact, I knew this would be a deal breaker for her. Hell it would probably be a deal breaker for anyone. I had turned into a stalker, and I felt little remorse for it. I only hoped that this information would remain concealed from her. After all, I was just trying to use the information to understand her better. It had nothing to with control.

  I had learned her favorite places to shop and eat. Coincidentally, she did both alone. In fact, as I had suspected, she did everything alone. I learned her favorite brands of everything she used. I became knowledgeable about the martial arts that she preferred and the dojo that she frequented. I even had extensive background checks completed on her sensei. Even though I had gained some knowledge about Cam and her routines, I didn’t receive insight into who she truly is.

  The ding of the elevator pulled me from my thoughts. As the door opened, I took in the beauty staring back at me.

  “Good evening, Aiden,” she whispered as she glanced at the floor.

  I still had not gotten use to her shy demeanor and the awkwardness that seemed to fill her each time we initially encountered one another.

  “Hello, Cam. How was your day at work?”

  She stepped from the elevator and made her way over to me.

  “It was nice. I was pulled to the eleventh floor to fill-in for Maryanne. Evidently, one of her kids has the flu.”

  I noticed that she had a gym bag draped over her right shoulder. I slid my hand slowly up her arm and removed the weight of the bag by sliding it gently off her shoulder. I made sure that my fingertips came in contact with her skin. I intended for the movement to be sexy, and if the sparks were any indication, I had done well.

  “That’s too bad. Did you enjoy the eleventh floor?”

  I had known where she was stationed. In fact, I always knew where she would be. I guess that was one luxury of being the boss.

  “Yes, it was great! Mr. Grant was very accommodating.”

  I could tell she was trying to get to me just as I was trying to get to her. However, she was using jealousy as her tactic, and it was working well.

  “Ms. Anderson, unless you want to get poor Mr. Grant fired, I would suggest that you never tell me that again.”

  I put my hand under her chin and tilted it up so that she made eye contact with me. I leaned down and pressed my lips gently to hers. As I deepened the kiss, I noticed that our breathing matched in intensity. I knew I had to stop, or we would never make it to the pool. I pulled back and raggedly spoke.

  “Is your suit in your bag or under your clothes?”

  I began to lift up her shirt as if to peer under it. She smacked my hand playfully like she was appalled at my behavior and responded.

  “It is in the bag. I didn’t know what your plans were other than swimming, so I just brought it along to change in to.”

  “Great! Well, in that case, come on, and we’ll head on up. More than likely, you won’t need a swim suit anyway.”

  I draped her bag over my shoulder and grabbed her ass as I passed by her. She let out a squeal and caught up to walk beside me. It seemed that she always got more comfortable once we had a little playful banter. This time was no exception.

  “Are those your swimming trunks?” She was pointing to the knee length board shorts that I was currently wearing. Even though, she had never seen me in these in Cozumel, I knew her question was rhetorical. This was in no way my normal attire. Even if I was just lounging around the apartment, I never dressed like this.

  “Why yes they are Ms. Anderson. Is there something wrong with the shorts that I have on?”

  I watched as she acted like she was considering my question. “Oh, I don’t know. I just never took you for a pineapple guy.”

  She barely got the statement out over the cute little uncontrollable giggles. Of course, she was referring
to the bright colored pineapples that were strategically placed all over the shorts. I had intentionally picked them out knowing that it would amuse her.

  Faking like I had taken a hit to the chest, I responded, “Ms. Anderson you wound me. I have you know that I am a man of variety. You never know what you will get with me.”

  “Touché, Mr. Bennett, touché,” she replied.

  We continued our playfulness as we made our way to the pool. I had texted her earlier and asked if she was up for an evening swim after work. When she accepted the invitation, I texted the time she should come to my apartment. Our encounters often stemmed from similar planned meetings, and for the most part, I initiated these meetings. I think, given the chance, she would have arranged some of them. But, my enthusiasm ensured that she never had the opportunity to.

  – Cam

  It had been six months since we returned from Cozumel, yet it only felt like days. The time seemed to do us good. Although, I am always on my guard when first encountering Aiden, he seems to have become comfortable enough with me that he doesn’t have to stick to his act.

  I had only recently discovered that his mean, demanding demeanor is not really who Aiden truly is. I wondered to myself if he even realizes this. Nonetheless, I worry that his darker personality will suddenly appear one day. So, I never get too comfortable with him. Besides, I am already allowing myself way more liberties with him than I should. I did not consciously do this, but somehow when I wasn’t aware, I had let my guard down. I knew that I needed to put it back in place, but I found it harder and harder to decide when.

  In addition to the sex, Aiden and I often swam, worked out, and dined together. Most evenings would find us doing one or several of those things. My nightmares had almost become non-existent. I had never realized how much I missed sleep, until I found myself actually getting plenty of it.

  Even though we had sex almost every night, we still never slept together. In fact, I had never seen his bedroom, and although I am sure he had seen mine, we never had sex in there either. It was much too significant of a location, and we considered it too intimate. If we decided we needed a bed for our encounters, we used the spare rooms at either apartment. Most of the time, we never made it to a bed. Our favorite location had become the large mahogany desk in Aiden’s apartment office. The intricate design and large surface offered a variety of position and binding opportunities.


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