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Another Way To Bleed (Midnight Assassin)

Page 3

by Harris, Susan

  “She was my mother, and she died saving me against the fallen about twenty years ago. I was cocky and went after a gang on my own. She jumped in front of me as one of them went for my neck with a sword. She died, and I didn't. How could you see all of that?”

  “I suppose it's like everything else I do... Hello, my name is Cassie and I'm a freak.”

  He smiled and stood up, holding his hand out to help her. As he pulled her up, she stumbled, steadying herself by placing a hand on his chest. She could feel his heart beating, a continuous thump, thump. Cassie felt a strong connection with Archer, and considering she had only met him an hour ago, she felt weird about it. She didn't know him, but knew when she had seen his memories, or now as she touched him, that she would die for him and vice versa. But the question was why?

  “Maybe we should just get to work?” he suggested, backing away, his voice a little huskier.

  Cassie raised her hand to her head and saluted him trying to deflect the moment they had just shared. “Yes, sir, let’s get down to business.”

  The smug look returned to Archer's face, and he smiled menacingly at her. “You’re going to regret that when I'm finished with you, Princess.”

  Cassie laughed, giving him her best smile. “Bring it on.”


  Thirty minutes later, Cassie had one hell of a headache. She was standing in the middle of the floor, her eyes closed and tried for the millionth time to make the sword in Archer's hand come to her.

  “FUCK! This is not working.” Cassie screamed out in frustration as the sparks tingled on her fingertips.

  “It’s not working, Princess, because you’re focusing on your anger. Anger makes fire for you. Now you need to figure out how to use your mind like you did to free yourself when you were kidnapped. Or are you just going to let yourself get killed?”

  She huffed out a breath closing her eyes again. She thought back to when Vicktor had taken her prisoner, and told her how he had been the monster to take her mother from her. Yes, she had killed the parasite in her mother’s body, but Vicktor had destroyed her mother. All she had cared about then was getting out of the restraints to kill him. Okay, Cassie, calm, focus...Call out for the sword and mean it!

  Cassie opened her eyes and spoke one word in a voice that didn't seem like hers, “Sword” and held out her hand. The sword flew from Archer's grip and landed firmly in hers. She rotated the sword in her grip and smugly arched an eyebrow at him.

  Clapping his hands sarcastically, he stalked towards her. “Well done, Princess. You managed a simple task, congrats! We still have a long, long way to go before you’re ready and controlled enough to fully understand what you are capable of.”

  “Screw you, angel-boy. I rock.”

  Archer put a foot on the hilt of his own sword that lay on the ground and kicked it up. The sword landed swiftly in his hand. “Okay then, princess, let’s see how well you can fight.”

  “Now this, I can do. Let’s dance!”

  They circled each other, both waiting for the other to make the first move, for one of them to pounce. Fuck this, Cassie thought, her impatience getting the best of her. She side swiped the sword aiming for Archer's torso, but the angel jumped up high out of the way. He swung his sword to meet hers, the clash of metal ringing through the room. As Archer moved the sword gracefully close to her neck, Cassie dropped to the floor with only a few seconds to spare.

  Cassie lay still on the cold ground and listened. Archer assessed his next move, as he waited for the perfect time to pounce and incapacitate her. They always fall for the same ‘ole trick, she thought. She waited until she could sense him standing over her, and then bam! Cassie kicked out her leg, knocking the angel on his ass. Quickly, Cassie jumped up pouncing on him, before he had time to react. Knocking the sword from his hand, Cassie squatted over him, kneeling with her legs on opposite sides of his body, her hand on his chest, her sword at his throat.

  “Game, set and match, Archie boy. I win.” It took a moment for Cassie to realise the precarious position they were in. She gulped loudly, crimson spreading across her cheeks. Cassie dropped her sword as their eyes met. Reaching up, Archer brushed a stray piece of hair from her face, and tucked it gently behind her ear. Her heartbeat increased at the gesture. Her heart pounding in her ears, Cassie leaned forward, their faces inches from each other. A deep familiar snigger snapped them both back to their senses. As she scrambled off Archer, Cassie saw Bruno grinning like a cat at her. She also noticed the glare he turned on Archer. Shifting his attention back to her, Bruno walked slowly toward her and slung his heavy arm around her shoulders.

  “The boss sent me to see how things were going and report back. Think I'll pass on that one. I do hate getting my throat ripped out - hurts like a bitch.”

  “Bite me, mutt” Cassie snapped back, pissed off that she’d been caught completely vulnerable

  He laughed heartily, completely amused by Cassie’s discomfort. “I wish, Cassie girl, I wish, but I think your life just got slightly more complicated. Okay, let’s bring you to Luka.”

  Cassie groaned, but went with Bruno as he led her out. Before she left the room completely, she stole a glance at Archer over her shoulder. He was standing with his back to her, his body rigid and his hands balled up in fists by his side. Bruno was definitely right; her life had become more complicated in the space of a few hours. I'm caught between a rock and a hard place yet again. Fuck, why can't I just be normal? Having feelings for a vampire and an angel...I am in so much trouble. Cassie’s thoughts ran away from her as the door slammed shut behind her, leaving Archer and the sweet scent of strawberries and sunshine behind.

  Chapter Five

  Cassie walked the short distance to the entrance of the main residence building with Bruno, listening to him tease her non-stop. She took it with a smile; it was always good to have someone like Bruno on your side. When they reached the door leading up to the large number of upstairs rooms, she said her goodbyes to him, with a quick punch on the arm before bolting up the stairs. It had been a long time since she had been back here. It was the closest thing she had to a home since her coven members died, but still, as soon as she turned eighteen, she had fled. Cassie still had to see Luka; she was, after all, his hired gun. But one night, way back when she was seventeen had changed it all for her. Not even when she had seen Luka change had she been scared away as much as this one moment.

  The old building groaned with the wind, disturbing Cassie who was finding it hard to sleep. She swung her legs out of her bed, and decided to go and see if Luka was around so they could play chess or whatever. There was only the faint hint of moonlight seeping through the window as she crept from her room across the hall. Turning the corner, she ran her fingers lightly over the rough wall. Stopping outside the door to Luka's room, she knocked lightly on the door. There was no response.

  Undeterred, Cassie checked the rest of the house and headed toward the kitchen. His place was like a maze, one wrong turn and you ended up somewhere you did not want to be. She went to the very back of the building, passing many bedrooms and scents as she did. Reaching the back stairs, she tiptoed down the spiralling steps and froze when she heard noise.

  Bending down, she peeked out between the bars. Immediately, she clamped a hand over her mouth so she would not cry out. Luka stood in the dining area, a pretty blonde girl in his arms. Cassie couldn't see her face, but she saw Luka's. It was contorted into that of the monster, his mouth firmly clamped over her neck. His eyes were closed, a look of pure ecstasy on his face.

  A strangled cry escaped her and Luka's now black eyes came to meet hers. He lifted his head, but all Cassie could see was the blood that dripped from his fangs. His face shifted and he became her Luka again. Cassie couldn't move or speak as he laid the girl on the nearby couch. He carefully took a step toward her and began to speak “Cassandra...”

  She couldn't listen, couldn't breathe. Cassie turned on her heels and staggered up the steps, hoping to make it to her
room before he caught up with her. No chance of that. He was waiting for her at her door, his hands held out in peace.

  “Leave me alone.” Cassie could all but whimper at him. Luka stepped forward to place a hand on her shoulder. Cassie flinched at his touch, and he retreated.

  “Cassandra... I never wanted you to see me like that. Never. But you had to know that I drank blood. I am a vampire.”

  “I know that you’re a vampire, Luka,” she spat at him. “A monster just like you always said. You promised, you promised me not here, not in my home, and if you can break this promise, then why can't you break the rest?”

  He studied her for a second, unsure of what to say; she beat him to it. “Don’t you ever touch me again. You hear me. You wanted an assassin to hunt your rogue vamps, now you’ve got one. But don't expect any more from me. Now get out of my way!”

  The last few words were shouted at him. He silently side stepped, leaving room for her to pass by. He opened his mouth to speak, but she slammed the door in his face. Cassie knew he heard her as she threw herself on her bed and cried because it was only when she had begun to drift off to sleep that the scent of lavender and death disappeared.

  Nothing much had changed about the place since she had left. She paused a moment outside her old room, contemplating whether to have a peek or not. Her hand paused on the handle. No, she wouldn’t look, because if it was different, then he really didn't care; she couldn't bear that. Shaking her head, she walked the familiar corridor to Luka's room. She could sense him inside; hear him hum with the music that played. Cassie smiled to herself. Now, that was her Luka.

  She knocked lightly on the door, but receiving no answer, she opened the door and walked in. It always stunned her how wonderful Luka's room was. It was easily the size of a small house. One wall was covered floor to ceiling in what she imagined had to be thousands upon thousands of books. The opposite wall had more music than any music shop she had ever seen. A flat screen TV was positioned across from the bed, surrounded by movies. Cassie smiled inwardly at the memories of forcing Luka to sit and watch Disney films with her and her favourite vampire movies. Oh, how he’d moaned throughout one of her favourite films, disgusted with how unrealistic it was for vampires to sparkle.

  Music drifted from somewhere and Cassie scanned the room for Luka. His clothes were laid out on the bed, and she heard the sound of running water. Great, she thought, just what I need, another half-naked man. She was suddenly exhausted. Throwing herself on her once favoured spot, she leaned back against the pillow and closed her eyes, letting the soothing music wash over her. Cassie heard the shower switching off, and the light footfalls as Luka made his way from the bathroom. She kept her eyes closed, hoping to avoid the telling off she was sure to get, but when she could feel his eyes on her, she decided to speak before he could begin his telling off.

  “You know you surprise me all the time, Luka. I would never have picked you as a fan of these... I have to admit, I thought you'd be a Vampire Weekend type of guy or maybe a bit of the Grateful Dead.”

  “You used to listen to them all the time. I guess I grew fond of them.” His answer was simple, causing Cassie to open her eyes to look at him. Luka stood at the bottom of the bed, nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. He always did this to her, one look and she was powerless. God, he looks damn good. Cassie frowned at the smug smirk that spread across his face. Stop reading my thoughts!

  He proceeded to pull his t-shirt over his chest and walk behind the old Chinese screen with his jeans in his hand. Spoilsport, Cassie teased, smiling when she heard a slight chuckle. At least Luka seemed to be in a good mood. When he emerged from behind the screen, Luka was fully dressed and looking as devilishly handsome as he always was. He sat on the edge of the bed. Straightening up, Cassie tucked her legs under each other. They stared at one other for a minute before Luka uncharacteristically blurted out, “So, I take it you approve of Archer?”

  “Yeah, he seems all right.” She tried for a diplomatic way to answer. “I managed to do some stuff with my freaky powers, but I have a feeling it could take a while. You should know how hard it is to teach me anything.”

  Luka continued to stare at her, causing Cassie to shift uncomfortably in her seat. Jealousy poured through him. The feeling taking him off guard. He picked up on some of her thoughts that she was trying so carefully to guard. He knew that she liked Archer. There was some sort of connection between them, and Luka didn’t like it one bit. He wanted nothing more than to reach over and kiss her. To feel her lips against his, and make sure that she thought of no one but him. But he didn't have the luxury, or perhaps even the courage to do it. He forced his feelings away.

  Cassie watched him carefully. Watching an unusual display of emotions cross his face put her on edge. Luka was always so careful with his feelings; he guarded them fiercely. “What, do I have something in my teeth or what? Why are you staring at me like that?”

  “No, your teeth are fine, Cassandra. But we do need to speak about earlier. What came over you?” Luka relaxed and controlled his emotions once again, relieved at the change in subject; he had been too close to giving into temptation and kissing her.

  A moment of panic shot through Cassie as she remembered her moment with Archer. She calmed when she took in his own relaxed expression. If he knew about the almost-moment with Archer, there was no way he would be this calm, she convinced herself. “Um, I was being stupid and wanted you to talk to this stupid new mix of my powers seems to turn me into a horny teenager, and I can't help myself, but mostly, I just wanted to know you were close. I've…uh…kind of missed you.” Cassie felt ashamed, spilling all that to him and dropped her head.

  “Cassandra, I'm sorry. I thought it would be best if I kept my distance, that Vicktor's revelations would bring up old wounds and that you wouldn't want me around.”

  Anger bubbled in her veins, and she leaned a little closer to him. “And what about all the nights I screamed out for you, Luka...just like I did when I was sixteen...the nightmares were back, and I wanted the one person who I knew would keep me safe, no matter what.”

  Luka reached a hand to her cheek and wiped away a stray tear that Cassie hadn't realised had fallen. “I am sorry. I should have known better. But I cannot trust myself with you.”

  His statement was bold and true; she could hear it in his voice, now thick with emotion. Those intense green eyes were boring into her soul and grabbing hold. Cassie had to know what he meant. She inched closer to him until they sat side by side, almost touching. “What do you mean, Luka? Why don't you trust yourself around me? I'm confused.”

  Luka stood up and moved over to look out the window. His back was to her as he spoke, preventing Cassie from attempting to read his face. “I might not have been able to control myself, and have done something inappropriate.”

  “Drop the Keeper of the City protocol, Luka, and just be straight with me. What? You thought you might bite me? Keep me awake with your extremely annoying snoring? Fuck, Luka, I just... I don't fucking know what to think anymore.”

  Before Cassie realised where her rant had taken her, she was standing behind Luka, hitting him hard on the back. He spun her quickly around him and pressed her against the wall. Pinning her hands to her sides, and paused.

  Her heart pounding, she felt the cascade of tears flowing down her cheeks. A flutter of emotions crossed over Luka's usually stoic face; pity, grief, resolve. It was the last look that made her hold her breath.

  He did something she never expected him to do.

  Luka kissed her. He kissed her gently at first, pressing his lips against hers. Then, when he released her hands, she responded immediately; her fists travelled to his hair, pulling him in for a deeper kiss. Luka fought against reading her mind, not needing, or wanting, any more encouragement than his bold move. He heard her pulse quicken awakening his dark hunger. Trying to pull away, Cassie tightened her grip on him, refusing to let him break their moment. He si
ghed into her kiss, accepting their needs.

  Cassie was lost in his taste, in his smell; she wanted nothing more than to lose herself in him. Feeling her need match his own; Luka lifted her into his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her toward the bed.

  Sudden frantic knocking on the door accompanied by lots of commotion outside broke Luka’s stride. “Not now,” Luka growled, but the banging persisted followed by Archer pushing open the door. Casting a quick look in Cassie's direction, who was still wrapped around Luka, Archer turned his full attention on Luka.

  “I’m sorry, my friend, but this couldn’t wait. You have a visitor who’s demanding an audience, now. You wouldn’t believe who it was if I told you. You need to see it with your own eyes.”

  Luka straightened up and placed Cassie’s feet on the floor. His face a mask of ice as he went to Archer. “It’s okay. Cassandra and I can…talk later. Stay here, Cassandra. I will be back as soon as I can.”

  Cassie was grateful for the reprieve. Heat crept up her face as she blushed at the situation. Usually she would have been pissed at his command, but she was having a difficult enough time looking at Archer in the eye, let alone trying to have a conversation with him. Her thoughts were a jumble of jigsaw pieces that refused to slot together.

  Archer quickly shot that thought down in flames. “Um, Luka, our visitor also insisted that Cassie be present.”

  “What? But why me?” Cassie asked him, not liking the whininess in her voice, but unable to contain her frustration. Finally after years of dreaming about a hot and heavy session with Luka, it had come to fruition only to be destroyed by a hot angel and a stranger demanding her attention.

  “Don’t ask me, Princess, but she asked for you specifically. Even before she asked for Luka.” He turned away from her, stopped next to Luka and laughed. “I guess I'm not the only friend you’re going to make today, Princess.”


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