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Another Way To Bleed (Midnight Assassin)

Page 9

by Harris, Susan

  Completely absorbed in her bliss, Cassie almost failed to hear a throat clear. She leapt away from Luka. Sebastian stood in the doorway, his grin so bright it could illuminate the room. Flushed and slightly embarrassed, she turned to walk away, but felt a firm grip on her waist as Luka pulled her down to sit in his lap on the couch. Archer entered the room and inclined his head toward them, before he immediately left. Grunts and groans sounded from the next room as Archer hit the punch bag.

  Sebastian handed Cassie a cup of hot coffee; she couldn't help but wonder how the hell he had managed to get coffee in this place. She took a glorious sip, still slightly uneasy about her current position. She was not used to intimacy from anybody. Even her mother hadn't been a very touchy-feely person. Over the scent of the rich coffee, Cassie could detect the unmistakable scent of copper. Blood. Sebastian had set a covered cup in front of Luka, yet the vampire made no attempt to reach for it.

  Drink the blood, Luka. I won't run away from you drinking out of a cup. You need all the strength you can get when we go up against Cole. Just please don't dribble blood on your chin, or there’s no chance in hell I'm kissing you!

  Luka's eyes betrayed his cool demeanour, darting hungrily at the cup before he looked at her and shook his head. Archer, who returned to the room dripping in sweat, and Sebastian, stood silently watching them. If she was to prove that she accepted Luka for what he was and could cope with the darkness that surrounded them both, then she had to start now.

  Before she could change her mind, Cassie reached for the cup of blood, lifted off the lid and raised it to her lips. She bit back the urge to puke as she swallowed, ran the back of her hand against her mouth, placed the cup in Luka's hand and as she placed her head on Luka's shoulder, she shrugged, “Not bad.”

  Cassie was certain that if she was living in a western, the silence would have been rewarded with tumbleweed. Three ancient immortals stood speechless, mouths hanging open. She would have laughed, but it kind of scared her that the blood had in fact tasted amazing. Still feeling a little gutsy, she leaned over and kissed Luka on the cheek and whispered in his mind, “Drink it or I will...”

  Luka cautiously raised the glass to his own mouth and gulped some down. I wonder what they'd do if I just licked the blood off his lips? The thought sprang into her head before she could stop it, and she grinned as Luka almost choked on his drink. He raised an eyebrow, but Cassie just shrugged with mild amusement. She felt appalled with herself for drinking it, but it had tasted so damn good. She couldn't help but wish she had a glass of her own. Lifting her head at the gasp that emerged from the opposite side of the room, she saw that Sebastian’s glass now sat in front of her on the table.

  “Um cheers, Seb...”

  The vampire shook his head. “Alas, fair Cassandra, it was not me. I felt the pull of magic and the glass disappeared from my fingers to the table in front of you. You did that all by yourself, my dear.”

  Archer muttered so low, even the vampires in the room found it hard to hear him, but Cassie found she had heard the words as clear as if he had shouted them at her. “So you think that some of what the bitch of the damned said was true, Archie? That there are some things that will bring out my powers, like say having a shot of blood?”

  “Seems to be, Princess, if you can hear a whisper and summon on just a little blood intake, I’m extremely curious to see what would happen if you drank everything in that glass.”

  What else has Lilith refrained from telling her?

  Turning to Luka, Cassie sighed. “I know you think Lilith didn't show all her cards, but we just have to hope I don't go all grr and try and kill you all.”

  “Cassie, I didn't send that thought to you... you read my mind.”

  At that, she couldn't help but smirk. “Payback’s a bitch, boss.” As she stretched her mind out to see if it was only Luka's thoughts she could pick up, she felt a sharp pain in her head as the three put up some serious mental shields, quick and sharp. She held up her hands in defeat and took the glass in her hand. She could smell the rich coppery scent; her stomach grumbled in response. Blushing, she lifted the liquid and inhaled, stopping before she went any further. “If I hulk out or grow horns, somebody do something okay?” She walked to the corner of the room, away from prying eyes, and then she raised the glass to her companions. “Slainte,” and tipped it back her throat.

  This time she felt no urge to gag, only her body’s thirst for power, and the magic pulsing throughout her body as she drank. She could feel her eyes change colour as her senses exploded and everything became clearer. She staggered slightly as the head rush took over, and she dropped the glass. It shattered on the concrete floor, and she covered her ears to try and shield herself from the noise.

  Luka was suddenly in front of her, edging his way slowly towards her. “Cassie? Are you okay?” he asked her tentatively.

  She didn't know if she could answer that question right that second. Her own blood was pounding in her ears, and the magic urged to be released. Cassie felt the demon inside her rejoice at the sudden surge of power. Holding out her hand, she called for the nearest weapon to her, “Sword” which promptly landed in her hand. Then she closed her eyes, hoping to appear next to Archer. He yelped in surprise as she stood in front of him, sword at his throat.

  “Awesome, now this I can get used to,” she quipped before dropping the sword. “Guess Lilith was right when she said I needed to indulge to gain my full powers.”

  “Hell, woman, you are magnificent... If only I swung that way, I'd try and pry you from my brother’s grasp.”

  “Sorry, Seb, I'm a one-vampire woman.” She turned to Archer before she spoke again. “Let’s see if I can fly now too.”

  Pushing her palms downward, she concentrated as the angel had told her, and told herself to levitate. When she hit her head off the ceiling and landed flat on her ass, Cassie burst out laughing. “Guess I gotta work on some stuff!”

  Grasping Luka's hand, she let him help her up. The power still surged below the surface, but it felt different from when she had used her powers before. Anger had triggered it before, especially when she had been held captive by Vicktor. She wondered if she could do anything else. Gazing up into Luka's green, green eyes, she gave him a wicked smile. Taking a step back, she pointed a finger at his shirt and commanded, “Open.” The buttons popped off the black shirt, as Cassie squealed in delight.

  “Hey!” Luka let out a disgruntled cry.

  “Well, boss, I’m just trying out to see what I can do, right? So I can sorta levitate, read thoughts, command things to come to me, or command your shirt to do what I want... I'm intrigued to see what else I can do.”

  Placing his hands firmly on her shoulders, Luka had that serious, stick-up-his-ass, I’m-the-boss face and Cassie knew the next few words out of his mouth would not be good. “Cassie, we do not know how much power your body can take. And if your demonic side will take over if you use them too often. Please just be cautious on when and how you use them.”

  “Okay, okay, I promise. I understand that with great power comes great responsibility!”

  All three men groaned, but Cassie knew it was all in jest. A high-pitched wail sounded in the dead of night bringing them all back to the mission at hand. The night had crept in around them, pitch black and evil with no hint of moonlight. Despite the fact that Cassie no longer felt the cold air, she could sense it. She also felt that something about this night would change everything forever.

  “Right ladies, let’s lock'n'load. We got a job to do, and I miss my nice warm bed! No offense Seb...”

  Bowing ever so gentlemanly, Luka's brother gave her a smile so big she saw fang. She watched as Archer flexed his muscles and arranged his bow and arrows. Sebastian, though riddled with feminine features, now looked deadly as he twirled a scythe in his hand. Even her own Luka looked devastatingly beautiful and terrifying all in one as he shrugged on his usual black coat to conceal his own blades inside his jacket. He was deadly without the kni
ves; he had after all trained her, and she was the best at what she did.

  Focusing on her own weapons, she locked her belt around her waist, checking her ammo and making sure her guns were fully loaded. She slid a knife into her ankle strap, debating whether or not to take her beloved sword. Stealth would be necessary and her sword was big and sharp, and most definitely in charge. Frowning, she decided to leave it behind, so if she didn't make it, she could at least be buried with it.

  Straightening up, she turned to find Luka's eyes on her once again. He stalked towards her, cupped her face and kissed her like it was the last kiss they would ever share. They were both breathless, if that was possible for Luka anyway. Cassie nodded in response when Luka sent the thought to her, You and I Cassandra, we have had unfinished business for too long... when this is over, we will talk and we will make a decision for good... yes?

  With great reluctance, she pulled away, picked up her nine mil from her bag, checked the mag and clicked off the safety. The thrill of the hunt set in, along with the knowledge that at the end of this, all her questions would be answered. The night beckoned her, and she turned to her fellow creatures with a devilish smile. “Let’s go hunting boys.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The night had turned a devious shade of black with no light from either the moon or the stars. It was also painfully quiet. The screams and wails that had greeted them during the day were silent. Cassie could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as she crept along the desolate alleyways. The lack of demons did nothing to quench the rapidly increasing uneasy sensation that was consuming her stomach. She knew that Cole was waiting for them, and that no matter how prepared they were or how juiced up on blood she was, she couldn't shake the feeling that not all of them would make it out alive.

  Little drops of rain began to fall, splashing down on her skin. As they crossed the same bridge that she and Archer had sat on just a few hours before, she found it hard not to smile and stole a quick glance at the angel. Archer moved with a catlike grace, his beautiful face, set and determined, a warrior ready for battle. He had his wings furled against his back, which Cassie saw twitch as if bursting to stretch out and be free. Like me...

  Luka glanced back at her and she realised she must have projected the thought. She sighed and strode forward. Sebastian raised his hand and they all stood still. Placing a skinny finger to his lips, he inclined his head to the right. Slithering out from behind a dilapidated building was the ugliest, slimiest creature Cassie had ever had the disgust to lay eyes on. It would not have been an exaggeration to say that the snake-like creature was so long it could reach all the way back to Cork with the tail still tipping Abandon City. Brownish green in colour, the thing had scales all over its body, and when it hissed, Cassie spied fangs that would make any vamp jealous.

  Be still, Cassie. It cannot see but can sense movement. Try and stay still no matter what happens.

  Luka's words did little to ease her, but the creature continued to squirm along the pavement until it disappeared down an open crack. Cassie let out the breath she was holding. A piercing howl disturbed the eerie silence, and was soon joined by another, before the unmistakable song of the wolf played out for them.

  I think it’s time we split up, boys... two at the front... two to sneak in the back...

  Luka’s voice came back at her sharp, Cole will be expecting that, Cassie...

  Yes, but he wants something from me. I expect I could walk my ass through the front door and go sit down for dinner, but I take it everyone would have a problem with that?

  The resounding answer proved her right. She shook her head slightly at their over protectiveness and flung her own comment into the ring. I am well able to defend myself and don't need any looking after. Am I not a master vampire’s assassin? This is also my gig...

  They all just stared at her with blank expressions as if they were trying to come up with some sort of excuse not to implement her plan. She also knew the other portion of her plan would cause some raised eyebrows, but to hell with all the male ego bruising.

  Right... so... me and Archer will go in the front and scope out the inside of the warehouse... Luka, you and Seb go in the back... whoever spots Cole first can let the others know, and we can then regroup... And Luka, before you go off on one, they’ll expect you to stick with me, so being with Archer will throw them off... plus he can always fly me out if the shit hits the fan...

  Luka's jaw almost hit the floor before he composed himself and nodded. He glared at Archer who held his hand over his heart and bowed his head ever so slightly. Cassie didn't hear what was said, but she could guess the gist. She took a step in Sebastian's direction and held out her hand. No matter how close she was with Luka, she still had to fight the unease being near a vampire gave her. The vampire grabbed hold of the hand and drew her into a tight hug. He whispered something in a language she didn't understand in her ear before turning and scuttling up the side of the building.

  Turning, she realised she was alone with Luka. In this vast city of evil, she felt that despite everything, no one would ever mean as much to her as Luka did, maybe not even her own mother.

  They didn't speak, just closed the distance between them. Cassie gasped as Luka's mouth crushed down on her own. She eased his mouth open and grazed her tongue against his fangs. Luka shivered and broke from the kiss. He cupped her face in his hands and held her gaze. Don't you dare die on me, Cassandra Marie Murphy... or I swear I will bring you back one way or another... And with a quick peck on the forehead, he was gone.

  With all the impending doom, Cassie felt guilty for even feeling a tiny bit of happiness, but after a kiss like that, if she was going to die, then die happy she would.

  Feeling a warm hand on her shoulder, she relaxed, the scent of strawberries and sunshine tasting delicious on her tongue. They moved forward, shoulder to shoulder, Cassie’s hand firmly on her gun. She felt the swell of magic from the warehouse, pulling at her from the inside out. It beckoned her inside, and she fought to stop herself from heading off at speed into the darkened building.

  So have you come to take me back to mommy dearest, Cassandra my dear?

  Cole's voice infiltrated her mind, and considering there was no change in Archer's expression, it was just for her pleasure that he spoke.

  It’s not every day I have to return a demon brat to its mom 'cause he's had a tantrum... come on, Cole, you’re a grown demon, couldn't you have stood up to mommy like a brave little soldier rather than run away and have to be dragged home?

  A sinister chuckle floated around her head like surround sound. Ahh, Cassandra, you are quite amusing... it’s going to be a shame when I have to gut you open and play with your entrails.

  Why, Cole, there's no need for all this flirting, hunny... if you want me, come get me... I can't wait to make you scream, like the little bitch you are.

  The connection was severed, but Cassie sensed that it was so she would not know how frustrated Cole was at her lack of fear. She remembered what Lilith said, that he was a prince of nightmares and could summon up her worst fears. It wasn't the fears that worried her, for she had faced her worst fears and survived, it was the uncertainties of the future that caused her grief. She nudged Archer’s arm and he stopped. She pointed to her head and then to the warehouse in front of them and grinned. Archer returned her grin understanding her signal: Cole was inside and he was pissed. Peeking out from behind the wall, she checked that the street was empty before crossing and placing a hand on the door. Unsurprisingly, it was unlocked. Archer stepped in ahead of her, his bow poised to shoot.

  The smell of death and decay almost knocked Cassie off her feet as she stepped over the threshold. The sight of all the blood and body parts reminded Cassie of when she had been held captive by Vicktor, but she had little compassion or regrets that all these mangled bits belonged to murderers. She wriggled out of the memory and followed Archer up the stairs. Although it made no sound under his feet, the stairs creaked and gro
aned as she made her way after him. She swore at herself and her lack of stealth.

  When they reached the top of the stairs, they came upon an entirely open plan floor. It appeared to be empty. Walking into the middle, Cassie tried to see if she could pick up any scents, but nothing. Not even Archer. She looked up and over at him, but he looked as puzzled as she felt. You didn't think I would be this easy to get to, did you, my dear? I wish I was there to watch you be torn apart, but ahh, c’est la vie... maybe I'll see you in hell someday.

  Cassie opened her mouth to scream at Archer that it was a trap, but the floor beneath her creaked and she fell through. Landing with a thump, she groaned as her back met with solid concrete. The angel was nowhere to be seen. Brushing the debris from her, she felt around for her gun but to no avail. Luka? No answer. Archie? No answer. Seb?


  She looked up at the floor she had fallen through as it repaired itself, sealing her in, alone and in darkness. Cassie thought now would be the best time to see if her powers extended any further. “Fire,” she commanded at her empty gun hand.


  “Fuck,” she grunted “Is it too much to ask for some fucking fire!” She let her anger and frustration out and sparks burst from her fingers. A small ball of flames appeared in her hand, not touching her skin or burning her. The room was suddenly alight and Cassie became aware of the danger she was in.

  In the long, windowless room, she spotted a door at the far end, giving her a means of escape. But between her and that door were about twenty ghouls, who as soon as she had lit up her hand, knew she was in the room, and the only fresh meat to be had. She was on her own and needed a plan. All eyes were focused on her, saliva dripping from their disfigured mouths. They started to move sluggishly towards her, making that same ‘ole sound that they made in Hollywood movies.


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