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Another Way To Bleed (Midnight Assassin)

Page 11

by Harris, Susan

  “Neasa, I want to up Cassie's training if possible. She has shown good skill with a sword, and she can handle herself in unarmed combat also.” Bridget spoke directly to her mother whose beautiful face looked wrong as she frowned at her fellow witch.

  “Bridget, I understand that you feel it would be of more use to Cassie, but she needs to concentrate more on her spell casting and other duties rather than just her affinity for violence.”

  Her mother’s voice was stern yet not harsh as she looked sideways at her daughter. Cassie raised her eyebrow in slight protest. Okay, so she had almost taken the head off of Siobhan when she had gotten angry in training, but when she danced around the gym in combat, she felt alive. Everything in her soul told her she was meant to fight.

  “Come on, mom please? Please? I promise I'll work harder on my spells, but I'm not like the other girls. I'm like Bridget. I can feel it in my bones.”

  The room was suddenly silent and all eyes darted between me and my mother. The unspoken elephant was most certainly in the room. She was not like all of them - she was half demon, but Neasa refused to say who her dad was and there was no convincing her otherwise. After a brief staring contest, Cassie dropped her gaze and looked at her hands.

  “I will speak to Bridget about the matter and let you know my decision when I have made it. Now off you go with Helena, you and Siobhan. And you two, do not cause any mischief or no party on Friday with the warlock boys, got it?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” they both chimed in and followed the aging witch out of the room. As they walked out into the city’s streets that Cassie loved so much, her friend linked her arm and bumped her hip. Giggling as they skipped down the street, a passerby smiled at the two young girls so full of life. They stopped at little shops in the market, picking up herbs and spell ingredients along the way. They were heading for the park to convene with nature, which Cassie was useless at, but Siobhan could make a withering flower spring back to life, or a winter's tree sprout fresh leaves.

  You’re not really here, Cassie ... think... think... focus... this is not real....

  The old witch looked at her then, gave her a crooked smile before handing Siobhan all her shopping. “Go back home, Siobhan dear. I only need Cassie to help me with everything else. Neasa will need the sage for a spell in half an hour so do not dawdle girl. Go now.”

  You never argued with a prophetess. If Helena said her mother would be casting a spell in half an hour, then she would. Her visions were legendary and never wrong. Her age nor the extent of her power was not commonly known, but Cassie felt the waves of magic roll off the woman even when she slept. Siobhan kissed Cassie on her cheek and was gone. Helena continued to move gracefully down the busy streets, whereas Cassie bumped into a few people to catch up with the woman. Cassie wished she had been sent home instead of Siobhan, so she could try and talk her mother round about training with Bridget, but there was no way she was going to try and convince Helena that she needed to be elsewhere.

  “You may feel as you young liked to say 'pissed' that you’re stuck with the old biddy again today, Cassie, but one day you will be thankful I dragged you with me.” The woman grinned back at her, displaying that one missing tooth.

  “Hey, no fair reading me, Lena. Come on, where are we going?” Cassie pleaded.

  Light bubbly laughter filled the air. “Your lack of patience will be your downfall, my dear, but you are amusing to have around.”

  “That's 'cause when I try to cast spells things seem to blow up and you like when things go boom!”

  “That could be it as well,” she chuckled.

  They walked down a darkened street that Cassie had never been down before; it reeked something rotten. The elder witch knocked on a side door three times then paused and knocked again. The hairs on the back of her neck stood to attention.

  You’re not meant to be here... It’s all an illusion, Cassie. Snap out of it....

  The heavy door groaned as it opened and Helena ushered her inside. Taking her by the crook of her arm, Cassie was lead down a dark hallway, the only light seeping out from underneath a closed door. Fear coursed through her entire body as unfamiliar scents invaded her nose. Her fingers trembled as they neared the closed door. Grasping Helena's hand, she opened her mouth to speak, the words catching in her throat. “Helena, I don't like it here, there’s something not quite right in this place. Can we go please? It smells all wrong.” But her companion kept moving, ignoring her pleas.

  Memory, memory, memory...

  Heart pounding in her chest, she prayed to the Goddess to keep her safe as the door opened, a light temporarily blinding her. When Cassie's eyes regained focus, she took in a breath. Before her stood the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on. He was movie-star hot with chiselled features, raven black hair, muscles she could see hiding underneath his short sleeved t-shirt and the most amazing green eyes known to man. Siobhan would never believe her in a million years. The man took Helena's hand in his and raised it to meet his lips. She pushed him back into the room before grabbing Cassie's arm and pulling her along. Cassie took in the room, simple and minimalistic, with just a table and two chairs. He motioned for them to sit and Cassie obeyed while cursing herself for sitting open-mouthed, staring at him.

  Goddess, he’s yummy, she thought. When she caught his eye and he was smirking at her, she shrieked. “You’re a mind reader! Damn it!”

  He laughed, a rich baritone laugh that sent shivers up her spine. Helena shook her head in dismay and proceeded to apologise on her behalf. “Forgive the child, Luka; she has yet to learn to think before she speaks.”

  “Hey! I can say sorry for myself if needs be, Lena... and I'm not a child.” She smiled at the woman to show that it was all in jest, almost forgetting the man leaning against the wall that had his eyes fixed on her. Cassie closed her eyes and inhaled. Her eyes went wide and she began to shake her head in disbelief. Both of the adults stared at her, but Cassie couldn't find the words to articulate anything.

  “It is quite alright, Cassie, tell us what you scented.”

  After Cassie hesitated, Helena nodded reassuringly. “It’s okay, you’re safe here, I swear to the Goddess.”

  Cassie took a deep breath and the words erupted from her mouth. “He smells like lavender, sweet calming lavender laced with death. He is extremely powerful, almost on par with you, but not quite. It flows from him in waves. Like you, I can't really tell how old he is, but I know he's not alive... if I'm not going mad, I’d say he was a vampire. But they don't exist. Not in real life.”

  The dead man looked at her in wild amazement, and he opened his mouth to speak, closed it and tried again. “Remarkable, Helena, she is just as you described. She is most unique, like a piece of fine art. I didn't believe you when you told me, but she could be of much use if what you say you saw is almost upon us.”

  “It is, old friend. I have seen a lot in the past few weeks, all of which comes down to this abrupt, stubborn and strong-willed girl, so the Goddess help us.”

  Cassie clenched her fist. “Hey, could you people stop talking about me like I'm not here, 'cause like hello, here I am... complete mind-fuck over here, people... vampires are real, you’re talking about me like I’m the Goddess reincarnated and then insulting me... can I just go?”

  She stood up quickly, her chair scraping along the floor. Helena stood with her, but did not move toward the door yet. “Cassie, we are leaving soon, I promise. You may not understand, but one day, in the not so distant future, you will remember that I brought you here and you were safe. Luka will look out for you when we are gone, and you will be fierce and strong.”

  The woman sighed, her face turning sorrowful as she added a final part. “And when you do remember, I hope you can forgive me for my deceit.”

  “Helena? What are you talking about? Have you been smoking some weird wacky herbal shit? What do you mean when I remember? What deceit? I want to go right now!”

  The last few words came out in a desperate
sob. She wanted to go home, feel safe in her mother's arms, yet there was a nagging feeling she was supposed to be doing something else, something not here. The cool, calm vampire appeared in front of her, placing his strong hands on her shaking shoulders. She looked up and held his gaze, her face stern and lips tight. He leaned in and Cassie felt his ice cold lips brush against her forehead. When he looked back into her eyes, she felt as though she could get lost in a sea of green and she wouldn't care.

  “I am very sorry for your distress, Cassandra, but it was essential I meet you just this once before all hell breaks loose. When I do come for you, however, you won't remember me or who I am. When you leave this building, you will forget you were ever here. Instead, you will believe that you were in a coffee shop with Helena... that is all. Do you understand me, Cassandra?”

  She fought the compulsion and he had to repeat himself, but in the end, she nodded, her brain already beginning to feel fuzzy. The elders nodded at each other and the meeting was over. When Cassie stepped back out into the Irish sunshine, the memory of meeting Luka was erased from her mind, for now. Cassie felt strange very quickly, the edges of her vision blurred and her stomach rolled. She grasped the side of the wall as she sank down, her forehead placed on the cool wall. Her inner voice screamed at her, IT'S NOT REAL!!!!

  As the scene around her turned black, she heard a sadistic laugh and words crawling in her head like an insect. Cassandra, I can take all your memories, even hidden ones from you. One by one, until you come of your own will to me. I will break you, you can be sure of that. You will be mine. I will make you think it's real and then rip it all apart.....if you don't join me, you'll go mad. I will feast on your fears, your hopes and your memories and love every minute of it. So we've had a memory, now let’s see what your worst memory of being afraid is, shall we, my dear? Yummy, I can taste it already. I hope you’re ready to scream 'cause I'm all ears.

  Cassie let off a scream as she tumbled into darkness with nothing but laughter for company.

  Chapter Eighteen


  His name popped into Cassie's head as it continued to spin. Was that a true memory? Had Luka known her before, before her world had been turned upside down and gutted like a fish? Did Helena tell him that her mother would become a vampire and that Cassie would be the one to kill her? The questions threatened to crush her, the pain in her chest constricting her. She would have puked if the once familiar scent of rotting blood and flesh crept its way into her mind.

  Flinging open her eyes, she gasped. No, no, no. She wanted to be anywhere but here, back in that basement, back in that nightmare which continued to have such a hold over her. The one that caused her to scream out when she slept, almost tormenting her, grabbing hold of her and yanking so hard she could fall, losing her mind forever.

  Thankfully, she was not in her past life’s body this time.

  But watching what Vicktor did to you, and you being defenceless to stop it will break you, Cassandra. You will crumble to pieces and I will enjoy watching you do so. Cole's voice taunted her.

  Cassie forced herself to bite back a response, as the little shit was only getting off on her discomfort. It was strange, watching yourself and not being able to do anything to stop what was happening, just staring helpless, disconnected and angry. Although, she guessed that if she couldn't interfere then the same rules applied. She felt a swell of fear and anger in her belly as Vicktor strode into the room. His eyes were the same maddening red that Cassie remembered, the hunger and perverse lust written all over his face.

  I get out. I get out. I get out... he does not kill me and I do not become a vampire... I am free... But was she really?

  “Isn’t all this kinky crap just a little bit too cliché, Langer, at least be original.” Her own voice croaked from the table startling Cassie. She barely recognised the girl that lay on the table; her eyes blazed with anger and her whole body was tense. As her counterpart remained perfectly still, while the rancid vampire chuckled and ran his hand over her thigh, present day Cassie shuddered.

  “Ah, Cassandra, I've waited a long time for you, my dear. So beautiful, so strong, so haunted... just like your mother.”

  Cassie was pinned to the spot, unable to move or scream or even cover her ears because hearing it a second time would not make it any easier. She was forced to stand in the corner and be silent, a thing she had never been any good at.

  “What the fuck do you know about my mother?”

  Cassie knew how her counterpart was feeling, the venom in her voice as she spat out the words at her captor. A brief look of relief washed over prisoner Cassie and present day Cassie wished she too could have Luka's reassuring words caress the insides of her mind. The psychotic vampire straddled her then and licked the dried blood from her face. Both Cassie’s shivered. As Vicktor whispered in her ear, onlooker-Cassie was unable to hear, but she heard those words in her head as if they were screamed at her. “My Cassandra, who do you think it was that turned her? It was meant to be you, my sweet, but poor mama witch got in the way. She would have turned you too if you hadn't killed her first.”

  Now Cassie began to shake, sweat dripping from her brow, and she couldn’t bear to hear any more as she watched herself on that table.

  You see, Cassandra, it was all your fault, wasn't it? If you hadn't run like a coward and hid when mommy told you to, then she would still be alive. She sacrificed herself for you and then you go and kill her. You are just like me, Cassandra, a killer, a demon. Evil tarnishes your soul and you destroy everything around you. Siobhan, your coven, your mother and even your vampire... Death follows you, Cassandra. They should call you the reaper instead of the keeper’s assassin. You're an empty soulless monster, and the sooner you start to understand that, Cassandra, the better and more powerful you will be.

  Cole was right; it was all her fault. She had been a helpless teenager who forgot all her training and lost her nerve when faced with a vicious vampire for the first time. She had hidden in the space underneath the kitchen pantry. Huddled in the dark like a coward, crying and snivelling because her mother had ordered her to hide. If she had even a sliver of her mother’s bravery, then she would have fought side-by-side with her. Maybe then… maybe they would have both survived. Her mother would be alive and Cassie wouldn't be the killer she was: a killer with as much blood on her hands as Vicktor.

  A little voice inside her head spoke to her, trying to reassure her that Cole was just trying to fuck with her, break her down, so she'd agree to do what he wanted.

  “You bastard!” Both Cassie’s screamed out at their tormentors. “Why me? Why her? I'm going to slit your freaking throat!”

  The fight in her doppelganger’s voice spurred Cassie on. She used as much control as she could and steadied her voice. Hey, Cole, I've seen this movie before, would you mind fast-forwarding to the end, so I can come kick your sorry ass?

  So you still think you can win, my dear? What makes you think you ever came out of that basement alive? How can you be sure you haven’t been dreaming during your transition and will wake up soon a blood thirsty, savage killer just like Vicktor wanted you to be? Have you invented all of this to sooth your fragile mind into believing you are still that naive little bitch on the table?

  Shut up, you disgusting little shit... You have to use fears and memories in order to try, and I mean try, and defeat people. I, on the other hand, will just stick my knife so far up into your gut, you will feel the tip of it on your tongue. Face me like a man, Cole. Come on or are you scared of the itty bitty girl?

  I prefer to keep my hands clean, Cassandra, so I am just going to twist your reality some more. Do you know I’m doing the same to your vampire? He has already tried to stake himself twice, and all I have done is replay his worst fear over and over and over until he began to go mad

  Cassie could almost see Cole sitting there, rubbing his hands in glee.

  Do you want to know what he most fears? The one thing I told him he had done? Killed you
... drained every last bit of half-breed blood from your body until there was nothing left but a shrivelled corpse. His love and loyalty for you is disgusting. Even my minions have been taking bets on who will break first... my money’s on Luka.

  You spoiled little shit. I WILL GUT YOU... get it... Your mother only said I had to bring you to her; she never said in how many pieces. Bring it on, you poor excuse for a demon. You will not break me... by the Goddess you won't.

  Cole's laughter echoed and reverberated throughout the room making the lines surrounding her memory, or nightmare, or whatever the fuck it was, begin to blur around the edges. Cassie braced herself for what would happen next. She felt the balance of the scene change, and she knew now was not the time to think or doubt and start to believe that maybe Cole was right, that she was dead and soon she would wake and become the monster she knew she had buried deep inside.

  And here was me trying to be nice, Cassandra, but yet again, your mouth gets you in trouble. Maybe I'll let Luka stake himself next time so you won't have anybody to come back for. Shall we see what would have happened if you weren't some freak of nature, an abomination of species and had no power to summon... let’s see what Vicktor might have done to you... or did he already do it, and this just means you will wake up soon? Even I'm a little confused now...

  Cole's voice drifted off into the abyss and Cassie focused on the scene in front of her. As long as she was still a viewer, she would remain calm, remember it was all in her head and just a mirage.


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