Another Way To Bleed (Midnight Assassin)

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Another Way To Bleed (Midnight Assassin) Page 13

by Harris, Susan

  Pulling herself up, she looked around, but Luka was no longer in the room with her.

  “Son of a bitch!” She groaned in frustration. She heard footsteps approach and unsuccessfully felt round for a weapon. It was no use, she was unarmed with nothing but her sharp tongue to protect her. Slowly rising to her feet, she leaned against the cage bars for support and waited. The basement door opened, a giant lycan striding in. It took Cassie a second to catch on that she had captured him about two years ago for turning young girls without permission from his alpha. He was ugly as hell, gifted with crooked teeth and a face only his mother could have loved. He sneered at her as he approached, but Cassie knew that the bigger they were the harder she had to hit ‘em. Simple.

  “Remember me, mongrel?” he grunted, his smile widening, flashing Cassie a full set a yellow-black teeth.

  “You ever hear of dental floss, dog? Works wonders.”

  Growling, he edged closer, but Cassie refused to move. “You’re going to wish you were nicer to me when Cole gets his hands on you. ‘Cause when he's used you, I get ya, and then you'll wish you were dead.”

  She folded her arms across her chest and gave him her best grin. “All I have to do is get a whiff of your breath and I wish I was dead, dude. You should ask Cole to pay you in mints... Dude, that’s rank.”

  He lunged for her, but she sidestepped him and he crashed head first into the bars. She could only jest to herself that he was probably seeing stars, but to add some more insult, she kicked his ass so his knees thunked down on the concrete. He clambered to his feet; face flush with a mixture of embarrassment and anger.

  “Come on, dog, I could kick your ass all day long and not be out of breath.” Cassie beckoned him forward, but the wolf froze, nodded and paused before her answered her.

  “I’m to bring you straight to Cole and he doesn't want you harmed, so get your ass in gear, bitch, and move.”

  The poor boy looked so disappointed that Cassie felt a little sorry for him. Well not that much. She needed the energy for when she saw Cole next. She indicated for him to lead the way, but he grabbed her arm, forcing her forward. Cassie scoped out the rooms as they shuffled through the warehouse, plotting her escape, but the blade that pricked her spine gave her second thoughts. Plus, she really had no intentions of leaving dead or alive until she made Cole suffer. A lot.

  Familiar scents assaulted her nose as they came to a standstill outside a door at the very end of the corridor. Cassie guessed by the smells that three demons, a witch and a vampire were inside. The witch was the wildcard because she might have powers that rivalled Cassie's, which at the moment were MIA. The lycan thrust through the open door and Cassie did her best to stand, hands on hip and as cocky and defiant as she used to be.

  “Ahh, Cassandra my dear, good of you to join us. Did you have a nice nap?” Cole’s smug demeanour grated on Cassie; she looked forward to smashing his face in more. Running her hand through her hair, she shrugged aiming for nonchalance.

  “Oh, yeah, it was peachy, riveting stuff I must say... just a bit predictable, don't you think?”

  Ignoring her sarcasm, he gestured to the seat beside his and told her to sit down. When she opened her mouth to tell him to fuck himself, he spoke again. “And before you decline my offer in that elegant ladylike manner, it was not a request. Sit.”

  “Well since you asked so nicely,” she grumbled, taking the seat. She plucked a strawberry from one of the overflowing bowls and popped it into her mouth. All the monsters at the table stared at her. She propped her feet up on the table leaning back in the chair, hoping to piss off Cole enough that he did something stupid. And it was working, if the reddening of his ears was anything to go by. He turned to address his fellow dinner guests, trying his best to ignore the insolent woman at his table.

  “If you would excuse us, Cassandra and I have a few things to hash out.”

  All but one of the demons scampered from the room. The demon glared at Cassie, steam almost pouring from his ears as she refused to glance in his direction. His voice was shaky, as if he was struggling for control, his gills flapping. “My liege,” he stared at Cassie and snorted, “that half-breed sent me here under the keeper’s orders and she killed my partner. I want nothing more than to tear her ribs from her chest and use them to clean my teeth.”

  Cassie couldn’t resist. “Do fish demons have teeth? ‘Cause they certainly don't have any balls the way you cried like a baby when I chopped your partner into sushi.”

  The demon roared so loudly it almost shattered the windows; he flung himself at Cassie. He froze mid-leap as Cole held up his hand, and with the flick of his wrist, the demon flew through the air, coming to a stop only when the door met his face.

  “OUT!” Cole screamed, the demon immediately obeying, his fists clenched by his side, glaring at Cassie as she waved goodbye. When he shut the door behind him, Cole sat down in his own chair, filled his glass with wine, and took a sip before he looked Cassie dead in the eyes.

  “So you survived my realm of dreams my dear? I'm impressed. Stronger men have faltered and lost themselves in their heads... Just ask Luka.”

  He was trying to bait her, make her lose her cool and strike first, but Cassie could wait. She would have her vengeance and Cole would arrive back to his mother in an assortment of pretty little boxes if Cassie had her way.

  “Can we get on with this Cole? I'm getting bored now.”

  “I’m aware that my mother sent you to fetch me, Cassandra, and what Lilith wants, she usually gets. But I will not be dragged back to hell when I can rule a kingdom myself. It’s your last chance to join me, Cassandra. Be my queen and we can be a force to be reckoned with.”

  “What is it with demons and vampires wanting me to be their queen? Did you guys never hear of women’s liberation? I'm a killer, not a queen and I have no interest in crawling into bed with you, Cole, literally or figuratively. One way or the other, I will bring you to Lilith. It’s what I do.”

  Cole studied her, and then rose, the cocky little shit turning his back on her like she was no threat.

  “My mother wants nothing more than to show Lucifer that she spawned a son for him, one of power and grace, with the ability to rule beside him. I do not wish to be anybody’s second, and I certainly do not need any favours from Lucifer.”

  “So the reason why you stormed off in a temper tantrum is because you have daddy issues? Are you serious? Cole, get some balls, man. We all have daddy issues, but you don't see me spitting the dummy out of the pram because I don't know who mine is? For the love of the Goddess, dude, grow the fuck up.”

  Continuing to gaze out the window, he showed no emotion, but the tension in his shoulders was obvious. She heard him sigh and place his hands on the windowsill. She waited for what seemed like an age before he turned to speak to her. “That is a gift you know, not knowing, at least you can pretend. But I am Lucifer’s son. There are pressures and expectations that I do not want or need. Lilith thinks that Lucifer does not know I exist, but I assure you that man knows all. He came to me you see, when I was a child, and told me he hoped someday I would be of some use to him, or else he would kill me, because none of Lucifer’s children could be weak. But I will not bow down to him or anyone else. I was born to rule.”

  Cassie unfolded her arms and stood; the stupidity of the boy now a serious irritation. She tried to see if she could summon up even a smidge of power, but nothing. Okay, so I'm going to have to fight my way out... let’s get this done.

  “I made a deal with your bitch-of-a-mother, Cole, and I don't break deals, no matter what. So you can make this easy or hard on yourself, but I ain’t listening to your childish bullshit anymore.”

  “But you are powerless, Cassandra, and weak. How can you even think you can defeat me? Your friends are dead. You have nothing left.”

  “Then I have nothing left to lose, and you know what they say about desperate people, hey?”

  Without hesitation, she picked up the knife on the t
able and flicked it at Cole, but the bastard moved at the last second. She had just missed his eye. They circled each other, waiting for someone to strike. He had his fists up, but he lacked training, so he was twisted into pure shock as she punched him so hard in the face she heard bones crunch.

  “You broke my nose, you bitch,” he cried out and Cassie laughed at the ridiculousness of his response. Cole wiped the blood from his face, his eyes darkening. He waved his hand sending her through the air, but she rolled with it and landed on her feet. He tried again, but she ducked, judging that she had to be in direct line of his gestures for them to work. She was right. So she had a fighting chance at least. That was something.

  Cole leaned back against the wall, his breathing was rapid. Cassie knew he was no fighter. Being attached to mommy’s apron strings had done him no good.

  What about poor Luka, Cassie? Have you forgotten that I tortured him until he begged me on his knees for death? Or that I burnt your angel from the inside out, over and over until he disappeared? Don't you want to kill me as much as I want to kill you?

  Cole's voice was nothing more than an itch she wished she could scratch, but Cassie was a hunter: solid, focused and never missing her prey. Emotions and grief could wait for later.

  Back to trying to irritate my brain, Cole? Or are you afraid that this little girl is going to hand your mother your ass on a plate? Does she have your balls in a glass jar in the cupboard in hell, or does she let you play with them sometimes?

  “Someday that mouth of yours will piss off the wrong person, Cassandra, and then they will pull out your tongue and teach you to have some respect.”

  Smirking, she shrugged. “But I'm guessing by your tone that today will not be that day. So what you got up your well-tailored sleeves, Cole? Come on, let’s dance.”

  Cole lengthened his arms and a rumble began under Cassie's feet. The floor cracked, splitting open to reveal a pit of hell. Soulless eyes stared back at her, hands reached up to grab her. She balanced on one foot almost falling over and into certain death. Throwing herself to the side, her eyes fell on a sword that was attached to the wall. Placing her leg against the wall, she pulled it free and twirled it in her hand to work out how useful it would be to her. She could hear Cole begin to mutter spell words; it was now or never. She jumped up on the table and slid in his direction. She swung the sword, narrowly missing his head. Cole yelped a high-pitched cry. She smiled sadistically at him and poised herself to strike again. Suddenly, she was knocked off her feet, the sword scooting across the floor as a massive paw landed square on her chest. Damn, that thing needs a freaking bell! She tried to push herself up, but the weight of the hellhound was too much.

  “You see now, Cassandra, powerful men have powerful allies. You should have chosen your battle more carefully, and then maybe, you would have had a chance to survive under my rule. Do you know what’s worth fighting for, when it’s not worth dying for?”

  His ego seemed genuinely bruised when Cassie laughed. “For the love of the Goddess, Cole. Green Day? In your hour of triumph and victory, you quote Green Day? Now don't get me wrong, that is an awesome song, but where is the poetry? The flamboyance? It’s hardly going to go down as one of the greatest speeches of all time, if you ask me.” She moaned slightly as the hound pushed harder down on her chest. Cassie wiggled her arms free, and waited.

  “It’s too bad you have to die, half-breed, because you could have amused me here for an age. Good riddance, you mouthy little bitch... maybe I'll see you in hell!”

  Quick as lightning, she put her hands on the hound’s neck and twisted, shifting out of the way before the beast fell on her, crushing her. She kip-upped off the floor, grabbed the sword and pounced on the annoying little shit. He tried to squirm away, but she held the blade across his neck and pressed down deep, drawing blood.

  “Now, you self-obsessed Langer, you’re going to be a good little demon and do as you’re told.” She peered down at him, trying to make out why he had a self-satisfied grin plastered on his face. Then she heard the battle cries emerging from all over the warehouse, and no longer needed to guess. Fuck. Think, Cassie, think!! There was only one thing she could do. Taking a deep breath, she pressed harder on Cole's skin, increasing the blood flow. Bottoms up, she thought grimly as she leaned into Cole's neck and bit him.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The warm, sweet liquid poured into her throat. It was delicious and she wanted more. Cole tried to push her off him, but Cassie was so consumed by the bloodlust, he was no match for her. Cassie put her arm around the crook of his neck and pulled him closer. The demon inside her rejoiced as power flooded her body.

  Cassandra, please, you’re killing me. Cole's voice rang out bringing her back to her senses. She sat back abruptly, her vision swimming and her heart racing.

  “Whoa, head rush,” she muttered. Cassie clicked her fingers and flames burst out in her hands. Cole scurried away from her, holding his hand over his neck as she juggled the flames.

  “What the hell are you?” Cole demanded, but his question remained unanswered as the doors burst open and demons stomped in. Her eyes shone blood red as she turned to face the mountain in front of her. She could almost hear the music build up that usually accompanied a movie fight scene, and beamed at the thought. The ugly-ass fish demon that had gone for her before, stepped ahead of the fray, his temper still raging.

  “Come get me, bitches,” she cackled, an honest to the Goddess cackle, surprising herself as much as the onlookers. She must have looked a sight: red-eyed, blood dripping from her mouth, standing over the body of a dead hellhound while their supposed master cowered in the corner. Losing her patience, she thrust her hand open, sending the flames to the nearest demons. The smell of scorched flesh and the shrieks of burning demons greeted Cassie. The power that now pulsed in her veins was impressive. The blood she drank back at Sebastian’s hadn't had this much effect on her; she had to admit that she liked it. Waving her hands in front of the nervous crowd, she summoned up the fuel bubbling inside her.

  “Burn!” she yelled out and watched mesmerised as the entire group of demons burst into an array of orange as the flames consumed them. Cassie stood and watched them scramble over each other until there was nothing but dead carcasses decorating the floor. More demons attempted to bravely charge the room, but most took in the scene that was displayed for them in full HD and fled. She kicked the sword into her hand, grabbed Cole by his collar and dragged the demon from the room. The hallways were now eerily quiet, and the hair on the back of her neck stood to attention.

  Come on, Cassandra, don't be like this. It was all meant to be in jest. I promise... please don't take me to her.

  Shut the fuck up, you miserable excuse for a demon.

  She tugged the demon with her, yanking open the main door to the warehouse and stepped out into the city’s streets. Dusk was beginning to settle on the prison; soon there would no longer be an added protection from the vampires. There was an air of discontent, as if the balance in the world had been thrown out of whack. Cassie stood still for just a second trying to focus on just how she was going to lug the 185 pound demon across the city to Luka's car. Luka... His name echoed around her mind as her heart stuttered in grief. He was gone. A tear threatened to escape, but she sucked it up like a good little solider and concentrated on the matter at hand.

  “You'll never get across the city before the demons catch you, Cassandra,” Cole's slippery voice whispered in her ear and she couldn't argue with him; he was probably right. Howls and wails sounded all over the city - time was running out. She considered killing Cole and cutting her losses. She would most likely be able to sneak out by herself, but her companion was another story altogether.

  “Well, I'll just use your useless lump of a body for a shield as long as possible. Now move it.”

  They dipped into the shadows, rushing along the edges of the moonlight, hoping to remain out of the line of fire. Thunderous footfalls sounded, indicating the soon to
be arrival of unwelcomed guests, but Cassie no longer feared death. She welcomed it. Maybe Cole was right, she should be called the reaper rather than the assassin because death was in her veins now, and she would unleash it on anyone who crossed her path. The flutter of wings drew her attention and she looked up into the darkened sky. Wings of silver and black radiated, and the handsome face of her angel looked down on her. He landed with grace in front of her, holding his arms out. “Archer!” She cried out his name as she fumbled into his embrace, the scent of strawberries and sunshine a welcome distraction from the smell of fire and brimstone. His body was bruised and battered, but was healing even as he spoke.

  “Hey, Princess, so how you liking this vacation?”

  She shook her head laughing. “Sucks big time, angel-boy. How bout we get the hell out of here so you can buy me a beer?”

  “We’ll need a full bottle of Jack after this shithole, Princess... Let’s go.”

  Cassie was so glad that he was okay, but she daren’t ask or hope that Luka would be alive too. If he was, then he would make his way back to her like he always did. Archer took over the job of dragging a dejected Cole from her. They crept along in the sombre moonlight. When they reached the halfway mark, the bridge, the murkiness of the water did not seem normal to Cassie. She glanced over her shoulder to warn Archer when a snake demon emerged from the water, slamming its body down on the concrete. The streets cracked under the strain, and the floor shuddered under their feet. She pushed Cole out of the beast’s way, shoving him a little too hard so that the idiot smacked his head off the wall and crumpled to the ground, rendering him unconscious. The beast screeched, deafening them briefly. Cassie steadied her stance and braced herself for an attack. Beside her, Archer did the same. They caught each other’s eye, nodded and pounced, Cassie going left, Archer right. She sank her sword into the beast’s skin, but it had no effect. The sword snapped in half, leaving just a stubby blade. Archer’s arrows were having less impact and the angel growled in frustration. As Cassie came up with probably the dumbest idea in her whole life, she called the angel.


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