Another Way To Bleed (Midnight Assassin)

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Another Way To Bleed (Midnight Assassin) Page 14

by Harris, Susan

  “Hey, Archer, you want to see something kind of cool?”

  “You know me, Princess, I love surprises,” he hollered back at her while continuing his onslaught on the beast. Cassie readied herself and prayed to the Goddess she was not about to do the stupidest thing possible.

  “Whatever happens, Archie, just get out of the way, okay?” She pleaded with him in hope that at least knowing he was alive, would ease her pain.

  “Cassie, what are you plotting?” he called to her just as she leapt into the open mouth of the snake as he screamed. She could hear Archer shouting her name as she slid deep inside the snake. The smell was enough to make her gag. She came to a sudden stop, reaching the middle of the beast’s stomach. Placing her hand on opposite ends, she sent all her power to her fingertips. Heat blazed all around her, and she smirked as the beast began to writhe in pain. She tried to stay on her feet as it tossed and turned, until its skin began to blister and burst around her, before it exploded into nothing but guts, goo and gore. She stumbled a bit as she emerged from the beast, her head giddy. She was dripping in bits of the beast. She tentatively raised her hands to her hair, wondering if she’d dared touch it. It was most likely a mess.

  Funny ‘bout what you worry about when you almost die. Again. Archer hesitantly came up to her, his face grim.

  “Princess, not that that wasn't just awesome, but don't you dare do that to me again. I feel like I've aged ten years.”

  Cassie punched him playfully on the shoulder.

  “Angels don't age, jackass.”

  “With you Princess, anything is possible.” the angel mused before going to shake Cole awake. The demon still seemed to be out for the count. Archer picked him up and slung him over his shoulder. They quickened their pace as the sound of nails grated the concrete, and they knew they needed to get off the streets before something else sought them out. Cassie for once was glad to have to listen to the angel as he groaned and complained about the dead weight he had to carry. Just hearing his voice was reassuring, safe, familiar, because Cassie really couldn't be sure that when they arrived home, anything would ever be the same.

  When they rounded the corner, Cassie let out a huge sigh of relief as she set their sight on Sebastian’s. The apartment was empty, causing her heart to sink a little. Everything was exactly where she had left it, from her discarded iPod, to her beloved sword. Archer dumped the still out-of-it Cole in a heap on the floor with a thud.

  “I think we should wait till the sun rises before we make our great escape, Princess. Easier that way.”

  He went to the fridge, taking two bottles of water and tossed one to her. Cassie opened the bottle and gulped it down in one go, not realizing she was that thirsty. They both remained utterly silent as they packed up their belongings, neither laying a finger on Luka's. Sensing her discomfort, Archer rubbed his jaw before he spoke to her.

  “Cassie... I hate to ask, but was Luka alive the last time you saw him? We need to be sure before we leave.”

  Cassie nodded, her heart suddenly weighing a ton.

  “He tried to hold off, he really did. But in the end, not even Luka could hide from the bloodlust.” She brushed her hair absently with her hand revealing the two small puncture wounds before letting her hair fall back in place.

  “That little shit said Luka had staked himself when he had played with his mind. I didn't sense him in the warehouse, or I wouldn't have left him there. What happened to you, Archer? And Seb?”

  Archer flopped down on the chair, his shoulders sagging slightly. He began to shake his head. “When I lost you in the warehouse, I doubled back to see if I could get Luka and Seb's help. Luka took off as soon as I told him you were missing, so Seb and I snuck in through the roof. We only got so far before we were jumped on. Seb pushed me out of the way and ended up staked. The idiot should have known a stake to the fucking chest wouldn't have even scratched me.” His tone was abrupt but his voice croaked as he spoke. “And then I was caught and tortured blah, blah, blah and managed to free myself. And here I am.”

  Cassie said nothing, mainly because there wasn't a single word that she could say to make him feel any better. She crawled up into his lap and he put his arm around her, pulling her close. She snuggled up into him, closing her eyes, breathing in his scent. He leaned his head against hers, keeping one eye on their unconscious hostage. “Get some rest, Princess. I'll wake you as soon as the sun rises.” For once she didn't argue, just tightened her grip on the angel and fell into a dreamless slumber.

  When she felt a gentle nudge, Cassie stirred, resisting his attempts to rouse her. He nudged her again a little harder and she looked up before saying, “I'm awake, I'm awake.” Archer was not looking at her but staring over her head at the door. Cassie squirmed round from her precarious position on Archer’s lap. Standing in the doorway was an apparition, a vision of beauty and menace. His green eyes were drenched in sorrow, his shoulders slumped and the strong vampire she had fallen so madly in love with seemed diminished. He gave her a small weak smile.

  “I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I can leave again if you'd like.”

  Cassie scrambled from her seat and lunged at him. She chose to ignore that he flinched slightly when her arms ensnared him. She was just so happy that he was real and alive and here. She pushed herself up on her tippy toes and planted a kiss on his lips.

  “Don't you ever do that to me again!” She grabbed the collar of his shirt and shook him just a little. “I swear to the Goddess if you ever put me in the grieving widow position, I will bring you back to life just to kill you myself... you got it?”

  Luka beamed down at her, his smile wide but his eyes dark. He opened his mouth to speak when a sudden movement caught Cassie's attention. Cole had managed to evade their notice and crept up behind Luka. The blade that had broken on the snake demon’s skin was grasped firmly in his fingers. She had only a split second to think as she willed herself to move between Luka's back and the knife. She felt her body blur as she magically evaporated from one spot to another just as Cole struck with the blade.

  The fact that she had totally bewitched it would have been awesome if the blade hadn't sunk deep into her chest as if it was slicing butter. Her lips formed the shape of an O as Cole stumbled backwards and she sank to her knees, Luka catching her before she collapsed into a heap on the floor. Luka pulled the blade out and blood gushed from the open wound. For the first time in her life, she felt cold, her body shaking as she struggled to breath.

  “Cassie, I can fix this. I can save you, but you need to agree... Say yes.” Luka pleaded with her and she knew what he was asking her to say yes to. She heard Archer bouncing Cole against the wall before the demon groaned out in pain from what she guessed was a swift kick to the stomach. She lifted a shaky hand to Luka's face and tried to focus on those eyes as she spoke.

  “No Luka, please... I don't... I can't... Let me go, please.”

  She coughed, blood splashing against her teeth and onto her lips. Her body jerked in pain and she screamed, unable to help herself. Luka kissed her forehead and murmured in her ear. She clasped his hand as fiercely as she could muster. Her heart began to falter and she knew she hadn't long left. Her eyelids grew heavy and tiredness washed over her. She took one last look at her vampire and mouthed, ‘I love you’. Her eyes fluttered, and as her heart stopped beating, they closed and she was lost.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  She was floating in a vast sky of nothingness, an empty shell of darkness that swallowed her up and consumed her being. I'm dead... I'm really dead... and considering all of the sins she had committed, she would spend eternity trapped in this bottomless pit of black. She was nothing, not flesh or bone, body or blood. A light beckoned her from the distance. Hell no! There is no way am I being another cliché and heading for the light.

  It is not your time yet, Cassandra; you must go back into the light, for your destiny has not yet been fulfilled. Her mother’s voice swirled around her, and if she had any breat
h, it would have caught in her chest.

  Mom? Is it really you?

  Yes, my daughter, it is me... I was sent to turn you back... it is not now, nor was it your time before to die. Don't struggle against it... your part to play in this war has yet to unfold.

  I'm sorry, mom. I’m so sorry... her voice trailed off.

  Do not be sorry, Cassandra. You did as I would have done had it been me... I pray to the Goddess that you can forgive me for my past when it is revealed to you. You will need to trust your gut, Cassandra and remember that many friends may become foes and foes can become friends... but remember, you are loved and blessed. Go now, Cassandra... be gone!

  Cassie tried to call out to her mother, but she felt her soul being transported into the light. She felt her soul reconnecting with her body, the blood beginning to flow in her veins again. Cassie found it hard to make out what was going on, but she was warm and tingly. Wherever she was, she curled up tightly and fell into a deepened sleep.

  When Cassie opened her eyes, she looked around dazed and confused. She was lying in her old room at Luka's; he had not changed one thing about the place. She rubbed her eyes and pulled herself up into a sitting position, grimacing as pain lanced her chest. Lifting the covers, she saw she was naked except for a pair of baggy shorts that were not hers. A bandage was wrapped around her chest to conceal her knife wound. She heard a tapping sound and spied Archer sitting in her rocking chair. The angel had his back to her, his feet pressed against the wall, her massive headphones covering his ears. His head bobbed along with the music, oblivious to the fact she was awake. She stretched open her mind and smirked as she read his thoughts. Man, I wonder if there's any cheesecake left. I could murder a slice now.

  Cassie couldn’t resist the opportunity to catch him out. With all her strength, she flung a pillow at the back of his head which masterfully hit its target and she giggled loudly as the angel yelped and sprang from the chair, almost stumbling over the wires of the headphones. His eyes widened in surprise at the sight of her.

  “If you've finished gawking at me, angel-boy, I wouldn't mind a slice of cheesecake either. I'm so starved I could eat a scabby horse.” She grinned broadly.

  “As always, Princess, you are the ultimate wordsmith. I guess your freaky mind reading is still active?”

  “Appears so, Archie.”

  “Then I guess I'll have to keep the dirty thoughts to a minimum.”

  “You keep your smut to yourself, thank you very much. Now, will you tell me what happened, or do I have to get up off my death bed and find Luka?” Her heart jumped at the prospect of seeing the vampire, but she was unsure if her legs could hold her up let alone walk anywhere. Archer sat on the edge of the bed, his face sheepish and coy.

  “We can talk about that later. First, how are you feeling?”

  “Like I got rolled over by a truck and then stepped on by an elephant, but other than that I'm grand.”

  She shifted in the bed, a dagger of pain flaring in her chest and her forehead creased under the strain.

  “What happened with Cole? Where's the bitch queen?”“

  Luka refused to hand over Cole until you woke up, so the royal pain in the ass is down in the cells with a magical charm that prevents him from using his powers. The queen is pouting in the throne room and hoping for your speedy recovery. And considering you've only been out for just under forty-eight hours, it may have worked.”

  Her mouth hung open. Two days? I’ve been out for two days?

  “Okay, angel-boy, turn your ass around so I can throw on some proper clothes and we can get rid of those demons, shall we?”

  The carefree cocky smirk reappeared on Archer's face as he turned away from her, but not before saying, “Hey, Princess, who do you think got you out of your bloody clothes? Does Luka know about the skull tattoo that you have on your...”

  “Finish that sentence and you'll be chewing on your balls!”

  She climbed slowly out of the bed to the sound of Archer's rich chuckle. She pulled on a pair of sweat pants and a loose tee so it wouldn't rub against her wound. Linking her arm through the angel’s, she led the way out the bedroom door. Her bare feet padded on the cool tiles as they made their way towards the main hall. Archer opened the door and ushered her in.

  Raised voices greeted her, but stopped short as she entered. Luka rushed to her side, taking her arm from Archer. They exchanged a look that puzzled her, but she shook it off as Luka bent to kiss her cheek. I'm glad you’re awake... our houseguests are starting to irk my patience.

  Glad to be back, boss, although, I have no idea how I am back.

  He squeezed her arm but made no effort to answer her. He led her to the top of the room, seating her on his throne and she shivered remembering Cole's visions. Lilith stood before her, her lips set in a frustrated line, uglying her remarkable face. She cracked her knuckles.

  “Cassie dear, I'm so glad you’re feeling better.”

  “Cut the crap, Lilith,” Cassie coughed, “we can get down to business now, 'cause I bet I'm not the only one who'll be glad to see the back of you. Hey Archer, will you bring the trash in for her royal self if you please?”

  “With pleasure.” The angel snorted, vanishing from sight. Luka stood behind her, his hands placed firmly on her shoulders. Cassie was apprehensive; soon she would learn her father's identity; she and Luka would hash out their relationship, and life could go back to normal. Whatever the hell that was. Archer popped back into the room, depositing a dishevelled Cole at his mother’s feet. Her face remained stoic. The once arrogant demon now had a look of absolute terror smeared across his face. His eyes flickered in Cassie's direction almost pleading with her, but a quick rise of her eyebrow forced his gaze away. Lilith snapped her fingers and Cole shot into a standing position.

  “Moth...” he began, but his mother’s hand collided with his cheek with such a smack, that Cassie was sure she saw a tooth fly across the room.

  “Shut up, you snivelling, insolent brat. How dare you disrespect me like this. You have disgraced your family by your childish tantrums... you’re confined to the underworld for the foreseeable future, my boy. I should give Cassandra her vengeance and allow her to cut you into pieces, but your father is not done with you yet. I may be bound to this plain, but you shall not set foot here until I say so. Are we clear?”

  Cole glowered at his mother, his defiance faltering as magic drenched the room and the coward bowed his head and nodded. “Yes, Mother.” The powerful demon was scared to death of his mother and Cassie desperately wanted to laugh at the irony. Lilith let out a frustrated breath and waved her arm.

  “Be gone, out of my way, the very sight of you disgusts me.” She snapped her fingers and Cole was gone.

  I wish I’d punched him in the face one more time for luck...

  Lilith spun in their direction, her satin dress sashaying from the movement.

  “Luka, my son, thank you for your hospitality and for bringing Cole to me in one piece, though I can comprehend how difficult that must have been. I shall take my leave of you, but I fear it won't be too long before we have the fortune to meet again.”

  The queen of demons turned on her heel and started to leave the room, which caused a thunderous roar to surge from Cassie.

  “HEY! We're not finished here yet, bitch... Your son fucked with our heads almost driving me mad, then put a blade in my chest so that I died, and you want to leave without so much as a thank you, kiss my ass, nothing! You swore that you would tell me who my father is, and you’re going to tell me, or so help the Goddess, I will end you.”

  Cassie rose to her feet, the swell of magic leaked from her pours, snaking out in a stream of anger .Lilith clasped a hand over her mouth, her face turning to mock shock. “Oh, do forgive me, Cassandra dear. I would blame it on the old age, but you'd never believe me... okay, well, it is a long story, so listen carefully. It may just click into place sooner rather than later.”

  She sauntered around the room as if she was
deliberately trying to piss Cassie off. It was working. Cassie sat back down, mainly because her legs were threatening to give way. Luka's hand stroked the back of her neck, sending delicious shivers down her spine. She wanted those hands on other places, but as Lilith cleared her throat to speak, Cassie was forced to drag her mind from the gutter.

  “Many thousands of years ago, when the angels first fell from heaven, Lucifer tried everything to persuade his father to allow him back into the kingdom, but time and time again, he was refused. After a while, Lucifer became bitter, angry that his father preached about forgiveness and second chances, yet he would not afford his son the same.”

  “More freaking daddy issues,” Cassie muttered under her breath, and she heard Archer try and suppress a laugh.

  “So almost an age ago, there was a great war and the Earth was almost destroyed by Lucifer in a bid to gain his father’s attention. The archangel Michael was sent to broker a peace treaty, you might call it, and the brothers called upon a prophetess to see on how best to resolve the eternal conflict between heaven and hell.”

  The demon paused for Cassie assumed to be a dramatic effect, examining her nails before continuing. All it did was piss her off more.

  “The prophetess gazed upon her all-seeing globe, and this is what she foretold: when the son of Michael and the daughter of Lucifer, products of good and evil, walked the earth simultaneously, then the end of the world will begin. And when the son and daughter lay together, the product of their union, a child, will either emerge with more good than evil or more evil than good, sealing the fate of the world. That child will either be the saviour or the destroyer.”

  Cassie pretended to yawn, although she was tired enough to sleep for a month. She was getting increasingly irritated now, and was worried by the sudden tension from Luka as his fingers gripped her shoulders tightly.


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