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Highland Angels

Page 24

by Ceci Giltenan

  Aidan smiled. “She’s like ye in that, little sister.”

  “She swore she would not sleep and she would come back down here as soon as ye arrived,” added Tasgall.

  Andrew looked toward the stairs. “Well, if she can sleep through this, I expect she’ll sleep until morning.” He kissed Anna’s temple. “Ye need sleep too. Let me take ye upstairs.”

  ~ * ~

  Andrew should have expected an argument.

  Anna frowned at him. “I want to wait for Eoin and yer da to return.”

  “I know ye do. But it could be hours and ye’re exhausted. I’ll see ye to yer chamber and come back down here. I swear I’ll wake ye if there is any news.”

  “Aye, go on, Anna. Ye too Tasgall,” said Aidan. “I’ll wait with Andrew.

  “Frankly Andrew, ye need rest just as much as she does,” said Graham. “Ye look ready to drop too. Go on to bed and I’ll keep this fractious MacKay company.”

  Andrew nodded. “Aye, I will then. Thank ye both.”

  Anna sighed. “Ye swear ye’ll wake me if there is any news, Aidan?”

  “Aye, Anna. Go to bed.”

  She nodded wearily. “Then I’ll say good night.”

  Andrew put his hand in the small of her back and guided her toward the stairs. When they reached her chamber door, he cradled her face in his hand and kissed her deeply. The feel and taste of her and her ardent response fed his soul.

  When he broke the kiss, he gathered her in his arms and she rested her head against his chest, seemingly content to stay there. The last twelve hours had been among the worst in his life. He had feared he would never hold his precious angel again. Now that she was in his arms, he didn’t want to let her go, but she needed to rest. Even so, he simply couldn’t bring himself to move.

  “Andrew, I…well I…”

  “What, angel?”

  “Please don’t think ill of me, but I don’t want ye to leave me. I don’t want to be alone.”

  “Oh Anna…”

  “It is a scandalous thing to ask, I know, and I’m not asking ye to…well…to make love to me. I just want yer arms around me. I want to feel ye and know I’m safe.”

  He lifted her into his arms and pushed the chamber door open. “I want nothing more than to sleep with ye in my arms, and I will always keep ye safe, my love.”

  He carried her to the bed, and after laying her on it, he removed her plaid and shoes. Then he removed his own plaid and shoes, as well as his belt and weapons, before climbing into bed with her. He pulled her close, until her back was against his chest, before drawing the covers over them.

  She sighed contentedly and was asleep in a matter of moments.

  It was a measure of how exhausted he was that he too fell asleep almost immediately, even with the woman he loved snuggled intimately next to him.

  Andrew was awakened by the sounds of horses in the bailey as dawn pinked the sky. Anna still lay in his arms exactly as she had been when they fell asleep, but she too was waking to the noise.

  He rose from the bed. Kissing her cheek he said, “Go back to sleep, Anna. I’ll go see what the commotion is, and I’ll wake ye if there is any news.” Then he reached for his shoes and pulled them on.

  She sat up in bed, cocked her head to one side and said, “Ye’re daft if ye think I’m going to sit up here and wait to find out what happened to my brother.”

  He chuckled, picked up her shoes and handing them to her. “Suit yerself. However, ye might wish to put on fresh garments first. If both of us arrive downstairs in the travel stained clothes we wore last night, we might raise a few eyebrows.”

  To his delight she blushed, but her lips curved into a smile. “Aye, well we wouldn’t want raised eyebrows. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

  ~ * ~

  As she had stirred in Andrew’s arms Anna felt more content than she ever remembered being. While she worried about what might have happened to Eoin and Laird MacLeod, she knew, with Andrew at her side, she could face anything.

  After he left, she did take a moment to wash, change her shift and léine and wrap a clean plaid around her shoulders.

  As she entered the great hall, she sighed with relief. There didn’t seem to be anyone missing. Laird MacLeod, Laird Sinclair, and Eoin had all returned. Fiona and the baby were already in Eoin’s arms. Laird MacLeod sat in a chair by the hearth, Mairi cuddled in his lap like a wee lassie, Graham and Andrew nearby. News of their return was spreading fast, because clan and family members were flooding into the great hall.

  “Anna,” Eoin opened his arms to her, “I was so worried about ye.”

  She went to him, giving him a hug. “It seems I’ve worried ye a lot recently, and Fearchar Morrison was the problem both times.”

  “Well, he won’t be a problem anymore,” said Laird MacLeod.”

  “What happened?” asked Anna.

  “The short story is that we caught up with him and his men before they could make it to the ship anchored just beyond the mouth of the inlet. They wouldn’t surrender, so they were killed. However, there are so many different parts to this tale, I would like to hear all of the details from beginning to end. Make yerselves comfortable.”

  Comfortable? There was only one place to be comfortable. She crossed the room to Andrew’s waiting arms.

  Piece by piece the story came together, from Darach, to Mairi and Tasgall, to Andrew, to Anna and finally ending with Laird MacLeod. The morning meal had been served and cleared before the last detail was shared.

  “Darach, son, I am sorry for yer loss. Yer brother gave me no choice.”

  “I understand, Laird. In truth, I don’t consider it a loss. I barely knew him. Until Da fell ill, I hadn’t spent more than a few days with him ever. He was a stranger to me. That’s one reason I couldn’t understand why he wanted me to stay on Lewis. Now it’s fairly obvious it wasn’t because he wanted me at home. He intended to use me for this. I’m sorry, Laird.”

  “None of this is yer fault. I’ve sent a message to yer brother Coll, explaining what happened and asking to meet with him in Durness on the first of May.” Laird MacLeod considered him for a moment. “Darach, tell me, how do ye think yer brother and yer clan will take this?”

  “When Coll hears what Fearchar did, how deranged he became, he won’t seek vengeance. Frankly, Coll will be a much better leader than our brother. Apparently many in the clan disliked and mistrusted Fearchar. When Da was alive he could exercise some control, but when he died…well, it became clear very fast that Fearchar was cruel and ruled by intimidation. Neither Coll nor I had any power over him. I suspect that not only will most of the clan not shed a tear, there may be quite a few who raise a glass to ye.”

  “Were there none loyal to him?”

  “Only a handful, and mostly limited to the men who died with him.”

  “Well then, we should be able to reestablish our alliance.”

  Darach smiled. “I’m glad to hear that, Laird.”

  Laird Macleod looked around the room his eyes resting briefly on Tasgall before turning his attention to Eoin. “Laird MacKay, I find that my debt to yer family simply keeps growing. Not only did Anna risk her life to save Davy, but Tasgall suffered pain and injury to save my daughter’s life.”

  “I’m glad they were able to help.”

  Dougal smiled. “A better man than I would offer to release ye from the betrothals which I forced on ye.”

  Anna felt Andrew tense and Eoin looked shocked.

  Dougal continued. “But I’m not a better man. I fear I am too selfish to do that. I love Anna. I want her to marry my son and help lead this clan as Lady MacLeod. The fact that they love each other is an added boon.

  “I also love my daughter. I want a husband for her who is strong and kind and will always protect and care for her. At the tender age of two and twenty, Tasgall has shown himself to be that kind of man. So don’t even bother asking. The betrothals stand.”

  Eoin laughed. “Well there’s no point arguing then.
Besides, Anna would make my life hell if I did anything to prevent her from marrying Andrew.”

  “Well then, by the grace of God, there will be a wedding tomorrow, and I suspect there is still much to do today that isn’t getting done by sitting here.”

  There was indeed a lot to do and Anna was exhausted by the time she fell into bed that night. She had only slept in Andrew’s arms one night, but she missed him and looked forward to marrying him tomorrow and spending many nights to come sleeping in his arms.

  Chapter 26

  The feast of Saint Mark dawned grey and misty, but Anna didn’t care at all. She was perfectly happy. Jesse was there, almost before Anna was out of bed, with a tray of food for her breakfast and a parade of servants to prepare a bath.

  It was delightful and Anna soaked in the rose scented water until it became chilly. Reluctantly she stepped out of the bath and dried herself before slipping on a new silk shift. She wrapped a blanket around her shoulders, and was sitting by the fire letting Jesse comb out her hair when Ena, Fiona and Mairi arrived. She spent the rest of the morning being fussed over and pampered by these three women each of whom she considered to be a sister.

  By midday, they declared her ready. She wore a deep green léine that intensified the green in her eyes, and a jeweled gold belt at her waist. The arisaidh that Maeve had lovingly woven for her, and then retrieved from the forest, was held on by a beautiful jeweled gold brooch. Fiona had pinned it on her, explaining, “Tasgall and Aidan wanted ye to have this. It was yer mother’s.”

  The last touches were a sheer lace veil held on by a wreath of heather and a bouquet of fresh herbs containing lavender for devotion, myrtle for everlasting love and marital bliss, sage for long life and domestic virtue and mint for warm thoughts.

  Ena put her hands on her hips, looked at Anna intently and declared, “Ye’re a perfectly beautiful bride. My brother won’t be able to take his eyes off ye. Of course he’s rarely able to take his eyes off ye as it is, so that might not be saying much, but ye are beautiful all the same.”

  Fiona laughed. “Aye I have to agree—with everything she said.” She hugged Anna. “I’m so glad ye’ve found love, Anna.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a prettier bride,” said Mairi.

  “That’s because she was just a bairn when I was married,” teased Ena. All four women laughed.

  “Well now,” said Fiona, “I’ll go tell Eoin, ye’re ready.” She kissed Anna’s cheek before leaving.

  “And I’m just going to make sure my lassies are ready. Heaven knows, they have the ability to destroy themselves in nothing flat.” She too kissed Anna’s cheek before leaving.

  Anna smiled at Mairi. “Are ye ready?”

  Mairi nodded. “Aye. Are ye?”

  Anna laughed. “I think I was ready ages ago.”

  “Anna, I’m so glad ye’re happy and that ye love Andrew.”

  “I am very happy, pet.”

  “Can I tell ye something?”

  “Of course.”

  “I uh…I don’t hate Tasgall.”

  “I knew ye wouldn’t.”

  “Do ye know what he did?”

  “To free the both of ye? Aye.”

  “Everyone knows that, but he did something else. I didn’t realize it while it was happening, but I do now.”

  “What did he do?”

  “When we were tied up in the cave…Anna, I was so scared.”

  “I know ye were.”

  “Well, Tasgall did too. He asked me to tell him five things I liked. And then he asked questions about the things I told him. He kept me talking and I wasn’t so scared.”

  Anna smiled at her, tears welling in her eyes. “He’s a good man. Ye are very lucky to be marrying him someday.”

  Mairi’s face split in a smile from ear to ear. “I think so too.”

  ~ * ~

  Andrew waited on the steps of the chapel with Graham and Davy beside him. His father had pulled Father Ninian aside and was speaking with him quietly. Ena and her family, as well as Tasgall, Aiden and Fiona MacKay were nearby too. The bailey was filled with MacLeods, MacKays and the members of all the visiting clans. Perhaps it was the heavy mist, but everything seemed hushed. Then the door to the keep opened. His little sister stepped through first, positively beaming, followed a moment later by the light of his life.

  Davy made an audible gasp. “She really does look like an angel, Da.”

  Andrew took his son’s hand. “Aye, she really does.”

  She descended the stairs, on Laird MacKay’s arm. Mairi parted the crowd as Andrew’s lovely bride drew ever closer.

  Finally, Father Ninian asked who gave her to be married and Eoin kissed her cheek before placing her hand in Andrew’s.

  Father led them through their vows of marriage, but Andrew could scarce focus on anything but the beautiful woman at his side. When Anna said, “And thereto I plight thee my troth,” Andrew’s only thought was, thank ye, God.

  Then Father Ninian blessed the gold ring that would symbolize their union and gave it to Andrew. Andrew took Anna’s left hand in his, slipping the ring on the third finger. “With this ring, I thee wed, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

  Father blessed the couple and led them into the chapel, followed by their families and the leaders of the visiting clans. Andrew knelt before the altar, beside Anna while the priest prayed again. Please, God, keep her by my side until the end of my days, was Andrew’s prayer.

  As Father Ninian proceeded with the nuptial Mass, the sound of Anna’s voice, responding to the ancient liturgy, wrapped around him like a gentle caress and filled him with warmth. At last, the Mass was over and Father gave them a final blessing before saying, “Ye may kiss yer bride.” Perhaps Andrew should have only brushed his lips over hers, but when he took her in his arms and their lips met he knew that would not be enough. It would never be enough. Anna’s lips parted and he longed to be lost in this kiss forever.

  Andrew became vaguely aware of appreciative chuckles around the chapel just as Davy tugged on his plaid. “Da, can I kiss my new mama now?”

  The chuckles became laughter and Anna, her face wreathed in smiles, knelt down, hugged Davy close and kissed him until he giggled.

  ~ * ~

  The wedding feast was magnificent. Course after course of delicacies were presented to their guests. Anna tasted it all, but it could have been bread and porridge and she still would have been delighted. She was surrounded by the people she loved most in the world and at her side was the man she adored. It was hard to believe that there had ever been a time when she fought with him, refused to dine in this hall and wanted nothing more than to leave Curacridhe forever. This was her home now and she loved it.

  The sumptuous dinner was followed by music and dancing. She laughed and danced and simply relished being near her new husband.

  Finally, late in the evening, Andrew maneuvered her close to the stairway entrance. Then he wrapped his arms around her and whispered, “It’s time to go.” Before she could react, he scooped her, laughing, into his arms and announced, “Lairds, Ladies, beloved family and friends, I fear Lady MacLeod and I must say good night. Please continue to enjoy the celebration in our absence.” He ducked into the stairway with her and practically ran up the steps.

  He carried her to his chamber, entered and closed the door behind them.

  She had never been in his chamber before, but she didn’t spare it a glance. Her world became him alone. His caresses, his lips, his heated gaze. The circle of his arms was her universe. This man who she had fought with, and then for, was her everything. His kisses, his touch, inflamed her. As he joined with her, she became pure sensation, formless bliss. She existed only with him, her heart beating with his, their very souls entwining.

  When she finally floated down from ecstasy it was to find herself wrapped in his arms. Protected. Cherished. Adored.

  ~ * ~

  After their exquisite joining, Andrew simply held his b
eloved Anna in his arms, close to his heart. This strong, brave, resilient, passionate, beautiful woman was his, forever.

  Ye’ve been greatly blessed, Andrew.

  Indeed he had been.

  He brushed her temple with a kiss. “I love ye, angel.”

  “I love ye more.”

  “That simply isn’t possible.”

  “Why not?”

  “If I have learned nothing else, it’s that love is not measurable, it is infinite.”

  She smiled at him. “Ye’ve learned that, have ye? Well it’s about time.”

  He chuckled and nipped her earlobe, causing her to giggle. “Ye’re too cheeky by half, Lady MacLeod.”

  “But ye like that about me.”

  He chuckled. “Aye, I do.”

  They lay in the peaceful cocoon of each other’s arms for several minutes. He caressed her face, trailing his finger down her cheek and across her soft lips. He loved kissing those sweet lips. It was then that he remembered the odd thing she had said to him when she emerged from the cave.

  “Anna, my love, what are blackberry kisses?”

  She had begun to doze. “Hmm?”

  “When we found ye in the cave, you said something about blackberry kisses.”

  She smiled and snuggled closer. “I had a dream a few nights ago about my old nursemaid Grizel. We were walking near the forest past blooming blackberry bushes. She teased me about picking blackberries as a child and going home with more on my face and hands than in my basket. She also said that ye’d enjoy kissing the remnants from my lips.”

  “I’m fairly certain I will.”

  Anna laughed. “I don’t doubt it. But when I was in the cave, I remembered something else Grizel said that made me absolutely certain ye would find me.”

  “What was that?”

  “She said that it is a good year for blackberries and that we’d share a lot of blackberry kisses. The only way could is if ye take me blackberry picking in August, and I knew that would only be possible if ye found me. So, I was confident ye would.”

  “Blackberry kisses. Aye, my wee angel, we need a lifetime of those.”

  ~ * ~

  Paradise, beyond the limits of time


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