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Unknown Futures

Page 3

by Jessica E. Subject

  Jewel giggled as the door slid open. Unlike the rest of the apartment, this room held no light. Her stomach clenched. Did V leave the lights off so she wouldn’t have to look at her scars? She had called her beautiful, but had she meant the words? Maybe Jewel hoped for too much from this woman who wasn’t her date.

  V lowered her onto the soft sheets. “Give me one minute.”

  But she curled into a ball. Should she stay there or leave before she allowed herself to have intercourse with someone who couldn’t even look at her.

  “Candlelight, on. Remove sky screen.” With V’s words, a multitude of faint lights flickered to life on the walls, causing shadows to dance around the room. Above her, the ceiling slid away, revealing stars through a plate of thick glass.

  “There, now I can see you better.”

  Jewel stretched out on the bed to take in the view above her. She wiped away a tear, hoping the other woman wouldn’t notice. Why do I always assume the worst? I wish I could remain on this space station forever, but I will only be here for two nights.

  V lay down beside her, running her fingers down Jewel’s chest, between her breasts, and down to her waistline. “Why don’t we get the rest of these clothes off?”

  Jewel sat up to take off her boots, then slid down her skirt and thong, leaving them on the floor. V took her time removing her own clothes, baring her perfect body. She could have been a model, probably anything she’d wanted. Why had she given it all up to live in outer space?

  V lifted her chin for a long, drugging kiss, pulling her from her thoughts. She straddled Jewel’s waist, laying her back onto the bed.

  As V captured her nipple between her teeth, Jewel drew in a quick breath, gripping the sheets. It had been so long since anyone paid any attention to her body. Moisture pooled between her thighs.

  She raked her fingers through V’s blonde tresses, trying to retain some composure, yet not succeeding. Lifting her hips off the bed, she longed for more.

  “Mmm, yes, I think another part of you is craving some attention. Let’s see how that pussy of yours tastes.” V trailed kisses down her stomach, spreading her legs as she traveled lower.

  Jewel gasped when a finger passed across her clit. She’d finally found someone who actually wanted to touch her, wanted to make love to her.

  As the other woman’s tongue ran along her swollen mound, she came undone. Lights burst before her eyes. Each wave of pleasure built upon the one before.

  But V kept her head buried between her legs. She lapped up her juices, leading up to another explosive release.

  “That’s it, sweetie.” Moving up to lie beside her, V stroked her face, allowing her time to catch her breath. “You tasted so good.”

  She wanted to give her the same satisfying release. Flipping over, her wet heat covered V’s sex. “It’s my turn.”

  Chapter Eight

  V rolled over, a smile on her face before she opened her eyes. Jewel’s warm body lay beside her, the beautiful woman still sound asleep. They’d spend hours tangled together, making love.

  Her chest ached. She’d known all along Jewel would only be there for a couple of days, she couldn’t help her instant attraction or the surge of emotion she felt for her. Now she wanted to return to Earth. But she never could. She’d made the commitment and signed the contract. Her life belonged to the Space Service.

  Then there was Jewel’s date—why had the director not included that in her briefing? And the Terran’s short visit in itself was puzzling—why would she be sent to the station for such a frivolous reason—when V herself had to sign away her life to be there. She couldn’t figure out the situation. Didn’t want to. She wanted Jewel for herself.

  Her stomach clenched. For the first time in years, tears formed in her eyes. Shit! Why had she let Jewel into her heart?

  She rose from the bed then tiptoed to the bathroom. Maybe a shower would take the ache away. Inside the stall, a cold blast snapped her awake. She should go in to work. Yes, work. Jewel would be fine on her own for a few hours. During the time away from her, V could gain control of her emotions, steel herself to endure the inevitable heartbreak when Jewel returned to Earth.

  After her allotted time, the shower turned off and a blast of hot air hit her. When the stall lifted, a beautiful woman stood before her. Jewel, in all of her naked glory.

  “I guess those showers weren’t meant for two.”

  V smiled. “No, but feel free to have one.”

  “I’d rather have you again.”

  Heat traveled straight to V’s apex. All of her resolve flittered away in an instant.

  Jewel quickly took control, pressing her against the wall and claimed her mouth. Work could wait. She’d take as much as she could get while Jewel remained at the space station, and maybe she’d find a way for her to stay.

  Jewel lifted her leg onto the shower platform. She kissed her way down V’s stomach. Kneeling in front of her, she slipped fingers into swollen tissues wet in anticipation. As Jewel pressed her tongue against her swollen nub, she gasped. How could she ever deny she wanted her guest?

  Sliding two fingers into the moistness between her legs, Jewel continued to tease her clit, licking and sucking. She lost herself in ecstasy. Her muscles tightened around Jewel’s fingers. So close to her release, she held the woman’s head in place.

  Jewel sucked harder, her fingers sinking deep into her heat. V ground against her mouth…her fingers…finally erupting in a dizzying explosion of feeling. “Fuck,” she gasped, trying to catch her breath.

  Firm breasts against hers, Jewel’s smooth forehead pressed to hers. “You okay?”

  She bit her lip and nodded. No, I don’t want you to leave. I won’t last here without you.

  Hand in hand, they returned to her bed and lay wrapped in each other. Minutes, maybe an hour passed before she peeled away. She would go to work, even though she’d not been scheduled, before her resolve melted once more.

  Jewel kissed her then leaned down to grab her clothes. “Can we visit Carrie and Frey today? When you were in the bathroom earlier, I got a message on my communicator saying Carrie had her baby.”

  “Really?” How could Jewel be so excited when their time together was running out? But getting away from her was what V needed right now.

  “That’s what the message said. I’d really like to see their baby, hold it in my arms.”

  V turned away. “Sure, I’ll take you, but I have to go in to work for a few hours.” She couldn’t see Jewel holding a baby. The sight would only make things worse, make her want even more things she couldn’t have.

  She dressed for work then ordered breakfast for the two of them from the replicator.

  Jewel moaned as she forked food into her mouth. “This food is really good, not bland like they said in training at all. How do they make it?”

  “I don’t know.” She didn’t want to explain the technology, trying to gain some distance. Jewel would probably have her date, spend the night elsewhere and leave the next day, never to see her again.

  When they approached the tubes, she went first to demonstrate to Jewel how to use them on her own—and to resist touching her again. She led her charge, her one-time lover, to Carrie’s hospital room and left without saying good-bye.

  As she rode the tube to work, she let the pneumatic suction whisk her tears away.

  Chapter Nine

  Jewel turned to speak to V, but she had already left. She didn’t understand V’s cold demeanor after they’d been together again in the bathroom. She’d barely said a word, making Jewel wonder if everything they’d shared had been an act on her part. She didn’t want to misread her again, but what was she supposed to think when V hadn’t said goodbye? Not even a “see you later.”

  She focused on the little blue baby girl in Frey’s arms. With only slightly longer arms and legs, she looked like a human baby, save for her blue skin and pure black eyes. Carrie slept in the bed nearby.

  “She’s the first blonde Ginnunian.
” His dark eyes shone bright with pride.

  Jewel smiled. “Yes, she looks so much like her mother.”

  “Her name is Tabitha.” Frey set the baby girl in her arms. “Sit down, and tell me how your stay’s been so far.”

  “Well, V took me to a dance club, and we had a great time.” She opened up, the baby in her arms making her feel like part of a family again. Her strange experience on the space station would be something she could never talk to anyone on Earth about. Yet somehow, she felt more comfortable there than back home. I don’t want to leave. Everything that makes me happy is here, although it’s only been one night. I don’t feel different. I can be me and not have to worry about being labeled as a monster.

  When two communicators beeped at the same time, Frey took Tabitha and placed her in a bassinette then reached for his comm. Jewel read the message on her device.

  You must return to Earth. Now! An escort is waiting to take you to the portal.

  She gasped, thinking of V. She’d never get to see her again. At a knock, she stood, and moved toward the door, fear and regret clutching her heart.

  A Phantie guard stood outside. “Ms. Barnaby, I need you to come with me. Mr. Berger, will you and your family be coming?”

  He looked at Carrie then Tabitha. “No, it’s better for us to stay here. Be sure she gets home safely.”

  The Phantie nodded then escorted her out of the room. He wasn’t as gentle as V had been in leading her through the tube. Thank goodness he didn’t land on her when they reached their destination. She would have been crushed by his weight.

  A swirling circle in a room off of the concourse waited to take her back to Earth. She had no idea why she had to leave early. The Phantie refused to tell her.

  “You need to go home,” he said, leading her through the large hall.

  But she didn’t want to leave. V’s smiling face had greeted her when she’d arrived only the day before. And now she had to leave without seeing her again?

  She turned around, hoping to find V behind her, coming with her. No such luck.

  The Phantie shoved her closer to the portal. She spun on her heels. I have to see her before I go. She couldn’t leave without saying good-bye, without knowing if she’d ever see her again. Surely she could find the hotel V worked at or at least ask for directions.

  She reached the concourse before the Phantie caught her. Unlike the first time she’d arrived there, the grand room stood empty, red light flashing throughout.

  “What’s going on?”

  He grabbed her around the waist, carrying her in a football hold toward the portal. “You need to go home.” He set her down in front of the swirling mass and pushed her through.

  Her body tightened. Pressure rammed against her head until she thought her brain would explode. The trip to the space station hadn’t felt like this. Oh, shit. Something is wrong. Tears rolled down her face. Her heart pounded, ready to jump out of her chest. It hurts so much. She saw a light ahead and reached out. Then darkness consumed her.


  V was sitting on the toilet, wiping her nose with tissue when her communicator beeped. She didn’t want to talk to anyone, to face anyone. She wanted to go home, back to Earth, and be with Jewel.

  The device beeped again.

  Director’s office. Now!

  Shit! What had she done wrong? No one received a message to report to the director’s office unless they were to be reprimanded. And she’d done as she’d been asked, entertaining Jewel all night long.

  But then again, she’d abandoned her at the hospital. Then there was the date…. Had the wrong person seen them at the club last night? Had someone reported what happened between them?

  She swiped at her eyes and nose one last time before leaving the bathroom. Time to face the music. In no way did she regret what had happened between her and Jewel; she only wished they’d had more time together. Why did I leave her? She vowed to find Jewel after her meeting with the director, to spend every last minute with her.

  The tube dropped her outside the office. Her hand shook on the scanner as she waited for the door to open.

  “Ah, Flavia, I’m glad you’re here.” Instead of inviting her to sit, he got up from his chair to stand beside her, his tail dragging behind him. Worry lines showed all over his red face.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, her fear about being reprimanded evaporated.

  “There’s a situation on Earth. Terrorists have learned of our technology to travel through space.” He raked a hand across the spines on top of his head. “The portal is going to be destroyed to prevent anyone else from coming across. At least for now.”

  She drew in a quick breath. “What about Jewel?” Would she be forced to stay?

  “We sent her through already. The portal hadn’t warmed up, but she made it through.”

  She exhaled. At least she’s safe. “And why am I here?” How did this affect her? She couldn’t return to Earth.

  “We’re giving you the chance to go home.”

  Her heart leaped from her chest. She’d never wanted anything more, yet she knew there would be a catch. “Under what conditions?”

  The director chuckled, a bit of smoke escaping from his mouth. “You will still work for us. As you were recruited, you will recruit others, preparing for another passage between Earth and the space station.” He handed her a new communicator. “The time has come for Earth to know about us. I will contact you soon. Right now you need to go. The portal will close in five minutes.”

  If he said anything else, she missed his words. She ran out of the office then slammed the tube button. When she landed, she set her sights on the passage to Earth, its mass quickly shrinking.

  “Wait,” she yelled at the Phantie standing by the controls. He held a large bar of steel, ready to destroy the system.

  V took off running then dove when she reached the platform, hoping the portal didn’t close before she traveled through.

  Chapter Ten

  Jewel opened her eyes, a soft hand brushing across her cheek.

  “Hi, sweetie.”

  She gasped. “V?”

  “Yeah, it’s me.”

  “But…I thought….” She reached out then pulled V down against her. “I’m so glad you’re here.” But had she made it back to Earth or was she still on the space station? She didn’t care because she had V in her arms.


  She let Jewel hold her for as long as she wanted, for she wanted to be there just as much.

  “Where are we?” Jewel asked once she let her go.

  “Back on Earth. At the lab where from the portal was.” Although the section they stayed in remained quiet, the rest of the lab raced to tear apart the equipment before the technology could be used to harm rather than help.

  “Are you here for good?” Hope filled her voice. “Or do you have to go back?”

  She ran a hand across Jewel’s forehead, stroking away a few strands of hair. “I’m here for now. Eventually I may have to go back, but not until they rebuild the portal.” Returning to the space station held no appeal anyway, unless they went together. So long as they could build something from the night they’d spent together.

  The door to the room opened to admit a man in camo fatigues toting an automatic weapon. “Ladies, your ride is here. You need to move, now.”

  “Jewel, are you okay to walk?” She’d wanted to say more, discuss their future, but they’d run out of time.

  “I…I don’t know.”

  She scooped her off the cot and into her arms. Following their escort, she rushed through the halls then outside, Jewel clinging to her.

  When they reached the limousine, V set her on the seat then climbed in beside her.

  “The director will be in touch.” Their escort closed the door then tapped on the trunk.

  V should have been worried with all of the extra security around the lab compound, but her stomach churned as a result of the woman beside her. Their future together, unknown.
  “Where are we going?” Jewel, buckled in beside her, leaned on her shoulder.

  “You’re going home.”

  “And you?”

  Only one destination came to mind. Wherever Jewel went. “I assume the Space Service will find me accommodations.”

  Jewel sat up and took her hand. “You’re welcome to stay with me. I don’t have an extra bedroom or anything, but I do have room in my bed.”

  Smiling, V squeezed her hand. Exactly what she’d hoped for.

  “That is, if you want to be seen with the town monster.”

  She leaned over and captured Jewel’s mouth with her own for a tantalizing kiss. Never again would she let her woman think of herself as a monster. Pulling away, she stroked the side of her face. “I do want to be with you, but perhaps we could find a two bedroom place in Ottawa?”

  “Two bedroom?”

  “Well, for now.” She smiled. “You know, one for us and the other one we’ll use as an office. And in the future—”

  Her communicator beeped. A message came in from the director.

  I’m glad to hear you’re safely back on Earth. Frey and Carrie would like you to house sit for them while they remain at the space station. Do you accept?

  Yes, she replied. Much better than an apartment.

  She watched Jewel reading a message on her phone, her lips spreading into a huge smile. Then she let V read the message.

  Darling Jewel,

  I’m very sorry your time on the space station was cut short. And yet you still managed to meet with your one-night stand.

  Yes, Flavia was the woman you were sent to meet. The director and I believed you would complement each other well. And we are overjoyed you are together now.

  All the best in the future,

  Madame Evangeline

  With a heavy chest, V vowed not to cry. Now was a time to be happy. Someone named Madame Evangeline, along with the director had made all of her dreams come true. But who was that mysterious woman? She sighed. Right now, she had other things to concentrate on. She’d returned to Earth and had a beautiful woman in her life. Her future became a little less unknown.


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