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Just One Chance (Oh Tequila Series Book 1)

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by C. A. Harms

  And when he did, he moved fast. Too fast for me as I again couldn’t keep things focused.

  “Motherfucker,” he growled.

  “Red!” he yelled out, echoing down the hall.

  I heard a deep recognizable chuckle and turned to my left to see Elijah standing on the third step from the top.

  “What’s wrong with pretty boy?” he asked. “Did he not like my artwork?”

  “I’m gonna kill him,” Isaac threatened from the bathroom, only making Red laugh harder. “Is this shit permanent?”

  Elijah had drawn all over Isaac’s face.

  I’m talking lipstick and big thick eyebrows. Blue eyeshadow. And to top it off, he now had an oversized dick on his right cheek that appeared as if it was heading straight for his mouth.

  And across his forehead was the phrase, “I slurp the gherkin.”

  I looked back at Red and his eyes were now locked on mine. “Don’t worry, X-man, I got you,” he said with a wink just before he descended to the lower level.

  I truly had no fucking clue what he was talking about. But I had a feeling I would figure it out eventually.

  Chapter 10


  I was exiting the bathroom and stumbled back when the door came flying open. I stood frozen in the middle of the room looking back at the mystery guy from earlier.

  “There you are,” he said with a smirk. “I’ve looked all over for you,” he confessed as he took another step forward. “You are so pretty,” he slurred.

  His forwardness had me stunned, and I was completely wasted, so my reaction was a little weak.

  When he lifted his hand to my cheek and left it there as he moved in closer, I did nothing to stop him.

  “Really pretty,” he said again, leaning in close. “And you smell so good too.”

  So drunk he wasn’t that great at pickup lines, but I didn’t care.

  He was the first and only guy since I entered this party more than five hours ago who made any type of impression. And he was hot—a major bonus.

  I didn’t stop him when he moved in close and began kissing along my neck.

  I did nothing to slow it down even when he backed me up and I was pinned to the bathroom vanity. I still let it happen.

  No way was I going to interrupt this.


  Instead I did the next best thing.

  I attacked him.

  Like pulling hair, tugging on his shirt and biting his lip kind of attacking. And from the reaction I felt pressed against my stomach, I’d say he liked every minute of it.

  I heard something tear, but it didn’t stop me. It actually fueled me. I had never done anything like this before. It was liberating. I had been cooped up in my own mind for far too long; it felt good to be free from all the stress.

  “Damn,” he moaned as I slid my hand past the waistband of his jeans and wrapped my fingers around a very impressive erection.

  Smiling at what I had found.

  Drunk sex with a hot guy who seemed to be packing something real good.

  I was in.

  I pulled back just enough to gain some space and took in a deep breath.

  “What would it take for me to convince you to come home with me?” I asked just before he moved in again to take my mouth with his.

  He was eager.

  And this was so out of character for me.

  But being in my apartment felt safer than being here all night. Marcus would be there. And there wouldn’t be a house full of just anybody who could walk in at any time.

  “Just take me,” he breathed. “No need to ask.”

  Well, okay then.

  I hopped down from the sink, and for a moment wondered at what point I ended up on there. Things were flowing quite nicely; I think I lost track of my own thoughts there for a moment.

  I smiled at the idea that I was so wrapped up in his kisses that I couldn’t remember much of anything else.

  I began to pull him from the room and he followed without hesitation. Marcus was waiting a few feet down the hallway and smiled when he saw us coming.

  “You found your mystery man,” he said, eyeing the guy behind me appreciatively. “What’s your name, tall dark and…” he paused, waiting for the guy to answer.

  “Xavier,” he slurred.

  “Xavier,” Marcus repeated as a huge smile covered his lips. Then he looked in my direction, wagging his eyebrows suggestively. “Is he coming home with us?” Marcus asked and all I did was nod. “Well, okay then.”

  He began walking away as I hurried after him, pulling Xavier along behind.

  The drive back to my house was quite entertaining. I rode in the back seat with Xavier and he was all hands. Sliding along my thighs, my hips. Wrapping his arms around my waist.

  He kissed along my neck, and at times I found my eyes fluttering shut because it felt so good.

  I had a feeling tonight would be one I wouldn’t soon forget.


  Xavier was everywhere.

  Meaning his hands, his mouth, oh that mouth, it was all over me. Touching, tasting, I had never felt this on fire before.

  Clothes were flying, and deep gratifying moans filled my room as he continued to consume me.

  Marcus just handed me a box of condoms and said “Have fun” before he walked off to his room on the opposite side of the apartment. So I fully intended to.

  I just might break this boy before morning.

  I was a deprived girl.

  One who spent far too much time doing things I didn’t want and stayed away from those things that would distract me.

  Xavier was a distraction.

  A yummy one, but a distraction nonetheless.

  But just for tonight I’d let him make me forget that tomorrow, reality would return.

  Chapter 11


  I stretched my arms above my head, twisting from side to side. My body ached like I spent hours at the gym, but I knew I hadn’t been in weeks.

  Fuck, even my nipples hurt.

  How was that even possible?

  And my mouth was dry like the desert as I tried to swallow.

  I tasted something, maybe a little sweet.

  I ran my tongue over my teeth and clucked it, trying to produce even a small amount of saliva to wet my mouth.

  What the fuck was that flavor?

  “Pineapple,” I said to what I thought was an empty room.

  “You weren’t complaining last night.” I jumped at the sound of a deep, raspy voice.

  Looking around an unfamiliar room in a panic, my gaze landed on a man standing only a few feet from the bed. He wore a towel around his waist and looked freshly showered. A wide grin stretched out over his face.

  And in his hand he held a tube of K-Y lubricant. Shaking it from side to side, he tilted his head just slightly and licked his lower lip. “In fact, you were saying you’ve never tasted anything better. You insisted pineapple was your favorite.”

  He wagged his eyebrows suggestively and my stomach began to roll.

  As in huge tsunami fucking waves of anxiety.

  I felt sick.

  “You kept saying ‘more, give me more,’” the guy added and that was all it took.

  I tried to slowly slip from the bed, my eyes still locked on this strange guy who looked at me like he was about to devour me.

  The grin on his face fucking creeped me out, I’m not gonna lie.

  Then he laughed, a deep chuckle as he started tossing the K-Y into the air and catching it. Still grinning.

  I began to move faster because the way my stomach was rolling I felt at any moment I might be sick.

  In the process of attempting to escape, my feet got tangled in the sheets of the bed and I fell to the floor next to the bed, face first.

  My bare ass now in clear view.

  Oh fuck, he moaned; I just knew I heard him moan.

  And on instinct I clenched my ass, doing all I could to cover it with the sheet and my hand.

  “Slow down,” the guy insisted. “I wouldn’t want you hurting the goods.”

  Did I mention I was horrified?

  My stomach still churned at the idea of what we’d done the night before. I had absolutely nothing against homosexuality; it just wasn’t something I was into.

  I scurried across the floor, just needing a minute to clear my head. Hoping like hell last night would come back to me.

  Sitting down on the floor of the bathroom next to the running shower, I took a few deep breaths. Running my hand over my stomach and up my chest, my fingers caught on something.


  My fucking nipples were pierced.

  “I really like those,” the guy said from the doorway, noticing me inspecting them. “I think last night you said something about tugging on them made you hard.”

  And that was all it took.

  I was done.

  I got up on my knees and began heaving.

  My entire body tensed with each gag.

  “Marcus,” a girl’s voice filled the room and I tried to look up but continued to heave.

  “Seriously?” the girl asked again and I was finally able to turn my head to the side. “Leave him alone.”

  It was the girl.

  The one from the “have you ever” game. The one I was looking for all night.

  “You?” I whispered and she knelt down at my side.

  She too had a towel wrapped around her and I looked between the two of them. What in the hell did I get myself into last night?

  How the hell did I end up here? In some crazy ass threesome?

  At least it could have been two girls.

  And as if she could see the crazy scenarios rolling around in my mind, she smiled.

  “You don’t remember, do you?” she asked.

  “Remember what?” I was afraid to hear her answer, but I knew it would fuck with my head if I didn’t know.

  “That jokester over there is my roommate, Marcus.” She nudged her head toward the doorway, but I didn’t look. My stomach was still rolling and I could already sense he was still giving me that look of his.

  The weird one.

  I didn’t want to see it again, like ever.

  “It was just me and you, Romeo,” she clarified, and I felt my body instantly relax.

  I closed my eyes and let reality sink in.

  I hooked up with her alone; relief.

  “Is that a tramp stamp?” The guy from the doorway spoke again, causing me to open my eyes.

  I thought he was pointing to the girl, but they were both examining me instead.

  “A what?” I asked, trying to look behind me to see what they seen. Forget the fact that I was on their bathroom floor, nude, after just puking. That had long since been forgotten.

  “A tattoo across your lower back,” the guy added, leaning in closer. “It looks like a chain of cocks.”

  I hung my head, knowing full well where, or should I say who, was responsible for my new found ink. I just prayed the shit would wash off eventually.

  The guy I knew as Marcus chuckled, only causing the girl to laugh. I looked up and her eyes locked on mine.

  And suddenly I regretted not remembering my night with her.

  There was something in her eyes. A sweetness about her, unlike other girls I’d been with. She wasn’t prissy, or overly confident. Just real.

  When she noticed I was staring, her cheeks reddened and she looked away quickly.

  I liked that.

  And then I remembered my other new addition to body art.

  Lifting my hand, I ran it over my new piercings, regaining her attention.

  “And these?” I asked.

  “What, you didn’t have those before last night either?” She smiled as she and her roommate exchanged another look of surprise. “Well, when you came back here you had both, so I’m not sure when you got those either.”

  I already knew who was responsible. This had Red written all over it.

  I just found myself wondering how in the hell I didn’t feel the pain from the needle or whatever the asshole used to shove through my nipples. Or where in the hell the rings came from to begin with.

  How the hell did one sleep through such a thing?

  Chapter 12


  I sat on the edge of my bed, now dressed, listening to the water running in the shower.

  I thought after the shock of Xavier’s morning I could at least offer him a shower.

  I found my mind kept wandering back to last night, or should I say, early this morning.

  It was amazing, for me at least.

  The way he moved, you’d never guess he was so trashed he’d been unaware. I wished he remembered, but maybe it was best he didn’t.

  I had never felt that alive. Never felt that much pleasure wrapped up in only a few hours. Xavier was unbelievable and giving.

  I jumped when I heard the sound of his voice from the doorway.

  “Do you happen to know where my things are?”

  There he stood, with a towel held secure around his waist. Hanging very low. Beaded water still glistening on his chest.

  And those nipple rings. He may not have had them long, but I liked them. They looked good on him.

  “I, um…” I cleared my throat and looked away from him. “I laid what I could find over there.”

  I pointed toward the chair in the corner and watched him move that direction.

  He began sifting through and I tried not to laugh when he held up a shirt that was missing a sleeve. Well it wasn’t completely missing, just hanging halfway off. And his boxers—I was puzzled myself how the whole side of them got ripped out.

  He looked over at me with a boyish grin and I couldn’t keep a straight face. “You have claws or something?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “I guess you’ll never know,” I said and then wished I hadn’t.

  “Listen, I was wasted, and I’m sorry that I…” he began to explain but I waved it off.

  “I knew what I was getting into when I asked you to come home with me. I expected nothing more than last night. I think we both just needed a free night.” I stood up and moved toward the dresser to grab my keys.

  “If you want to meet me in the kitchen I’ll give you a ride home,” I added, then moved toward the door. “I could only find one of your shoes, but I’m thinking maybe the other is in the car.”

  I tried not to laugh when he looked down at the single shoe that sat on the floor by the chair. He just shook his head as if he was confused and ran his hand through his hair.

  Poor guy was really lost.

  “I’ll see you in a few minutes,” I told him as I opened the door and found Marcus just on the other side. He looked over my shoulder and grinned wide at Xavier.

  I pushed against him, placing my hands on his chest and moving him out of the way.

  “Will you please just leave him alone?” I said as I closed the door behind me and walked toward the kitchen. Marcus was hot on my heels.

  “You like him, don’t you?” he asked.

  “No, I feel awful that he can’t remember a damn thing,” I said in correction. Marcus didn’t need to know that I wished he could.

  “Okay, Morgan, if you say so.” Marcus proceeded to pour both him and me a cup of coffee, placing a third on the countertop next to mine.

  I was just about to argue with him and tell him he was being ridiculous, but jumped in surprise when a strong hand pressed against the small of my back.

  “Is this for me?” Xavier asked as he reached around me with the other arm and picked up the coffee cup.

  I watched with a little too much concentration as he brought it to his lips and took a sip. His throat bobbed as he swallowed and his eyes closed as if it was the best thing ever.

  “All I’ve tasted since I woke up is pineapple,” he added as he slowly opened his eyes and locked on mine.

  I felt my face heat and immediately looked down toward my hands.

  I’d re
ceived that stuff as a gag gift, but Xavier insisted we give it a try. And I went for it, along with a few other things that I’d never tried.

  But I figured if I was going for this one night-of-the-best-sex thing, I may as well go all out.

  I could still feel the ache in all the places he’d explored. And it felt exquisite.

  “Xavier,” Marcus said, gaining his attention and my own. “I found your shoe in the hallway when I went out this morning to get donuts.”

  He solved the missing shoe puzzle.

  “But I hate to tell you that it didn’t survive Rosco,” Marcus added, and I immediately covered my mouth with my hand.

  “Rosco?” Xavier asked, his eyebrows crinkled in confusion.

  “Yeah.” Marcus took a seat on the opposite side of the snack bar. “Rosco is our neighbor’s pit bull. And it would appear he quite enjoys himself a Nike.”

  Laughter fell from my lips, because I could no longer contain it.

  This poor guy had been through hell in one night, and he couldn’t even remember any of it.


  The drive back to his place was a bit awkward. He tried to carry on a conversation and I could tell he felt bad about not remembering much. I honestly just wanted it all to be over with.

  He thought he owed me an explanation.

  I didn’t want one.

  It was, like I said, awkward.

  I was thankful when I pulled up in front of his house and he opened the passenger door to get out.

  “Listen.” He turned back to look at me. “Maybe we can hang out sometime. Catch a movie, or even dinner.”

  A distraction—he could be a great one. One that I’d doubt I would tire of. And that was dangerous.

  So making a clean break now was a definite necessity.

  “I had a lot of fun last night, regardless of your inability to remember much.” His shoulders sagged a little. “Honestly, I haven’t had that much fun in a long time. I needed a night like that. But Xavier, you don’t owe me a thing. And I don’t have time for a relationship or dating.”

  He nodded but I could tell he wanted to say something in return.


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