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Just One Chance (Oh Tequila Series Book 1)

Page 13

by C. A. Harms

  I was changing in Xavier’s room when there was a gentle knock on the door. It slowly began to open just as I buttoned my jean shorts and then Xavier’s head poked in through the opening.

  “Ah, I was hoping I would catch you indisposed,” he offered, wagging his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

  “Too late,” I told him with a challenging smirk.

  He stepped further into his bedroom and quietly closed the door behind him before turning back to face me. As he began moving toward me I could see the mischievous look in his eyes. “It’s never too late,” he stated clearly, his eyes roaming over my body from head to toe. When he looked at me like that it was impossible not to react. I could feel the heat rising in my neck as my lower stomach tensed. I tried to hide my reaction, but he had me all figured out. “All we have to do is unbutton these shorts,” he said as his fingers toyed with my waistband. “Then we could slide them down and you could turn around to grip the footboard of the bed.”

  I shook my head no but my body was screaming yes.

  “I can be quick,” he promised as he pushed his hardness against me.

  I was just about to give in when the door burst open and there stood Carter. “Dude, what if I had been Dad?” he said with a laugh. “Or worse, Mom.”

  Xavier reached down to adjust himself and it was my turn to laugh.

  “Dad caught me once, though, and all he did was tell me to hurry the hell up before Mom got home,” Carter added and Xavier rolled his eyes.

  “Ever hear of knocking?” he said in an irritated tone.

  “Yeah, but barging in unannounced is much funnier.” Carter shrugged as he walked around us and flopped down on the bed.

  Xavier lunged at him and I quickly dodged a foot that came my way. I stood back watching the two brothers with a smile on my face.

  I backed up until I bumped into the desk behind me as the two of them continued to pummel and pound on one another. Shaking my head, thinking boys, I turned around and began looking around Xavier’s space. The high school version of the man I now knew was plastered all over the area above his desk. Pictures of him and his friends, some of them girls. Trophies from his youth, along with award and newspaper clipping of highlights from various games.

  I leaned in closer, scanning over a few of the section titles below some of the pictures.

  “Xavier Stone pulls the double play of a lifetime to win the Nationals for Florida.” That was just one of the many he had on display. I was so lost as I continued to look over each item that I jumped in surprise when Xavier stepped up behind me. His strong arms circled my waist and his chin rested on my shoulder. “What’chya doing over here?” he asked.

  “Just getting to know you a little better,” I confessed, smiling as I envisioned him in his baseball uniform moving around on the field with grace.

  “You know me already,” he assured me.

  “Why didn't you try playing baseball for UF?” I asked, curious as to why he let go so easily.

  “Just didn’t want to,” he sounded so sure. “I wanted to focus on my schoolwork and my degree.”

  “And partying,” I added.

  “I love playing baseball, but I didn’t want it to be all I did.” He skipped right over the partying comment.

  “Can we play sometime?” I asked, surprising myself. I wasn’t the athletic type but there was something about seeing Xavier in that zone that I found intriguing. I wanted that chance.

  “Sure,” he whispered as he kissed my neck just below my ear. “I’ll take you out.”

  I knew it would most likely end in disaster, either with me tripping and breaking my neck or getting hit with a fast ball, but I’d chance it.


  “How was your little getaway?” Marcus asked as I entered our apartment. He was lounging on the couch, still in his pajamas with his hair sticking up all over the place.

  “It was good, actually,” I said, tossing my bag to the floor and joining him on the couch. “I was nervous, but his family is amazing. His house is huge, fancy, and beautiful, but they don’t act like they’re better. I’ve never met more down to earth people.”

  Marcus was grinning from ear to ear, not saying a word, only listening to me ramble.

  “His mom is so sweet, his dad and brother—they’re just like Xavier. Only Carter, that’s his brother, is a little pervert, but he’s sixteen. Most sixteen-year-old boys only have one thing on their minds.” The kid was a little over the top. “But Cassie, his sister, she is a twelve-year-old me, I swear.”

  “Lord help us.” Marcus’ eyes widened dramatically. “The world can’t survive another you.”

  I pushed his shoulder and he laughed.

  “So where is your boy now?” he asked as he righted himself.

  “Oh, him,” I said, waving my hand out in front of me. “I sent him home. I needed some space.”

  I tried to hold a straight face, but Marcus knew better. I turned to look at him slowly, and found he had an eyebrow arched and his lips pursed, kind of like I often do. I began to laugh.

  “I think we both know that you two can’t do space. You’re like an addict and he needs you to function properly. The two of you are glued to one another.”

  I shrugged, denying nothing. I liked having Xavier around; he’d grown on me in a short time. It made me wonder why I had been so adamant about keeping my distance from him.

  “You think you got time to spend a few hours with me?”

  I refocused my attention on my best friend. “Are you missing me?” I asked and he rolled his eyes. “You are. You missed me.”

  “Whatever, you’re a bitch. How the hell could I miss you?” He stood from the couch and moved toward the kitchen.

  “I may be a bitch, but you so miss me,” I continued to taunt him. “Admit it, Marcus Alan, you miss my face.”

  “Whatever, I just don’t like going to the movies by myself. It makes me look homely.” He leaned back against the countertop and crossed his arms over his chest. “Who else would I make fun of the sex scenes with?”

  I walked toward him and threw my arms around his shoulders. “If it’s any consolation, I miss you too,” I confessed, still hugging him tight.

  “Xavier’s making you soft,” he told me, only making me laugh. Maybe he was, but it felt nice not to be cranky and moody all the time.

  Not only did Marcus and I go to a movie, but we decided on lunch too. What I hadn't planned was to be sitting in front of Porter’s Pizza. On most days it was all we ate because it certainly kicked major ass, but we never went there. Ordering out was our thing.

  “What are we doing here?” I asked.

  “Come on,” he hollered as he hurried out of the car and across the busy street. He left me in the car staring after him, trying to come up with a way I could talk him out of it. The problem was Marcus was a determined guy, and no amount of bitching or moaning was gonna change his mind.

  Begrudgingly I climbed out of the car and moved toward the restaurant with unease. I entered with caution as I looked around, hoping that by some miracle Pete wouldn’t be working. The problem was he was always working.

  “Morgan.” I closed my eyes when I heard Pete’s deep vibrating voice say my name. It was more like a long drawn out moan that gave me the kind of chills I didn’t want to have.

  Slowly I turned around to face him and forced a smile while trying not to focus on his unibrow. “Hey Pete. How are you doing?”

  “Good. It’s been a while since you’ve stopped in.” He was still giving me that strange smile of his. “Marcus just got led away by Mira; let me show you to your table.”

  “Great, thanks,” I said, glad that the small talk had been cut short. I truly didn’t know what I should say to him. He liked me, I didn’t feel the same, it made things awkward.

  Pete grabbed a second menu and started to walk toward the dining area just as a set of strong arms engulfed my waist and my feet were suddenly lifted from the floor. This caused me to yelp in surprise. Whe
n I was once again lowered to the floor, I turned to face the culprit and came face to face with Xavier.

  “Hey baby,” he said as he stepped closer and lifted his hand to my face.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked as I looked back over my shoulder. Pete stood a few feet away, watching my interaction with Xavier with curiosity.

  “What? You aren’t happy to see me?” I turned back around and found Xavier with a knowing smirk on his face. “Am I interrupting your time with Pete?” He asked the question low enough so only I could hear. “Were the two of you having a moment?”

  “Knock it off,” I whisper yelled at him, which only made him laugh.

  “Introduce me, babe.” He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss. “After all, both of us have great taste in women, so he’s gotta be an okay guy.”

  Before I could say anything, Xavier hooked me around the waist and stepped closer to Pete. “Hi, you must be Pete,” he said, thrusting his hand out toward the dumbfounded man. “I’m Xavier, Morgan’s boyfriend, and we’re here to meet Marcus.”

  “Um, y-y-yeah.” I felt awful at Pete’s obvious stuttering. “L-l-let me show you both to your table.”

  “You are awful.” I slapped at his arm as he slid his hand lower, cupping my ass. “What are you gonna do next, pee on my leg?”

  I walked away from him but I could hear his laughter echoing behind me. Apparently Xavier Stone was on some type of high horse. As I approached the table, I had a feeling that my best friend had some involvement in this fiasco.

  “Did you do this?” I asked as I slid into the booth opposite him.

  He looked up from his menu and nodded his head at Xavier as he slid into the space next to me. He’d completely ignored my question, which gave me the exact answer I needed.

  Pete reached out to offer me my menu and Xavier took it from him as he turned toward me and offered it sweetly. I took it from him but what I truly wanted to do was whack him over the head with it.

  “Will you be having your regular, Morgan?” Marcus asked and I ignored the looks from Xavier and Marcus, as I smiled at Pete.

  “Yes, please,” I replied and he smiled back at me.

  “Make it a large,” Xavier said, tossing his arm over the back of the booth and sliding closer to me. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. He was ridiculous. “The special pizza you make for my girl here has become my favorite too.”

  I wanted to punch him.

  Pete nodded his head and excused himself, just before I turned on Xavier. “Are you serious right now?”

  “What?” he asked, acting all innocent.

  “You know what. Poor Pete.”

  “Aww, does my girl have a soft spot for the pizza boy?” He tried tickling me and Marcus sat across the table, loving every minute.

  I looked up to see Pete approaching with a sour look on his face. This entire situation was over the top. On one hand I had my best friend, who obviously set me up for this entire thing, and on the other a boyfriend who felt the need to mark me, so to speak.

  So fine. They wanted to play, we’d play.

  Pete sat our drinks down on the table and as he started to turn away I stopped him.

  “Do you do everything around here, Pete?”

  He looked up and smiled. “I try to keep things moving.” He’d always been nice to me, but evading him had been the easiest thing to do. It made the awkwardness avoidable. But now I was in his space, forced to face the weirdness. So why not maybe make things a little less weird?

  “You make the pizza, you serve the guests. You’re even the man who does the behind the scenes tasks,” I added, and noticed the way Xavier was watching me from the side.

  “We haven’t had the greatest luck with waitresses lately,” Pete said in explanation. “I guess I’ve just not been picky enough when hiring help, but with the college so close I try to give the benefit of the doubt, and help out those who seem as if they could use the job. It always comes back to bite me, though. No shows, or those that do show barely survive the shift since they spent the night before at a party until the early hours of the morning.”

  “So you’re down a waitress?” I asked, suddenly interested a little more.

  I shifted my gaze to Marcus, and I think by the look on his face he knew just where I was going with this.

  “Yeah, two actually,” Pete said as he looked over his shoulder toward the front door where two new customers had just entered.

  “Do you have an application?” I asked, regaining his attention.

  “For you?” He asked as if he was a little taken back.

  I nodded my head. “I’ve actually been looking for a job that would work around my class schedule.”

  “I could, we will, I mean yes,” Pete stumbled over his words. “I’d definitely make the hours work for you.”

  “Really?” I replied. “You don’t even want to interview me?”

  “No, Morgan, I already know you’re not that kinda girl.” Pete’s smile grew. “I’d love to have you working here.”

  “I bet he would,” Xavier mumbled at my side, only I chose to ignore him.

  “That’s great.” I was actually excited. Pete was nothing like my last boss. I knew I would have to endure a little flirting, maybe a few glances that lasted a little longer than they should, but the guy was harmless.

  “Before you leave, we’ll go over what your school schedule is and work out when you can start.” Pete seemed excited. “If that’s okay?”

  “That’s perfect, Pete, thanks.”

  When he walked away, I ignored the curious stares coming from my right and from across the table. Instead I reached out and took my cup of Pepsi, tapping the straw against the table to remove the paper. I plucked the straw from the wrapper and popped it into my cup, taking a generous drink. As I lowered the cup back to the table, I looked at Marcus and Xavier.

  I could feel the laughter bubbling up inside me at their expressions. Marcus had a gleam in his eye. It was one I’d witnessed often, almost shouting oh no you didn’t.

  Oh yes I did.

  As if Marcus wasn’t bad enough, Xavier looked like a scorned child. The earlier awry look on his face had disappeared and in its place was a frown.

  “Seriously?” he asked as he turned in the booth to face me.

  “This was a great idea, guys,” I said, smiling wide. “Had you not planned this, I wouldn’t have known about the job opening.”

  Xavier started to speak, his mouth opening and closing again quickly. He looked to Marcus for help, only to be met with nothing but a shrug.

  It was the most perfect “in your face” moment. It would hopefully teach them both to not be such assholes. But something told me this was all just the beginning.


  “Are you coming over tonight?” Xavier asked as I held the phone to my ear using my shoulder. I was hopping around trying to get my left leg into the pants I held.

  “Can’t,” I said, finally succeeding as I shimmied them up and over my hips. “I got the evening shift at Porter’s.”

  I swear I heard a gauntly growl.

  “Hello?” I said, wondering for a moment if I’d lost the call.

  “This is the third time this week,” he complained.

  “I know, but it is the best time for tips. I’m finally able to help out with some of the bills here at the apartment. I hate being a mooch.” Though Marcus never complained, it still wasn’t right. “It won’t be the first party you’ve gone to without me.”

  “We really weren’t together then so it doesn’t count.” I could tell he was pouting. “What time do you get off?”

  “We close at ten,” I said. Xavier followed with yet another long pause.

  “Will you come over after?” he asked.

  The idea of going to the fraternity smelling like pizza sauce after a five-hour shift was the last thing I wanted to do. I also knew that if I declined he’d only pout more. Why were men so needy?

  “I’ll try,” I finally said. “Bu
t I’ll need to shower first.”

  “Shower here,” he insisted. “Come on, I’ve seen you once this week.”

  And so it begins.

  “I’ll see you tonight.” I wanted to see him too. Going from being with someone every single day and night to maybe once or twice a week was a little hard. Especially when that person made you extremely happy, for the most part. When he wasn’t being a pigheaded alpha male marking his territory.

  Secret was—I sorta liked that part of him too.

  Chapter 28


  This party was no different than any of the others. A lot of loud people doing crazy ass shit, leaving any and all morals behind. I told myself I wasn’t gonna drink, but after the first hour that idea went right out the window.

  Red still felt like an ass for my collision with the coffee table, so he spent the night trying to make it up to me. His idea of doing so was getting shit-faced. Had I been drinking alone I would have assumed he planned some type of attack on me, but he was there right alongside me.

  They all gave me a hard time at first, teasing and taunting me about getting my girl’s permission to hang out with the guys. It didn't bother me because I knew had I been given the option of this party or snuggling up with Morgan, she would win every damn time. The girl had me wrapped around her finger; I wasn’t ashamed of that.

  As the party went on I grew anxious. I was buzzed but that didn’t make me unaware of the approaching hour.

  “Tug of war,” someone yelled out just before a large hand gripped my shoulder.

  I looked to my left to find Red smiling brightly with a look of excitement in his eyes. “You’re on my team, X, let’s take those little southern assholes down.”

  I didn't get time to inquire or even argue as Red tossed me up over his shoulder like a rag doll and carried me through the living room into the kitchen and right out the back door.

  He finally sat me down in the backyard and I looked around at all the people. Corbin, Clayton, and Isaac stood on the far side of the pool. A crowd was forming as the party goers exited the house to find out what was going on now. There was always something.


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