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Impetuously Irresistible: An insta-love with the Billionaire Boss Romance Novella

Page 8

by Ember Flint

  He lied to me.

  “You fucking lied to me, Ster. You are one of my best friends and went behind my back. I thought I could trust you, I thought—“

  “Charles, I love her. We love each other. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t know how to.”

  I clench my jaw shut and when I speak, I’m hissing through my teeth. “So you thought your best option was to elope with my baby sister?”

  “Charlie, we didn’t do it for the reasons you’re thinking. We got married because we love each other and we wanted to be together,” my sister interject.

  I shake my head. “Don’t give me that sad puppy look, Cora, it’s not gonna work. I invented the damn thing,” I grumble.

  “I’m sorry I hid this from you, man. It was a fucking bloody mess and I didn’t know how to bloody act, but you have to know I love her so much it hurts, I’ll give my life for her.”

  Sterling’s tone is so earnest that I’m partially placated, but only so far.

  This still stinks.

  And the thought of mystery elevator sexy bombshell being my sister makes me want to puke.

  “Charles…” Jessica calls me back to the present softly. “They are in love.”

  I glare at her a bit, but I know there’s not much I can do.

  I could even see how this could be nice. I mean: what man could I trust best with my sister’s happiness than one of my best friends, right?

  But I don’t have to like this. Do I?

  Nor I intend to make it easy on them —especially him.

  “Alright. When are you coming back to New York?” I ask, sighing exasperatedly as I feel a vein start to throb at my temple.

  Sterling hugs my sister to his side and my eyes fall on their clasped hands.

  “We don’t know yet,” he says.

  “Make it soon and Ster?”

  “Yes?” he asks, his head snapping up to meet my eyes.

  “I’m still going to punch you in the face no matter how in love you are with my baby sister.”

  He shrugs. “I know. I shall withstand any punishment you deem worthy, just forgive your sister, she can’t stand to be on the outs with you and I can’t bear to see her tears.”

  “Aww,” Jessica says softly and when I hear her sniffle a little I roll my eyes.

  I point at my sister. “You’re forgiven.”

  Then I point at Sterling. “You’re still fucked. I’ll talk to you guys soon and Cora? Before you ask, no: there’s not a chance in hell I’ll tell Mom and Dad for you.”

  My sister’s whine and Sterling’s laughter and words of love and comfort are the last things I hear before I interrupt the communication.

  “Can you believe this?” I ask turning toward Jessica.

  She smiles and shrugs. “Well, yes…”


  I know it’s a bit childish maybe, but I want to keep on grumbling about this a little longer and I want my woman to be on my side.

  “Charles, how could I not after what happened between us? Didn’t you say yourself that last week was going to go down in history as the week in which something was in the air in Manhattan?”

  I sulk a little at that. “Do you have to rub it in, babe?”

  She giggles. “Absolutely. Charles listen: you were worried sick for Sterling and even for your sister. Now you know they’re fine, they’re together and they’re in love, right?”

  I roll my eyes. “I guess so, but he is so much older than her and—”

  “What? Don’t you trust him? Don’t you trust your sister’s judgement?”

  I sigh. “Do you have to be so rational about this?”

  She straddles my lap and kisses me softly. “Well no, in fact, we can cease being rational all together, what do you say?”

  I laugh against her lips and let our love soothe my worries away as our tongues start to fence together, her hot little body rocking on top of mine and my cock going from zero to one hundred in thirty seconds as I wrap my arms around her hips, pressing her down on me even farther and as usual when we are together like this reality takes a bow and there’s nothing around us, nothing beyond us.


  I stare up at the ceiling lying in bed, my legs entwined with Jessica’s as she sleeps peacefully.

  She totally needs the recovery time.

  We have done little but fucking since this morning.

  The realization that I am utterly and completely in love with her hit me hard and all at once after we talked with Cora and Sterling and I didn’t know how to wrap my mind around it.

  One big part of me wanted to tell her right away, scream it to the world, the other was afraid of her reaction and so I said nothing and aptly kept us from having much conversation by incessantly driving my cock deep inside of her over and over again until we both collapsed from exhaustion.

  This has been one crazy week for all of us apparently, yet it has also been the happiest of my life and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

  I want everything with Jess and I want it now.

  I’m in love with her, I feel like I’ve loved her since forever.

  I want a life with her, a future with her.

  She is it for me, I knew it from the start and I know she feels the same even though in the vortex of passion and emotion that our time together has been, we haven’t really stopped to talk about it yet.

  If we didn’t, maybe it was because we didn’t really need to verbalize it. We both know it’s true and we both know it’s forever.

  She is mine and I’m hers and that’s it.

  She is the one and I’m going to spend the rest of my life making sure she knows it.

  I smile, cuddling her closer to my body and kissing her lips.

  I don’t know what I was afraid of.

  This is it. This is perfect. This is love.

  Chapter 10


  One week later…

  I barely have time to slip off my high-heeled sandals and toss my purse on the kitchen table when I hear someone knocking and I know exactly who is at the door.

  As I walk out of the room I feel a smile pull at my lips and the now familiar fluttering sensation of happiness cursing through my body until it reaches my heart and gives it that little squeeze of joy and warmth that I have come to associate with Charles and the end of any separation between us, no matter how brief.

  We have fallen into the habit of driving back together either to his place or mine after work, but a couple of days it has not been possible because of his many obligations; today was one of those days.

  Charles had several meetings programmed and couldn’t join me.

  This week has been without doubt the best of my entire life. I have found the man I’m sure I’ll be spending the rest of my life with, I love my job and I haven’t worried once for my sister since I saw her with Aston last Monday.

  I can’t believe what a difference seven days have made in my life: I went from not understanding how Lara could be so in love so fast, to staring into the beautiful crystal blue eyes of a stranger and knowing —just knowing in my guts— that he was the one, from utter misery to perfect happiness in seven wonderful days.

  I open the door and my smile gets even bigger.

  “Hello, sweetheart,” Charles whispers, his voice low and deep.

  “Hi,” I say, my heart beating crazily fast.

  Before I know it, we are in each other’s arms as if invisible strings were pulling us together and it feels so natural, so easy, nothing like I thought something like this could be.

  “Missed me?” he asks, kissing the outer shell of my ear and making me shiver all over.

  I look up at him. “Always…”

  He smiles so big, his dimples show. “I missed you too, baby, so much I have no idea what most of the last meeting was about, thank God Aston was there too, not that he is much better right now, but hopefully we’ll be able to puzzle things

  I giggle, sliding my hands up his muscular torso and around his neck as I stand on my tippy-toes to kiss his delicious lips.

  He groans into the kiss, making my core sing and pulse in need, I feel a decided tug and a push against my lower belly and I laugh. So does Charles.

  “Well we went all of three hours without,” he says, smiling against my lips.

  I nod, grinning back at him.

  “You’re right: we totally deserve a prize for being so patient.”

  I peck his lips again, guiding him toward the small sofa in the center of my shoe-box living-room, our arms still wrapped around each other.

  “Did you spoke with your sister today?” he asks as we sit down.

  “I did,” I say sighing and then I let go of an airless little laugh. “I wish I could think she is crazy for moving in together with Aston so fast, but I don’t know if I can. Do you think they’re crazy rushing like this?”

  Charles hugs me to his side, his lips placing little loving kisses on my head and temple, his hand stroking my thigh.

  “No, I don’t, babe. In fact, I think we should be even more crazy,” he states, beaming at me.

  I giggle, “What kind of crazy?” I ask.

  He sighs, taking off my glasses and putting them on the little table in front of us.

  “Well, maybe not Cora’s and Ster’s kind of crazy, but you know what I mean, don’t you?” he asks softly, his voice like molten chocolate, his eyes so brilliant I can’t look away.

  I smile at him, because, yeah: I think I really know what he means, but I have to ask anyway.

  “Just how crazy are we talking about here, Charles?”

  He kisses me until we can no longer breathe and then he looks me right in the eye, his fingers caressing my cheek, his stare pointed and serious, but full of an emotion I know well and yet I cannot name.

  “Impetuously crazy, Jess. So crazy in love that there’s nothing else to consider but us and being together forever.”

  I snuggle into his protective embrace. “And when does forever start?”

  He gives me a little crooked grin. “Now, Jessica if you want it as much as I do. Will you be my forever and let me be yours?”

  I nod, feeling tears in my eyes, a trembling smile on my lips. “I will… I do.”

  Charles’ smile gets bigger. “Be mine always. Be my wife.”

  He doesn’t really ask, but that’s okay. He doesn’t need to. We both want this, no matter how crazy.

  I turn slightly around until we are completely facing each other. “You too. Be mine always. Be my husband,” I say, tears blurring my vision as my heart thunders away in my chest.

  We kiss again, our lips and tongues adding more threads to our bond of love and desire, until we are both up into flames lying on the floor, his huge, muscular body covering my smaller frame, clothes scattered around us, hands exploring, skin scorching and I know there’s no close that will ever be close enough not with us, not now, not ever and yet I’m pretty sure there’s nothing that will ever stop us from trying to completely erase the distance and really be one.

  One body, one soul, one breathe until all time stands still.

  “Charles,” I murmur as we writhe together, my lips on his neck. “I need you inside of me.”

  I moan when I feel his fingers deep into my wetness, my pussy contracting in want and desperation, my heart soaring higher and higher as I wait for that perfect first moment.

  He groans my name. “Fuck, you’re so sweet, so perfect, so wet and hot for me, baby,” he murmurs, against my nipple and he glides inside of me all the way, until he is in balls-deep and then he stops as my pussy stretches around the massive girth and length to accommodate his size and we both enjoy the moment I was waiting for, the moment where the intensity is everything I ever want to feel and yet at the same time is not enough.

  “Oh, damn, Charles! Fuck me!” I moan on his mouth, my tongue seeking entrance.

  He grunts and starts to fuck into me heavily and fast, pounding me to the floor until I feel the entire world around us disappear, waves upon waves of pleasure stunning me into utter stillness as I receive his thrusts and then I feel my orgasm really starting to get hold of me and I move back against his powerful driving hips, my nails digging into the skin of his back as my entire body burns for him.

  He grinds on my sensitive clit with every push and I feel the accompanying micro-explosion of pleasure and lust squeeze my pussy around his hard, huge cock.

  “Oh, God, Charles!”

  He captures one of my erect nipple with his mouth and starts to suckle on it, making me moan.

  “Come for me, love, come!” he orders, reaching down to pinch my clit just as his teeth gently sink on my nipple in a soft bite that makes me close my eyes shut and sends me over the edge.

  Charles follows me almost immediately giving one last furious thrust and renting the air with a roaring groan that makes me clench around him even more as I feel rope after rope of his thick, hot cum splashing inside me until we are both spent and smashed against each other in a heap of sweaty, messy limbs.

  “Jess, babe?” he calls after a while, propping himself up on one elbow to look down at me.

  “Yes?” I ask, smiling up at him.

  He caresses some of my damp hair away from my face. “I haven’t told you. I asked you to marry me and yet I haven’t told you.”

  I laugh a little. “You didn’t really ask, Charles.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Well there was no point if I was never letting you answer anything but yes.”

  “Were you now?”

  “Absolutely still… I should have told you before.”

  I kiss his chin. “What love?”

  He sighs, blushing a bit. I didn’t know he could do that. I smile, feeling my heart do a little dance.

  He looks down and then to the side, a frown on his forehead. “I mean: I know that you know but…”

  I giggle. “What?”

  He shakes his head. “I think I’m mangling this a bit, but Jess… I love you.”

  I smile as big as I can, stroking the side of his face, loving the feel of his dark blond scruffy beard under the tips of my fingers.

  Okay, I officially can never ever live without him now.

  “I know Charles. I know… and I love you too. So very much.”



  Seven months later…

  I feel Jessica’s hand squeeze mine as we both stare at the little monitor, a wave of infinite happiness washing over me.

  “We are having a little boy, love? Can you believe it? We made him… we did it!”

  My wife’s voice is full of wonder as happy tears shine in her clear blue eyes, blurring her glasses a little and I can only nod as I feel my love for her and for this tiny life made out of our devotion and passion grip me with all of its strength.

  I don’t have the words to describe how I feel right now, there’s no way I could rationalize this utter joy and this sense of completeness in a way that would do them justice.

  I can hardly believe this is my life now, sometimes it feels impossible that I could be so lucky as to find such a love and so fast yet here we are together and life before Jessica doesn’t even seem real anymore.

  Everything I was, everything I had, everything I ever experienced before I met her it’s like a pale imitation of the world I see around us now.

  It’s like everything was black and white in my life and then along came Jessica breathing color and joy into it, making everything new, everything real.

  I have to struggle to talk at first, but then I manage. “Benjamin…”

  We had our names already picked as soon as we found out we were expecting in November, twelve weeks ago. Benjamin for a little boy —after my father— and Alexis for a baby girl —just because we really liked that name.

  So here it is no more than a tiny, squirmy shape with little
limbs and a big head, our son Benjamin Spade the II, not that imposing for now, but he is my son so he is bound to grown into it.

  Maybe grown a little too much actually, we are all built like firetrucks in the family.

  My son!

  I’m going to be a daddy. Almost every day I still find myself grinning stupidly when I think about it.

  We were undecided about finding out the sex till this very morning, but as soon as we were told that the ultrasound showed the gender pretty clearly we went for it.

  I kiss Jess’s temple. “We’ll have to wait a little more for Alexis then…”

  Jessica laughs.

  “Let’s get this little guy out first before you start planning the next baby, love,” she teases smiling up at me.

  I wiggle my eyebrows at her, one of my hands on the little bump at her belly.

  “You can never start planning too early for this kind of thing, sweetheart.”

  I smile one more time at our baby —our baby!— on the screen and then turn toward her.

  “Thank you Jess, for this and for every day we spend together. I love you so much.”

  She reaches one arm up to wrap it around my neck, pulling me down a little. “I love you too, Charles. You make me so very happy.”

  We kiss softly at first and then more passionately as I feel myself react with my usual response —a response decidedly inappropriate considering our present location— I pull away. “Let’s go home, baby. No planning can be really considered serious without some good trials first and you know when I plan I’m always extremely serious.”

  She giggles. “Extremely serious and… let me check one thing…” she trails off, reaching down to confirm her suspicions. She arches one eyebrow “Oh, yes… and extremely hard. Too hard to waste, love, you’re right: let’s go home.”

  Epilogue 2


  Five years later…

  I feel my husband’s hand slip into mine and I turn to look at him with a smile.


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