Caterina (Pendleton Petticoats Book 2)
Page 17
Overhearing him tell Garrett he had to go to The Dalles for a trial, she wondered if he was testifying against someone. He’d hardly been around since the Fourth of July celebration. One of the deputies decided he’d rather farm than keep the peace in town, so Kade worked several extra shifts.
A few times, he joined them for supper but didn’t linger, having to get back to Pendleton. The two Sundays he’d been able to attend church, he sat by her, but left right after the service.
The afternoon he’d brought her the spice box and kissed her so ardently at the end of the walk seemed like a distant memory. Loath to admit it, Caterina really missed Kade. She missed his teasing banter and easy smile. She missed smelling his unique, manly scent. She missed the way their fingers twined together when he held her hand and the taste of his kisses.
Her feelings for the deputy grew in depth and intensity by the day. If she didn’t catch herself, she’d be completely in love with him and that would never do.
“Are they finished?” Nora asked from her seat at the table where she flapped the end of her apron in front of her face, trying to stir up a breeze.
“Yes, the last of the equipment just rolled by,” Aundy said, collapsing on a chair and resting her head on the table.
“I’d like to go to bed and sleep for a week,” Caterina mumbled from across the table where she sat with her feet propped on a chair. “If I never have to do that again, it will be too soon.”
“You mean cooking in a restaurant isn’t like cooking for a harvest crew of hungry men three times a day?” Nora asked, wearing a tired grin.
“No! If it was, I’d become a school teacher,” Caterina said vehemently, nodding her head for emphasis. “Some of these men, they have no manners at all. Like pigs at a trough, except I think your pigs have better manners.” She scrunched up her nose and made little grunting noises like a piglet.
Aundy and Nora laughed then sipped glasses of lemonade and munched on the last of the cookies. The women had done nothing but cook, wash dishes, and repeat the process for the past several days. After feeding the men supper as they prepared to head to the next job, the women finished the dishes and sank onto chairs, fatigued from their labors.
“I’m going to head on home.” Nora forced herself upright and kissed first Aundy then Caterina on the head. “You girls get some rest. Let Garrett eat at the bunkhouse tomorrow and sleep in.”
“We might just do that.” Aundy stood and walked Nora out to where one of the men had left her buggy hitched and ready to drive home. When she returned to the house after seeing Nora off, Aundy ran up the back steps, looking rejuvenated as she rushed inside the back door. “I just had the most wonderful idea.”
“By all means, don’t keep it to yourself.” Caterina felt her own spirits lift, catching the excitement in Aundy’s voice and eyes.
“Let’s go wade in the creek. The water should be cool and think how good it would feel on our poor, tired feet.”
“That does sound wonderful,” Caterina said, jumping up from the table, following Aundy out the door and down to the barn. Aundy didn’t bother with a saddle as she put a bridle on her horse and led Bell out of the barn.
“Mind riding bareback?”
“It’s not far, is it?” Caterina eyed the horse’s back. She could ride, but the thought of riding bareback for any distance didn’t sound particularly appealing in her exhausted state.
“No, but far enough I don’t want to walk.” Aundy swung up on Bell then held out her hand to pull Caterina on behind her.
The two women visited as they rode out to the creek that ran through the property. As they neared the water, the temperature cooled. Trees lined the bank, providing welcome shade. Eagerly stripping off their shoes and stockings, the girls hiked up their petticoats and skirts then stepped into the cool water.
As they waded up to their knees, Aundy told Caterina about the rocks that looked like gold she found in the creek and the man who tried to kill her because he thought they were real.
Amazed at how Aundy managed to remain levelheaded through the ordeal of her kidnapping, Caterina knew she wouldn’t have handled it as well. Her tongue would have gotten her killed before anyone had time to rescue her.
When she voiced her thoughts to Aundy, the woman laughed. “You’d have frightened him off when you launched into one of your tirades in Italian. It’s a good thing Kade doesn’t scare easily.”
“Just for that…” Caterina began splashing water at Aundy. It didn’t take long before both girls were soaked and squealing with delight.
“What is going on here?” Garrett bellowed, startling the two women into silence. Dripping wet, both girls cast cautious glances at the bank where Garrett and Kade watched them.
“Oh, um… we were just cooling off a little.” Aundy waded out of the water and dropped the skirts she held above her knees.
“Come over here.” Garrett’s tone was gruff as he crooked a finger at his wife, motioning for her to approach him.
Aundy gathered her shoes and Bell’s reins and walked over to where her husband sat on his horse. He picked her up and set her across his lap, giving her a quick kiss and wink to let her know he was teasing.
“You better not ride bareback like that. I’ll take you home.” He turned his horse in the direction of the house, leading Bell as he offered Kade an encouraging nod of his head toward the girl still standing in the creek.
“Well, Cat, looks like you’re stuck riding home with me.” Kade waited for her to wade to the bank. He rode out to Nash’s Folly as soon as he got back from The Dalles. Barely taking time to exchange his suit for denims and a work shirt, he thought he might be able to get to the ranch in time to help with the last of harvest.
No one would hear any complaints from him that it was finished, though. He hadn’t looked forward to wheat chaff covering him again. His skin still itched from working in it the previous week and he’d taken several baths since then.
His breath caught in his throat as he peered at the dark-haired female in the creek, backlit by the descending sun. She was undeniably beautiful.
The need to kiss her increased until he could think of nothing else. He imagined her lips would be cool and soft, slightly sweet.
“Why don’t you come on out of there, darlin’?” he suggested, waving with his hand for her to walk toward him.
Panic set in as soon as Caterina realized Kade was with Garrett. She was a sopping wet mess and had no way to gather her composure or appearance together.
Thoroughly miffed Garrett absconded with Aundy and left her to face Kade alone, Caterina thought she should stay in the creek until Kade grew tired of waiting for her to come out and went home. A true gentleman would at least turn his back while she climbed out and put on her stockings and shoes.
It appeared Kade was not going to fall into that category as he sat watching her.
“I’ll see myself home in a while.” Although she pretended to be unaffected by his presence, her stomach churned with nervous energy. “You go ahead and leave. I’ll be fine.”
A hat shaded Kade’s face, but she could picture the fervency in his bright green gaze as he stared at her. She envisioned his mouth turned up in the barest hint of a smile. Her lips tingled as she imagined the feel of his lips moving against hers.
The sound of his laugh took her by surprise.
He swung a leg over Pete’s neck, letting his right knee wrap around the horn of his saddle. “I don’t think so, you little wildcat. Come on out of there, get your shoes, and let’s go.” Kade motioned for her to wade to the bank. “It’ll be dark soon and there’s no way I’m letting you walk home by yourself.”
Irked by his bossy manner, Caterina crossed her arms and lifted her chin. “I’ll come out when I’m good and ready and that time isn’t now. Just go away.”
“Have it your way, then.” Although he acted as if he would leave, he jumped off the horse and ran into the creek, grabbing Caterina around the waist. Before she could s
plutter an objection, he tossed her over his shoulder and waded to the bank.
“You… you… animal! I insist you put me down this instant,” Caterina yelled, beating her fists against Kade’s broad back. The sensation of having her middle balanced on his brawny shoulder made her stomach flutter wildly while the desire to have his lips pressed to hers became almost unbearable. “You are ten times worse than all five of my brothers together.”
“If you’d just stop being so obstinate, everything would be fine.” Kade stooped down to grab her shoes and stockings with one hand while he balanced her on his shoulder. The cool of the water along with the heat of her body soaked into his shirt, making him struggle to keep his wits about him.
Indignant, she huffed. “I’m not any more obstinate than you are hard-headed.” She continued to pound against his back and squirmed, trying to free herself. He didn’t seem bothered by her efforts in the least. “You’re a despicable man who picks on helpless women.”
“I don’t pick on any women, period. As for you being helpless, that’s absurd. You’re about as far from helpless as a female could get.”
Still struggling, she kicked at him. A steely arm clamped across her legs, holding them down.
“How old are you?”
Caught off guard by his question, Caterina stopped wiggling and raised her head, staring look at Kade over her shoulder. “Twenty-two. Why?”
“Just curious.”
Caterina gave him a long look, trying to guess his age. She finally gave up. “How old are you?”
Old enough to know better than to get involved with you. “Twenty-seven.”
Kade was younger than she thought. He always acted so sure and determined, but as a man of the law, he probably experienced any number of things that gave him a sense of maturity others wouldn’t necessarily possess.
His voice tugged her from her musings about his age. “So you’re older than Aundy, yet still act half her age.”
“Oh, you awful, spiteful man.” Caterina resumed her attempts at freeing herself and pounded on Kade’s back with renewed force. As she twisted around, she contemplated biting him to see if that would inspire him to release his hold.
Impervious to her efforts, Kade continued toward his horse, stuffed her stockings in one shoe and tied the laces together. After flipping them around the saddle horn, he playfully popped Caterina once on her curvy backside and she stilled immediately. He let her slide to the ground then swung into the saddle, somewhat surprised she didn’t run off.
“Stop acting like a spoiled child,” Kade admonished as he leaned down and lifted her up to sit across his lap. “If you’d pull those claws back in and learn to purr instead of hiss and spit all the time, I think you’d find it’s easy to get along with most folks.”
He settled his arm around her back and looked into her tear-filled eyes. Regret washed over him. Unsettled, he wondered if he’d spanked her harder than he intended.
Tenderly brushing away a lone teardrop that rolled down her cheek, he once again felt pain constrict his chest.
“Did I hurt you, darlin’? I didn’t mean to. Aw, Cat, I’m sorry.” He gently cradled her against his chest then kissed her forehead, her temple, her cheek. She finally relaxed against him. “Did I hurt you?”
“No, I’m fine.” Caterina finally whispered, keeping her eyes downcast. Kade wounded her pride. The teasing smack on her bottom infuriated her to the point she couldn’t even speak. It further angered her that he was right when he said she needed to be nice, behave like a lady her age instead of a spoiled girl. Her sharp tongue and short temper had gotten her into so much trouble over the years, including her current predicament, and yet she seemed incapable of maintaining control of either.
When she lifted her gaze to Kade’s, the depths of his eyes beckoned to her. They shone like emeralds against his tan skin. She was close enough to count the individual freckles on his nose. His unique scent washed over her and enthralled her senses when she took a deep breath.
“Did I really hurt you, Cat?” Kade rubbed his hand up and down her arm. “Go on, tell me. Please?”
“Just my pride.” Even admitting it cut her self-esteem a little deeper.
“Your pride?” Kade repeated, not sure what to say.
“Yes. You come out here barking orders then manhandle me when I don’t do as you say. On top of that, most of the time you’re right when you tell me I’m stubborn and mean, and have a wicked tongue.”
“Cat.” Kade moved his hands to frame her face. “I didn’t intend to hurt your feelings. I don’t think you’re mean nor have a wicked tongue, although it can be a little sharp sometimes. I’m sorry, darlin’. I’ll try to do better and not be so high-handed with you”
“Thank you.” Drawn to his mouth, she felt as though some force pulled her there. “You could start by giving me a kiss.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Kade lowered his head and drank deeply of her cool lips. They were as soft and sweet as he remembered.
She shivered against him. With the dampness of her dress soaking into his shirt and pants, they needed to return to the house before she caught a chill in her wet clothes.
He gave her one long, lingering kiss that made him wonder if his body would burst into flame from the heat sizzling between them. Finally raising his head, he shot her a cocky grin.
“Anytime you need me to practice doing better with that particular skill, just let me know.”
“I certainly will.” Caterina tried to hide her pleasure, but the amber light in her brown eyes gave her away.
By the time they reached the house, Kade somehow managed to pluck every last hairpin from her head, leaving her dark tresses to fall in a thick blanket of curls down her back.
With her sitting across his lap, held in his arms, while her exotic fragrance ensnared his senses and her damp hair brushed the top of his thigh, Kade thought he might be entirely undone by the girl before he got her home.
It required every ounce of training he’d ever had combined with every last scrap of sense he could gather to get her to the house without doing more than holding her a little closer than was proper and kissing her a few more times than was acceptable.
Kade reined in Pete by the front gate and managed to dismount while still holding Caterina in his arms.
He carried her up the front walk and set her down on the porch steps then went back to the horse to retrieve her shoes. He set them on a chair by the door.
“Garrett will be out here tormenting me in a minute, so I’ll make this quick.” Kade twined both hands into Caterina’s lustrous hair and relished the feel of it. Memorizing the texture, the scent, and the weight of her hair entwined around his fingers, he bit back a moan.
Ardently kissing her, he realized there would be no satisfaction to the growing hunger he felt for her until she belonged to him. Completely.
“Good night, Cat. Sweet dreams.” He pressed his forehead to hers and kissed her button nose.
“Won’t you come in for a while? We have a few leftovers from dinner. There might even be a piece of cake or pie.” Caterina wasn’t ready to say good night to Kade. She liked the idea of him continuing to hold her for another minute, or hour, or quite possibly the rest of her life.
Kade was sorely tempted to go inside, but he needed to put some distance between himself and the woman he desperately wanted to hold in his arms forever.
“Not tonight, darlin’, but thanks for asking. I’ll see you soon, though.”
Caterina watched him walk back to Pete and mount then waved as he started down the lane toward the road.
A sigh floated out on the breeze as she picked up her shoes and opened the screen door. She needed to spend some time in prayer because her heart was telling her things her head didn’t want to hear. To sort it all out, she needed wisdom beyond her own.
Chapter Fourteen
“Did she accumulate more trunks since we moved these out to your place?” Kade asked as he shouldered a heavy trunk out of the w
agon and lugged it up Caterina’s back steps at the restaurant.
“Not as far as I know.” Garrett grunted under the weight of the trunk he carried.
As they bumped their way through the back door, Aundy directed them up the steps to Caterina’s apartment on the second floor.
“Those go in her bedroom upstairs, please.” Aundy followed the men upstairs to where Caterina unpacked linens so she could make the bed. Aundy grabbed the corner of a sheet and helped tuck it in.
“How much stuff does one woman need, especially one as feisty as you?” Kade asked with a devilish grin as he set down the trunk and looked around. Since he’d first seen the room with Caterina and Aundy, the two of them cleaned and painted it, adding lacy curtains to the windows. It looked inviting and homey.
Too homey.
Kade envisioned Caterina in the big mahogany bed with all that hair spilling around her on a white pillowcase.
He shook his head to clear his thoughts, hurried out of the room to bring in another trunk before Caterina could answer.
On his way down the stairs, he met Garrett coming up. They both chuckled as they engaged in a dance to get past each other on the steps.
Kade carried in the last trunk and was ready to set it down when Caterina frowned at him and flicked her fingers toward the door.
“That one goes downstairs in the kitchen,” she stated with an imperious look. He could picture her holding court over her brothers, demanding they follow her orders. The thought of her family bowing to her caused him to grin as he carried the trunk to the kitchen and set it on the sturdy worktable.
Upstairs, he listened to the women direct Garrett to move furniture and could almost hear his friend release a beleaguered sigh.
Glad to have escaped that chore, at least for the moment, Kade decided he could unpack the trunk on the table and opened the lid.