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Loose Corset

Page 2

by Christine Rains

  His fingers withdrew, causing me to moan softly. Still so incredibly sensitive there. So wonderfully alight with the tingling aftermath of my climax.

  A man walked by us and entered the men’s room. We rushed to cover ourselves. Thankfully the guy didn’t look our way.

  Holy humping bunnies, Batman. Did I just jerk off a guy in the dark hall of a pub?

  “Probably best if we clean up and get back to the others.” Dean tucked his softening member away and did up his fly.

  I didn’t look at him as I refastened my skirt. I needed to stop shaking. “Yeah, they’re probably wondering if we got lost or drowned or something.”

  “And maybe it would be good if we didn’t go back at the same time,” he suggested.

  “Yeah, good.”

  No. Not good. I lifted my head but he was already through the door to the men’s room.

  What did that mean? Didn’t he want this to happen? Was he embarrassed? Right, of course. Why would a hot guy like him want to be caught with a frizzy-haired geek like me? He just got caught in a moment while playing a game.

  My feet dragged as I walked into the ladies’ room. The hum from the fluorescent lights seemed too loud.

  My body still sang with my epic orgasm, but my heart hung heavy. I was a realist. He was just playing a game. He only wanted Gyrfalcon.

  Glancing in the nearest mirror, I reminded myself I was nothing like my character. No hero. Just a loser.

  And dammit! My corset was still undone.

  Chapter Two

  Geek girl problem #44: You have no will power to resist a guy who looks like one of your literary crushes.

  “You’ve been avoiding everyone all day.” Emily poked me with a long and sharp fingernail.

  “Ow!” I inched away, rubbing my arm and ignoring the truth of her statement. “I have not. I’ve had seminars and games that I attended. You’ve seen my schedule. You know how much I planned to do at the convention.”

  “You missed lunch with us.” Emily folded her arms, stopping in the middle of a busy aisle of the dealer hall. A steady stream of people flowed around us. “Russell said you didn’t answer any of his or Dean’s texts all day. The rest of us you only gave quick nothings to. I feel slighted. I’m your best friend. If you’re freaking about making out with a guy, you need to be spilling it all out to me!”

  “I’m not freaking—”

  “Sydney wants to lock you two in a room together and see what happens.” Emily sighed and then giggled. “Lady Gyrfalcon and Sir Thorton. Who would’ve thought?”

  Not me. And clearly not anyone else either. That said it all right there.

  I hadn’t told anyone exactly how far things went with Dean. I only mentioned it to Emily, making her promise not to tell anyone, and that’s why the whole group knew. Geeks gossiped just as much as anyone else.

  I didn’t expect Dean would say anything. And why would he? He had his bit of fun. If it hadn’t been dark in that hall and I hadn’t been in costume, he wouldn’t have looked at me twice. Well, maybe to ogle my breasts. Several guys were doing that right now as they started to walk again. I had on jeans and a black t-shirt, but the text reading “And then Buffy staked Edward. The end.” stretched across my boobs. Not that I believed they were only reading my shirt.

  “Well, you better be there at dinner. That’s all I’m saying.” Emily waggled her finger.

  “Yes, of course, Tinkerbell.” Not if I could find a way out of it.

  “I’m not Tinkerbell. I’m a wood sprite.” Emily stomped a foot, making her wings jiggle. Then, catching sight of something, her eyes went wide as her mouth made a little “O”. “Ooh. Dice!”

  The annoying fairy attached herself to me for the remainder of the afternoon. There was no ditching our dinner plans. My stomach twisted in knots. How could I face Dean after last night? This was no dark and noisy pub.

  Thankfully, even for a Thursday, the restaurant overflowed with so many nerds waiting for tables, they could not seat our entire group together. Yes!

  Russell and Dean were already inside with Josh and Andrew. After an hour’s wait, Emily, Sydney, Patrick and I were escorted to a table without anyone we knew in sight. We talked about pirates, renaissance fairs, and cosplay. Nothing at all about Dean.

  But my thoughts kept drifting back to him. How his lean, hard body felt against mine, how he sucked on my breasts, and oh, how his fingers felt as they delved into me. Fast and sure.

  I blamed the flush on my face on the spicy wings we shared.

  The four of us didn’t get out until after ten. Patrick and Sydney had a chainmail workshop early in the morning, so they headed back to their hotel. Emily texted the other guys and suggested we play Dungeons & Dragons.

  Panic clawed its way from my stomach to my chest. I couldn’t face him. Not now.

  “We’ll meet at Russell’s room in the Hyatt.” Emily pocketed her cell and led the way. How she managed to sew pockets into the skimpy sprite outfit, I’d never know.

  “I’m actually going to crash for the night. It was a long damn day.” I yawned. Not totally fake, but it earned a skeptical look from her.

  “Still avoiding Dean?” Emily raised her brows and shook her head. “Come on. It’s not that bad. You made out with the guy. So what? I don’t know what you’re so embarrassed about. Sure, we’ll likely tease you guys, but hey, then we’ll make fun of Russ’ mustache, Josh’s pink shirt and my flat chest. It’ll be fine.”

  I could take a little teasing amongst friends, but I’d failed my guts roll today. Every die was coming up a one. “Tomorrow I’ll be better about it. I’m just tired and need some quiet time. Really.”

  Emily breathed out a long-suffering sigh and shrugged. “You’re missing out on the fun, hon. I’ll try not to wake you when I come in tonight.”

  “See ya.” I waved and went off in the opposite direction. My shoulders relaxed and I breathed in the cool night air. Blech! Downtown Indianapolis stink. Did a horde of CHUDs live under those grates?

  When I got back to the hotel and the elevator opened on my floor, I felt better than I had all day. I was smiling as I turned the corner toward my room and nearly tripped over my feet when I spotted Dean standing beside the room door.

  Leaning against the wall, he had one black-booted foot against it. His jeans were frayed at the knees and his black t-shirt featured a Harry Potter quote that was quite appropriate for what had happened last night. He could be a young Sirius Black. Desire shot through my body.

  Frak! No, no, no.

  How did he know where I was staying? And why was he here and not playing D&D with the others?

  Emily. Dammit.

  I wanted to flee. My heart pounded against my rib cage. I forced herself to walk toward him. I just had to be polite and state how tired I was. If he was any bit a gentleman, he’d leave me be.

  Dean turned his head and smiled. “Hi.”

  My legs turned to mush. Maybe that would add to my exhausted excuse. “Hi.”

  “Did you have a good day?”

  I fumbled for the keycard in my tote bag. “Yup. Really busy, though. Totally exhausted me.” I found the card and swiped it through the lock. “Looking forward to a good night’s sleep. I hope no one minds I skipped the game tonight. Just, you know, so tired.”

  I pushed open the door.

  “Morgan, wait. We should talk.” Dean held out a hand to me. No gloves. He had long fingers. Fingers that could…oh god.

  “Maybe tomorrow. Really tired right now. Have a good night.” I stepped inside, smiled what I was sure was a ridiculously awkward apologetic smile and started to close the door.

  Dean stepped in full view of the door. One of his thumbs hooked in his jeans pocket. “You know, I never took you for a coward, Lady Gyrfalcon.”

  I froze. Did he just call Gyrfalcon a coward? Oh no, he did not.

  I opened the door wider and dropped my tote. “I am far from being a coward, Sir Thorton.”

  “And yet here you are, run
ning away. This does not encourage confidence in your leadership. I want to work with someone who believes in what they’re doing. And while I’d prefer that be you, the Governor isn’t lacking in confidence.” Dean stepped forward, half in the door.

  “The Governor is an arrogant fool.” I snapped, so easily falling back into character. “And anyone who willingly follows him in an even bigger one.”

  “Then invite me in, my lady. Let us talk of secret plots and the elimination of fools.”

  I hesitated for a second. I was falling for his ploy again. Another Steampunk Quest moment played out live. Yet Gyrfalcon wouldn’t send him away. She’d take control of the situation and use it to her advantage.

  I grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him inside. “Get in before someone sees you. If you’re going to be a double agent, it’ll do us no good if you’re seen at my door without a blade in hand.”

  The door clicked closed behind him. We were alone in a hotel room together.

  A thousand naughty thoughts zoomed through my mind. My chest tightened. What now?

  “Wise choice.” Dean smirked as he sauntered in, walking past the sitting area and toward the two queen-sized beds. “Are we alone? No one else lurking about?”

  “Of course we’re alone. No one enters my private suite except my second, Cora.” And now him. What did that say? It said that I wanted to jump his bones and was crazy for even thinking such a thing. But look at the way those jeans hugged his ass. Yesterday I didn’t get to see that gorgeous view while he was wearing his jacket.

  “Then talk to me.” He turned, standing at the foot of my bed. The only lamp left on shadowed his face. Dark and mysterious. So damn hot.

  “About what?” I folded my arms and moved to stand in the spot directly between the sitting and sleeping areas. No wall separated us, but I stood on an invisible line. One that made my stomach flutter when I thought of crossing it. “I told you I don’t trust you.”

  “And I thought I proved that you could.” One slow step after another, Dean walked toward me. “I didn’t tell anyone about our rendezvous.”

  I flinched slightly. It wasn’t as if I blabbed about it to everyone. Emily was my best friend. We shared everything. And I knew full well Emily had trouble keeping secrets. Dean must think me an idiot.

  “I told my second, and only details she needed to know. That was it. Anything else,” my head dipped down as I sighed, “she embellished on her own.”

  “I figured as much.” His smile could melt kryptonite.

  Wait. How did he get so close to me? Barely a foot separated us. When I tried to back away, my feet ignored my command.

  Dean caressed my cheek and traced his thumb along my jawline to my chin. One touch and I was wetter than I’d ever been. It was a potent spell he cast. No love potion had ever worked as well as Dean Bradley’s magic fingers.

  Oh my. His long, sensual fingers.

  “I thought you wanted to talk.” Did I squeak? Please God, tell me that my voice didn’t crack like a horny teenage boy’s.

  “About what?” He was smooth, throwing my own words back at me.

  The air between us sizzled. Had I suddenly developed psychic powers to feel that? Because it was undeniably there.

  The pad of his thumb slid over my bottom lip. I quivered with anticipation, my nipples hardening and stoking the growing fire between my legs. My traitorous libido.

  Be Gyrfalcon. Be Gyrfalcon. Be Gyrfalcon.

  I grabbed the back of his neck with one hand and yanked him to me. Standing a little on my toes, I kissed him hard. Mini lightning bolts zinged through my body. Not even shirtless Thor could make me feel this electrified.

  Was this what Gyrfalcon would do?

  Who cared! I just wanted more of him.

  Dean gripped my hips and drew me to him. My breasts mashed to his chest. I swore I could feel his heart beating as hard as mine. Did he want me just as much? His hands dropped around to my rear and squeezed, pressing me against him more and making me very aware that his arousal was as urgent as my own.

  Feverish kisses rained upon me like rapid fire. Since he wasn’t wearing his goggles tonight, I wove my hands into his hair. So soft, tickling between my fingers.

  A red haze tinted my vision and fogged my Vulcan-like reasoning. I’d never moved this fast with a guy. No guy had ever inspired me to do so, but Dean spoke to every inch of me without saying a word. He made me feel like one of Pan’s nymphs, forever horny.

  I turned his back to the bed, pushing him down. He kept his arms around me and took me with him. Our foreheads bumped, but that barely registered as our groins met.

  Sizzling heat. My hips jerked eagerly against his. Straddling him, I placed my hands on the bed for balance as we continued to kiss. I breathed in the same breath as him, sharing one elemental essence, and needing so much more.

  Dean’s hand slithered under my shirt to my breasts. I moaned as he groped them. My nipples crinkled to further hardness and poked against his chest.

  God, I had to have him. It was if I was lost to the Vulcan pon farr.

  With one more suckling kiss, I sat up and yanked my shirt over my head. My black bra was meant more for support than beauty, but I whipped that off just as quickly. My breasts bounced with their freedom, and the hard nubs ached with the sudden coolness from the air-conditioning.

  Dean reached with both hands, plucking at my nipples, before taking control. He rolled me over on the bed so that he was on top between my legs. His shirt came off swiftly, and I took the opportunity to kick off my sneakers. I scooted farther up on the bed. His hungry gaze never left me.

  Pausing to rid himself of his boots, Dean kissed my quivering stomach. Slowly he brought his mouth up my body, descending upon my breasts like a ravenous beast. I gasped as my back arched. He used his body weight to keep me pinned down.

  I was on fire, and like the Human Torch, I reveled in it. His tongue was the flames that licked at me, his lips made me sizzle and his teeth caused exploding sparks.

  I ground my hips sinuously against his. The friction from our jeans making me all the more wanton.

  Dean’s kisses found my mouth again. “I want you.”

  “Yes. Yes!” Words wasted too much time. “Pants. Off.”

  It was the most breath I could spare for a command. I tugged at the top button on his jeans, but it refused to pop free. He tore it open along with the fly. His erection fell out against my thigh. My vaginal walls clenched, making me shudder with the desire to have him inside me.

  I squeezed his swollen cock before pushing down his underwear along with his jeans. When my hands couldn’t reach any farther, I used my legs and feet until they were down far enough that he could kick them off.

  Dean tore my jeans open and yanked down the zipper. He snagged the top of them, and as I lifted my butt off the bed, he swept them off.

  His gaze dragged over me as his lips quirked up in a predatory smile. I could barely breathe. He was so damn hot.

  His chest was hairless and lined with lean muscle. Definitely a fencer. Taut and sexy. His erection pointed upward, glistening with a smear of pre-cum on the tip. I clenched again, feeling my own wetness.

  Dean brushed his fingers along my inner thighs, coaxing my pelvis to angle toward him. “Um, condoms?”

  Shit! At least one of us was thinking responsibly. I would’ve just taken him in without a thought to anything else. Having wacky hormones, I was on birth control, but it was best to be really safe.

  “Condoms, condoms…” I didn’t bring any. Why would I? This wasn’t something I normally did. But my best friend did. “Emily! In her bag. The purple one. One of the front three pockets.”

  Yes! Thankfully Emily was much more free spirited than I was. She always packed an emergency kit. Something for any occasion.

  Dean scrambled off the bed and knelt in front of the stuffed bag. He opened the first pocket and spilled out dice. From the second pocket, he held up elf ears, an eye patch, and fake vampire fangs. I
wondered what sort of emergencies Emily had in mind for those.

  Opening the third pocket, he let out a whoop. The packaging crinkled, signaling he’d found treasure.

  He bounded onto the bed, and I welcomed him back with a lusty kiss. There was no way he could get that thing on fast enough. I cupped his balls, fondling his sac to spur him on his way. I was the horniest muggle in the world.

  Dean groaned and broke the kiss to look down at what he was doing. A low chuckle caused me to freeze. Why was he laughing? Was this all a joke?

  “Where the hell did she find these?” He held up the condom package. There was a picture of Gandalf on it shouting, “You shall not pass!”

  Laughter bubbled up. My hand fluttered up to cover my mouth. “I don’t know. Somewhere online.”

  Dean continued to laugh as he ripped open the package. “Well, let’s hope that Gandalf does his job.”

  “Is that what you call him?” I teased, tickling the underside of his penis.

  He slipped the slick latex over the head of his cock and rolled it down. It stretched tight over the base. His bedroom eyes raised to meet mine again. “You can call him anything you want just as long as you call him yours.”

  I sucked in a breath under the intensity of his gaze. There was no silly or smart retort to that. I didn’t think my mouth could form a word even if I wanted to say something. Instead I kissed him again, twining our tongues together.

  The tension ramped up, so much that it made it difficult for me to breathe. I leaned back slowly and never let our lips part. My legs spread, and a second of relief washed through me that I’d shaved yesterday morning before I left for the convention. Not that I expected to be having some guy run his hands up along my legs, but it was a bonus that I wasn’t worried about being prickly. That was so not sexy.

  He reached my groin, tracing around the soft down and then dipped a finger into me. I was more than ready for him. Wetter than wet. Only possible with him.

  My head touched down on the pillows. My curls fluffed out wildly, and I blew one out of my face with annoyance. Dean smiled as he nudged my hair from my face just as his chest met mine. Quivering with lust, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him onto me the rest of the way.


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