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Once Bitten: A Steamy Sexy Chance Romance (A O'Reilly Clan Novel Book 1)

Page 8

by Daisy Allen

  Finn launched himself onto the bed on top of me, digging his fingers into my ribs making me double over in giggles, thrashing on the bed under him trying to push him away.

  “Ooh, zis slave is ‘ere joost to obey madam’s every commande,” he replied before stopping his tickling of me and lowered his head, pressing his lips against the side of my neck.

  I melted in his arms instantly.

  “Finn,” I sighed, my hands coming up to tangle in his hair as his hands softened and slid under my body lifting my hips up to press against him. His tongue drew a line over my collar bone, before dragging his lips up to meet mine, to kiss my already waiting, needing mouth. Kissing him was all consuming. I had no control over how my body responded, what thoughts my mind went to, I just gave in to the feeling of being wrapped up in his arms, connected to him through our breaths.

  “Sweet, sweet Kara,” he murmured, his lips tickling mine as he pulled away for a moment to breathe.

  I gently tugged on his hair to pull him up to face me. I lost myself in staring up at him, his face filling my entire field of vision, he was a masterpiece even in this visually stunning room. Nothing was as beautiful to me as him.

  He ran a single finger along my jawline, then brushed away the strands of hair that had covered my face in the tussle.

  “Sweet Kara, just give in... Just give in to it all. Don’t think.”

  His hand slid down my body and I couldn’t help but stiffen as I felt him reach for the hem of my skirt and pull it up my legs. He nudged my legs apart with his knee and felt the breath catch in my throat as he ran his fingers over the soft, white cotton of my panties covering my sex. My legs fought between instinctively slamming shut and spreading even wider.

  Don’t think, his voice echoed in my mind, and I obeyed.

  I felt my legs fall apart even further, and he murmured his appreciation, as his finger gently pushed my panties aside and caressed the curve of my clit.

  My whole body jerked, lifting of the bed, I couldn’t believe he could have this effect on me just from a simple touch.

  “Fuck, Finn...” I moaned as I grabbed the quilt, trying to retain some control.

  “Shhh, sweetheart, just give in, remember?” he whispered into my ear as his finger tapped against my clit again, a soft gentle rhythm that vibrated through my whole body.

  “Ohhhh, god, yes.”

  “You are so fucking sexy, baby, I love playing with your sexy, hot body, watching you respond to my touch,” he growled into my ear, just as his finger traveled down to my pussy and slid deep inside me.

  I sucked in my breath, hard, squeezing my eyes closed, feeling every movement of Finn’s hands on my body, on me, inside me. I could my throbbing tunnel squeezing his finger as he slowly pulled it out then slid it back in again, the ball of his hand grazing my clit as he penetrated me deeper and deeper with each thrust.

  “Sweet, sexy Kara, I’m never going to get sick of watching you come. Because that’s what you’re going to do for me, right now. Come, come with my finger inside you, with my thumb on your clit, with me watching your every tremble and shiver. Come for me sweetheart. Do it for me,” he commanded.

  With that, he pulled his hand back, his finger sliding out of me completely, and just as I started to whimper, he slammed two fingers deep inside me and his thumb came up to draw hard and fast circles over my clit.

  My body contracted and then exploded immediately, blasts and blasts of pleasure washing over me from the tips of my hair to my toes. I thrashed around him, feeling my sex squeeze and relax, throbbing around his two fingers, the surprise of the extra stretch of my pussy pushing my orgasm out longer and longer as his thumb gave my clit no mercy.

  “Fuck, Finn. Oh, God, you make me come so hard.” I groaned as I arched, a slave to the climax wracking my body.

  “Open your eyes, sweetheart,” he whispered gently, and I struggled but did as he instructed. I watched as he smiled at me, his eyes dark as I’d discovered they turned while we were engaged in sex, and felt him pull his fingers from my pussy.

  He brought them to his mouth and gently sucked on the tips, before feeding them to me. I dragged my tongue up along his long fingers, tasting my orgasm on him, and his jaw tightened as he watched.

  “Are you trying to kill me?” He growled and slid down my body, kissing my stomach as his hands slid up and down my legs.

  I laughed at his reaction, embarrassed that I’d succumbed so quickly to him, but touched that he found me desirable.

  He kissed his way back up to my lips and flipped us over, so I was lying on top of him.

  He pushed my head to rest on his chest as my breath returned. His heart pounded against my ear. He was so alive. Every part of him screamed sex and life. It was intoxicating.

  “Get some rest, sweet Kara,” he said gently, “we have a long day ahead of us, have a short nap, I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  But something told he wouldn’t be.

  I was right.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Yes, Da-ad, I’ll make sure everything’s perfect before we go. How’s everything over there?” I asked Larry over the phone, trying to sound as light hearted as possible.

  “Well, there was a miniscule bleed in Dean’s brain from the fall but it’s clotted for now, as to the long term effects, they’re not sure yet. He’s been acting, weird.”

  “Weird how?”

  “Just, kinda, dull. Not really hungry. And then acting a little hyper sometimes as well.”

  “Well, he’s been cooped up in bed for four days, he’s probably going stir crazy, a little like his Dad.”

  “Wha? I am not,” Larry snapped defensively.

  “Well, you might not be refusing your corn flakes, but how many time have you called me since I left yesterday morning?”

  “ of concern for...yeah ok.” He admitted, defeated.

  “Larry. Stop worrying about the company and just take care of your family. All this time at the hospital can’t be good for Mel.”

  I could almost hear the shrug over the phone. “Well, either way she won’t leave.”

  “Maybe get one of Dean’s friends to come visit, they’ll come with the Mom, give Mel a little breather.”

  “Yeah. Anyway, how’s Finn?”

  How? More like where.

  “Um, Finn is er, fine.”

  “You sick of him yet?”

  Um, he makes me hot and feverish and my stomach constantly feels like it’s turning, but no not sick.

  “Um, nah. He actually knows the company pretty well, and had read up on the acquisition of La Mer inc, so we’ll see how today’s meeting goes.”

  “OK, well that’s actually a load off my mind.”

  “Good. Now go away, I’m sick of YOU.”

  “Fine. Go. Do good. Earn your money.”

  “Take care, boss.” I wished him, uneasy that he wasn’t doing so well.

  “How’s Larry?” I heard Finn call out from the other room, startling me.

  “Um, he’s okay, bit worried about Dean.”

  I heard his footsteps coming into the bedroom and I braced myself for seeing him.

  “Let me know if you get any news.”

  “I will.” I swallowed, trying to calm my voice, “So, um, where have you been?”

  “Oh, I wasn’t really tired, so I went out for a walk while you were sleeping.”


  “Is something wrong?”

  “Er, no, just wondering where you were. You could’ve left a note. I almost overslept.”

  “Oh,” he just shrugged, “I didn’t think it was a big deal. We still have over an hour left before we have to go to meeting.”

  I tried to smile, in vain.

  He came over to the bed and sat in front of me, taking my hands in his. “What’s wrong?”

  “I was just, it was just a bit weird waking up alone when you said you’d be here. And then you didn’t leave a note, so...yeah. No biggie.” I tried to s
hake it off.

  He squeezed my hand, “ok, from now on if I leave, I’ll leave a note, how’s that?”


  He winked at me and reached out and squeezed my cheek, “I know, I’m just soooooooooooooooo adorable, you just can’t be without me for a minu-...”

  The end of his sentence was muffled by the giant pillow I threw at his head.


  “So that should be all for today?” Finn turned to the French team and they all looked at each other and agreed. “Excellent, I think we’ve more than surpassed what we thought we’d get through, and I think Mademoiselle Sinclair here deserves a night on the town.”

  “And you are the one to show it to her, O’Reilly?” Michel, one of the other PAs grinned at Finn, “Or would you like to spend the night on the arm of a man who really knows Paris?” He turned his handsome face to me and winked.

  I giggled, unaccustomed to the forward way the French men approached their flirting.

  “Er, I’m sure Ms Sinclair thanks you for the offer, Michel, but I am the best of both worlds, I know Paris but don’t have those pesky rude French ways,” Finn replied for me, a little testily.

  “Hey, it works for us,” Michel laughed as he walked out the door, signaling for me to call him with his fingers.

  I blushed as I gathered up our files, tidying up the room ready for tomorrow’s day long meetings.

  “Hey, um, I didn’t...I mean, you didn’t want to go with him, did you?” Finn asked, a little nervously, something I’d rarely heard from him before.

  “I didn’t really have a chance to think about it.” I shrugged, secretly thrilled that he sounded even a little unsure.

  “Oh. Um, I didn’t realize...” He looked at me and then towards the door.

  “You are an idiot of monumental proportions, Finn.” I laughed and grabbed my bag on the way out to the elevator.


  “Nothing. I like that you’re an idiot, it evens things out a bit.”

  “Ok...” I could see him trying to process what I meant before shrugging and giving up. “Hungry, greedy guts?”

  “Yes! How did you know?”

  “I’m a very intuitive idiot,” he nodded seriously, pointing at his head.

  “Ah, then Monsieur Idiot, what do I want to eat?” I goaded him.

  He grinned as he pushed me into the open elevator door, “that’s easy. But we’re in public!”

  “Finn!” I gasped at his bravado.

  He chuckled as he leant over and gently kissed me on the cheek, his scent making me heady, “just kidding. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you enjoy your meal. And dessert.”

  That time I didn’t protest, I just fell headlong into the fantasy.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Mademoiselle, Mademoiselle, steak-frites pour vous, ce soir? Ou l’escargot, ou soupe a l’oignon gratin? Come, come seet down, I will take care of vous!”

  “No, mademoiselle, come try our roast pork on the spit, see? It weel be ready in cinq minutes! I will give you free bordeaux for you and monsieur!”

  The chaos was electrifying. Our car had let us out at the quartier latin, the famous Latin quarter, home to the bohemians and tourists looking for a cheap but delicious feed. I was drooling at the window displays, the ideal target of the maitre’ds standing in the doorways selling their food wares.

  “Oooh look at that...” I pointed to the lamb sizzling on the rotating spit.

  “Nope.” Finn replied, infuriatingly. He had refused all my requests, which were basically every restaurant. “You won’t like that.”

  “I’m sooo hungry, I bet even the menu will taste good.”

  “Well, then at least let me take you to the place with the best tasting cardboard.”

  “Ugh, I’m bordering on reporting you to the UN. Poor hungry American in Paris, starved to death by own compatriot.”

  “Maybe you should conserve your energy by less talk.” He pulled me in and kissed my cheek affectionately. “Just kidding, not far now, sweetheart. I promise it will be worth it.”

  I concentrated on not tripping on the cobblestones and wondered at all the souvenir shops, the colorful postcards and aprons, coffee trays and hats, the words “I love Paris” on every inch of the stores, each identical to the next. I reminded myself to pick up a fridge magnet for Mai.

  Finn, his hand on my shoulder, keeping me close to him, led me firmly down an alleyway, “Rue de Sommerard,” I read off the little blue sign. The street was instantly quieter, a little further off the main road, but still alive with couples and families following their noses for their dinner.

  We came to a sudden stop in front of bustling restaurant with a fading burgundy awning. The smell emanating from it made my knees buckle and I wiped the drool collecting at the corner of my mouth.

  “This is one of my favorite restaurants in Paris, no escargots here, maybe we can have some another night. This is bonafide real deal Tunisian cuisine, best anywhere you’ll find outside of Tunisia, of course.”

  “You’ve been there?”

  “Few times,” he replied, making me feel even more uncultured and sheltered than ever, “do you want to sit inside or out?”

  “Should we wait for someone?” I asked, knowing the answer even before the question left my lips.

  He grinned, “I’m not one for waiting. Let’s go inside, be a bit quieter.” He ushered me into the orange decor’d restaurant, and found an empty table in the back, away from the main activity in the front of the store.

  “Feen!” A gorgeous, tall dark skinned woman called across the restaurant. “You scoundrel!” She rolled her r’s in the most decadent way.

  Finn grinned and waved her over. “Kara, this evil woman is Mati, she just kinda hangs around the restaurant stealing food off people’s plates. So beware!” The two grinned at each other and launched into a conversation my high school French couldn’t quite follow. I let them catch up and scanned the menu, everything looked and smelled and sounded delicious, and I decided to let Finn order for us.

  “Ah bon, I weel be back.” Mati winked at me and scurried off into the direction of the kitchen.

  “Is she the owner?” I asked, fascinated by her.

  “Oh no, she likes to think so though. But she’s always taken care of me since I first came here eons ago.”

  “She’s amazing.” I wondered how plain I looked compared to the women he’d known around the world. “So, um, can you order for me?”

  “Oh no. I’m not allowed to order, and even if I did, she’d just bring me whatever she thinks I want anyway.”

  I laughed, this culture was so different to what I was used to in America.

  “Oh, speak of the devil,” Finn smiled at her affectionately as she laid out bowls and bowls of delicious smelling food in front of me

  “Vite, vite! Mangez, ma cherie, you are too skinny!” She threw her hands up in the air and stormed off in a cloud of patterned cotton.

  I would’ve laughed if my mouth wasn’t already stuffed with rice and a mouth watering concoction of lamb and prunes.

  “Oh my god, this might be the best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth,” I sighed, barely done with the first mouthful before I stuffed another spoonful of food into my mouth.

  “Challenge accepted,” Finn grinned as he filled up his own plate.

  “This place is just out of this world. I’ve never eaten anything like it. I thought it would’ve been a little like Moroccan but it’s different in its own freakin’ delicious way. How did you find it?”

  Finn took a sip of the wine Mati had brought before answering, “well, to be honest, I spent a lot of time roaming the streets here, I ate a lot of chewy, leathery steaks and frozen crepes before I came across my favorites. But this one I come to whenever I’m missing home.”

  “Are you away from home a lot now?” I asked, covering my mouth in case I accidentally spat a mouthful of rice at him.

  He shrugged. “Now and then, I guess. What about yo
u? Do you have to travel a lot for your job?”

  I nodded, “yeah, at least once a month, for a few days. I complain about it sometimes, but I secretly love it. But this trip, this has been the best one yet.” For reasons I didn’t’ expect, I thought to myself.

  “And...I know you ignored this question last time I asked but, you’re not seeing anyone at the moment, you live alone?” It sounded more like a statement than a question.

  “Well, not really.” I answered cryptically. He cocked his eyebrow, interested. “I don’t exactly live alone, no.” I stopped talking and scooped up a plateful of cous cous and meatballs and busied myself with eating.

  “Um, do tell.” He prompted.

  “Well, um, his name is Tommy and we’ve lived together ever since I moved to my current apartment.”

  “Oh. Um. Wow, I did NOT expect that answer,” Finn sat back in his chair.

  “Yeah. He’s ok with my traveling though, I guess he’s used to it. He’s pretty independent.” I continued, trying my hardest to keep a straight face.

  “Sure. Um, that’s great. So, what does he do?”

  “Well, he doesn’t really tell me what he does when I’m not home, that’s kinda our arrangement. But he tries to be home as much as possible when I am, so we can spend time together.”

  Finn shook his head, obviously trying to make sense of the new information. “Um, ok. So, does he...I mean, he’d be okay with...well, with what’s happened over the last few days?”

  I shrugged. “Sure. I guess. I’ll have to ask him when I get home, but as long as you don’t interfere with me changing his litter box, I guess he’d be okay.”

  “Wait. What?”

  “Yeah, it’s important not to leave it too long, ‘cos you know, odors and hygiene and stuff.”

  “Hang on. Tommy’s a cat?”

  “Oh, did I not make that clear? Sorry. Yeah, he’s a stray cat I adopted. ” I finally let out the guffaw I had been stifling.

  Finn glared at me as I bent doubled over in laughter.

  “Oh my god, you should see your face. No, Finn! I am not having an open relationship with my cat! We don’t have that kind of commitment.” I half screamed in laughter, pointing to his still confused face.


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