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Whole Lotta Apollo Goin' On [Celestial Nights 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Rebecca Joyce

  Apollo’s blue eyes were electric, as he never looked away from him. “Is that all?”

  “And I want Fairy. I love her, too, Apollo. Just as you do. I want it all. The whole lot, everything, and I don’t want to hide around closed doors anymore. This town doesn’t give a shit about a person’s sexuality. If anything, they will welcome it. Give me a chance, Apollo. Give us all a chance. Let us love you.”

  Apollo’s eyes widened, and his breathing hastened. Apollo reached for his hard-on to finish himself off, but Helios got there first. Helios squeezed and pumped his rock-hard cock deep into Apollo’s tight ass. His entire body went rigid, his head snapped back, and his mouth gaped. Helios uttered a sounded as if he were sobbing just before his load exploded deep into Apollo’s hot cavern. Apollo’s cum surged across the front of his chest in hot, shining ropes, even hitting Helios’s chin. Helios opened his mouth and let a little of it hit his tongue. The sensation and the taste of Apollo’s fluids, in combination with the tensing of his passage around his cock, sent him careening off the edge again, as Helios reared back, pistoning into him a final few strokes as he released and filled Apollo liberally with a painfully intense load of cum that poured and dribbled out as he pulled free.

  There was a towel on the floor near the bed and Helios reached down to grab it. Apollo made contented purring noises as Helios cleaned himself off, but Apollo stopped him before he could towel his cum off his chest and belly. With a tired but still gleeful smile, Apollo pushed Helios onto his back and began to lick him clean.

  “Did you mean all that?” Apollo asked between licks.

  “Yes,” Helios replied, feeling perfectly content as he watched Apollo lap up every drop of his own cum. Apollo’s mouth worked up to Helios’s, and he finally kissed him, depositing a little more of his cum onto Helios’s tongue. Helios grabbed Apollo and held him tightly against his chest, kissing him back with deep intensity. Finally, Helios pulled back and looked Apollo in the eyes, searching for some kind of answer. A large part of him expected he’d never get what he wanted. Having Apollo all to himself? Dream on.

  “You’re so unimaginably sweet,” Apollo whispered, tracing the line of Helios’s jaw with his thumb. Helios sighed and started thinking like some asinine Harlequin romance again. He was a wild, untamable stallion, a bird that couldn’t be caged, or the surf upon the shore.

  “I don’t think anyone’s ever wanted me like that before,” Apollo continued, cupping his cheek.

  “Well, you are a lot to handle.” Helios grinned. This was not among the responses he’d expected.

  “You got that right,” a soft feminine voice agreed.

  Helios and Apollo both turned to find Fairy leaning against the door jam, a smile upon her face. “Now that I have you’re undivided attention, Apollo, let me just say this. Helios, I agree with you one hundred percent, and I accept you offer. I would love to be the cream between the two of you. And as for you, Apollo, if you don’t agree with everything Helios has suggested, I will wash my hands of you. I have waited all my life for you to come to your senses, and still you do and live as you please. I too am tired of being the hidden woman behind the man. Well, baby, now there is another man about to take your place, so either buck up and grab us while you still can, or we’re done.”

  Apollo got up from the bed and moaned. “Fairy, you can’t mean that. You know I love you.”

  “No, I don’t. Oh, I know you can fuck me a hundred different ways and I’ll always be eager for more. I know that you and Helios have been screwing around for the last four years, hiding something beautiful and divine. Yet you cower under the public’s perception. You have no problem shouting and saying what you think when it comes to everyone and everything else, but when it comes to you and your private life, it just you! You don’t consider those who love you.”

  “I’m not very good at relationships.”

  “Well, you’ve managed us for the last four years just fine. We haven’t cut and run yet,” Helios said, adding in his two cents. “But Fairy’s right. This can’t go on. Both of us are tired of hiding, and you need to give what Fairy and I have a chance. Stop trying to come in between us. Just because we want each other, doesn’t mean we don’t want you. Face it, Apollo, you are a lot to take on.”

  “So, what do you want me to do?” Apollo asked.

  Fairy smiled brilliantly and Helios grinned, knowing the woman was up to something. “Well, now that you’ve asked. I have the perfect solution,” she said, waving a sheet of paper in the air.

  Chapter Five

  Tuesday morning

  “Thanks for helping out, Apollo.” Cricket smiled as she wrangled a tiny human into a cage of some sort. “I really appreciate it.” Well, at least that’s what Apollo thought it was, but he was concerned that the cage was too flimsy, and the little creature was already trying to escape.

  This was not good.

  Apollo wanted to strangle Fairy and Helios for making him do this shit. What had they gotten him into this time? He wasn’t good with babies, small children, or teenagers. Hell, he barely tolerated adults and they were out of diapers. Goddess help him, he hoped he didn’t have to change any diapers. When Fairy suggested that he offer his services to Cricket, Apollo didn’t know what to expect. He needed her vote, and since Rayne had insisted that he be nice to everyone in town, well, the nice thing to do was to help. Only, looking around him, he wasn’t sure how he could. The room itself was large, with vibrant colors everywhere. Alphabet animals took up one wall, along with the days of the week and months. Then there were all the glittering stars hanging from the ceiling. How they helped a child learn was beyond him. The floor, covered in a patchwork of carpet samples, looked as if Cricket just threw it together on a whim. The furniture was tiny, and he knew if he sat in one of those small chairs, he was going to need the bomb squad to dynamite him out of it.

  Therefore, he found a nice comfortable place standing in the corner. That way his back was to the wall, and he had a clear view of everything and everyone around him. Besides, those little creatures were filthy. He’d only been there five minutes, and already three of them were covered in paint, one was eating a glue stick, and another had snot running down his nose. This was not going to end well, and he knew it.

  “Uh, Cricket, that little varmint is getting ready to run.”

  Cricket laughed and hurriedly walked over to the small cage and said, “This varmint is Colin Jenkins.” Gently setting the small boy back on his butt, she added, “You be a good boy now, Colin. Your momma was real adamant about you learning to listen.”

  “Does he even understand what adamant means?” Apollo questioned.

  “Not really.” Cricket smiled over at him. “Colin and Trace Jenkins are only twenty-two months old. They’re toddlers about to hit the terrible twos, and they are all over the place. Sitting at the table eating their Cheerios, are Lilly McDaniel’s boys, Noah James and Kenneth John, they just turned four. In the cribs, are Tamara Jane Quinn, Joshua Connelly, and Caroline Ellis-Sexton. Of course, these kiddies are just half of who is always here. When school lets out, I’ll have more help. Tabitha Quinn, Molly Yates, and Colby Castillo will arrive just after three when their bus drops them off here. Of course, I am saving openings for Charlotte, Lilly, Kelly, and Emma, whom are all pregnant again. I just love babies. I can’t wait to have one of my own.”

  “Why would you want one? You have enough right here. Take your pick.”

  Cricket laughed. “Apollo, I love these kids. But they’re not mine. I want one of my own.”

  “Well, one doesn’t sound that bad,” he muttered, mainly to himself.

  “More than one, I want as many as the Goddess will give me.”

  Apollo cringed at the thought of several of Cricket’s offspring running around Celestial. She was without a doubt one of the weirdest celestial beings in town. Multicolored hair, goth makeup, piercings everywhere, and she wore clown clothes. The woman was the epitome of what not to wear!

��So, which one is the hell kitten’s offspring again, because I want to steer clear of that little rugrat.”

  Laughing, Cricket shook her head. “Joc is sleeping right now. He’s quite content snuggled between Tamara Jane and Caroline.”

  “Smart boy, already going after the girls,” Apollo stated, and then added, “Apparently he learned that from his father.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t say that, Charlotte has been pretty vocal when it comes to the rearing of her son. She wants him to be exposed to as much diversity the universe has to offer. When it’s time for his afternoon nap, she has requested that I put him with the boys. That way, if Joc swings in either way she’s prepared for any outcome. She’s a smart momma, that one.”

  “She’s nuttier than a fruitcake doused in gasoline,” he muttered to himself.

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing, just admiring the art work.”

  Apollo had no clue what he was doing here. From the looks of it, Cricket had everything under control. He saw no need for him to be here. He was about to tell her so when two young boys dressed in matching jeans and western shirts got up from a small table and moseyed his way. He froze. He tried not to look at the two small boys standing before him, but their beady little eyes looked right at him. “Shoo,” Apollo whispered, waving the away, but the young boys wouldn’t budge. “Scram.”

  “Are you Thor?” the one on the left said, craning his little neck to look up at him.


  “You look like Thor,” the other one replied.

  “Well, I’m not.”

  “Do you have a cape?” the first one asked.


  “A hammer?”


  “How old are you?”


  “Magical powers?”


  “Can you bring lightning down from the sky?”


  “Have you seen lightning?”


  “Do you have a brother?”


  “Are they evil?”


  “Are you sure you’re not Thor?”

  “Positive, now go find a girl and make out.”

  “What’s make out?” both boys asked in unison.

  “Oh, good grief, it’s when you kiss a girl.”

  “Kissing’s gross.”

  “Not if you do it right.”

  “Girls have cooties.”

  “They have a lot more than that.”

  “Do you kiss girls?”

  “All the time.”

  “I think he’s Thor,” the second one said to the first. Apollo watched as the first child nodded, and replied, “He is. He’s just underwear.”

  “I bet he lost his hammer.”

  “I think a girl took it.”

  Apollo sighed, aggravated at the conversation and at Fairy for putting him in this situation. There was no talking to these kids. Answering one question led into others. They weren’t going to quit. They were like a freaking database, absorbing information at a high rate. Nothing he could say was going to shut them up. “No one took my hammer. I’m not underwear, and for your information it’s undercover, I don’t have magical powers, I can’t bring down the lightening, and I’m not Thor!”

  “Are you Superman?” the first child asked.


  * * * *

  Three hours later Apollo burst into Fairy’s apartment to find her laughing with Helios. He was furious. Her idea of helping his image was killing him, literally killing him. For the last five hours, he was subjected to screaming kids, dirty diapers, snotty noses, and a pair of boys who took the twenty-question game to a completely new level. Apollo felt as if he’d been run through the ringer and interrogated by the Central Intelligence Agency’s best operatives. He was tired, hungry, and horny, and after seeing Fairy and Helios, all he wanted was sex…lots and lots of mind-washing, body-cleansing rough sex.

  “Apollo!” Fairy smiled instantly at seeing him.

  “Hey buddy.” Helios grinned. “How was Daycare Duty?”

  “Get naked,” Apollo growled.

  “Excuse me,” Fairy whispered, her eyes widening.

  “Get naked now,” Apollo ground out again.

  “Maybe you should relax a bit, Apollo. You don’t look well,” Helios cautiously offered.

  “Both of you. Naked. Now!”

  Fairy slowly got up from the couch, backing away toward the kitchen. “Now Apollo, you agreed to do these things. We talked about it remember?”

  “Strip or I will rip the clothes from your body.”

  “Apollo,” Helios cautioned. “Maybe you should calm down a bit. You’re scaring her.”

  “Did I say you could talk?”

  Helios cringed. He too took a step back. “No.”

  “Then don’t, and strip,” Apollo replied, looking at Helios.

  Fairy chose at that moment to make a break for it, but she only got as far as Apollo, as he reached out for her, grabbing her around the waist, and hauling her over his shoulders. She squealed loudly, kicking her legs. “You brute! Put me down.”

  “You’re going to pay for the daycare bit baby. You’re finally going to get your wish.”

  Her body relaxed at fraction, and Apollo knew she was trying to figure out what he meant. Of course, when the realization hit, her body tensed, then instantly relaxed. “Remember the signals we talked about, baby? If you get uncomfortable, just say the word and we stop.”

  With that, Apollo led her to the couch. There he proceeded to rip her clothing from her body, and thank the Goddess she wasn’t wearing anything extravagant, just a small dress with no underwear. Smearing her lipstick with a firm, wet kiss, Apollo used his right hand gently to squeeze her breast, his fingers playing over her hardening nipple. Enjoying the rapid escalation of her passion, he slipped a finger to her wet pussy and brought it to her mouth, spreading her own juice across her lips. “See how wet you are already? Taste this. Helios will get a taste, too, as soon as you kiss him.”

  Fairy moaned. Her eyes glazed over with desire as her lips surrounded his finger, thrilled with the image Apollo panted. She was eager for this adventure to begin. Fairy was unsure about how to proceed. She started to turn toward the bedroom, when Apollo all but stopped her and said, “I think Helios needs a kiss, Fairy.”

  She smiled at Apollo, and then walked toward Helios, tilting her head back to look up at the tall, handsome man. He leaned down and kissed her sweetly, before completely disarming her with a broad smile. He was so beautiful when he smiled, his warm, golden skin lighting up as his eyes twinkled with mischief. She had been secretly in love with Helios for some time, but her love and adoration for Apollo stopped her from asking for more. Therefore, she was pleasantly surprised when Apollo asked her if she cared to have Helios join in. Oh, she had known for quite a while that Helios and Apollo were an item, and it didn’t bother her. She knew that some men loved life, and enjoyed the same sex. She tried it once with another female, but the whole experience was lacking something. When she realized she preferred the touch and heat of man, she knew, she was meant to love men. She didn’t discriminate those who preferred the same sex in any way. She just liked men, well, actually, two men.

  She loved kissing Helios. His attentions to her needs were beyond anything she had ever known. Apollo was gentle but aggressive, taking what he wanted. However, Helios was attentive, giving her what she needed more than his wants. She loved that about them. Both were so different, yet when together, they were alike. She had only been with Helios once and couldn’t wait to have him again. As Helios wrapped his arms around her, Apollo growled and pulled her to himself, kissing her hard before letting his lips drift down her neck, finding the special spot where it joined her shoulder.

  Fairy chuckled and sought out Helios’s lips again, moaning into his open mouth as Apollo cupped her breast. Apollo continued his ex
ploration, sliding his hands from her shoulder, letting them slide to her right breast. Soon Apollo’s lips found the hard nipple. At the same time, Helios followed suit, using his teeth to nip at her shoulder before latching onto her left nipple with another warm mouth.

  “This is so incredible,” Fairy exclaimed as she stood there, her head thrown back, two hot mouths sucking her nipples. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.” Apollo moaned at her request, and added to her sensations by sliding his right hand downward, seeking her heat, as he slid his fingers over her pubic bone. His fingers danced lightly over her swollen lips. She was wet from anticipation and the stimulation of her sensitive breasts. He avoided her clitoris as he rubbed her lips with two fingers, a wishbone surrounding her throbbing shaft, completing the tease by squeezing her lips together, compressing the clit between them while sliding fingers and thumb up and down.

  Both men continued to suck and nibble on Fairy’s erect, needy nipples. Arching her back, she slid a hand around each head, pulling the hungry mouths tighter against her breasts. Apollo by now had inserted two fingers into her hot, wet pussy. Quickly locating her g-spot, he made small circles with his fingertips on the ridged flesh. As the g-spot became firmer with her arousal, Apollo dragged his teeth against her nipple, feeding her need for more intense sensation. Fairy moaned her approval, running her fingers through his hair. Sensing it was time to turn up the heat further, Apollo began twisting his fingers within her pussy, his thick knuckles massaging her g-spot again and again as he rotated them. When her hips began moving, he added a slow thrusting to the twisting motion and bit down more forcefully on her nipple.

  “Oh yes,” she cried, releasing her first orgasm of what she knew was going to be many. Her time with Apollo and Helios was orgasmic. Neither gave in until her body shuddered, wracked with tremors. Apollo prided himself on how many orgasms he could give her. Helios, well, that was another story. She had a feeling he did it just because he could.

  The most vivid part of her fantasy fulfilled, Fairy floated in her ecstasy, wanting more of her two men. Apollo eased his fingers from her tight but now sloppy pussy, standing before her. With his lips close to her ear, he whispered to her, “Tell Helios how you taste, baby,” while offering his wet fingers to Fairy’s eager mouth.


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