Book Read Free

Flash Drive

Page 26

by Jacqueline DeGroot

  “Stewart. I can’t do this. This was not supposed to happen. I’m your doctor. I could get into big trouble over this.”

  “How? I seduced you, remember?”

  “Is that what this was?”

  “No! Of course not! I don’t want you to go. I want you to stay here with me. In my bed.”

  “I can’t. I have to go.”

  “Fine!” he said angrily as he stood and gathered up his clothes. “I’ll take you home.” He picked up the phone by the bed and punched in two numbers. “I’ll need my car and driver downstairs in twenty minutes.” He hung up the phone. This was a man who always got what he wanted and it didn’t seem that he even needed to say please.

  “I want to see you again.”

  “Impossible. I’m practically promised.”

  “Then get unpromised. I want to see you again.”

  “No, Stewart. I can’t do that.”

  “Friday night, I’ll pick you up at eight.”

  “Friday night I will be at the Heart Ball with

  Dr. Sorbing.”

  “Is that your beau?” he asked sarcastically.

  “He’s my intended, if that’s what you mean.”

  “How’s he going to feel about all this?”

  “I don’t intend to tell him.”

  “Did he know you were a virgin?”

  “He knew definitively that I was a virgin.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “He’s an OB/GYN.”

  He spun around and stared at her, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief, “You let him examine you?” He said the word examine as if it meant something incredibly filthy.

  “Well, I needed an exam. It was purely clinical.”

  He walked over to her, gripped her by her arms, and held them to her side as he challenged her, “You mean you laid on a table, spread your legs as wide as they could possibly go and let a man examine you, one whom you’re romantically involved with, but not sexually involved with?” He made it sound like something sick. And he also sounded somehow possessive, as if her almost fiancé didn’t have the same rights that he had just taken.

  She broke out of his hold, “It was purely clinical! Doctors do those kinds of things all the time for each other.”

  He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her back to him. He looked deeply into her eyes. “If any man, who’s thinking of making you his wife, can see you displayed like that and not have the overwhelming desire to take you and make you his, he is not going to make you happy. I may not know a lot about you, but I think I do know a little about your sexual nature, and this Dr. Sorbing, isn’t the man for you. Did he do a breast exam, too?” More sarcasm.

  She looked up into his piercing blue eyes and simply nodded.

  “And that was completely clinical, also?”

  Again, she just nodded, this time adding a raised brow in defiance.

  “Honey,” he said as he took her balled up dress from in front of her, “I can’t see how any man could look at you clinically.” He looked down at her breasts as she stood naked before him. “If this man had the opportunity to see and touch these delicious mounds and was not overcome with desire to suckle them and caress them lovingly, then he can’t possibly be in love with you. In fact, he’s probably gay.”

  She smiled up at him as she gently took her dress back from him. “He loves me, and he’s not gay.”

  “So what are you going to tell him on your wedding night, when he finds out that you’re no longer a virgin?”

  “I’ll think of something—stretched my legs too far in Yoga class or something.” She slipped into her dress, tossed her hair over her shoulder and started looking for her shoes. “Now I really must go,” she said as she found them under his shirt and started to put them on.

  He took the shirt from her hand and put it on. As he buttoned it, he appraised her, “There’s a brush over there on the dresser you can use, you look a little loved.”

  “Thank you,” she said as she walked over to his dresser and used the brush to smooth her hair.

  He ran his fingers through his hair as he watched her in the mirror, “Damn it, I’m not letting you go this easily.”

  “Stewart, you have no say in the matter.”

  “The hell I don’t! I’m the man who took your virginity!”

  “And I will always be grateful that you did it so nicely. I have never had an orgasm I hadn’t orchestrated, and tonight you pleased me in so many ways.” She gave him a big smile in the mirror and then got a faraway look in her eyes. “I will miss that if Jonathan isn’t as good as you are in the bedroom.”

  He slapped his hand flat against the doorframe, making a startlingly loud noise as he cursed. “I can guarantee you that he’s not even close.” Then he stalked out of the bedroom to wait for her by the front door.

  They rode down the elevator in silence, and when the doorman opened the door for them, he waited for her to precede him before following her out. Always the gentleman, she thought. Jonathan didn’t know all the intricacies of being a gentleman. He probably would have bolted in front of her as soon as the doorman had opened the door, his sense of sexual equality being what it was. Then she chided herself; it wasn’t fair to compare him to this man. They were on opposite ends of the spectrum, from two totally different worlds. Their lifestyles were as different as night and day. Jonathan ate a bagel for breakfast in the hospital cafeteria; Stewart probably had a complete kitchen staff fix him a full-blown buffet. And she knew she’d have a lot more in common down the road with a doctor as her husband than with some spoiled millionaire—a playboy financier who wasn’t even the marrying sort to begin with.

  When they were both in the back seat of the limo, he pulled her over to him and tucked her under his arm. He softly kissed the hair at her temple as he whispered to her, “It goes without saying that I had a wonderful time tonight.”

  She looked up at him and smiled, and it was that smile that broke his heart.

  “I did, too. Although, I still don’t think I did anything wrong today while I was examining you. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that Dr. Farrell’s on vacation, he can’t do your colonoscopy. It’ll have to be me. Or maybe, I can get Jonathan to do it. He can unknowingly vindicate himself for you taking his wife’s virginity,” she said with a huge satisfying grin.

  He looked down at her and shook his head, “No thank you. Never mind, I’ll get my attorneys to get that part of the exam stricken from the insurance clause, either that or I’ll have it done by my own doctor when I’m in Connecticut next week.”

  “That would probably be better.”

  “Yeah,” he said as he bent to kiss her on the temple. Followed by one on her lips.

  What started out as a little love peck, turned into a passionate kiss that grew into full-fledged desire and soon, he had her pulled onto his lap.

  His hand slipped under her dress and she stiffened. “The driver . . . don’t,” she said as she stopped his hand from going any higher.

  “Honey, he can’t see a thing. Nobody can. It’s one-way glass all around.”

  His hand resumed its upward journey. “If I have to say good bye to you forever, I’d like to make love to you one more time.”

  “Here?” she squeaked.

  “Honey, I swear to you, he can’t see a thing. Here, I’ll prove it.” He pressed a button on a console in front of him and spoke to the driver, “Tony, if you can tell me how many fingers I’ve got up, I’ll give you a thousand dollars.” He put three fingers up and they heard Tony over the intercom say, “Five.” He and Tony played this game all the time. Stewart always held up three fingers and Tony always said five and no one was the wiser. But, you really couldn’t see through the glass, much to Tony’s chag

  “Can’t we just go up to my place?”

  “No,” he said firmly. “Here.” He laid her back against the leather as he slid her dress up to her waist. “I have to tell you, I was shocked to find you had no underwear on tonight, it just didn’t seem like you. No bra, no panties . . . so accessible,” he murmured as he bent and kissed her flat tummy. “Hell of way to dress for a first date.”

  “You have to wear thong underwear with this dress or all you can see is panty lines. And I only have one pair of thong underwear. I had just washed them out by hand and they were in the dryer when you came to the door. I didn’t think it would be appropriate to ask you to wait while I put my panties on, so I just left without them.” She was suddenly conscious that she was rambling like a nervous schoolgirl.

  He hooted with laughter, “Well, I didn’t mind you not having any,” he said as he took a condom out of a side console. “Here, this time you put it on, I want to feel you touch me,” he said in a deep, husky voice, “without gloves,” he added. With his other hand he held down the intercom button, “Tony, how about a nice, long drive around the park?”

  “Yes sir.”

  He released the button and simultaneously groaned as her hand delved into his opened zipper and found its reward.

  The next day, twelve pairs of designer thong underwear with matching bras and two-dozen red roses were delivered to her apartment. The note attached to the box of underwear said: “I would love to see you in these, Stewart.”

  She looked at the sizes and realized he had gotten them exactly right. This was a man who knew women.

  She got the shock of her life on Friday when someone cut in on her and Jonathan while they were dancing at the Heart Ball. Jonathan graciously stepped aside and Stewart gathered her firmly into his arms as he murmured into her ear, “He doesn’t seem the type to put his head between your legs and get a soft, curly blonde hair stuck between his teeth for two days.”

  In her shock, her eyes went wide and she pushed back from his chest as he led her effortlessly around the ballroom. Their eyes met and held. “It’s quite all right. I finally got it out this afternoon. Your hairs down there are very thin and silky, had a devil of a time with it, but I bought this extra fine floss, and voila, it was out. So I’m ready for the next time.”

  “Stewart, we’ve had this out already. There will be no next time. And thank you very much for the roses and the underwear.”

  “I want to see them on you,” he said huskily, his warm breath fanning her neck as he leaned down to whisper into her ear.

  “Well, I’ll see if Jonathan will mind an audience during our honeymoon.”

  “You’re not going to marry him.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong.”

  “Can you honestly tell me that you’re in love with him, Mallory? Because if you can, I’ll waltz you right over to him and deposit you into his arms.”

  Slowly her eyes met his and he had his answer. “I thought not. So what’s the big deal with marrying him? You could do a lot better.” He looked over at Jonathan who was talking to a fellow physician. “He’s already getting a paunch, or hadn’t you noticed?” His lips moved close to her ear again and he whispered, “The bite mark I gave you has faded, I’ll have to give you another.”

  “He’s stable and we’ll have a lot to talk about. Stimulating conversation is very important in a marriage.”

  “So, talking about someone’s hernia, bypass, kidney stones, hysterectomy, or gall bladder is exciting to you?”

  “You make it sound so awful.”

  “How about if I tell you what I’d like to be doing to you right now, in medical terms? How exciting would it be to know that I want my testicles slapping your luscious vulva with each reinsertion of my erection as we achieve coitus? Intercourse, if you will—my hard penis separating your silky labia and us copulating as I fill your nice warm vagina? I would like to feel your throbbing clitoris clench against my genitals as you achieve orgasm and I ejaculate my semen deep inside your vaginal cavity, this, while suckling on your areola, nibbling on your nipple, and gently stroking your sphincter muscle.”

  The flow of her whole body seemed to have altered with his words and she felt an incredible surge of wetness at the juncture between her legs. Just then Jonathan strode across the floor to reclaim her.

  “Uh oh, lover boy’s coming back. Listen, I have to leave town tomorrow, tell me what time I can come see you tonight.”

  “You can’t.”

  “I’m going to, so either give me a time that’s safe, or I’ll come whenever I want. I’ll be waiting when lover boy drops you off. I wouldn’t mind him knowing there’s some competition, and by the way, I love your hair like that.” He was referring to the elegant chignon that was twisted and pinned to the back of her head and to the soft curls piled on top.

  “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “Give me a time,” he said firmly.


  “Isn’t that a bit late?”

  “We have a party after this one and I’m not exactly sure what time I’ll be home. I know I’ll definitely be home, alone, by midnight.”

  “Midnight it is,” he said as he leaned down to whisper in her ear: “Wear some of the new underwear for me.”

  Then he was gone. He completely vanished into the crowd. She couldn’t prevent the blush that crept up her cheeks and when Jonathan asked her who that man was, she was sure it deepened. “Stewart Ravencross,” she murmured as her hand went to the spot below her ear that had just been kissed.

  “Where’d you meet him?”

  “At work. He was a patient.”

  “Really? What’s the matter with him?”

  In her mind she thought, nothing, absolutely nothing, but aloud she said, “Can’t discuss it, doctor-patient privilege, you know.”

  “Yes, yes. I understand. Do you want to get some more punch, it’s not as sweet as it was last year, but it’s still very good.”

  “Sure, lead on,” she said as her eyes scanned the room.

  From the balcony several floors above, Stewart Ravencross gazed down on her as she searched for him. All was not lost. He’d have her again.

  Shortly after midnight, Mallory answered the soft knock on her door. Stewart, sporting a big grin greeted her. He was dressed in casual city clothes, a far cry from the formal tuxedo she’d seen him in just a few hours earlier.

  “Hi babe,” he said in a sexy, cocksure voice. He was leaning on the doorjamb and he pushed off of it to take her into his arms. Her hair was down now, the curls lying haphazardly over her shoulder. She was wearing a thick velour robe and as soon as the door swung shut behind him, his hands untied the belt and spread the lapels. His hands, moving to her bare shoulders parted it wide so he could see that she was wearing a purple, low cut demi-bra with the skimpiest underwear to match.

  “I knew you’d wear them for me. Come here,” he said as he let the robe fall off her shoulders. He gathered her into his arms and hugged her tightly to him as his lips sought hers and he kissed her thoroughly, a kiss she felt reverberating throughout her body. He bent, put his arms behind her knees and picked her up before carrying her into the bedroom.

  “Stewart, we can’t,” she pleaded as he laid her down on her already rumpled bed.

  “Oh, don’t tease me Dr. Greene. Why can’t we?” he asked, a big smile on his face as he settled his body on the bed beside hers.

  He was still smiling at her fledgling attempt to deny them what they both wanted when she lifted her hand and flashed it in front of his face and he saw the diamond on her finger sparkling in the soft bedroom lighting. He grabbed her hand to still it and backed away so he could see it.

  “He gave you this tonight?”

  She nodded. />
  “And you accepted?”

  She nodded again.

  “Why?” he asked and the tone of his voice conveyed some of the pain and annoyance that he was feeling.

  “It’s been in the works for a long time. We met during our residency and it’s been sort of assumed all along that this would eventually happen.”

  “Wait a minute, you’ve known this guy for at least four years, he does your gynecological exams, yet you’ve never been intimate. We know each other one day and end up in bed. Mallory, doesn’t something seem a little off kilter here?”

  “He’s known all along that I wanted to wait until our wedding night.”

  “Okay, so for four years you hold him off, yet in one day, I meet and bed you. Doesn’t that strike you as being a little odd?”

  “He doesn’t have the way that you have with women. He doesn’t have your touch.”

  He stroked the tops of her breasts, provocatively pushed up and peeking out of the scalloped edges of her lacy bra. “And you’re willing to settle for that?”

  She looked into his face, and he could see tears forming in her eyes but he wasn’t about to let her off the hook.

  “Let me remind you one more time of what you’re going to be missing,” he said as he slipped the strap down off her shoulder, exposing the hardened peak just aching for his touch. He wrapped his lips around it, then let his teeth nip at it before squeezing the hard, wet nub between his fingertips. Her soft moans of pleasure were all the encouragement he needed. He reached behind her and with one practiced touch popped her bra open. He loved her breasts, they were perfect, and he showed her just how much he adored them by paying homage to them as he caressed, kneaded, and tweaked her hard nipples between his fingers. He pulled her over on top of him so that the luscious mounds fell into his mouth and he suckled her until she couldn’t stand the sweet pleasure any longer and begged him to take her.


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