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Bad Rep (Southern Ink Book 1)

Page 4

by S. N. Garza

  I kept playing for about twelve minutes and when I finally opened my eyes, Deke was lying asleep on my bed like he hadn’t slept in weeks. I didn’t have the heart to tell him it was probably time for him to leave. So I cleaned my flute, put it away and walked over to him.

  Lifting up the fleece blanket I kept at the end of my bed and I pulled it over his long frame. I quietly turned on Netflix and choose to begin a Criminal Minds season four episode.

  I left the room to make sure everything was locked up tight and the outside lights were on. I left the stove light on for my parents and I walked back to my room as the theme song ended.

  I didn’t know if I should sit on the bed, but I knew the floor was way too uncomfortable. Hoping not to wake him—he looked really exhausted—I got under the covers as best as I could. At least he was laying close to the edge, an arm propping his head up. I whispered goodnight and settled in.

  Hoping he at least get a few hours of good, undisturbed sleep, I turned, giving him my back and made sure I set my alarm early enough just in case I needed to wake him up to sneak out before my parents got home.

  It was a school night so being in bed at such an early hour wasn’t too hard for me. It’s not like I had a social life. After two episodes, it was just after nine and my eyes began to droop. Before I knew it, I finally fell into slumber with Deke closed in behind me on my twin size bed.

  I just met him, and this should feel wrong—him staying here but he saved me. Without any thought to himself. One guy against three. And it felt right somehow, Deke being here with me. That…and he loved hearing me play. It relaxed him enough to fall asleep in a bed not his own. A place that was strange to him.

  I didn't know it yet, but I gave my heart to that boy that day. And ever since then, he became my rock, and I was his solace.

  Chapter 5

  Penelope, senior year

  I was sitting in my bedroom about to go to sleep when there was a soft tap on my window.


  The past two years have been the best of my life. Since that day Deke saved me, we’ve been inseparable.

  Did my parents know? Yes, they knew he was the boy who walked me home from school every day…well, I walked straight to SoIn and then he walked me home. While they didn’t really like him, they didn’t see the harm in it since I ended up telling them what happened when Geoffrey Romoth attacked me. They were happy knowing someone came to my rescue. My father was pissed but since he worked for Romoth, he didn’t do anything about it. There wasn’t a lot of job opportunities in Lilton and Romoth’s steel mill was the only place in town.

  Summer before sophomore year, I got a job at the only family restaurant in town, Chili’s. It was surprisingly busy for our little town. It’s grown over the past few years. More neighborhoods, and a few more jobs but you still had to drive to go to a Wal-Mart or to a mall.

  And Deke? Well, he came over…a lot. His father was still mean and abusive, and went to the town jail often, most of the time to sober up. Deke felt obligated since his mother ran off when he was just a kid. He often came to my room covered with bruises. My parents, thank God, still worked the night shift, because I let him stay here whenever he wanted. He never got extra friendly. Although I did see glimpses. The way he’d look at me sometimes, his grey eyes were overtaken by the pupils, making his smoky grey eyes almost black.

  He was the perfect gentleman towards me and was almost twenty-one now. He made sure to keep our relationship strictly platonic. Did I want that? Not really. After about a year of being friends, he came over several nights a week. He listened to me play my flute and I made him dinner where he ate the way he always did; like he was starved.

  My eighteenth birthday was this weekend and I knew I wasn’t going to do anything. I don’t have many friends. Besides Deke, there was the new girl, Veradia. She was half-white, half-Mexican with a beautiful golden-bronze tan and her long black hair fell in layers to the middle of her back. She had moved here from Lufkin when her mother got a teaching job at the elementary school.

  She was beautiful and tall, at least four inches taller than me. But still, she was a quiet girl who played the clarinet. She came to Lilton High at the beginning of my junior year last year and we became close since we had a lot of classes together.

  She knew I liked Deke more than I should. He still took me to school and had convinced me to walk to SoIn so he could make sure I got home safely every day. As if he was my big brother or something. But then, he didn’t have to convince me since I loved seeing him.

  He was still a bad boy though. Instead of being a delinquent, he was a man-whore. Vera’s words not mine. He loved going out with any girl that came on to him and he quickly became the guy every girl wanted. It was like he turned twenty-one and every girl who saw him became enamored by his dazzling grey eyes and buff looking body and all that colorful ink.

  Sigh. I wasn’t immune either, but I didn’t know if I wanted to cross that line. He’s my best friend.

  Another tap rapped on my window and I got up, not caring if I was just in my sports bra and yoga pants. He was just going to have to deal with it. It was after midnight tonight when he usually got here by nine-ten o’clock. So I was irritated when I shoved the curtains open and the blinds upward.

  I lifted the window with the scowl and said, “Yeah, Deke?” He turned and his nose and the corner of his mouth were bleeding profusely and his eye was a little swollen. Any irritation I felt melted instantly. “Oh, my God! Come in!”

  I shoved the window all the way up and he was quiet and tense as he swung his legs over and into my room. He took off his shoes on the rug that laid just underneath the window. Right outside my window there was nothing but a mud pile and we learned quickly that his foot prints, should they get wet and muddy, would be very problematic for me. He bought a rug and I put my band stuff on top so my parents wouldn’t question it being there. Not that they came into my room much. I’ve grown pretty good at keeping Deke sleeping in my room a secret.

  Since meeting me, Deke began going to church with us, not that I thought he got anything from it, but showing up was a plus in their book. They didn’t have a problem allowing him to take me to and from school. Although I don’t think that mattered to Deke. He would take me to and from school regardless of their feelings. He did as he pleased, when he pleased.

  They had no idea I let him stay the night here most days. He always managed to leave before they got home. When it was time to take me to school, he’d wait in the living room with my dad, making only small talk before I rushed out so he didn’t have to stay long. It wasn’t that he was uncomfortable around them, but I think as a man and authority figure, Deke didn’t want to stick around my dad for very long.

  He worked at SoIn full time after graduating. He was really smart, but he worked a lot, so he didn’t really care about school. What was funny, Johnny had taken me aside and made me promise to make sure he graduated. That Deke deserved to walk that stage. Since I thought so too, it was an easy promise to make. If Deke had his own way, he’d probably quit. But I made him work and apply himself which also improved my grades.

  I was a B+ student and being in the symphony group in band, I had an opportunity to get scholarships to a few state universities. I didn’t know what I wanted to do regarding college, but with all the UIL competitions I had won over the past few years, I could do anything I wanted. But what I wanted was the guy I’ve fallen for. Deke Morgan.

  When Deke came over the threshold, he stumbled, which told me he was in more pain than he let on. I tried grabbing a hold of him but ended up stumbling down with him. Before I face planted, his arms reached around my waist and he twisted me until his front was against my back, taking the brunt of our fall.

  He hissed out in pain and I scrambled off of him and helped him sit up against my bed.

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing, Penelope.”

  He still called me Penelope. Not Penny. Sometimes he called me Pen, but it
was few and far in between. Everyone and I meant everyone called me Penny. Even my parents, unless I was in trouble. Which I wasn’t often, but when they wanted to be heard they called me by my full name. Him not wanting to tell me who done this to him made me want to shake him. I was always there for him. Just like he’d always been there for me.

  I had a guess, but I wanted him to tell me. To let me in for once.

  “Deke.” Sigh. Don’t start an argument, Penny. Just be there for him. He might tell you later. “Fine. Come on.”

  I stood up and held out my hand to help him up. He looked at my hand and smirked.

  “Think you can help me, babygirl?”

  I rolled my eyes and put a hand on my hip. “Stop being a jerk and let me help you, Deke Leslie Morgan.”

  His eyes finally took in my appearance his mouth closed tightly, his nostrils flared and his eyes? Were almost black.

  He closed them and shook his head.

  “Deke, let me help you. Why won’t you let me help you?” My concern was growing and the whiny voice just came out. Why did he come here if he didn’t want my help?

  A small growl rumbled in his throat and he put his hand in mine. I only had to pull a little because he did most of the work standing up. Instead of letting go of his hand, like I should have, I kept it in mine, and led him out of room to the bathroom. I closed the door behind us and gently pushed him down on the toilet lid. He was silent but kept his smoky eyes on mine while I grabbed the first-aid kit out of the linen closet.

  I set it on the counter and turned the sink water on, grabbing the white hand towel on the clip. Getting it soaked, I went over to him, and he automatically let me between his legs where I tilted his head upward to clean off most of the blood caked on his face. Thank God nothing was still oozing from his face or this might have been harder than it looked. I didn’t really like seeing blood. Especially not on Deke. I hate blood.

  Yeah, I was a girl and I had periods and even then, I thanked God my periods were only three days a month. They weren’t too heavy and I dealt with it. But seeing it on Deke? I hated when he was bruised and beaten. Most of the time it was from his father. But then sometimes he liked to start fights. Or end them. He was big enough to stop a lot of fights but in between, he’d get hit once or twice. It didn’t matter where. Seeing it on him made me want to cry. And naturally, my eyes began to water.

  Deke’s face was right in front my chest. Even sitting down he was still tall. His jaw tightened when I touched the cuts but he was so good at hiding the pain. Not letting others see weakness. He was so strong and brave. The cops did nothing to his father. That’s how small minded our town still was. Our town grew but it still kept those small minded ‘not my business, not going to interfere’ mentality. But of course they gossiped and carried on letting everybody know everyone else’s business. I hated it, but I didn’t want to live anywhere else. Deke was here.

  There was a college close enough that I could drive back and forth from whenever I got a car. I was saving up for one. I wanted to get my basics done and then maybe go a state university. But then wherever I went, Deke wouldn’t be there. And I wanted to be close to him.

  Pathetic I know because he sure as hell didn’t see me as anything but his friend. But he was such an important part of me that I knew once I left, that part of me would be missing and I wouldn’t be able to handle it. It would be a dream come true if he left with me. Just me and him against the world. Then we’d get married, have kids. He’d work at the tattoo shop and I’d either be a housewife or a teacher. And live happily ever after.

  Yes, the silly day dreams of a teenage girl.

  His hands fisted hard at his side when I began disinfecting the wound at his brow.

  His knuckles were stretched tight and white. I set the stained towel down and reached down for his hands, settling them on my hips.

  “At least you won’t cut your skin with them on my hips. I know it hurts, Deke. Just breathe for me, okay?”

  His hands contracted on my hips, but he didn’t say anything. His eyes were still closed but his thumbs began to caress the skin above my yoga pants. I felt my skin break out in goose bumps. My boobs felt heavy. My nipples tickled as they became erect.

  Whoa. First time that ever happened.

  Don’t react, Pen.

  Ha. It’s not like he was going to notice anyway.

  When we got the worst of the cuts clean and dry, I butterfly bandaged them. He looked dirty enough for a bath. I sat the first aid stuff down and was going to turn around to get the shower on but his hands squeezed my hips, restricting my movement. Before I could ask him what was wrong, he leaned in and rested his head against my chest. Breathing me in deep.

  “Always smell of lilacs.” He nuzzled his forehead between the material covering my chest until he went over a hard nipple. He stilled for a moment, resting there against my throbbing nipple.

  Why were they aching like this? Was it because of Deke? Did he like how I reacted to him?

  His hands curved over my waist and caressed over the contours of my back until the tips of his fingers buried underneath the tight band of my bra. He pressed me hard against him, hugging me tightly against him. My hands went to the back on his neck then delved into the thick black strands of his hair as I engulfed him in my embrace. He breathed in deep, and then warm air skated over my belly, making me shiver.

  “Let me get a shower ready for you. I have some clothes of yours in my room, Deke. I’ll put these in the wash for you.”

  Was that his lips against my stomach?

  Nah. Wishful thinking, Penny old girl. His hands flexed on my back before he released me. His hands fell to his lap as I turned and bent over to get the bath ready.

  I heard an intake of breath and I hurried to turn around. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Thank you, Penelope. You always take such good care of me.”

  I turned back around and adjusted the shower head before saying, “What are friends for?”

  I couldn’t look at him when I said that because then he’d see the disappointment and sadness in my eyes. I wanted to be more than friends, but I knew he’d never take advantage of me that way when he made himself my protector two years ago.

  That was one promise he never failed to succeed in. As I grew more confident in myself, we often argued over him being so over protective. Not all the time, but when he thought I might not be ‘thinking’ clearly, he always hounded me until I gave in and listened to him and do as he said.

  What was I talking about? I never said no to him. I argued with him so we could compromise but he was so demanding and dominating. His strong personality overtook mine and I did whatever he wanted me to do. And for the most part, I didn’t mind.

  I shut the shower curtain and walked to the linen closet grabbing a beach towel. It was the only towel big enough that would wrap around me completely. I know it’s a silly thought but having him use the only towel I did made it feel intimate in some way.


  I set it on the counter and looked up to see him looking right at my chest…where my nipples were still prickling against my bra.

  I tried not to notice and said instead, “I’m going to go grab those clothes. Leave the dirty ones outside the door and I’ll place the clean ones just inside, ‘kay?”

  He nodded but kept his black stare on my chest. I ignored it and left the room.

  Woot! He really drove me crazy sometimes.

  Chapter 6


  I could never stop myself from going to her. Ever since meeting Penelope, my heart cried out for her. She was my balance. I was the dark to her light.

  The last two years, I watched her change. Become more confident. Outgoing. She came to SoIn enough times that everyone knew her and asked about her when I came in without her. They treated her like family and they knew she was my family. Johnny loved it when she came by. He always said ‘That girl is pure sunshine.’

  Her personality wasn’t the on
ly thing that began changing. Her body became curvier. Her breasts were fuller, her hips just a bit wider. She didn’t wear her glasses anymore.

  It was like ever since Veradia became her friend, she wasn’t that shy, quiet girl anymore. Which was great in some ways, but when boys her age and some that weren’t so young, looked at her with lust in their eyes, it pissed me off.

  When she told me boys started talking to her at school, it made me see red. The fact the she was interested in them, well, that made me even more pissed off. Not really at her, but at myself. I shouldn’t be thinking about her like that.

  But right now, with her bending over into the tub adjusting the water, her sweet, round ass was right in my face, making my already hard cock ache. It flared to life when I she got between my legs, tending to the wounds my father inflicted.

  Normally when he and I argued, it was over money. But then tonight he brought Penelope into it. Threatening her if I didn’t give him what he wanted. Then he started bashing her.

  She was just a little bit strange. Nerdy. Sweet. Kind. Beautiful. The most perfect creature in this world.

  His lewd comments towards her body made me lose control. He got a couple of good swings and then he made the mistake of threatening to rape her. I lost it. I didn’t stop until I broke his nose, broke his arm and kicked him enough times in the nuts he knew I would kill him if he ever thought about getting near Penelope. He knew I wasn’t kidding. He knew I’d make good on that threat if he dared to even look her way. I knew it was the booze talking but no one threatened her. Ever.

  I couldn’t stay there tonight. I left the shitty shack we called a house and walked around until I ended up at her back fence.

  When I started coming over to see her when her parents weren’t home, I climbed over the fence. It sucked because it was six foot tall and hopping over that shit was hard. About six months after meeting her, one night I went over and there was a small note tacked on three wooden boards that read ‘Push and swing me’.


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