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Hell's Phoenix

Page 26

by Gracen Miller

  Always their real names fell from Lucifer’s lips.

  Tears blurred his vision and siphoned along his cheeks. “She’ll die anyway, Elias.” He hiccupped and gasped as the jarring motion ripped a new string of fire from his chest straight to his head. “Our marriage covenant guarantees that outcome.”

  A hazy blackness narrowed his vision, but he focused on Elias’s face.

  “That won’t be enough suffering for what she’s done to you.”

  With the level of hatred reflected on Elias’s face, there would be no altering his mind.

  Lucifer slammed his hand over the wound on his chest. Micah grunted, but realized no pain came that time. “Welcome to the power of prayers, brother.” Lucifer launched power into his chest so fast Micah could have believed a cannonball struck him. Another jolt of supersonic energy jerked him on the granite slab as if he were hooked to jumper cables.

  His heart flatlined. Silence boomed so loud his eardrums vibrated. The two together coupled for the strangest feeling he’d ever encountered.

  He greeted the final moments of his life with little care to his outcome. It bothered him that he had no idea what would happen to Madison when she passed.

  With toes and fingers stinging, he expected death to be harder to endure than the irritation of his flesh. The tickling spread to his elbows and knees as Lucifer jammed him with another blast. He didn’t flinch from the second detonation, but his entire body went numb in an instant.

  Not working, brother. He didn’t try to speak the words, Lucifer would realize his failure soon enough.

  A final breath exited his lungs, like the eerie scream of a ghoul. Breath of death. Blood bubbled over his mouth, ran down his cheeks and chin. Micah closed his eyes, not wishing to see the hatred in Eliel’s gaze for the woman he still adored.

  His final vow before death claimed him: I love you beyond time, kitten.

  Chapter Forty-two

  Her self-control on the verge of meltdown, Madison blindly set the empty glass on the table. In her haste, she must have missed because it hit the floor. Made from high-quality crystal, the goblet didn’t shatter, but rent a high-pitched scream of protest.

  Madison tangled her fingers in Nix’s hair, forced her body to cooperate and pull his head back instead of anchor it to her. She couldn’t sputter any words out, and only scant breaths entered her lungs. The erotic press of his palms inched along the tops of her thighs, and her fingers tightened in his hair. Thankfully, she wore jeans so she didn’t suffer skin-on-skin contact.

  He kissed her chin and slowly his gaze dragged up to meet hers. “I wanted to see if you tasted as good as the tequila.”

  The first question that snagged in her mind was, ‘And?’, but she didn’t dare utter the word aloud. Suicide to make such a brazen query.

  Nix must have read the question in her eyes, however, because he responded. “You taste better. More intoxicating.” That did not help calm the desires burning inside her. “I wonder….” he said.

  “Don’t wonder.”

  Not an invitation, but a plea for him to take a different path. Had the words come out stronger than a whisper, Nix might not have interpreted them as an enticement. The sudden connection of his lips against hers was a lethal cocktail of skimming flesh and mingled breaths. Eyes open, he watched her and the boundary lines of needs too long deprived shattered inside her.

  Madison’s lids fluttered shut, longing for him to increase the tempo of the breathy embrace. He didn’t. Instead he left her white-knuckling the cliff of desire.

  Want more, need more of him, the succubus chimed.

  Just one kiss can’t go bad, right? she replied.

  Succubus laughed a throaty sound as Madison leaned into him, mashing her lips against his with a sigh. Her response must have been what he waited for because he groaned, and deepened their connection immediately, parting her mouth and plunging his tongue inside.

  Dueling desperation twisted through her. She wanted him to stop, but needed him to continue. She gripped his hair tighter and indulged in the forbidden embrace as if it were stolen manna from Heaven. She tasted the liquor on his tongue, but the man affected her libido more. Jesus, Nix tasted so much better than any sugar-high she could induce.

  “Nix.” Her heart rammed against her ribs painfully. If she died from overexertion, it would be his fault.

  He must have been encouraged by her reaction because his hands scrubbed upward and clamped on her hips. He snatched her out of her chair and dragged her across his lap.

  Nix guided her until she straddled his pelvis, with her feet flat against the floor. The dynamic contact of his jean-clad erection against her pussy fucked up her demon in a bad, bad way.

  Desperate to put some distance between their intimate poses, Madison slammed her hands down on the back of his chair and tried to gain liftoff with her feet. Nix must have realized her intent, because his hands shifted over her buttocks and curled around the backs of her thighs. He lifted her knees upward, forcing her to remain seated against his erection as he settled fully into his chair.

  A rush of wetness hit the pocket that cradled Nix’s pelvis. Usha whimpered, begged for more, and Madison held onto her demonic subterfuge by a weak thread of control. Frantic to end the potency of his kiss, she twisted her head to the side and squeezed the chair until her fingertips tingled.

  No…no…no…. She tried to utter the words aloud, but only a hoarse unidentifiable groan came out.

  His fingers weeded into her hair, his palm cupped the back of her head, and he turned her face toward him. He caught her gaze for a dozen heartbeats. Holding her eyes, he lowered his mouth to hers again. Once more his lips parted hers with ease and his tongue aggressively sought hers out of hiding. If she hadn’t been so weak, she could’ve resisted.

  Madison groaned into his mouth. He kissed so much better than chocolate tasted. His hips rotated with a languid move that rolled the hard length of his shaft against her, a delightful tease to her succubus that was full-on ready to play.

  “Nix, no,” she panted, struggling to talk down her libido, but the warm, languid burn in her limbs worked against her focus. “I…I….” She shook her head to clear away the lusty haze, or thought she shook her head. At this point, she wasn’t certain. “I don’t need a pity fuck. I’ll learn to manage the demon on my own.”

  The digits in her hair curled tight, stinging her scalp, and he yanked her head back just enough to look her in the face. Angry orbs glared at her. “I don’t want to fuck you. Not ever. Don’t forget that, Mads. Don’t ever fucking forget that.”

  Okay…maybe she’d gotten the kiss all wrong. Confused by his statement, his anger made little sense. Why the kiss or the hard-on nestled between her legs—or just the freaking kiss in general—if sex hadn’t been on his agenda?

  “But I do want to make love to you.” Her belly somersaulted at the visceral slash of his gaze as it traveled over her face, down across her breasts and lower, to where they were intimately pressed together. “I want to make love to you all night, every night, until you’re hoarse from crying your pleasure.” Dear God. “Until you’re so exhausted you crash into a deep sleep. Until—”

  She placed her hand over his mouth. She couldn’t take much more of the ‘untils’ without ripping his clothes off and forgetting her cupid agenda. “What about Alessa?”

  His scowl crinkled the corners of his eyes and knitted his brow. Nix mumbled beneath her palm and she removed her hand so he could speak.

  “What about her?” Nix’s gruff voice hinted he disliked the direction of the conversation.

  “She’s your woman. The woman Georgie talks about.”

  “Mmmhmm….” Just a sound, as he processed her statement with a full-blown scowl. “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Alessa’s my friend. Nothing more.”

  “You’re more than just friends, Nix. You can’t deny that. And I wouldn’t buy the ‘friends with benefits’ bullshit if you tried to sell it. And she ain�
��t like your sister because you’ve been sleeping with her.”

  “Mads, you got this all wrong.”

  No, she didn’t. Georgie had been adamant Madison would meet Nix’s woman and she would find out the woman’s identity when they returned from Hell. Logic dictated the only woman it could be was Alessa. They were good together, proven by the memories Alessa reminded him of in Hell to yank him out of Micah’s demonic cuckold. Moreover, she was Nix’s type, beautiful, gutsy, and strong.

  “Five years ago, Georgie told me your woman was strong, brave, and not without inner turmoil. She’s in the Sherlock business and I’d live to meet her.”

  Nix quirked his lips. “That’s all she said?” Madison nodded. “Kind of vague, don’t you think?”

  “No, I didn’t think so. Can I move off your lap?”

  “No.” He shook his head and added slight pressure to her lower back to maintain her position. His ever-present arousal drove her demon insane. “And from what Georgie said five years ago, you took that to mean Alessa was my woman?”

  “Yes, but not initially. Georgie confirmed my suspicions the day before I entered Hell when she told me your woman was already with me and I’d meet her if I came out of Hell. Alessa’s the only logical choice, Nix.”

  “Logical choice, huh?” In unison, his brows rose as if amazed by her deduction skills. “Georgie said a lot to you about an elusive woman she’s never mentioned to me.”

  “You know Georgie and her secrets. Can you let go of my hair?”

  “No.” As if realizing how tightly he gripped the strands, he loosened his hold and rubbed the sting out of her scalp with his fingertips.

  “Nix, you’re a great friend and I know you’ve been eager to help me in the past with my problems. I will learn to manage the demon. But I won’t betray Alessa to alleviate my…issue.” Crap! His scowl turned into a ferocious glower. Madison spoke fast. “I saw how you felt when that vampire attacked her in Hell. I know you love her.”

  Nix smiled frostily. “I’m uncertain if I should be flattered or insulted that you think I’m hitting on you while in love with someone else. How big of a cad do you think I am?”

  “I didn’t—”

  “No, don’t answer that.” His black look grew more fearsome and she wanted to glance away, but would not. “Not only do you think I’m in love with someone else, but trying to get into your pants while that someone else is here in the house.” He shook his head as if he couldn’t believe she expected so little of him. Dark fervor strained his voice. “I’m not that big of a bastard.”

  “I really didn’t think of it like that.” But… she could see why her words would anger him.

  “Let’s set something straight. I love Alessa, but I’m not in love with her. Big difference. You don’t have to believe the ‘friends with benefits’ bullshit if you don’t want, but it’s the truth. The God’s honest truth. We helped each other through difficult times, nothing more. I’ve had a lot of fun with her over the years. Yes, I spent a lot of time in her bed fucking her so we could forget our lives, but it was never anything more than that. We respect one another as friends. Nothing more. If you ask her, she’d tell you the same.”

  “What if she said something different?”

  “Mads,” he warned, his voice dark and low.

  “What?” Her intentions were honorable. She wished he’d realize she tried to help him find a happy future. As far away from her as he could get.

  “I’m not in love with Alessa. End of story.”

  “Fine,” she huffed. “Then who? Maybe that Genovela chick I never met—”

  Nix jerked on her hair and she gasped at the sudden sting, taken aback by his violent reaction. “Shut up,” he growled. “My God, who knew you were such a little matchmaker. I’m not in love with Genovela either. She’s too…too…you’d have to meet her to understand. Don’t start thinking about Zoe because she is like my sister and that’ll offend me more. The only emotion I feel toward Petra is the overwhelming desire to kill her demonic ass. And if your wicked brain turns toward Georgie, I might turn you over my knees and redden your lovely ass.”

  Shocked by his threat, her eyes rounded.

  “So, who exactly does that leave?” His tone turned mild, but his expression bred serious emotions.

  Madison glanced over his shoulder at the corner of the ceiling and mentally ticked through the list of people they knew. He’d covered everyone, but that made no sense because Georgie had said—she shook her head. Maybe she’d misunderstood. But the psychic had been so specific when they discussed Nix’s woman.

  “Seriously, you can come up with no one else, baby? Not even with descriptions like strong and brave, or inner turmoil and in the business?”

  “Nix, I don’t know anyone else you know.” She met his gaze briefly, but his direct stare warmed her in places that had no business growing hot…or wet. She refocused on the cobwebs in the corner of the room. They were less intimidating. “Maybe I misunderstood Georgie.”

  “You don’t think some of that could describe you?”

  Madison chuckled, genuinely amused. “Yeah, right.” Look who needs to get serious now. “I’m not brave or strong.”

  “You planned to go to Hell for me. You faced Micah on your own. That’s brave and if not strong, I don’t understand the definition of either word.”

  “Idiocy? Necessary and definitely my duty, Amos and Georgie both said I had to go. Following the guidance of a ten-year-old, that should tell you how screwed up I am, knowing he’s telling the truth when he says you’re too important to leave in Hell. What choice did I have? None.” Madison released a long, tired sigh. She’d never felt as world-weary as she did at that moment. Sick of thinking, tired of worrying, and drained from making decisions that affected not just her life, but those around her, she prayed for an outcome that’d alleviate her concerns. Worst of all, resisting her inner demon left her exhausted.

  With the hand in her hair, Nix forced her to face him. “Mads….”

  “No, Nix, I’m not finished.” He needed to understand. “I don’t suffer from inner turmoil; I’m just plain fucked up. I’m damn sure not a Sherlock or in the business. I want nothing to do with those self-righteous jerks, except for you and your Sherlock family, of course.”

  “Of course,” he said with an amused grin.

  “I was dragged kicking and screaming into this life. Make no mistake; I would dive straight back into Hell without a second thought if I wasn’t disappointing everyone I loved.”

  “There’s so much wrong with what you just said I can’t begin to single it all out.” Nix rubbed the sting out of her scalp, and too weak to resist his touch, she relished the feel of his fingers, leaned into it like a canine begging for affection. “It’s always been you, Mads.” Her head snapped forward. “Only you.” His eyes held hers hostage. The vow in his words terrified her.

  But his confession made no sense. They were friends. Only friends. There’d always been a heavy attraction between them, but…but…but…Nix was attracted to a number of women, so she hadn’t been unique in that regard.

  She needed some space to process his words, to think, to determine his seriousness or…why would he joke about something this significant? Madison pushed to scramble off his lap.

  “Hell, no.” His arm wrapped around her lower back and pulled her closer, held her in position. Her breasts crashed against his chest and her nipples instantly puckered, as if they both were bare-chested. His fingers in her hair tightened and angled her head back so he could look at her.

  “I’m not running from what I feel any longer, Mads. And I’m not letting you either. Life is too short not to chase your dreams. I learned that the hard way and went to Hell before I could tell you how I felt.” He kissed her forehead and the hand on her lower spine shimmied down to the rounded curve of her bottom, sealing her core against his erection. “For five fucking years I tried to lose myself in other women, but even that didn’t work. When I was inside them, I was
thinking of you.”

  Oh, that’s good, Lynx piped in, startling her after being silent so long.

  That’s sad, Madison contradicted.

  “That hellish King of yours—”

  “Not mine,” she whispered in protest.

  “—would’ve bargained for a piss-poor lineage if not for Zen’s actions. It was the mental anguish of losing you that broke me.”

  She licked suddenly dry lips.

  “There is no woman in this world, heaven or Hell, perfect for me, but you.”

  Her stomach twisted violently and definitely not with butterflies. Fear. Excitement. Adrenaline. All those emotions ran rampant through her system. She wanted nothing from Nix, except his friendship and supernatural aid on occasion. But if that were so, why the equally intense exhilaration warming her? Or the adrenaline that pulsed between her thighs.

  I want a lot more from him than friendship. Her succubus was too honest for her comfort.

  “Intimacy frightens you. I get that, Mads, I do. I’d be just as frightened of opening myself up to hurt as you are if I’d suffered the same experiences.”

  “Depends on the type of intimacy,” she squeaked, but even she heard the tremor in her voice. “We’ve been in many intimate situations, and they didn’t frighten me.”

  “Oh, baby, you know I’m talking about the intimacy between us. The way your pulse quickens when I touch you.” To highlight his point, he pressed his lips against hers and licked her bottom lip. Madison bit back the moan of pleasure. “The way your breath goes ragged when I do things like that to you.” A satisfied grin titled his lips, and she realized he’d caught her body’s response even though she’d caged the sound. “Our attraction has always been there. From that very first day I stormed into your life, I’ve wanted no other woman but you. Everything about you is sexy and exciting. The way you mother your child, your strength, your stubbornness, your bravery, even your foolishness to damn yourself for me. All of those traits are sexy.”


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