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Black Hills Secrets

Page 3

by A. C. Wilson

  “Just follow me.” Rayne said from behind him as he pushed both carts to the corral. He raised a hand in acknowledgement. He heard her door close and then he quickly walked back and got into his vehicle too.


  Rayne started the truck up with a sigh. This man she had just befriended was quite different from most of the guys she had come to know. Inviting him to lunch had been a rather spur of the moment idea, but she knew there was no way she could explain to Garrett just who this guy was. He definitely needed to see Blake Phails for himself. She was surprised by his sweetness and soft smile. She was also alarmed by the sadness and pain in his eyes. Blake tried to hide it as well as he could, but she had noticed. Rayne also couldn’t explain how it sent a sharp jolt to her soul.

  Garrett had warned her about bringing stray animals home, especially injured, wild animals. Heck, she was a veterinarian by trade and an advocate by heart. She couldn’t just pass up someone or something that needed her. She’d very nearly given up on herself and that hadn’t stopped Garrett from trying to redeem her. Only now did she realize what a gift it had been.

  Rayne tugged her seatbelt on and put her truck in gear. She pulled slowly out of the parking lot to be sure Blake was following her. Her new friend had done one more thing to make her even more curious about him. The second brick of ice cream was in the last bag he had handed her. The Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream he had bought and slipped passed her. She could only smile. It was a very sweet thing to do.

  Rayne walked with Blake into The Well, a quiet place to have lunch during the day and a fun, local oasis at night. From the looks of the parking lot, the lunch crowd had either yet to come or had already vacated the premises. Either one was perfectly fine for her. As they entered the building, Rayne looked around until she saw Garrett sitting at their usual table in the back of the dance floor. Luckily there were four chairs so it wouldn’t be awkward adding Blake to the mix.

  “Is there a restroom where I can wash up?” Blake asked from beside her and Rayne indicated the hallway where the bathrooms were located. She nearly sighed with relief when Blake left her and she was able to meet Garrett’s confused look. Offering a smile, she walked up and kissed him on the lips.

  “Who is that?” Garrett asked her and Rayne blew out a sigh. He lifted a brow in her direction but watched the hallway.

  “His name is Blake Phails and I met him at the grocery story. He’s new to town and looking for someone. He didn’t actually tell me who he was looking for, but I suspect he doesn’t know either. I thought maybe you could help since you grew up here.” Rayne rushed through her thoughts without adding anymore. She wanted Garrett to see what she did. If he didn’t, then she’d point it out later.

  “Oh Rayne, I thought it was just going to be us today!” Garrett nearly whined in her ear. She gave him a quelling look. They hadn’t been clicking as well as they had been and now it was just turning into a chore to put it all back together. He was right though. She had meant to sit down and talk to him about what was going on. Rayne just couldn’t shake the feeling that Blake needed them more.

  “Trust me. If you see what I do, you’ll be glad I brought him.” She turned to see Blake making his way across the room towards them. “Oh, he’s paying for lunch. Don’t argue. I promised him.” She whispered loudly to Garrett and ignored the look of protest. Rayne gestured to the seat next to hers and across from Garrett.

  “I really hope I am not intruding.” Blake looked hesitant to sit down and Rayne shook her head.

  “Heck no, sit down. Blake, this is Garrett Johnson. Sweetie, this is Blake Phails.” Rayne introduced each of them and offered a discreet kick to Garrett’s shin when Blake reached out to shake his hand.

  “Rayne’s right. It’s no trouble at all.” Garrett shook Blake’s hand and looked more interested in the man. Blake took his seat.

  “I was telling Garrett that he might be able to help you locate whoever it is you are looking for. His family has been here for quite some time.” Rayne felt her heart flutter as she prayed this would go well. Sometimes she could get a bit ahead of herself and it didn’t always turn out.

  “Actually, I don’t know who I am looking for. All I have is a picture and this town was written on the back of it.” Blake looked more than a bit uncomfortable and Rayne watched him carefully. Garrett’s brown eyes zeroed in on Blake too.

  “Is it family that you are looking to find? As it is I have to say that I swear I have seen you before.” Garrett took a drink of his water and Blake offered a half smile. Rayne thought it looked more like a grimace instead.

  “There might be family here for me, but as I said, I really have no idea. I was hoping to find some quiet and relax before I have to leave.” Blake looked at his glass of water and moved it closer to him. He didn’t drink it though.

  “You aren’t planning to stay. Just on vacation then?” Garrett asked, looking easier with the news. Rayne rolled her eyes at the jealous streak running a mile wide in this man.

  “Vacation, yes, exactly. I’m just a curious tourist with a couple of weeks of kill.” Blake’s good humor seemed to have passed as if it had only been a break in the clouds. Rayne noted it and mourned it too. Sadly she thought this man before her was the man Blake was most of the time.

  “Well, if that is the case, we will have to do our best to make you feel at home. I didn’t plan on staying in the Black Hills either, but here I am.” Rayne smiled brilliantly and watched for any sign of Blake’s grin. It didn’t surface as readily as it had before.

  What a pity!


  If he had entered enemy territory with red flags waving, Blake couldn’t have been more alert. Garrett Johnson was definitely watching him as if he would steal Rayne out from under his very nose.

  That isn’t going to happen.

  It certainly wasn’t because he didn’t find her wildly attractive, or funny or smart. He just had no desire to be the reason for breaking a couple up. Besides, he figured there was someone for everyone and if Rayne had stayed here for Garrett, then the relationship meant something special.

  “You said you were going to be staying for a bit. Maybe you would like to come to the Summer Social next weekend?” Rayne asked him as his thoughts were suddenly ripped away to reveal he hadn’t been paying attention to the conversation.

  “Uh…huh?” He nearly rolled his eyes as he realized he sounded like a complete idiot. Rayne chuckled.

  “It is more of a reason for the girls to get dressed up and be paraded around by insanely jealous guys.” Rayne threw a wicked grin towards Garrett. “There is dancing, refreshments, and live music. Great way to meet a girl you find interesting.” Rayne smiled slyly and Blake lifted a brow in question. His keen awareness was trying to read into what she was saying.

  “It isn’t a terrible time.” Garrett grumbled from his position next to Rayne. Blake pursed his lips together.

  “Oh come on! Say you’ll come. We might even be able to find your mystery girl. That is if you haven’t found her by then.” Rayne giggled and shrugged. “Hot Springs really isn’t that big after all.” It was Garrett’s turn to raise both brows in surprise and Blake couldn’t help the chuckle that bubbled up in his chest. His mind returned to the beautiful blonde he had helped with the flat. He knew that the wisest course would be to go with the tide instead of swimming against it.

  “Count me in.” Blake took his napkin from his lap and tucked it underneath his plate. Rayne sat back with a cat-in-the-cream smile on her lips. Garrett looked as left out as ever, but he didn’t push for answers. No doubt he would question Rayne about it later. “I heard something about this place that uses horses to help veterans. Do you know anything about it?” Blake asked, taking a drink of his soda and watching Rayne look at Garrett. Garrett finally looked as if this was something he could handle.

  “Johnson Therapy Center is owned and operated by my younger brother, Matt.” Garrett’s brown eyes sparkled with pride and Blake was glad to
see it. From the waitress’s comments at the café this morning, the facility was highly regarded by the town and the area.

  “He wanted to find a way to help the soldiers returning from war and dealing with mental and physical wounds.” Rayne offered, her own smile deepening. Blake felt his retreat at the mention of war wounds.

  Wounds he knew too much about.

  His inner coil tightened with unease and he recognized the anger bubbling to the surface.

  “There are plenty of such men.” Blake’s voice felt scratchy and he picked up his water. The ice had melted and it wasn’t as cold as he would have liked. He didn’t want to see the question and pity in Rayne’s eyes so he didn’t look her way.

  “Are you still in the service?” Garrett’s voice rumbled through the fog of Blake’s memories and the men locked eyes. Blake swallowed hard wishing his service to his country was something he remembered with favor instead of pain. The brown eyes from across the table were strong, careful, but the general pity Blake thought he always saw was not there. In that place was what he would call admiration and it nearly knocked his mental footing off balance.

  “Just a few months left.” Blake managed to say as he rubbed his palms on his jeans. He let the friction ground him to the present and he took a deep breath when he saw no judgment in Garrett’s eyes. It soothed his ego.

  “You’re in the right place.” Garrett shared from across the table and Blake wasn’t sure he had heard him right. Rayne nodded and smiled gently at him. Blake wasn’t sure why or how, but a sense of rightness pressed down on his shoulders as if to punctuate what Garrett had said.

  It wasn’t too long and the bill arrived. Rayne slid it in his direction and he grinned with genuine amusement. He pulled out some cash and put it on the table. Blake glanced at Garrett and recognized how uncomfortable this made him, but Blake was grateful for not having to convince him otherwise. Rayne stood up and Garrett put his hat back on his head. It was his cue to venture back out into the world.

  “Thank you for joining us for lunch, Blake. I hope you’ll really come to the dance.” Rayne held out her hand and when he took hers hesitantly, she squeezed it. He could only smile at her. There wasn’t any way he could make promises. It wasn’t always within his power to keep them.

  “Give me a call. If I don’t know who is in the picture, I am certain my father will.” Garrett handed Blake a business card and then offered his hand. Blake took both and realized in a strange way, Garrett was offering his friendship too.

  “Thank you. I will be in touch.” Blake saw them on their way and he looked at Garrett’s card.

  Johnson Brothers Buildings, Rapid City, South Dakota.

  Only for a moment did Blake wonder what it was like to have siblings, especially a brother. Someone who would always be connected to you no matter what happened. Someone who welcomed you home with open arms. Blake gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

  Stop it! Just. Stop.

  He had had a brother. Maybe not one connected by parentage, but connected from the heart. Tanner was his brother. The only brother he would ever have. Putting Garrett’s business card into his pocket, Blake left the bar and walked out into the sunshine.

  Too bad he didn’t feel any of its warmth.


  Rayne walked with Garrett out to his truck in the parking lot and waited for him to speak. The pensive pucker of his forehead told her he was mulling over what had happened at lunch. It hadn’t been her intention to put Blake up against Garrett or to make Garrett defensive. Although it was nice to see that her boyfriend rose to the occasion with possessive attention. She wasn’t hoping for a fight, but he had been so distant and distracted lately. Rayne inwardly sighed. It wasn’t as if she was helping the situation anyway.

  “You meet the darnedest people, Rayne.” Garrett said as he leaned his shoulder against the grill of his truck. She stopped and tilted her dark head in question. She knew she shouldn’t take offense to what he had said, but the fact was she liked Blake. She couldn’t explain how it had happened so easily. Almost immediately, she was drawn to him in a strange and exhilarating way.

  “Oh don’t look at me like that! I only meant that you make friends easily.” He shoved his hands into his front pockets of his jeans and huffed. Nothing had come out exactly as he had meant to say it obviously. Rayne nodded her head.

  “Don’t tell me you can’t see why I brought him to you.” Rayne squinted her eyes against the afternoon sun and watched as a blank look fell over her boyfriend’s face. It was all she could do not to exclaim how men were so thick headed and not into details. She took a deep breath instead and offered him an annoyed look. Garrett shook his head.

  “What is it you wanted me to see? He’s a guy lost and I really think he is searching for his family. I think he would benefit more from Matt’s help than mine.” Garrett played off his irritation, but Rayne could see right through him. Garrett wasn’t as short-sighted as one might be given to understand. He just held all of his cards very close to his chest and in that way, she and he were very much alike. Truth be told, it wasn’t a good similarity.

  “Perhaps you are right. I’m talking to the wrong brother.” Rayne pulled out her cell phone from her jean’s pocket and looked at the time. “I have to go. I’m late for my appointment with Mr. Kaus’s goats.” She put her phone away and gave Garrett one last look. She had this awful feeling that something was wrong.

  If it is wrong now, something has been wrong for a while.

  “I’ll see you tonight then.” Garrett nearly made it a question with the tone of his voice. It was clear he was as unsure as she was about their footing. Rayne nodded and walked to her truck. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen. Sometimes things just didn’t make sense and sometimes all you could do was let it work itself out.

  …if it can work itself out.

  Garrett watched Rayne leave him without even a peck on the cheek or a squeeze of his hand. She got into her truck and pulled away onto the street. His brow furrowed and his eyes narrowed at the possibility of this relationship going south. Things were rough and rocky. Their interaction alone was completely different than it had been six months ago. Half a year ago they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. They could literally stay cooped up at the ranch and not set one foot outside for a couple of days.

  He sighed and thumped his boot against the tire. He could still feel the heady heat coursing through his blood when he looked at her. Rayne was the epitome of beauty to him and her eyes still held him rooted to any spot they happened to catch him on. She was his siren in every sense of the word.

  If she was feeling passionate, he was instantly there keeping pace with her.

  If she was feeling alone, he was drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

  If she was feeling smothered and tied down, he knew when to take a step back.

  It had never bothered him before that she could control his moods and actions, but it did now. Was there any weight to what he wanted? If he wanted something, would she be so easily swayed to it? This was one thing he was trying to figure out. Obviously today Rayne felt his possessiveness come to the surface, but instead of relaxing the impulse, she nearly encouraged it. He was completely baffled by the experience. For the Casanova cowboy, Garrett was extremely confused by the woman who had stolen his heart.

  Turning to get into his truck, Garrett noticed Blake coming out of The Well. The guy looked rather pensive as he slowly made his way across the street. Blake had admitted to being in the military and to going back after his vacation was up. There was definitely more to it than that. Garrett felt completely certain about it. The man was troubled and whether the long, lost family story was true or not, Garrett did feel Blake was in the right place. Perhaps Matt could help reach out and welcome this soldier to the area. The Johnson Therapy Center had helped a great many veterans already, who was to say that Blake couldn’t be helped by it too?

  Garrett pulled out his cell phone and sent a text of
f to Matt. His little brother could figure Blake out. Garrett needed to figure Rayne out. He knew well enough that a battle fought on two fronts was a waste of resources and Garrett could only afford to focus on one goal. He couldn’t lose Rayne.


  His head hurt and if he tried to think too hard, everything else connected to his head hurt as well. He grimaced as he took a gulp of hot coffee and winced at that particular pain. Some days he felt like a puppet on strings. Blake wasn’t exactly sure who was pulling the strings, but if he ever did find out, someone was going to pay dearly. He nearly growled at the thought. Swallowing more coffee, he pushed his bacon and scrambled eggs around his plate. He had decided since he couldn’t sleep that maybe a full stomach might lull him into a couple hours of rest. Once he had cooked it and it sat on the white ceramic plate, it didn’t look the least bit appealing.

  Sliding his the dish toward the middle of the table, Blake stared out the big picture window at the front of the house and wondered when he was going to be happy. It wasn’t an emotion that came easily to him and then again, it wasn’t like he was perpetually sad. His military career was something more that he was good at rather than something that made him happy. His family life was virtually non-existent. Blake made a face at the thought. Tanner had been the only beacon of hope in that tragic mess. He sniffed at the burst of sadness. There had been the random girl here and there that lasted only as long as they could put up with him. Some found the career choice exciting and some found his good looks entertaining for a while, but not one had ever stayed long enough to see what he was really about.

  Maybe they couldn’t stand the anger.

  Wishing he could roll his eyes at the stupid voice inside his head, Blake took another drink of coffee. His fingers almost white with their firm hold. It wasn’t like he was a physical or vocal man with anger issues. No. The anger was inside as deep as it could possibly be. He had worked very hard to keep it hidden and silent. Blake knew he tended to shut people out and compartmentalize the emotions. He was good at that. The military training had taught him well how to do it. It worked until the accident in Afghanistan. The accident that took his best friend’s life.


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