Black Hills Secrets

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Black Hills Secrets Page 11

by A. C. Wilson

  “My mother has a sister in Nebraska. I am fairly certain Marty chased her off after my mother died.” Bailey put down her sandwich and looked down at her plate. “I don’t know if she would even be interested.” A lump formed in her chest and her throat constricted her breathing. It physically hurt.

  “I could look her up. We could find her and…” Blake sounded so encouraging but it wasn’t like she hadn’t had this idea before. Just when it came down to it, she didn’t have the nerve she needed to leave her sister. There was no way Marty would ever let Taryn go.

  “He is already angry with me for leaving. I can’t go any further. I won’t leave Taryn.” Her bottom lip trembled and she swiped at the hot, crocodile tears that slipped down her cheeks. Blake’s mouth dropped open and his eyes darkened. She saw him reach across the space between them and then clench his hand as if she were on fire. For that moment her eyes locked on his and all she wanted was for him to touch her. Her will nearly broke as she watched his chest rise and fall just as quickly as her own. His eyes shifted on her face and with what she thought to be a sigh, Blake pulled his arm back. Her subliminal hope fell and she finished drying her tears quickly.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry again. I just want to help, that’s all.” Blake’s eyes narrowed as he stared down at his lap. She hated that he looked so pained by her circumstances and she wondered if he would have ever looked at her with any interest if Marty hadn’t left a mark on her face.

  “I appreciate your concern for me, Blake. It is admirable to want to help, but I just have to bide my time. Taryn will be eighteen in three years and then she can leave.” Bailey couldn’t help the hurt that crept into her voice and it shamed her that it should. It wasn’t this man’s fault that things were the way they were. It was all just a torment of terrible circumstances. Bailey had to put some distance between them. Suddenly the couch was entirely too close when all she wanted was to be closer.

  “Bailey, I understand what you are going through. Believe me when I tell you all I wanted was a stronger mother. I wanted a mother who didn’t drink herself into oblivion and leave me to fend for myself against men that had no right being called men.” Blake’s voice was loud, nearly shouting at her back. Her hands trembled at the painful tone. She couldn’t turn around. She didn’t want him to stop sharing his story.

  “I am an only child, but my best friend was my brother in every way but blood. He saved me. We saved each other.” His voice cracked and it sounded like a wounded animal. She could hear his ragged breath and her whole body trembled in response. Still she didn’t turn around and the seconds stretched each nerve ending tightly. Her heart skipped when she heard him move towards her.

  “Please don’t push me away.” His footsteps halted behind her and she noted the way her skin felt alive. A nervous hum coursed through her veins and burrowed somewhere in her heart. From his presence, she thought he wanted to say more, but he didn’t. He didn’t move either.

  Bailey took a deep breath and turned around to face him. There was a wildness to his eyes that pulled her in. She knew what it felt like to want to be comforted and to feel so alone in the world. Isolation has many forms and it doesn’t always mean being physically without others. If she wanted it, then there was a good chance that Blake did as well. Her hand rose on its own accord and she watched in awe as it reached out to rest over his heart. The cotton shirt was soft and smooth under her hand. Bailey stared at her hand as if it belonged to another person. She could feel his erratic heartbeat and the scorching heat from his body. Only when she dared to look up into his face did she see him watching her. No darkness lurked in his blue eyes. They weren’t hard or hollow as she had seen them before. Right now, they were clear and the color of the sky just before a thunderstorm rolls in.

  Bailey couldn’t form a coherent thought let alone a coherent sentence and she didn’t try. This was a tangible moment to feel every emotion breaking across her surface. Her palm might as well have been another extension of Blake’s body. It no longer belonged to her. Ever so gently with jerky progress, he covered her hand with his own. She could feel the warmth and the slight scratch of his callouses.

  Working man’s hands.

  A silent tremor worked its way up the base of her spine as she imagined those capable hands on her naked body. Her gaze flicked to his at the thought and she couldn’t deny the warmth that spread over her cheeks. She was naturally shy and in this case, it became a nervous anticipation as this thing between them bloomed. His large hand anchored her smaller one while his thumb caressed her knuckles.

  “You are not alone.” Her husky voice melted into the silence of the room. His blue eyes now looked to be on fire as they bore into hers. She was captivated in complete awe.

  “Neither are you.” His voice caused a distinct tremor in her hand as she felt his words as he spoke. It was as good as a vow and Bailey had no doubt of his promise. He must have seen her trembling and he put his other hand on her elbow to propel her forward into his waiting arms.

  Bailey let him enfold her with his warmth and security. There was no denying that when she was in his arms nothing else existed in the world and for those precious minutes her mind would stop whirling around. It was like coming home.


  There was no turning back the clock and pushing her from his arms. It seemed like those appendages had an agenda all their own. Although he could admit to experiencing something as close to magic as he would probably ever get. Up until this moment with Bailey in his arms snuggled up against his chest he never thought magic existed. He thought it was an illusion of sorts to prey on simple people. This emotion that flared to life between he and Bailey would have to be another secret he kept close to his heart.

  Right now he needed to find out how he could help her and her sister. It was something he wanted to do and he wouldn’t do it half assed. Time was limited and he needed to act fast.

  “Bailey, would you want to go to the dance with me? Rayne mentioned one for Sunday afternoon.” Her blonde head tipped up to peer up at him. Her light brown eyes blinked.

  “It isn’t just a dance, Blake. It is called the Sweet Hearts Dance and only couples go to it.” Her gentle voice nearly whispered into the minute distance between them. Her breath caressing his chin and his jaw.

  “Is that yes then?” The tone of his voice surprised him and it made him proud to see Bailey’s brown eyes deepen to a rich bronze. It was good to know her emotions were as heightened as his own. She gazed up at him and a slow, sexy smile broke across her face.

  “I would love to go with you.” Her fingers clutched more firmly at his shirt. Her little hand over his heart hadn’t moved and his own was content to just rest on her soft skin. Blake knew he needed to be careful not to send the wrong message to her so he kept his other hand firmly at her waist. It didn’t wander or slip as much as he wished otherwise.

  “Good. I was hoping you would say that.” He couldn’t help the grin that split his face and it only spread more when she sighed.

  “You were planning on asking me before all of this?” Her question was hesitant and tinged with awe. Her gesture towards her bruised cheek bone brought his focus to her delicate features. His anger bubbled toward the surface.

  “I wanted to ask you yesterday. When I saw you again I couldn’t believe my good luck and then you were gone.” Blake fought harder to maintain acceptable contact, but every cell in his body was reaching out to Bailey. Her inner frown left creases in her forehead. He wanted to kiss them away. Instead he removed his hand from her waist and gently ran the pad of his thumb over her forehead to relax the worry lines.

  “I have never been invited to a dance before or anything for that matter.” Bailey looked down at the couple of inches that was between their bodies. It was even harder to maintain that gap in the presence of some intense feelings. Blake was electrified when Bailey sighed heavily and crossed that careful gap. The moment her body touched his own, he knew there was no going ba
ck. There was no letting chivalry dominate and no holding her at arm’s length.

  A hopeless pipe dream at best.

  His inner voice found his torment entertaining.

  What a sweet torment she will be!

  She slid her arms around his waist and hugged him. It could have been completely amiable if he didn’t feel scorched from her chest pressed to his. He could hear a hitch in her breathing and there was no denying she was as affected as he. Blake’s arms worked of their own will and soon he was holding her firmly to him. One large palm moving up her spine to cradle the base of her neck. Her blonde hair was silky against his fingertips. Her hair smelled like berries as he took a deep breath. A fierce protectiveness slipped to the surface as he took in the gentle curve of her neck, the soft pout of her lips and the way she embraced him as if her very being would be swept away if she didn’t. No one was going to hurt her and get away with it. It wasn’t going to happen on his watch.

  Bailey opened her mouth to speak, but a large yawn burst forth instead. She fought to cover it and winced a bit at the stretching of her jaw. Her brown eyes looked apologetically up into his face.

  “I can’t believe how tired I am all of a sudden.” She yawned again and he fought to follow up with his own. “I think I will finally be able to relax.” She smiled that soft, knowing smile that melted his heart. He would probably be a fool to walk out that door.

  “You had little sleep last night.” His words caused the worry wrinkles to show up again on her brow. “I will stay if you want. I can sit right outside your door if that would put you at ease.” His heart jumped when she pressed her forehead to his chest. All he could see was the top of her blonde head.

  “Surely you need to sleep.” Her words met his ear and he pressed his lips together. He shook his head.

  “I have insomnia.” He couldn’t bring himself to open that can of worms tonight. His answer would have to suffice. She hugged him tighter and he could only respond in kind.

  “I’m sure I will be fine tonight.” Bailey pulled back just a bit and smiled encouragingly. “Will you leave me your phone number?” Her lids were definitely starting to droop.

  “Definitely. Call me if you need me, even just to know someone is here. I won’t be far.” In any other conversation, he might sound like a stalker instead of a bodyguard.

  Taking a step back, he reached into his pocket and took out his phone. Bailey took it and programmed her number into his contacts. He texted her and it was all set. There was a finality to the night that Blake didn’t like at all.

  “I guess I will see you tomorrow. I could use some help if you don’t have plans.” She lifted her fine brows and then offered him a subtly sexy view of her biting her lower lip. He grinned, flashing his dimple and nodded.

  “You got it.” Blake turned slowly for the door. It was time to leave and go back into his uncertain, dark and angry world. It haunted him even before he stepped out of the light.

  “Good night, Blake and thank you for everything.” Bailey stood in the doorway as he was about to descend the stairs. He couldn’t help his fingers as they reached out to caress her undamaged cheek. She closed her eyes and tipped her head in response.

  “Lock your door and call me if you need me.” He waited for her to look into his eyes and confirm that she had heard him. She nodded. “Sweet dreams, Bailey.” Blake turned and walked halfway down the stairs. He thought he had heard her voice before he turned around.

  Of you.

  Had she said it? He only saw her front door close and heard her throw the bolt. Blake walked the rest of the way to his truck shaking his head in bewilderment.


  Blake wiped his eyes trying to dispel the grit that had invaded his vision. He was weary and out of sorts today. Last night he had gone home just as he had told Bailey that he would, but it wasn’t to sleep. He missed sleep more than anyone could imagine but the minute his eyes closed the darkness came flooding back. It was the same every night with no end in sight. It was like being locked in a battle where there was no clear endgame. He couldn’t let down his guard, because that would mean succumbing to the horrifying screams, explosions, and gruesome aftermath.

  “You’re here early.” Blake’s head popped up from introspection and he blinked a couple of times trying to register Declan’s words. Blake managed to nod his head and slide down from the front seat of his truck.

  “I came to help Bailey.” Blake plucked his keys from the ignition and stepped back to close his door. He knew he was under scrutiny from Declan. One glance in his direction and Blake knew it for certain.

  “Insomnia, huh?” Declan asked as they stood there in the parking lot of the Johnson Therapy Center. Blake adjusted his t-shirt and then his ball cap. “It has been bad for a while, hasn’t it?” Declan stuffed his hands into his front pockets and slowly started for the stables. Blake took a deep breath and started to follow.

  “It has been a few months since I actually felt rested. Every time I close my eyes, well…” Blake left off his explanation when he found there weren’t any words to be had. His therapists had wanted him to speak with them about what was going on. He couldn’t and it wasn’t because he didn’t want to do it, he just didn’t know how to explain it.

  “You don’t have to sell me, Blake. I understand. It gets better, but I’m not sure if goes away completely. Mine hasn’t yet anyway.” Declan took in a deep breath and held it. Blake watched as his friend let it go and offered an encouraging look. It was some relief to know that he wasn’t alone. It was sad to note that they seemed to have to fight their own battles alone.

  “I stayed awake last night mainly checking my phone for messages or missed calls from Bailey. I was afraid she would need me and I would miss it.” Blake cleared his throat only then fully understanding how worried he sounded. Worried might be a loose use of his feelings as they were more desperate than concerned.

  “You checked on her last night after we talked. Did you discover anything useful?” Declan kept walking, but it was a rambling pace. His friend really wanted to talk.

  “Her mother seemed to be a buffer against her stepfather, but without her mother it escalated. Bailey managed to get out of the house with Matt’s help, but her sister Taryn is trapped for another three years. Bailey is determined to stick it out until then and hopefully get Taryn to safety as an adult.” Blake plotted the course of Bailey’s story and wondered how hard it would be to get someone to look into this family.

  Surely someone could be convinced that Mr. Green was unfit and untrustworthy as a parent.

  “I wish I would have pried sooner than now. I might have been able to offer some advice and maybe protection to the girls. It takes a weak man to prey on women and children.” Declan’s brow was creased and his eyes narrowed in anger. It was indeed a cowardly thing to do. The atrocity was in the public turning a blind eye based on prejudice and stigma.

  “Look at the way she reacted when I confronted her about the bruise. There is a good chance she never would have said anything at all. I didn’t believe her and she knew it.” Blake shook his head at remembering her anger yesterday at his pursuit of the truth.

  “I think it has to do with you.” Declan looked at Blake and Blake raised a brow. “I don’t think she would have told anyone else. She trusts you even if just a small amount.” Declan had hurried on to try and prove his point. Blake thought it might be stretching it a bit. He still felt that Bailey had only surrendered some of the information, because she was weary of carrying the burden for so long.

  “She really didn’t say much more than that. I did get her to go with me to the dance on Sunday.” Blake couldn’t help the grin that creeped over his face. It was a bright spot in his near future at the moment.

  “You move fast!” Declan smirked and started to chuckle at Blake’s grin. The guys shared a good natured laugh as they walked into the stable. Blake was still smiling proudly when he came face to face with Bailey. Her eyes were wide with wond
er and her soft lips pressed together. She looked them over and shook her head.

  “Hey there. I was wondering when you two would get here.” Blake watched her put her hands on her hips and then watch as her chest rose and fell with quick breaths. She was nervous. His easy mood tempered into something darker as he took her nervousness to mean she was afraid.

  “We were just talking about the dance on Sunday. It was nice of you to take pity on our boy here and go with him.” Declan nudged Blake’s shoulder and it must have had its desired effects for Declan made a face. Blake struggled to erase the irritation from his face and put his earlier grin back into place.

  “It sounds like fun. Are you going, Declan?” Bailey sidestepped the whole comment about him and continued on. It shouldn’t have felt like he was being dismissed, but it did. Blake told himself to stay put and not dodge the conversation.

  “I would like to go, but I don’t have a date yet. It will take some persuasion to get her to say yes, I think.” Declan grinned while his reflection turned inward. Bailey tilted her head.

  “Her? You won’t tell us her name?” She looked briefly into his eyes and Blake felt connected again. Declan shook his head and pulled his leather gloves from his back pocket.

  “I don’t want to jinx it.” His silly grin said it all. He was really into this woman, whoever she happened to be. Blake was happy for him. Bailey nodded and left the questioning of Declan’s date there.

  “Well I am glad you both are here. Garrett is bringing over another horse this morning. I thought Matt was going to be here, but I haven’t heard from him.” Bailey sighed, her brown eyes clearly worried for her boss and friend. Matt Johnson did seem like a standup guy.

  “Matt has his hands full right now. His wife is so close to her due date. He’s like a first time father with this one.” Declan smiled and Bailey nodded in agreement.


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