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Black Hills Secrets

Page 17

by A. C. Wilson

  Blake no more than sang the last of the song and she had to press her lips to his. She had to feel the words of his song as much as she had heard them. Her heart was aching and Blake was the only one who could understand. His hands anchored in her hair as she gripped his shoulders. Their tongues dueled in a fierce claiming match. Blake angled her head to plunder more deeply into the cavern and Bailey whimpered with need. She had only ever dreamed of this. Some nights she had prayed emphatically for this. There was nothing outside of them, outside of this embrace.

  He gripped her more tightly against his body nearly taking all the air from her lungs. Her breath was already coming in sharp gasps in between the melting kisses. Her legs shook from standing on her tiptoes. Blake broke their connection and sat down on one of the giant roots protruding from the ground. He pulled her so that she straddled his lap and he ran his hand up her shoulder to her neck. His blue eyes nearly crackling with an addictive and seductive fire. He sang about drowning and she was worried about going up in flames. His sweet breath broke over her lips, his mouth slightly open.

  “How did you do this to me?” He asked, shock plainly written on his face. He watched her as if she might disappear instantly from his arms. Her heart ached at what he had lost. She shook her head for a moment and nuzzled the hand that cupped her cheek.

  “If anything we have done it to each other. I didn’t expect you either.” Her voice cracked, her throat dry and aching. She felt the tears threaten to increase. His eyes softened as he continued to stare up at her. She wanted to crawl inside those blue pools and feel the warmth.

  “You’re the light to my darkness, baby.” Baby. Her heart clenched at the sweet words and she felt they had been taken from her own thoughts.

  “And you’re mine.” She whispered as she pressed her lips back to his. This time it wasn’t to claim, but to soothe. A million things had been said today even without the words. They were trusting each other. Something new and terrifying for the pasts they owned. All Bailey knew for certain was that there was no coming out of this without losing her heart.


  Blake couldn’t stop the rocket-speed of his heart rate. It was nearly like he had drank an entire pot of coffee and now was feeling the jitters. Much to his irritation, his hands were even trembling as he put the truck into park. He had picked up Bailey and arrived at the prescribed time for dinner with the Johnsons. Now that he was here, parked in front of the beautiful house with a wrap-around porch and picket fence, Blake felt like the world would do him a favor if it stopped on its axis. This placed looked like a fairy tale or an image from one of his dreams. The tall pine trees, the big red barn, the acres of tall grass spanning out behind and to the side welcomed him. He had no idea how he felt so anxious when on the flip side he felt at home.

  “Just breathe.” Bailey’s soft voice washed over him as she put her hand on his own. She sat still and calmly waited for him to come back to her. He did as she said. His lungs filled with air, he held it, and then let it out.

  “Thank you.” He nearly whispered in the silence of the cab. Blake’s eyes looked back out at the house and then took note of the white envelope that held his mother’s photo. He could see the image without pulling it out. His need to know was finding resistance in the fear of failure.

  What if no one knows the man?

  What if he wasn’t worth remembering?

  They were also questions that would never be answered if he didn’t at least try. Taking another breath, he squeezed Bailey’s hand.

  “Ready?” She asked, her hand on the door’s lever. Blake nodded and got out of the truck, snagging the envelope as he did. Bailey walked beside him up to the short set of stairs that led to a screen door. Sensing his uncertainty, Bailey tucked her fingers in the crook of his arm and matched him step for step. Her effect on him was beyond words and he thanked whoever it was that put her in his path.

  “Hey, you made it!” Rayne’s voice greeted his ears as she walked across the yard. He smiled at her and Bailey waved.

  “We did.” Blake watched as Rayne covered the distance and walked up the stairs to the porch. She had on a sleeveless top with jeans and boots. Her brilliant golden eyes matched her million wattage smile. Although as he connected with her gaze he wondered if there wasn’t a sadness there.

  “Everyone is here, except Andy and Matt.” Rayne smiled, “At last check, everyone is doing great.” She seemed to read Bailey’s mind and he felt better for the diversion. Things were getting a bit too intense in his mind.

  “What did Harper think of her baby sister?” Bailey asked as Rayne moved to open the front door and they followed.

  “Harper is in seventh heaven. She loves playing babies, so I know she’ll love playing mommy.” Rayne opened the door into the house’s kitchen. All the gleaming wood and stainless steel caught Blake’s eye. The floors, the cupboards and the large dining room table were beautifully crafted from honeyed oak. It was homey and elegant, both of which Blake approved immensely. This is what he always thought of when he imagined his own kitchen. The smells that came from it were even more appealing. He took a deep breath and captured the memory.

  “Welcome!” Lacey came from the room connected to the kitchen. Her petite form exuding happiness as she hugged each of them in turn. Rayne stepped around her and went into the next room. From Blake’s observance he thought it to be the living room. It also looked rather spacious and inviting.

  “Thank you for having us, Mrs. Johnson.” Bailey smiled, accepting the embrace. Lacey shook her head and she patted Bailey’s upper arms.

  “Call me Lacey, please. We are happy to have you.” Lacey smiled warmly and gestured to the living room. Garrett was standing there, leaning up against the wall. His brown eyes taking everything in and then resting on Blake. This time Blake expected a lesser hostility, but there was only curiosity now. He wasn’t even trying to hide it. Blake anchored himself to Bailey by reaching out for her hand. She laced their fingers and squeezed back.

  “My husband, Travis will be here in a few minutes. I know he has been looking forward to meeting you both.” Lacey said as she turned to bustle around the kitchen. Bailey proceeded Blake into the living room where Rayne had already taken up a seat on the long couch. The room reflected the kitchen with its striking wood qualities. The sofa and two large recliners were a dark leather. There was also a bay window on one side and a stone fireplace at the head of the room.

  “Sorry, we are late. Nora couldn’t leave the new baby behind.” A tall, thin man with sandy hair came into the living room and shook hands with Garrett. Rayne got up and gave him a hug.

  “Randy, this is Blake Phails and Bailey Campbell. Bailey works for Matt at the center and Blake is here visiting.” Garrett introduced them and took up residence back on the wall again. Blake shook hands with Randy and Bailey did the same.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you. I believe Matt said you were helping out at the center, Blake.” Randy said as he tucked his hands into his front pockets. Blake remembered seeing the man somewhere and then it dawned on him that it had been when they had come to the center to speak with Matt.

  “Hi, everyone. I couldn’t leave that sweet little niece of mine.” A woman with dark hair and blue eyes came in with Lacey. It was those blue eyes that matched her up to Matt and the dark hair that matched her to Garrett. This was Nora.

  “Oh, I can’t wait to see her. I love babies.” Bailey smiled and her eyes twinkled. Blake looked down into her face and couldn’t help the warmth that filled his heart. Bailey squeezed his hand again as she looked up.

  “Regan is precious. Such a little doll!” Nora lifted her shoulders and grinned excitedly.

  “Where is Harper? I thought she was coming with you.” Lacey asked Randy and Nora in no particular order. Nora shrugged.

  “We couldn’t pry her away from the baby. You think I was bad, Harper has laid claim. It really is very sweet.” Nora chuckled at the thought and Randy nodded to punctuate

  “Well, once your dad gets here we will sit down to eat. I cooked for an army.” Lacey laughed and went back into the kitchen. Blake’s ears perked up when he heard mention of an army. Bailey chuckled softly beside him and drew his attention again. He watched how comfortably she settled in with the family and he loved how she anchored him in the present. She definitely had a gift. His entire body itched to pull her into his arms and absorb that sweetness in any way that he could.

  “I lost track of time. I apologize for being so late.” Blake assumed this was Travis Johnson. His dark hair was peppered with grey, but he looked very fit for having adult children. The man stopped in front of him and offered him his hand. “I’m Travis Johnson and welcome to our home.” He smiled at Blake and Bailey. Blake felt like he had been zapped by the touch and wasn’t able to put together a coherent sentence.

  “It was very nice to be invited for dinner. Thank you.” Bailey smiled, engaging them all with her warm words and friendly demeanor. Blake focused on taking a deep breath and settling his nerves. His mind spun through images until it landed on one in particular.

  Dark hair. Rather tall. Just older.

  It was the depth of blue that stared back at him from Travis Johnson’s eyes. It was like he was staring into a mirror and the moment was profound. His hand gripped the white envelope more tightly. Surely he had this all wrong.

  Or do I?

  Dinner went by as if he were on autopilot and even with Bailey there beside him, he couldn’t bring himself to focus on anything other than the riotous thoughts bursting in his brain. Travis seemed to sense his preoccupation and took pity on him.

  “Garrett tells me that you have a photo with a couple that needs to be identified.” Travis spoke as Bailey, Rayne, Nora, and Lacey helped clean the kitchen. Garrett and Randy sat on the sofa, listening to the conversation.

  “Actually, I know who the woman is, but I don’t know the man. She didn’t tell me who it was before she died.” Blake swallowed hard, missing Bailey’s comforting presence. Travis nodded slowly and sat down in one of the recliners. He gestured for Blake to take the other. He did.

  “The woman told you that it was taken here in Hot Springs? Is that how you came to be here?” Travis asked, his blue eyes missing nothing. Blake wetted his lips before continuing.

  “No, she didn’t tell me. It is written on the back of the photograph. That’s why I came here. I figured someone could help me locate him.” Blake felt his stomach coiling in knots. The anxiety was back in full force, but he couldn’t take his gaze away from Travis. The man had creases at the corners of his eyes that deepened when he smiled. His face was pleasant and his mouth looked as if he smiled often.

  “May I see the photo?” Travis held out his hand for the envelope and for a moment, Blake thought about not giving it to him. If he didn’t hand it over, then nothing would change. For most of his life, change had never been a good thing. There were only a handful of times that it had ever led to something good and valuable. Tonight he didn’t know which it would be.

  “Of course.” Blake handed it over and swallowed hard. He couldn’t watch so he turned his gaze to the bay window where it was apparent the sun had set. Long shadows were starting to grow outward from the trees and house. The whole place, the house, the buildings, the land sparkled like jewels and their richness called to him. It was alarming and touching.

  “Oh my…,” Travis’s voice pulled Blake back to the present where both Randy and Garrett were nearly sitting on the edge of the cushions. They watched with concern. Blake tried not to let his emotions send him bolting from the room. The chatter from the kitchen hushed and Blake knew the women, including Bailey were watching from the entryway.

  “What is it, Travis?” Lacey asked, her steps coming closer. Blake felt rather than heard Bailey as her hand reached up to squeeze his shoulder. The seconds ticked by and with them his future also hung in the balance. However much he tried to dissuade himself from thinking so, what happened next hinged on what Travis Johnson knew.

  Visibly Travis took a deep breath and then let it out. Lacey was standing beside him now, her face pale as she looked at the photo in her husband’s hands. Watery blue eyes connected with his own and Blake felt his tongue stick to the roof of his mouth. His mouth was completely dry and his nerves fraying by the minute. Blake saw sadness in those eyes as he stared back.

  “Abbi.” Travis’s voice was soft and low when he said her name. Blake tensed at the kindness he heard there. Abigail Phails was his mother, the woman in the photo. Blake already knew who the man was standing with his mother.

  “Abbi Phails was your mother.” Lacey looked as stunned as her husband, but she too knew who this woman was. Bailey’s hand rested more firmly on his shoulder and he couldn’t help but cover it with his hand.

  “Yes, she was.” Blake lifted his chin, confirming one half of the story. He needed to know the second half. Travis looked almost frozen to his chair as he still stared at Blake.

  “Who is the man in the photo, Dad?” Garrett’s voice piped up from behind him and Blake closed his eyes at the question. It had been so quiet, it was almost possible to forget the other four people in the room.


  “Me.” Travis blew out on a breath and Blake looked up. It was crazy how he had been looking into those same blue eyes his entire life. The same blue eyes as Matt and Nora Johnson. He nearly had the same build as Garrett too.

  Siblings. My siblings.

  Suddenly without admission, he had a family he never knew existed. Finally there was a place he would belong if they accepted him.

  “When was the photo taken?” Garrett asked, concern still sounding in his voice and Blake thought it was only right that he be questioning this stranger. Heck, Garrett had been suspicious of him at every turn. Blake watched Travis and Lacey silently support one another. Blake knew what that meant and squeezed Bailey’s hand.

  “This photo was taken at the Sweet Heart’s Dance thirty-three years ago. Abbi and I dated.” Travis looked up at Garrett and Nora, “It was before your mother and I got married.” Lacey nodded in agreement, but otherwise, she remained quiet. Blake could see the couple in the picture dancing at the dance he had been to only yesterday. It seemed surreal that he was walking his mother’s footsteps.

  “That’s great that you knew his mother. So what now?” Nora was tentative with her question and it caused everyone to look at her minus Blake and Travis. The man was obviously overcome with memories, grief, and disbelief. What man wouldn’t be shaken by such things?

  “What now is precisely what we need to figure out.” Travis got up from his chair, looking older than when he had sat down. Blake felt guilty for thinking that this was going to be easy. He felt shameful for not wanting to be alone in the world.

  “Please forgive me, but I need some air.” Travis passed everyone, but stopped in the door way. Lacey covered her mouth as tears slipped down her cheeks. He turned to face them all and then looked directly at Blake. There was no malice or anger. There was nothing but sadness in his eyes.

  “Welcome home, son.”

  The kitchen door closed and no one moved. Lacey broke the tension by coming forward to Blake and kissing him on the cheek. She escaped upstairs and left them all wanting to know what was going on. Garrett was especially wary.

  “I think it’s time to take you home, Bailey.” Blake got up from his seat and Bailey nodded. She twined her fingers with his and moved towards the door. Garrett stepped in front of them.

  “What the hell is going on?” Garrett’s brown eyes flashed in confusion and anger. Blake couldn’t blame him. Nora stepped into the mix and put her hand on her brother’s arm.

  “Stop it, Garrett. It isn’t our business.” She briskly stood up to her brother and Garrett looked as if he wanted to argue. Randy remained seated, but Rayne also stepped forward and pulled Garrett out of the way. If he hadn’t wanted to be moved, Garrett would have remained. Giving into what Nora had said meant
something. Blake hoped once they found out the whole story that they wouldn’t hate him for coming. Blake hoped that he wouldn’t hate himself for coming. He moved Bailey towards the door and disappeared from the house before anyone else could stop them. As they got into his truck, Blake took one more look around as the stars shown down on the Johnson home. He hoped it wasn’t the last time he would see this place, but if it were, he wanted to remember it.


  The drive back to Bailey’s apartment was a blur and it didn’t register with him that he was there until he was turning through the large driveway reflectors. A minute more and he had parked by the stairs with his headlights shining on them. Blake wasn’t even sure the radio was on because all he could hear was the sound of his blood coursing through his veins. He sat there after putting the truck in park with his wrists resting on the top of the steering wheel, his back bowed and his eyes seeing nothing inside the cab. He could only remember the look on Travis Johnson’s face as he came to grips with what the photo meant.

  “I’m proud of you.” Bailey’s voice came to him from outside his fog and he searched unseeing for her. It was almost as if he was blinded by his own thoughts and feelings. He had forgotten she was sitting beside him.

  “I’m sorry?” Blake shook his head, trying to empty his mind. He felt the panic rising inside him struggling to get out. Usually this led to almighty awful nights that scared him nearly to death. He ached to turn it off.

  “I am proud of you.” Bailey emphasized each word as she turned to face him, her knee laying on the seat. Her arm stretched over the back of the head rest.

  “I may have just wrecked everything for them.” His biggest fear for the Johnson family was now out in the open. Bailey shook her head gently, her ponytail twitching.

  “No, baby, you don’t know them like I do. You’ll see that they are accepting and loving. You belong with them.” Bailey watched him shake his head pitifully. Her warm palm found his cheek, her thumb stroking the roughness of his jaw. “I know it is hard for you trust anyone right now, but you asked me to trust you. All I am asking is you to trust me. Nothing I say or do will ever be to hurt you, Blake.” Bailey’s voice wavered, but her physical connection stayed strong. It was difficult to see her in the dim glow of the dashboard lights. His body was telling him there was so much more here. Trust, definitely, but there was a deeper tether that lashed him to her.


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