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Lineage (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 1)

Page 34

by P. S. Power

"Don't worry. He can handle a bit of a beating. If not, he has nearly perfect control over the state already. I've only seen three people that were his equal that way, so young. One of them was Cordes, so this isn't some small thing. So if you feel the need, take his shield, and don't worry about misbehavior on his part. I know, we can do that on camera later? It seems the chosen crew here needs to get their ratings up a bit? The share they get today should be in the millions, not thousands. I don't think they really understand that they're on with the King and Queen of Noram, yet. Or that the slightly sweaty girl from earlier was Queen Tiera. I imagine that their station will want to replay that bit now?"

  Tomas went wide eyed, then smiled manically.

  "We... Have that level of access? I... Honestly I was thinking that we'd be lucky to get a tour of one of the special houses here. Cyra, could you get with Jamison and Riley? We need to get some of that footage looping." Then he made a slightly concerned sound, that was close to panic.

  Kolb held out his hand and smiled, as Connie smiled on the screen for the cameras.

  "Perhaps we can speak later? You can all fit in the box, I think? We might need to clear you all again, but if that isn't too rude? It's tradition. I hope that won't be offensive to you?"

  Tomas looked scared, and tried to bow, which got the others, except Nimbus to try it as well, which got Kolb to go, and then him.

  It was really funny looking, but no one laughed at them. Queen Constance did it back.

  Dareg finally stood, and nodded.

  "Good then? We'll be along at three. I know that's early, but I was warned that you noble types take even longer than normal people to get places? Poor Prime Minister Foley... Well, that wasn't a great thing. We'll need to make sure he's there too. Can he be in your box, or... Should he get his own? There isn't really time, I don't think." He hadn't even considered it before.

  Luckily the Queen had.

  "We saved a seat for him and the Austran Ambassador. It's good of you to think of our friends however, Dareg. We await your arrival." Then, gracefully, she got off the little window in his hand.

  He looked around and sighed.

  "Okay. Kolb, can you see to outfitting our crew here? Clothing, and probably shields, just in case anything goes wrong? I'll jog out and get with the Queen's set up group." He looked at the man and held his hand out. "May I borrow your truth device? Otherwise I'll probably be two hours proving to them who I am, and that they should listen to some kid."

  The thing, which was white stone with a glowing pink "T" on it was dropped in his palm instantly, as the man turned.

  "We rally at the ship in... Call it twenty minutes? Be in touch if the schedule changes. That will have us in at the palace just on schedule, so try to hurry?" There was a tone that said it might not be possible.

  Dareg ran then, going as fast as the bodies in the way would let him. The wagons were coming directly at him, which was about the only thing that let him get there at all. The guards were good at getting people out of the way, making threats of violence and waving things that were almost certainly deadly weapons around, left and right. Almost everyone that could was diving under the river and scurrying off. Proving they were the smart ones.

  He had a job to do though, so as six weapons pointed directly at his middle, he triggered his shield, and the truth thing in his hand.

  "This way. The Ancients will be landing in the blue section. We need to set up on this side of it, down the street. I'm Dareg Canton, I'll be going to get the King and Queen in a few minutes, so that we can fly them in, rather than using the carriage. How long will you need to set up?" He wasn't lying, and the man in front, who was older, but still really strong looking, nodded at him.

  "It takes about an hour to get the boxes and chairs up. We can only move the materials in at best wagon speed. Can you take me to the location first?"

  He got the idea. The man could see what was needed, then jog back, and tell the others what to do. That meant he understood that there was time limit as far as Dare being there went.

  "This way. Clear the path! Get out of the way! This man is armed and crazy! Move!" He kept yelling that, as the very clearly armed older man jogged along behind him. It worked pretty well, and people actually did remove themselves from their path, which meant it only took about most of the time he had. Thankfully he could see his ship off in the distance.

  The door may have been closed before, but now it was an interesting looking thing that was about as tall as a five story building, but thin, like a spire. It was round too, making a circle and the outside had been made to look like shining black glass. He could see in, though not really make anything out very clearly, being too far away. It was way nicer than the bland rectangle he'd had earlier.

  Pointing he described what he had in mind.

  "There, in that clearing? It's a full section away, but the craft coming in will be big, I think. It will still feel like we're all about to die, even back here. That road needs to be cleared. That section over there, along the other side of the road will be for the regular people. I think there's a parade, so we need to give them a path for that."

  The man nodded, looked around, and waved his hand while going over everything that had just been said. Then he grimaced.

  "Next time I want this to all be set up at least two days ahead of time. Doing it on this short of notice means there will be mistakes and gaps in the plan." His words were hard, slightly angry seeming, and correct, as hard as it was to hear.

  Dare had kind of thought he was holding it all together pretty well, but it wasn't wrong, the Royal Guard saying that. Planning was better than making things up as you went. So he bowed toward the man and tried to keep his reflexive anger off his face. It wasn't about how he felt.

  "I'll do that. There might be a thing in Austra next week, so it's good advice. I'll find out if King Richard and Queen Constance are going, or if any of the other immortals are. Do I get with you about that, if it's the case?"

  He got a bow and a smile in return.

  "I'm George. That will work. You can contact any of the Royal Guard and it will happen. You need to be off to see to your tasks?" He waved toward the now spire like jump ship, and Dareg nodded.

  "If you're good here?"

  "I have it. Go!" Then the man turn and ran off, calling out that he was a crazy man with weapons and that everyone needed to get out of the way. That worked too, Dare noticed.

  He did much the same, not laying claim to anything dangerous himself. The road he was on was still clearer, and he was able to dodge around everyone easily enough. He didn't stop until he was through the side door of his craft, sealing the door as he gasped for air.

  This bottom part had all the people on it, so he nodded, and moved to the control chair, which Kolb nodded at. The crew from Austra all looked a lot better suddenly. Tomas was in a nice green velvet outfit, and was nearly normal seeming except for the three shining bars on the bridge of his nose. The ladies were all in dresses. That made Jan look really cute, though she needed some makeup. Possibly not however. Her dress was magical and well designed enough, having a lot of frills and white lace for trim. She also had on cute little pink shoes and white hose which showed at the bottom, the thing only going down to her knees. It was proper enough, but left her seeming a bit daring. The other women were in more matronly outfits, Nimbus was in sky blue, but hers was nearly a robe, and Cyra was in a foam green dress that was very nice, but tight around her, showing that older or not, she had a nice figure still. It was better without being hidden under the single piece thing that she'd had on earlier.

  Then Dareg took the craft straight up a few thousand feet and floated out to the west, explaining the protocol that he'd made up as he went.

  "You always leave on the western side. For all the ports. Two thousand feet up. So we need to make a circle and come in directly over the palace. Then we drop very slowly, taking about ten minutes. If you move faster than that the weapons systems will activate and kill anyone
trying it." That wasn't what the King had said, but lie or not he was being put out to Austra, and Tomas nodded as they got in place and lowered no faster than was suggested.

  "Is that how landings will be done over Austra? To prevent the missile system from attacking the landing craft?"

  Dare tilted his head, thinking.

  "I have to get with the people on the ground there, but it makes a certain amount of sense, doesn't it? I don't know if it can be done, but I'll let them know you suggested it. Now, when we get in we're going to have to stall for a while. The set up crew will need the time, probably about an hour, so... Refreshments? You didn't dump all the water, did you?" He glanced at Kolb who smiled and shook his head.

  "It's in the back wall, going up to the fourth level. That way if we need to head to space we can stay there for a few months or longer, if we're careful. You did say this was one of the evacuation plans. Not that we'll need it, but having the leaders of three lands together in one place makes for a tempting target. If it comes to it, it's our job to make certain they all get out alive. Understood? Even if we have to die to do it." That seemed a bit too intense really, but he nodded anyway.

  "That's a good point. We should set that up too, and make sure everyone else is ready. Can you get in touch with Harmony and let them know what the plans are? Tiera said she'd bring her own ship, but if we could get more than one, that might be good. The Royal Guard in charge, George, mentioned that I should have planned better, and earlier." He gave the floating black orb next to him a sour look and sighed. "Which was correct. I messed up a bit, not planning things out sooner. I blame youth, and the fact that I only got the job five days ago. That won't work as an excuse next week however, when... The Revered One, Timon Baker, returns to Austra. Everyone there will help me with that, right?" That didn't seem likely, but Tomas patted his side, took out his purple handheld and smiled as he read it.

  Then he cleared his throat.

  "Clarence Memes has volunteered to act as a guard for the facility. Does he report to you for that?" It was clearly a joke.

  Dareg nodded.

  "Right. So Memes is in charge of that. Everyone get with him. Select out the right people. I'll... Send, or bring, a truth device to you, if I can get one." Hopefully Clarence wasn't six, or a moron.

  Then, if he got the job done, did it matter if he were a child?

  Kolb smiled, and leaned in.

  "Clarence, you'll need to release your contact numbers for that. No one call him unless you're volunteering as well. You'll want to send a Terry handheld to him for that, Dareg."

  Whoever that was. The name sounded familiar, and as they settled his own handheld buzzed. Just as he opened the door to the outside, walking toward it, he tapped the thing into play.

  "Dareg here. How may I help you today?"

  The man was fine looking, but seemed a lot like him, if a tiny bit stretched, which meant tall, no doubt. At first he wondered if it were Timon, but he wasn't quite as good looking.

  "Dareg? This is Terrance Baker. I was watching the news feed and saw what Kolb just said. I can get you some handhelds. I'll bring them with me today? We're all gearing up to leave from here directly."

  Terry handheld, as in the wizard that made them. It had a certain ring to it.

  "Thanks! You're the Ancient of..." He paused for a bit, having heard it before, but not having added it to the list of ports yet. "Tellerand?"

  The man, who had clear skin, about the same mid-tone shade of pale that his own was, and similar brown eyes, nodded.

  "The High Day Leader there. It about the same thing, but a religious office, too."

  He knew nothing about that, not having had a lot of use for religion in his own life. Some people did, and as long as they didn't bother him with it, he didn't care that much.

  "Ah? We need to talk spaceports, I think. I don't think that Alice Orange mentioned you when we spoke of that."

  That got a big, and slightly annoyed exhalation from the fellow. His uncle, he realized. Suddenly he had a lot of relatives, considering that he'd only ever had one that he'd known about before. It was a nice feeling, but scary at the same time. After all, they didn't really know him. What if they hated him? What if they were all secretly evil wizards?

  Terry made a goofy seeming face, which was charming, and spoke plainly.

  "Alice finds me too good looking to trust, and Tellerand too annoying to bother with. Half of that is true. After all, I am pretty good looking." It was said with a conspiratorial air, rather than a massive ego, even if it was true.

  There was a big difference between knowing you were lucky that way and rubbing it in though, and he'd managed to playfully stay on the far side of that line.

  "You should disguise yourself for her. Add some scars and a lumpy nose? It seems to work even if she sees your real face first. It's what I've been doing and she'd been really helpful and kind to me."

  The light tan, nearly pink, face on the device went blank then.

  "Seriously? That works? All this time I've been working through proxies, because everyone told me she couldn't trust attractive men and I counted. I'll try it out, since we're all meeting up in a few minutes. I have to run get those things for you. See you in a bit."

  Dareg was about to put his handheld away, but decided to see if he could find George the Royal guard on his device. It was a real long shot, but to his surprise the man did have one. It was in a long list that started with Royal Guard, each entry having a single name after it.

  The man was fine when he answered, not showing any stress at all.

  "Dareg here. At the palace, with a large group of people coming in. How long do you need?"

  There was a bit of hesitation, then the man answered, without bothering to say hello.

  "Fifty minutes. The wagons are just arriving. Less if we can press people into working. I don't suppose you can pay them? A copper for an hour's work would get us a lot of aid out here."

  He could see that, and it was worth it, but getting at his coin would be hard for a bit. Finally he explained to the Royal Guard what would be needed, and the man nodded.

  "I can send Sara Debri in for it? She says she can get that done."

  "Do it." He didn't add that they shouldn't take anything that was his or leave the door open. He was probably going to lose all he had then, but Sara was his friend, and immortal. Making her mad at him by being accusing would be worse than losing what little he had in life. He could, if need be, start over.

  Then, as he walked out, he placed his device away, and smiled, everyone else behind him. So he bowed, going low, which meant that the King returned the move, going halfway down, so everyone present had to go lower than that.

  The Queen started to move toward him, only to find four Royal Guards, all smaller than she was, moving between them. She started to look scandalized, but Dareg just bowed again.

  "Exactly right. It was just mentioned to me that having the rulers of three lands here today, we need to be very careful. Harmony is bringing in several extra ships, in case they have to run away. This one is for those of us here, right now. We should each use the truth device and show our good will? I'll go first, of course." Because stalling for time was the order of the hour, if not the whole day.

  It really didn't take very long, and no one balked at the idea, or seemed upset, not after King Richard and Prime Minister Foley both went directly after him. All the arrayed nobles kind of had to go then, and only one of the people, an attractive and decently tall blonde woman seemed upset about it.

  Even she was half playing.

  "I should just have one of these placed in my behind. Then I'd never be without it." Her words were muttered so softly that no one seemed to hear her except him, so he bowed toward her.

  "I understand the feeling. Dareg Canton? I think I... Casually met you once? At the Thompson's dinner party the other evening? I wasn't introduced to you, I don't think." They'd met and she was Countess Ward, but he didn't think of that until after
the words had been spoken. She'd hugged him once, even.

  The lady, who was about thirty or so, looked at him like he might just be made of something delicious, and bowed back, matching him.

  "I do know you, of course, Prince Dareg. Wonderful to see you again. Countess Maria Ward. This is my husband, Marvin, the sitting Count Ward." The man was nice looking, and about twenty years older than his wife. Still, it was a good paring except that she was about six-four and he looked to be about nine-three. The fellow smiled kindly, and looked pleasant. It was strange, because both of the people acted like it was their first meeting, though that wasn't the truth. After a bit he understood the reason. He had been introduced, but in private.

  To their minds he was allowing them to disavow that ever having happened. The idea flickered over both faces, with the Countess looking almost shrewd on its heels, though she hid that fairly well, almost instantly.

  The vast man merely smiled, not giving anything away at all. That was a rare talent, actually. Dareg couldn't have pulled it off.

  When the count spoke, it was very pleasantly, though a bit guarded seeming.

  "My sister, Petra, mentioned you. She speaks highly of you, too, which is a good sign. She wouldn't if you couldn't back it up." The words got a strange stir from the others there. Half of them seemed nearly embarrassed, and the Queen looked ready to cry suddenly. King Richard looked away, clearly a bit upset, and Count Peterson... Laughed.

  "A high recommendation then! I've never heard anyone claim Petra Lairdgren to be less than noble and forthright, without hesitation. An admirable trait, don't you find, Prince Dareg?"

  He nodded, and smiled, working out that a good part of the people there had figured that he'd be insulted about her saying that. It might have been her brother saying it however, which was hard to tell, to be honest.

  "She and Gerent have both been really kind to me. Gerent hasn't even beaten me yet at all." He grinned, and shrugged, explaining so that no one would take it the wrong way. "Fighting practice yesterday. There's a small dent by the spaceport with my shape where she kept throwing me down. If she didn't mention how poorly I did that must mean she likes me!"


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