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The Unwanted Earl (The Love Bird Series)

Page 13

by Hartman, Ruth J.

Amelia knew, of course that he could have been speaking of Lord Lofton, or the mystery man who was Conrad’s real father. And though because of the blackmailing he knew she was aware of his circumstances, she could not discuss it with him where they were at the moment. Didn’t wish to discuss it at all, truth be known, because it was a sad reminder of the only reason he was with her now.

  Time to change the subject. “If I may ask a question, my lord?”

  “Yes, go ahead.”

  “I’ve wondered… that is, perhaps you could tell me why you allow your driver such liberties with the carriage?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  She leaned closer and whispered, “He parks too close to the house. Any closer and he’d be on top of the shrubbery.”

  Twin spots of red appeared on Conrad’s cheeks. “That would be by my instruction, I’m afraid.”

  “It would? But why?”

  “Mother hates dirty boots because they create dirty floors. She’s always had the carriage parked thus to keep the dirt tracked in to a minimum, so I grew up doing the same.”

  “I see.” Mother again. Something would need to be done about that. “But we’re walking at this very moment. Out-of-doors.” She flicked a glance to his boots and back up.

  “True, that. Let’s not tell my mother, then.” One corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. A tiny bit of rebellion?

  “You have my word.”

  They passed by a gleaming shop window and Amelia admired their reflection. Both tall and slim, they made a striking couple.

  “May I ask a question of my own?” Conrad adjusted his arm beneath her hand, the fabric of her glove swishing along his sleeve.


  He whispered so low she had to strain to hear. “Why do you continue to use Annie as a chaperone? It seems you two can barely stand to breathe the same air. I’ve been wondering if you’d come to blows.”

  A quick backward glance showed Annie frowning. Again. She whispered, as well. “Yes, that’s true. My mother wants me to use her on my outings. You see, many of our servants are older and have not the wherewithal to tolerate much physical activity. She is the youngest of them, so that is who I’m forced to take.”

  “That’s a shame. It seems your outings would be much more enjoyable had you someone with whom you enjoyed their company.”

  “Yes, I’ve thought as much. But where to find such a person, I haven’t a clue. I’m afraid I’m not one for having many friends and the few I do have aren’t of the intimate variety.”

  He stared at her with wide eyes. “I find that difficult to believe. You are intelligent, funny and beautiful. Surely you’d be surrounded with people clamoring to make your acquaintance.”

  “Did you say beautiful?”

  A pinkish hue started at the top of his cravat and travelled up to his forehead. “Well, I…”

  She squeezed his arm. “Thank you. Although what I said was true, unfortunately. My strong personality seems to drive friends away. They scurry to the nearest corner to escape my company.”

  The color gradually faded from his face. “Then we have that in common. I too, have not friends in whom I can confide.”

  “And I find that difficult to believe. For I very much like spending time with you.”

  “You do?”

  “I do.”

  He peered down at her for a second too long, nearly crashing into a group of young women who were exiting a nearby shop. “Pardon me, ladies. Forgive my clumsiness.”

  All but one of the women, a pretty blonde, turned and walked away. She, though, stopped. And smiled. “Aren’t you Lord Lofton?”

  “That’s correct.”

  She stepped closer, her gaze traveling down his arm to Amelia’s hand resting on his sleeve. “It’s pleasant to meet you.”

  “It is?”

  “Oh yes. I’m Miss Cavendash. Of the Mayfair Cavendashes.”

  “I… see.”

  Amelia lowered her eyebrows. What was the other woman up to? Was she interested in Conrad? “Hello, Miss Cavendash, I’m—”

  Miss Cavendash ignored Amelia and fluttered her eyelashes at Conrad. “I don’t suppose you’ll be attending next week’s ball at Almacks?” A somewhat breathless quality attached itself to the young woman’s words. Trying to gain his attention?

  “I…” He glanced at Amelia. “I had given it some thought.”

  “Splendid. I’ll look forward to seeing you there. Perhaps we’ll have a chance to speak some more.” Just as she turned to leave, the gaggle of friends who had left returned.

  Suddenly, the swarm buzzed around Conrad. They asked him questions. Touched his sleeve. Smiled and tittered at everything he said, whether it was amusing or not. Amelia was not so gently removed from her place at Conrad’s side by one of the other women.

  What in the world just happened?

  Snickering from behind caused her to turn. Annie. Of course. Amelia clenched her teeth. “And just what is so amusing, may I ask?”

  “Oh…” More giggling. “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

  Amelia muttered, “I’ll thank you to stuff your giggling—”

  “Amelia? Ready to continue our walk?”

  She whipped around to Conrad, ready to do battle with the interlopers. But the swarm was gone. She’d never seen the like. It was as if they were starving and Conrad was a delicacy they only glimpsed once a year.


  He offered his arm, which she once again accepted. Darting her gaze left to right, Amelia poised for a fight, prepared to kick any other woman who pawed at Conrad. He was her betrothed, after all.

  Too bad you had to use blackmail to accomplish that feat.

  At present, no other wily females seemed to be ready to pounce. She glanced at Conrad. He was smiling. Why? Because of those women? Had he approved of their behavior? She pressed closer against his arm. “Had you ever… made the acquaintance of any of those young ladies before?”

  He cleared his throat. “Uh… no. I…”

  “Yes? What was that?”

  “It’s a conundrum.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t follow.” Her fingers curled into a fist. Those wanton women.

  His shrug caused the fabric of his coat to bunch at the shoulders. “I’ve never been the focus of… women before.” Was he now in their sights because he had been in Amelia’s company? Forbidden fruit, the ultimate enticement.

  Amelia fumed. How dare they? Cooing to him and touching him. Her irritation cooled, however, when she remembered trying to seduce him herself so very recently. Wearing a tight, low-cut gown and pressing her lips to his. But I had a strong reason for doing so. I don’t want to marry Lord Griffith! She shuddered.


  Did I say it out loud? “Hmmm?”

  “You said something about Lord Griffith.”

  “Did I?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t quite catch what. Speaking of, you’d said earlier that I’d saved you from your visit with him. Care to elaborate for the man who took you from such unspeakable horror?”

  Amelia bit her lip against a smile. “Let’s just say I will be forever in your debt.”

  “Sounds like something I can perhaps use to my advantage later.”

  Her gaze flew to his. Was he flirting with her?

  He turned his head away and then grinned. Amelia, curious, followed his gaze. A pretty girl dressed as a commoner walked toward them on the arm of… Amelia squinted. Was that the surgeon-dentist? How odd they should see him when they’d told Lord Griffith that would be their destination.

  When they neared the others, Conrad slowed. What was he doing? Yes, he’d been to see the man in an official capacity, but surely in public he wouldn’t speak to—

  Conrad stopped in front of them. Amelia wasn’t sure what to do. Others crowded past them, and she was aware of more than a few stares from her contemporaries.

  “Mr. Fletcher, Miss Fletcher, how pleasant to see you.”

  What is
Conrad about?

  The girl curtseyed and the man nodded. “Good day to you, Lord Lofton.”

  Amelia knew it was expected of her to request an introduction, though she had no desire. She tapped Conrad’s arm. “Would you be so kind as to introduce your… acquaintances, Lord Lofton?”

  His eyes crinkled at the corners, as if inordinately pleased. “It would be my pleasure. Miss Talbot, may I present Mr. Fletcher and Miss Fletcher?”

  Amelia gave a single nod. “Charmed.” The falsehood slid easily from her lips.

  The girl curtseyed again. Mr. Fletcher nodded and smiled.

  The following few minutes of discussing the weather with the Fletchers nearly did Amelia in. What would people think?

  Chapter Seventeen

  Annie stood in Amelia’s doorway. Frowning. But what was new?

  “Yes? How may I be of service to you, Annie?” Amelia had quite enough of Annie’s attitude and derision. If the other servants weren’t so decrepit, she’d take one of them as a chaperone instead. At least they were pleasant.

  Although, she might have to carry them on her back to get them from the house to the carriage. No, that wouldn’t work.

  “Lord Lofton is here to see you. I passed Gordon on the stairs as he was on his way to tell you.”

  In spite of Annie’s sour disposition, Amelia smiled. Conrad had said he’d had an errand to run today, so she hadn’t been assured of seeing him. Now her day would be brighter since he was there. “Thank you, Annie.”

  With her nose stuck in the air, her maid flounced away.

  Why am I saddled with her?

  A quick glance in the looking glass assured Amelia that she looked presentable. Her hair was a little mussed but she had no desire to ask Annie to return and help her. With a spring in her step, Amelia hurried down to the parlor.

  And there he was. A thrill shot through her and her hands tingled. Warmth filled her core at the thought of being near him. Would she always feel like that when he was close by?

  He smiled and took a step toward her. His attire, as always, was spotless. “Good day, Amelia.”

  “Good day, Conrad.” She glanced behind her. Where was Annie? They weren’t supposed to be unchaperoned. Amelia turned to face the doorway. “Let me get Annie.”

  “No need.”

  She turned back. “Pardon?”

  “Remember, I told you I had an errand?”


  “I have a surprise for you. I think you will greatly approve.”

  She clasped her hands together in front of her skirt. “A surprise? For me?” What could it possibly be? So his errand had something to do with her. A wave of gratitude washed over her. How sweet of him to think of getting her a small token of some sort.

  “Please wait here. I’ll return in a moment.”

  The front door opened and closed.

  The token was large enough that he couldn’t have carried it in his pocket? Perhaps it was more than she’d originally thought. They were betrothed, though, so it wouldn’t be all that improper for him to get her a larger gift. Amelia paced the floor of the parlor, the floor squeaking every time she stepped near the far corner. Conrad was gone for a few minutes before the door once again opened.

  Voices came from the hallway.


  Two sets of boots approached. What was going on? Did the gift require more than one person to carry it?

  Conrad appeared in the doorway. “Amelia, I believe you remember meeting Miss Fletcher?”

  And there beside Conrad stood that girl. The pretty young daughter of the surgeon-dentist. Here? In my house? She blinked, unable to comprehend why Conrad would bring the girl there.

  He’d seemed so inordinately pleased when they’d happened across them on Rotten Row. It had made no sense that he would go out of his way to spend time, in public, with someone of a different class. The only time Amelia communicated with Annie on outings was when they exchanged frowns and snarls.

  It was very unlikely that Cecilia was his relation, either. Not with her father’s occupation and Conrad’s title and wealth. No, there had to be another explanation for why Conrad and that girl were in company. Amelia didn’t think she would like the answer.

  Cecilia stepped forward and curtseyed. Yet Amelia could not form words. Was her betrothed trying to send her some sort of message? That this girl was his…? Oh no… no it couldn’t be. Amelia bit her lower lip. Was the attractive little blonde his… courtesan?

  Surely he wouldn’t be the type to do that, would he? He’d said that women didn’t usually give him much notice. But then, it was a fairly common practice among their set to have affairs.

  Kept woman.

  Light skirts.

  She swallowed against nausea that threatened to make a very untimely appearance. Her stomach protested the light breakfast she’d had not so long ago.

  Conrad’s brow was lowered and the corners of his mouth were turned down. “Amelia? You’ve gone pale.” He assisted her to the nearest chair and lowered her to sit. Then he kneeled down in front of her, his blue eyes wide and unblinking. He removed his hat and placed it on the floor to his right.

  Why? Why did this have to happen to her? That he would have a courtesan and bring her to Amelia’s house. She knew, of course, that Conrad wouldn’t love her at first because of the blackmail, but she’d had it set in her mind that she would soon show him that in spite of her many flaws, she could make him a good wife. That she could make him happy. Would love him.

  Now, though… Now there would be no chance. Not with that girl around. How would Amelia stand a chance, considering how she’d gotten Conrad in the first place, compared to a pretty, young blonde of whom Conrad seemed so fond?

  Cecilia took a step into the parlor and wrung her hands. Her voice was soft and low. So low that Amelia strained to hear. “Lord Lofton, perhaps I should wait in the…” She pointed behind her to the doorway.

  Yes, go… Go far away from here and never return.

  Conrad turned his head toward the girl. “No, it’s fine. Perhaps if you would sit across the room while I tend to Miss Talbot.”

  Miss Talbot? What happened to Amelia?

  Conrad stayed in his kneeling position but moved closer and took one of Amelia’s hands. “Are you ill? Can I have the maid or butler bring you something?”

  She shook her head, not trusting her voice to come out as more than a squeak.

  He squeezed her hand. “Amelia, you have me concerned. What can I do to help?”

  Amelia darted a glance at Cecilia, who now sat in the corner, having lost most of the color from her own face. “N-nothing.”

  “Surely there is something? Please, tell me.”

  Conrad looked genuinely upset. Why would he care about her health if he had no concern about their future marital happiness? Amelia lowered her voice so that it was just a whisper. Conrad leaned close, his blue-eyed gaze locked on hers, and waited.

  “Perhaps…” She looked again at Cecilia and then back to Conrad. “Perhaps you could explain to me why… why you’ve brought her… here?”

  He blinked. “As I’d told you when I first arrived, it was a surprise. For you.”

  She was surprised, that was true. What he’d brought came in a pretty package, but it wasn’t at all what she’d expected. Or wanted.

  “I know you and Annie don’t get along. And I hated how distressed you were when you required her to chaperone.”

  And you believe this isn’t distressing? She tightened her other hand into a fist. Longing to strike someone, though she knew she wouldn’t actually do it.

  “I… I thought perhaps if Cecilia could be a companion. To you. That… that it might make it easier for you.”

  “But she’s… I don’t know her. Why would you…?”

  “That’s why I’ve brought her here today. So you could become better acquainted. She really is very sweet.”

  Amelia gritted her teeth. Her voice emerged as a whisper so even she could bar
ely hear it. “But, how do you… know her?” What her heart longed to say was, “What is she to you? Is she more important than I am? Do you love her?”

  He swallowed. His cravat moved with the effort. “I…”

  So it was true, then? Amelia’s heart sank. “But…”

  Conrad took her other hand in his, as well. “Amelia, it’s nothing… inappropriate, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  But what else could it be? If not his mistress, then… “So, she’s perhaps your… relation?”

  He bit his lip. “Please, just trust me when I tell you that there’s a very good explanation for my knowing her.”

  “And that would be…”

  A deep sigh seemed to come from deep within. “Can you not simply trust me that I have your best interest, everyone’s, at heart?”

  Oh how she wanted to. How she longed not to worry that something bad was going on that would ruin their chance for happiness. That there really might be a chance for a future loving marriage with Conrad. But what choice did she have? It was either believe the worst, or trust the man she was coming to love.

  I choose Conrad.

  She nodded.

  A smile as bright as the sun appeared on his lips. “Wonderful. I’ll… someday I… hope to tell you the full story.” He tilted his head. “Are you feeling better? You’ve regained a little color.”

  Amelia gave him another nod.

  Conrad stood and turned. “Cecilia, come and sit with us, won’t you?”

  As Cecilia approached, Amelia watched her carefully. No glint could be detected in her eye as if she were the victor. No haughty movement in her steps or toss of her head, as if she was the better woman for having stolen an earl’s heart away from a member of the elite. No, in fact her gaze was down, her hands clasped tightly around her worn reticule, as if she were hesitant to sit next to Amelia. Her hands trembled, ever so slightly.

  Could she even be… frightened?

  Of me?

  Of course of you, Amelia. How would you feel if you were in her position and someone glared and frowned at you? If you were poor and someone of the elite class looked down on you, on everything about you?

  Conrad stood and waited for Cecilia to be seated next to Amelia, and then he sat down in a chair facing them.


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