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Completing Him

Page 8

by C. Shell

  Swiveling back towards her I call out her name and wait until I have her undivided attention. "Yes I have enjoyed him taking care of my every need. Licking all my wounds and fucking me until I can't see straight. He really is a sweet man. So attentive and amazing in bed."

  I wish I had a camera to capture the look on her face. The hate shining back in her eyes only heightens my victory. Her face blooms red and a few veins protrude out of her forehead as she scuttles away cursing under her breath.

  I hear Alice on the phone behind me and I laugh imagining the conversation she is having with Alex. I am sure he is livid that I took her bait and bit back but he will have to get over it. The skank deserved what she got.


  "I am going to take that napkin away from you if you do not stop twisting it around your fingers," Jane grits out placing a hand over mine to still it.

  "I'm sorry," I say softly. "No one should be this nervous. My stomach aches from churning around so much. I am starting to feel ill," I say trying to take steady breathes to calm my spastic nerves. Every time the door chimes announcing a new customer I jump a mile.

  She wrinkles up her noise giving me a sympathetic look. "Oh sweetie I am sorry but I really don't think you have anything to worry about. He seemed really nice when I spoke to him on the phone in Florida. If he turns out to be a complete creep than we will leave."

  I glance around the restaurant and nod my head in agreement. "I am so glad you are here with me."

  Alex has texted me over ten times since we left Glimmer checking up on me. I am pretty sure he is as nervous as I am if not more. I am determined to prove to myself and him that I am strong enough to handle this and face my past. I need to put all the negative behind me and focus on the future and a small part of me believes meeting Daniel is the first step in doing just that.

  I am so enamored in twiddling with the napkin in my lap I don't notice him standing next to our table until he is already slipping into seat across from us. A kaleidoscope of emotions flow through me as I stare up into his face. I don't remember my father but all the pictures that I have seen look so much like the man sitting across from me right now. They even have the same piercing steel colored eyes and solid tall frame.

  "Wow, you really do look just like him," I blurt out before my mind has a chance to sensor my reaction.

  He lets out a nervous laugh and I relax a bit knowing he is just as shaken up as I am. "Yes I have heard that before. It is nice to finally meet you Jessica."

  "You too Daniel." I answer honestly. Remembering my manners I motion towards Jane and introduce the two of them to each other.

  Before I have a chance to say more our waitress walks up and takes everyone's drink order. Jane and I arrived early due to George's crazy ass fast driving skills and I have already had one glass of wine. I would love some more liquid courage but common sense takes over and I opt for a glass of iced tea instead. Last thing I need is to get tipsy and lose out on my chance to get the answers I crave.

  "I am not sure where to begin," I confess.

  I watch as he reaches into the pocket of his jacket to retrieve something. To my utter horror George and Alice jump out of their seats from behind us and tackle Daniel, dragging him out of his seat and restraining him against the floor. It was like watching a scene from one of my favorite action flicks.

  Jane and I each jump out of seats screaming, waving our arms in the air and doing our best to stop my goon squad from hurting poor Daniel. Alice ignores me thrusting her hand into his inside suite pocket in search for what I assume she thinks is a gun or some other type of weapon. When she pulls out a set of old pictures and a couple of letters I want to bang her over the head myself for being so stupid.

  "What the hell is wrong with you two?" I scream beyond mad and embarrassed. She ignores me and continues to pat him down while George keeps him down on the ground arms clasped tightly behind his back.

  "Umm...Jessica what is going on?" Daniel asks wearily while trying to turn his head to look up at me. If he did not think I was a freak before he most defiantly will now.

  "I am so sorry Daniel," I say pleading for him to forgive me and yet not blaming him if he wanted to leave now and never contact me again. "These two crazy nuts are my bodyguards. Alex hired them to protect me until my attacker is found."

  Once satisfied that Daniel is no threat George releases him and helps him back up to his feet. They each say a quick apology than return to their seats as though nothing crazy just transpired. I rub my head trying to tamper down the headache blooming and glance back at Daniel awaiting the retreat I expect is about to come at any moment but never does. To my utter astonishment he actually laughs off the whole thing. He is a much better sport than I am because it will take a whole lot more than an apology before I forgive those two. Paybacks a bitch.

  "Shall we try this again?" he asks as we settle back down at the table. He gently pushes the contents he brought with him across the table towards me.

  My hands shake as I pick up old photos of my dad and me when I was a baby. The ones that stand out are of him holding me, giving me a piggy back ride, and playing with me at the playground near our home in Tyler. I have never seen these before and am shocked that he took them with him when he left. He is actually smiling in them all and seems happy. I don't understand this.

  "What is wrong?" Jane asks noticing my perplexed expression as I keep looking over the photos trying to seek answers in them that are not there.

  "She said he was not happy with us. He is smiling in these," I say pushing the photos towards her. I need her to look at them and help me understand why he would be smiling if he was so unhappy.

  "My dad always said having you and I was his best accomplishments in life. I know he did a shitty cowardly thing by leaving you with your mom but he regretted it every day of his life. He would have come back and got you but she refused to let him see you."

  I think I need that other drink now.

  "None of this makes since," I exclaim running my hands through my hair.

  I watch Jane as she looks over the pictures in her hand extensively frowning at each one. She knows my whole messed up history and has even had the unpleasant opportunity to witness my mom at her worst on more than one occasion.

  "Am I missing something here?" Daniel asks. I blush realizing for a brief moment I forgot he was even here with us.

  "Sorry it is just that I was told a completely different story my whole life. I am trying to piece this together and figure out what is truth and what is fiction." Remembering he had some letters with him also I ask about them.

  "Dad wrote to you several times but the letters were always returned unopened." he says pushing them towards me. "I never read them but I thought you might want to."

  This is too much. I don't know what is real anymore. Did my dad really want me? If what Daniel said is true than why did he leave my mom and I? This meeting was meant to bring me closure and answer my questions not create more complicated ones.

  Our waitress arrives with our drinks and a snappy comment about George and Alice behaving themselves and not causing any more outbursts. Rolling my eyes I promise that we will all be good girls and boys and wait until she is out of earshot before continuing with our conversation.

  I stare wide eyed at the letters as though they might detonate if I dare touch them. I know I am being ridiculous but I am not sure if I want to know what is written in them. I feel like my whole past is crumbling down around me and it is unnerving to say the least. Noticing my reaction Jane takes the letters and pockets them in her purse.

  "When she is ready I will make sure she reads them," she promises Daniel.

  Finally finding my voice again I ask the million dollar question that has been burning in my mind since we sat down for this little meet and greet. "Did he ever tell you why he left us? I mean I know what my mom has always told me but I need to know if he really left us because of me."

  Daniel's head snaps up and he gives me t
he most baffled look. "He never left because of you," he says sternly and for a moment I really want to believe him. I really want to believe him everything he has told me so far.

  "You don't have to worry about hurting my feeling. I have known that truth for a long time now I just need to hear it confirmed by someone besides my mom."

  He places a large hand over mine and looks into my eyes as though he is searching for something but I am not sure what. "Jessica I don't lie and our father never left because of you. If anything he stayed longer than he should have just so he didn't have to leave you."

  "What?" I gasp. My voice sounds muffled with emotion.

  Taking a long sip of his drink he clears his voice and continues," Our father owned up to his faults and the fact that he walked out on his previous family. He loved you and stayed with your mother for years longer than he could bear hoping things would improve. He said your mother tried on more than one occasion to break the person he was and her lies and consistent adultery was the final straw for him. He could not take it anymore so he finally left with the intention to come back and get you once he was settled. Your mother refused to share you and after fighting with her for a few years he gave up."

  I silently wipe the tears falling from my face as I try and wrap my mind around all this new information. How can my entire life be one big lie?

  "If he really wanted me why didn't he fight harder? Why would he leave me with a woman who hated me?" I croak out between silent sobs.

  I hate crying and yet it seems to be something I have been doing a lot of lately. Jane places her arm around me giving me a reassuring hug that I welcome. I am so thankful she came with me today.

  "I can assure you dad never knew what you were going through or he would have done more. I don't have all the answers but I think if you read the letters you might get a better perspective of what was going on in his mind." His earnest eyes tell me he believes everything he is saying but I am still weary. His story and the one I have been told all my life do not add up.

  "I hate to leave you like this but I really need to get back to work. I loved meeting you and hope we have the chance to get to know each other better."

  I stand giving him a big hug and assuring him I want the same thing. George steps up behind me apologizing to Daniel for the earlier commotion and throws a handful of bills on the table to cover all of our drinks.

  Looping my arm through Jane's I stroll outside with her glad that she rescheduled all her appointments today so we could spend the rest of the day together. I definitely need some girl time after the emotional rollercoaster I just went on. I feel like my life has turned into its own form of soap opera. I never did like soap operas growing up.

  The cool air whipping around us as we exit the restaurant is a welcome distraction. I need all the distractions I can get from all the thoughts and emotions spinning around in my head. Climbing back into the Escalade I send a quick text to Alex letting him know that I need some girl time with Jane and will be home later. I am sure my goon squad has already enlightened him on today's events so hopefully he will understand and not ask too many questions.

  My phone pings back before we even leave the parking lot with a quick message.

  Alex: Love you. Take all the time you need but make sure security goes with you. We will talk later. Stay strong my love.

  I lean my head back against the cool buttery leather seats and take in a deep breath. Stay strong? I feel anything but strong right now.

  "Jess what can I do to make it all better?" Jane asks softly.

  "Just stay with me for a while and help me to forget how fucked up my life is."

  "You got it babe," she says laying her head on my shoulder. "How about we pick up Jax and all of us go make a day of it at Six Flags. We can ride all the roller coasters and make Jax play all the games until he wins us each a large stuffed animal."

  I giggle loving the idea of a carefree day acting silly with my friends. "Your ideas rock babe," I say feeling like the weight of the world is already lifting off of me and I can breathe easily once again. "You can invite Hunter also is you like," I add realizing what a shitty self-centered friend I have been for not even asking about him since we got back.

  "Umm... No I don't think he will be joining us ever again," she says with a grimace.

  Shit! "What happened?" I ask the curiosity evident in my voice.

  "While we were in Florida he was competing in a body building contest down South and ran into an old flame from back in the day. I guess things were not as dead between them as they thought because after the competition he admitted to sleeping with her."

  "Asshole," I snap irritably. "I am sorry Jane I never would have thought Hunter had it in him to be such a douche."

  "Yeah me neither," she breathes. "At least I found out early on. I just need to kiss a few more frogs I guess before I finally find my prince charming."

  "You deserve a prince charming."

  "I agree," she says with a giggle. Pulling out her phone she sends a quick text to Jax and I lean forward to inform George and Alice about our change of afternoon plans. I can't wait to see the two of them on a roller coaster. This should be fun!

  Chapter 9 - Alex

  I reread Jessica's text frowning. I have a bad feeling things did not go as she planned.

  "You seem distracted," Kelly says eyeing me over the stack of papers in her hand.

  I laugh out loud embarrassed to be caught staring mindlessly at my phone's screen for well over ten minutes. "I know. I am sorry just a lot on my mind," I reply sitting down my phone and reaching over to retrieve the spreadsheets she brought in for me to approve.

  I glance over them making sure that all the numbers add up before signing my name at the bottom of each one and handing them back to her. "Looks like we are doing much better this quarter," I comment knowing she will be pleased that I noticed.

  "Yes, our new marketing strategies seem to be paying off," she says smiling like a proud momma. She should be happy she had done an amazing job at keeping everyone in-line and productive. I really need to speak to Human Resources about giving her a raise.

  Waving some papers towards me she adds, "I am going to drop off these contracts downstairs before I head out to lunch. Would you like me to order you anything before I leave?"

  The mention of lunch makes my stomach knot up thinking about Jess meeting with Daniel. It took everything I had in me to leave her today and not force her to take me with her but deep down I know she would resent me for it and needs to do this on her own. Knowing that Jane and security team is with her helps take the edge off.

  "That would be great Kelly. You know my favorites. Please order me something from the sandwich shop downstairs and ask them to deliver it up here."

  "Will do boss," she says exiting my office. I listen until I can no longer hear the soft click of her high heels on the floor before picking up my phone and calling George for an update on Jessica's lunch meeting.

  Anger grips every fiber of my body as George gives me details of their lunch conversation. I hate to even think about what must be going through her mind right now. On several occasions she has let down her barriers and I have be able to learn a bit more about her childhood but I never comprehended just how fucked up it was. My poor precious girl.

  "Thanks George. Use the money I gave you earlier to purchase anything she wants. She deserves some time off from everything. Send me a text once you are headed back this way."

  As I am finishing up my call I hear a small knock on my office door. "Come in," I call out heading towards my in suite bathroom to wash my hands and remove my silk tie. Yanking on the knot of my tie from around my neck I hear the door open and close indicating my lunch has already arrived.

  "Be right out," I answer loud enough for the delivery person to hear me. I carefully hang my tie on the small hook attacked at the back of the bathroom door and quickly wash my hands. Reentering my office I reach into my pocket so I can pay for my lunch and come up short a
t the site of Lexy casually sitting in one of the seats in front of my desk with my lunch already spread out in front of her.

  "Hi hubby," she coos smiling up at me as she tosses her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

  "What the hell are you doing here Lexy?" I ask annoyed and level my gaze on her.

  "I miss you," she pouts. I move past her toward the other side of my desk and get a whiff of her strong sweet perfume which makes me want to gag. I was stupid for ever trying to make something real out of our fake marriage. I sit down and concentrate on my food while trying to ignore her but she doesn't take the hint and keeps talking.

  "Kelly has kept me so busy I never get a chance to visit with you."

  "You are here to work Lexy not bug me and you better learn to stay the hell away from Jessica," I snap back at her. "Don't think I don't know all about your little conversation this morning."

  She leans in and begins picking at my lunch ignoring the death glares I keep throwing her way. I refuse to play her games and pull my lunch from her grasp causing her to stop and look up at me. "I will ask you one more time than I am calling security to kick your ass out. What do you want Lexy?"

  "I want you to make Jessica apologize to me," she casually states.

  I laugh loudly at her stupidity while refusing to hide my amusement from her. "And why the hell would I do that? If anything you should be kissing the ground she walks on. She is twice the woman you could ever be." I scowl across at her letting her know just how little she means to me.

  She glares back at me her fact smile faltering and I can tell I finally struck a nerve. "Believe what you will Alex but what do you think would happen if word ever got out that you and I were married? Think how ruthless the paparazzi and media would be on your precious Jessica if they found out she is nothing more than a cheating mistress."


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