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Blindsided (Bound For Hell MC Series Book 3)

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by Needa Warrant

  “Hunt, I’m not going in until you park this truck, you might leave me alone!” Kima stood by the curb, a very determined look on her face.

  “I wasn’t gonna leave you, Kima. I’ll bring your bag, just go on in and let em know you’re here.” He got back to the truck and parked in the closest spot even though it had a reserved sign painted on the curb. He headed into the hospital wondering if he’d be there for Elena. He owed her that much. The question was would she even let him be there? Or was he running out of time?

  Chapter Five

  Going to his mother’s house was the last thing Veiko wanted to do. He knew Thrash and Kat felt the same. Who knew what that crazy bat would try to pull? She might have given birth to them, but she had some serious issues about running her children’s lives. He had thought a lot about what she’d done to Kima when he was in the hospital. He still could find no real reason to explain her actions and it bothered him. He had thought she’d be happy that he was in love and ready to settle down. Instead, she had done a great job of messing his life up. Maybe she was right in Thrash’s case not to have liked China—after all, she’d been correct in her assessment of her according to what Thrash told him that she’d said about China. From what Kat was telling them, she was drinking vodka all the time and she was a mean drunk. Veiko understood why she drank. She had turned everyone against her by her own hand. He wondered if his father would talk to her. He’d been sober for many years and maybe there was something he could do to help her. He looked at his sister. Kat was clearly scared of their mother…what had the old bat done to her? She had always had a heavy hand and Thrash bore the scars from her belt. He had tried to take the blame for his younger siblings. Usually the middle child was the one who wasn’t favored, but in the Finn family Veiko had clearly been his mother’s favorite child. That was another reason that he came today. If anyone could talk to mama, it was usually him. He briefly wondered if Kima was sleeping. Thrash was behind him on his motorcycle, so mama would know they were coming. Oddly, the house looked deserted. No door open like it normally would have been. Even Kat was staring at the house, their mother always had the curtains, and windows wide open. They got out of the truck and waited as Thrash walked up to them. Mrs. Ross, their neighbor and mama’s best friend came hurrying over to them. She looked upset and worried. Thrash nodded to Veiko and Kat, he would deal with this.

  “Mrs. Ross, nice to see you again, is there something wrong?” Thrash was polite and wanted to make this exchange brief as possible.

  “I had no number to call anyone. You mother was arrested! She got into a fight with Hannah from down the street. It was awful; the police took her away in handcuffs. Kat, where have you been? You should have been here! They told me she was in a mental hospital when I went down to get her out!” Mrs. Ross was wringing her hands as she glared at Kat.

  Kat glared back, “I don’t live here anymore, Mrs. Ross and you know it. My mother tossed me out and you were drinking right with her when she did it. I’m here to get my things with my brothers. Excuse me, but frankly we don’t give a shit about our mother anymore. I hope Hannah kicked her ass. She bullied the bully on the block and got whatever she deserved. Have a nice day.” Kat unlocked the door and went inside.

  Thrash and V couldn’t help bursting out in laughter at the look on Mrs. Ross’ face. Hannah was a bully and she was fighter. Usually their mother had a lot to say about her and both women hated each other. Their mother probably had gotten what she deserved for years of gossiping about the other woman. Mrs. Ross shook her finger at them as they walked into the house.

  It didn’t take long to pack up Kat’s clothes and since she had bought her bedroom furniture, she wanted to take that, too. Veiko wandered around looking at pictures and decided he’d take some of the things he had left behind when he moved out. He doubted he’d ever be back to this house. Kima would enjoy seeing pictures of him from when he was little and in high school. Thinking of her, he decided to call the house. He let the phone ring a long time and decided she must have gone outside to check on the puppies. He tried Nailz and Jo’s house but they weren’t back yet. Thrash was yelling at him to help move the furniture so he didn’t call the Regan’s house.

  As they were moving Kat’s furniture, a cop car pulled up. That damn Mrs. Ross must have called them. The day started to look worse for Veiko. She probably said they were robbing the house or some shit. There was nothing like dealing with the pigs when you weren’t breaking the law. It didn’t look like they were going home anytime soon as the second cop car pulled up. The Finn brothers looked at each other and both shared a grim look. At least Kat had her driver’s license to prove she lived there and although it wasn’t a crime to move out, the pigs in this town had no love for either of them. Mrs. Ross was going to feel the wrath of Bound for Hell MC in the near future. At least neither brother had drugs or guns on them, but the cops would haul them in and try to find warrants on them. They all knew the game. This was bullshit. They weren’t even wearing their colors. These pigs were stupid, it might be a few hours, but they’d be out. The pigs would keep them as long as they could just to be assholes because pigs liked to fuck with them anytime they could. Today was their day to be hassled it seemed.

  Thrash yelled to his sister to watch his bike and stay put until they called the house. Kat stood there watching in horror as her brothers were pushed against the police cars. Officers handcuffed and then shoved each into the police cars. She turned to glare at Mrs. Ross as she sat on the porch steps. Mrs. Ross shot a satisfied look right back at her. Kat went inside and tried to think of anything she could do to help her brothers. She found a phone book and looked for her father’s number. She barely knew the man since her mother wouldn’t let her see him but she figured he might help them. Maybe she had one sane parent. She prayed he was home and willing to help them.

  Chapter Six

  Dusty had just finished dancing the lunch hour and was glad to be done with work. It was still afternoon and she wanted to grab a few things to cook Darko a big dinner tonight. Waving goodbye to him, she pushed the door to the bar open and headed to her 1973 Chevrolet Corvette T Top Stingray. It was black and was her pride and joy. As she unlocked the door, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning she saw Hyway. A great way to ruin her day, she thought. She sighed, wondering what he wanted. He was flagged from Dirty Deeds and he shouldn’t have come here. Darko would be royally pissed off.

  “Dusty, did you think I wouldn’t catch up with you?” Hyway growled at her. He looked her up and down and finally smiled at her. Once they’d been close, he had been as close as a brother-in-law when he was with her sister Angie.

  “Hyway, you’re a fool. Nefarious members come and go out of this bar all the time and you aren’t supposed to be here, anyway—Darko doesn’t want you here. What do you want?” She looked at him. He looked the same as he had before jail, maybe a bit tougher. He was the love of Angie’s life and she knew she had to watch what she said to him. She hadn’t played cat and mouse with Rabid for years to protect Angie for a slip-up to ruin everything.

  “I wanna know about Angie. What else would I want from you? You aren’t scared of me, are you?” The pain in his voice was clear.

  “Scared of you? No, but maybe you should be scared of me. Remember Loco ended up dead. I heard I leave men dead. Isn’t that the rumor you helped spread around? Where’s Rabid?” Dusty could play this game all day or at least until one of Darko’s boy’s came around.

  “I love her, Dusty. I need to know if she’s happy. I don’t know where Rabid is—don’t care—he was a sick and twisted fucker. You know that. I know Angie was on his list. What I don’t know is what really happened. Not one fucking letter, in all those years. I deserve to know something. I know you had to have helped her. Please let me know is she happy at least. I never would’ve hurt her. You got a bad deal with Loco. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I heard that shit in jail. Just give me something.” Hyway didn’t beg, but he was hurting.r />
  “Angie is fine. I’ll tell her you’re out. That is the best I can do for you, Hyway. My sister went through hell. You don’t know what Rabid had planned for her, damn you. You should’ve made sure she was safe from him. Damn you and damn Diablo. As crazy as Loco was, I always made sure the people I loved were safe. No matter what he did to me! What was Diablo thinking leaving that bastard alive? He knew what Rabid was all about! Hell his mother knew because Angie and I told her. Can you honestly look me in the face and tell me you didn’t know Rabid was cutting girls? Do it Hyway, look me in the eyes and tell me you didn’t know!” Dusty removed her sunglasses to look him in the eyes. She looked long and deep into his eyes. Hyways’s eyes were blank looking and he clearly didn’t know what she was referring to. “Oh, my God. You didn’t know, did you? All these years I’ve hated you and I can see now you don’t know.” She shook her head in disbelief. “I’m sorry, Hyway. I really am. I figured since he was a brother you knew what he tried to do to Angie when you went to jail.”

  Hyway glared at her. “ My brother? He was no brother to me! That fucker, Rabid tried to take my old lady when I went to jail, I knew that much. Scared her so bad she ran to Satan’s Attitude MC with your mother and got herself a new ol' man. That is what I know. So tell me what I don’t know, Dusty.”

  “I can’t until I talk to my sister. It goes deeper than that and here isn’t the place to be talking. I don’t need Darko seeing you until I can explain to him you aren’t going to be a threat to me. You aren’t a threat to me are you, Hyway?”

  “I’ve never been a threat to you. I thought it was good to let the bros wonder about Loco to keep your ass safe. Not much I could do to help either of you from a jail cell, was there? Can you meet me later at the clubhouse? I don’t need Nefarious on my ass, but I want to know what the hell happened from the day I got locked up.”

  “I have to talk to Angie, if I can get a hold of her. I’ll come, but it isn’t easy to talk to her. So it may not be tonight.” Dusty was being honest, but also weighing her options.

  “You do that and try to do it soon. I don’t want to be waiting in parking lots for you. Tell her I love her—that I’ve never stopped and I want her back. If I gotta go fight her new ol’ man, I’ll be heading down to Florida.” He looked at Dusty with a grin. “You think I don’t know where she is?” He laughed as he got on his bike and roared out of the parking lot.

  Dusty leaned against the ‘vette and shook. Dinner be damned, she was going to go back to Darko’s and get high. Calling Angie and telling her all of this meant a few lines of Darko’s best coke before she could even make that call. Knowing Angie, she would want to come right back to New Jersey. Dusty wasn’t sure how wise that would be. She looked at the bar. Dusty saw Darko had come outside and was heading toward her. Shit! She wondered how long he’d been watching.

  Darko wondered why Dusty was still in the parking lot. He walked over to find out and saw she was crying. She met him half way and threw her arms around him. He held her close and wondered what was going on. Swiper was behind him and he motioned him over.

  “I’m taking off for a while, stick around and make sure everything runs smoothly. Not sure when I’ll be back, either. Keep an eye on Dusty’s car, too. Never mind, I’ll drive it to my house. Darlin, get in the car. You’re in no shape to drive. Have a prospect bring my car to the house, right away.” Darko’s chin went up at Swiper who nodded back.

  As soon as Dusty got settled into the seat, he took off and drove them straight to his house. Dusty didn’t talk and seemed to be in another place. This girl had some bad shit in her past. He wondered if she was finally ready to share it. One thing he was sure of and that was, he didn’t just consider her just a friend anymore. He wanted to know every black secret her heart held and he didn’t give a shit what she might’ve done. He wished she didn’t have sunglasses on so he could look into her dark chocolate brown eyes. He was able to lose himself in those eyes. Whatever past she had couldn’t be as bad as the sins that haunted him. They were two of a kind.

  Chapter Seven

  As Kima was whisked away to get her ready for delivery, she looked back at Hunter and her eyes begged him not to leave her there alone. Hunter gave her a smile and nodded as she was taken to the delivery room. Once she was gone, he called the clubhouses looking for Veiko, but nobody had seen him or Thrash since earlier in the day. Hunter called the Regan’s house, but there was no answer there, either. He was ready to call Elena when a nurse tapped him on the shoulder, “Mrs. Finn is asking for you.” Hunter followed her to the room.

  Kima’s arm had an intravenous line in it. She looked up at him with a painful expression and fear in her eyes. Hunter took the chair next to the bed and grabbed her hand.

  “I called around, but nobody has seen V or Thrash. I tried your parent’s house, no answer. Is there anyone you want me to call, Trouble?”

  Kima sighed, “Not really. Everyone is busy and it looks like Veiko isn’t going to make it for the birth. My doctor says I’m ready—my mom was right when she said to walk. Veiko went to his mother’s to get his sister’s belongings and I don’t know that number.” She tried to laugh, but another contraction hit her hard. “Ouch, this shit hurts, Hunter. Please don’t leave, promise me?”

  “Not leaving you, Kima. You got my word. When have I ever leave you when you needed me?”

  Kima looked at him sadly. “You left me months ago and I have this feeling that something’s wrong with you. I can see you’ve lost weight. You need to tell what’s going on with you. I know you, Hunter—and you’re hiding something from all of us.”

  “Honey, you just have that baby and stop thinking about me. I’ll be here for you.” Hunter wondered what Kima saw when he thought he’d been hiding things so well.

  The doctor walked in with a smile. “Kima, we’re all ready for you so let’s get this baby delivered.”

  Hunter let go of her hand and kissed her forehead as Kima before was taken away. He headed back to the payphone and began alerting the club that Kima was having her baby.

  Inside the police station, Thrash and Veiko were demanding their right to make a call while the police ignored them. V was worried about Kima and Thrash was very pissed off. So far, not even one warrant was out on them even though the pigs had looked carefully. Suddenly a cop opened their cell door. “You’re free to go, gentlemen. Family is waiting up front.”

  They looked at each other. Who the hell were these pigs talking about? What family? Walking to the front, they were shocked to see their dad standing there.

  He grinned at the two of them. “Katri called me and said you two were in a jam. I found out your mother is at Greenside Mental Hospital because she attacked a police officer and the doctors say she needs to stay there under a court order. Finally, I get to see my children without all kinds of problems so let’s head over to the house. Katri wouldn’t come because she was busy watching your bike Thor—or am I supposed to call you Thrash?”

  “Dad, thanks for coming to pick us up. We were moving Kat out when Mrs. Ross called the cops on us and we ended up here. Call me Thrash, too. I try to forget I’m Thor, I’m trying to leave that life with mama behind.”

  Veiko had headed to a payphone to call Kima, but he still got no answer. He knew Jersey was up at his clubhouse so he decided to call there. Thank God, he answered.

  “Jersey, there’s no answer at my house. Have you heard from Kima?”

  “We all thought you were at the hospital by now, V. Kima is having the baby and Hunter is with her because she had to call him for a ride. You’d better get your ass over there. Kima is going have your balls, man.” Jersey was trying hard not to laugh.

  Veiko walked back to his dad and Thrash. “Dad, change of plans. Your first grandchild is being born. We’ve got to get to the hospital now. Kima is going to be so angry with me…”

  “Thrash laughed, “Some family reunion, huh? Let me call Kat and tell her to stay put.”

  “Veiko, did you fo
rget to tell me Kima was pregnant? It would be nice if we have a bit more contact son! Move it, you want a wife like your mother?” His dad had a serious look on his face.

  Thrash laughed at the look of horror on V’s face and headed to the payphone.

  Doctor Allan placed a red faced, seven pound, eight-ounce baby wrapped in what looked like aluminum foil into her arms. “Kima, you have a baby girl!”

  Kima looked down at her first child and smiled. “Please ask Hunter to come in. I want him to hold her before you take her to get cleaned up. Since her daddy isn’t here, she needs Hunter.”

  Hunter came through the door with a huge grin on his face and sat down next to Kima. “I told you it would be fine. Now let me see that baby, is it a boy or a girl?”

  Kima looked at him and passed the baby into his arms. “Meet Josette Hunter Finn. We’ll be calling her Josie. Isn’t she beautiful?”

  Hunter felt tears slip down his cheeks. “Hunter, you mean as in my name? You’re naming her after me?”

  “Of course I am! You were the one that got us here, weren’t you? Don’t you like the name?” Kima was crying now, too.

  “I love the name, but doesn’t Veiko have a say in the matter?” Hunter had to ask.

  “No, he doesn’t. He knew it was going to be Josette. We weren’t a naming a child Josephine, promise or not! We never picked out a middle name, either. Since Veiko isn’t here, I’m naming the baby. We would’ve been in trouble had you not answered the phone, Hunter. My mind is set on it so V can kiss my ass. He was supposed to be here.” Kima frowned and had the determined Regan look on her face.


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