Blindsided (Bound For Hell MC Series Book 3)

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Blindsided (Bound For Hell MC Series Book 3) Page 10

by Needa Warrant

  Thrash waded into the fight and helped Tiny break the women apart. He tried to talk some sense into them, “We’re gonna find a nicer place for both of you to live, maybe that will calm your asses down. Do you think you two can clean up so we can go get your shit out of the dive you share? We got a place, another clubhouse that caters to high ranking members and you both can live there, free of charge.”

  The two women looked at each other and stopped struggling immediately. Stella smiled and her foul breath almost knocked Thrash off his feet. She gave Joy a smirk as if to say—see, I’m better than you, look what I’ve got.

  Lorraine was pressing her lips together as if she was deep in thought. “Why would you want us to leave here? I’m not sure I feel like moving. Take Stella, I like it here. Why do you want to move us, I don’t like that idea.” That was enough out of her for Tiny, who punched her straight into her nose and likely broke it. She stumbled a bit and tried to punch him back. It was funny to see Tiny trying to catch Lorraine and she wasn’t letting him. At one point she actually bit him on his arm and he got even more pissed off. As they were dancing around each other, Stella was tugging at Thrash’s arm, “I can get our stuff and maybe we can do a quickie or I’ll suck you off, do you want that?”

  Jersey couldn’t help but hear her and saw the look of disgust on Thrash’s face, it was truly priceless. “Yeah bro, take your time and have a quickie with Stella. You need to get laid anyway!” Jersey bent over laughing as Thrash and a prospect walked Stella out the door.

  Joy was not happy and Jersey knew he had to get her out of there and back into her good mood. Once outside, she wanted to know what was going on.

  Jersey was honest. “They both are linked to the Filthy Fiends. You don’t repeat this, but Crazy was also a Fiend. It all goes back to Rabid’s bullshit. Tramp’s coming down here. You think you could get Jules to talk to him?”

  Joy looked at him with a frown, “I don’t want to be involved with your club bullshit, Jerz—plain and simple. I won’t ask Jules to do anything she doesn’t want to do. I don’t want this club bullshit in my life. I’ve never wanted to be involved in other people’s business. Jules has said she wants nothing more to do with Bound for Hell. Why do you need me to ask her to talk to Tramp? I think she has made it clear she doesn’t want to talk to him, hasn’t she? Leave the poor chick alone. She’s trying to do the best she can bringing up her son on her own. Tramp ought to leave them alone, if you ask me.”

  “Get on the bike Blondie; we’re getting out of here. I have a surprise for you.” Jersey had a sexy smile on his face as he bossed her around and changed the subject.

  As Joy climbed on his bike, she gave Jersey a wistful smile and wondered where he was taking her. It was hard to stay angry with him for long. She held on tight as he revved the engine and the bike roared away from the clubhouse. Soon the scent of salt air filled her nose and she knew the ocean was close by. Jersey had remembered she wanted to walk on the beach. Sometimes he really did amaze her.

  They pulled into the parking lot of a motel on the beach and when he shut off the bike, Joy could hear the waves hitting the shore. She inhaled a large breath of fresh salt air. It helped cleanse her nose of the stench of the clubhouse and those two rancid whores.

  Jersey grabbed her hand, “We have to check in. I got us a room right on the beach. So you can walk the beach, swim or do whatever you wanna do, Joyful. Tonight is just for you and me. Here we’re just Jersey and Joy for the next twenty-four hours.”

  Joy didn’t bother to reply. She tossed her arms around his neck and pulled his head down for a deep kiss. Tonight was going to be magical for them, tucked away from everyone—bros, horses and the Filthy Fiends MC.

  Chapter Eighteen

  JJ called to say he was taking Kat home with him and Elena was happy, although she wasn’t sure how Thrash and Veiko would like it. Tears went home and Thorn was staying with her. The heartburn Elena had earlier was back and she got up to get a glass of milk. While in the kitchen, she noticed Thorn was sitting on the porch staring at the stars. Dragon was sitting close to him. He used to do that when he was younger and had problems, she thought fondly. Thorn had always been a serious kind of kid—so much like his father, Hunter. She wondered what Hunter was doing…So many nights she laid awake trying to figure out what really had happened to them. She had been with Hunter for enough years to know something was wrong and that he was trying to deal with it in his own way. She flipped the yellow bug light on and pushed the screen door open to join Thorn on the porch.

  “What is going on with your dad, honey?” Elena knew Thorn was bothered by something and usually that had meant Hunter in the past.

  “Nothing I can tell you, Elena. I wish I could, but he’s not telling me what’s up his ass. You know how Hunter is.”

  “I always could get him out of those funky moods. I wish I was talking to him, but he never returned any of my calls after I moved out. I was shocked he bought the barns and fencing from me. I thought we’d end up in court and he actually gave me more money than the stuff was probably worth.” Elena sat on the porch glider. It was an old metal one and she loved it. She aimlessly pushed herself back and forth, “I thought he’d be thrilled by having another child—we tried for so many years. Not that I wanted to replace you in any way, honey—but I wanted a baby for so long. When Kima lost her baby, I went off of birth control. The doctors never knew why I couldn’t get pregnant and I kinda wondered if it was your dad’s fault. He and I fought over that so many times. He had you and I felt like I needed to prove I could have a child in a way, I guess. Finally got pregnant and what happens? I lose your father for good. I don’t understand why and I suppose I never will…”

  Thorn got up and sat next to her on the glider. “Elena, none of this is your fault or my soon to be brother or sister’s fault. I don’t know if you’ll ever get any answers, but I promise I’ll always be here for you and the baby. Hunter can be a stubborn old fool at times, but usually he has his own reasons. Not that I agree with him about you and the baby.”

  Elena moved about trying to get comfortable. “I understand, Thorn. I know you’ll always be here for us. My God, the pain in my back and this damn heartburn is so bad tonight. I’ll never be able to sleep in this heat. All I do is pee and I have to do that again!” She got up and almost doubled over in pain.

  Thorn got up to help her and noticed her white nightgown was wet. Thorn moved her into the light. It was blood and he didn’t want to scare her, but he had to tell her. “Elena, you need to go to the Emergency Room, you’re bleeding. I think you need to call your doctor right away.”

  Elena was bent over in pain and not paying attention to Thorn. She finally straightened up, moved past him and went into the bathroom.

  Thorn grabbed the chance to call his dad, “Elena is bleeding, I’m taking her to the hospital and make sure you meet us there, Dad. I don’t know if this is normal.”

  As he hung up, Elena was heading to the bedroom, “I’m changing clothes. Would you call Doctor Allan? The number is tacked up by the phone. My water broke and there is blood in it. Make sure you tell her that. I’ll be ready to go as soon as I can.”

  Thorn thought Elena was taking everything very calmly as he helped her into the truck and they headed off to Ocean View hospital. He drove as fast as he could while trying to avoid any bumps in the roads. He wondered if Hunter would show up and do the right thing. He sure as hell hoped so.

  Once at the hospital Elena was taken upstairs to the maternity floor and Thorn went outside for a smoke. He was leaning against the wall when he saw Hunter’s truck pull into the parking lot. At least his old man was doing the right thing, finally. Tossing his cigarette to the sidewalk, Thorn walked over to meet him.

  “I was on the porch with her and she got up to pee and there was blood on her nightgown. She went to the bathroom and I called you, Dad. They took her right up to the maternity floor. I don’t know what’s going on.” Thorn was upset and sounded very

  Hunter grabbed his arm. “You did good, Thorn. Thanks for calling me. We gotta go upstairs, I got this. I just went through this with Kima so I know what to expect, I guess. We may as well get ready for a long night here.”

  Together they walked into the hospital and took the elevator to the second floor.

  Hunter knew where the waiting room was and left a worried Thorn sitting there as he tried to find out where Elena was. Nobody was at the nurse’s station and Hunter tried to find a nurse. Finally, he gave up and went back to Thorn. “I couldn’t find a damn nurse to ask where she is.” Now Hunter was beginning to worry. They both sat there waiting for a nurse to walk by so they could get some information.

  Thorn decided to try walk around and find a nurse and was finally able to get the number of Elena’s room. The nurse told him Elena was on Demerol since she was having a hard time with the labor pains. He rushed back to get his father and they both went to sit with Elena.

  Hunter was very upset when he saw the beads of sweat on Elena’s face. He grabbed her hand and began to talk to her in a calming voice. Thorn stood by the window thinking how Elena had told him she didn’t want any drugs and planned to give birth naturally. Elena looked high as a kite to him and he wasn’t sure she understood they were even in the room.

  Doctor Allan finally came into the room and explained to them Elena was having difficulties and they had decided she needed a cesarean section immediately. Hunter finally let go of her hand and watched forlornly as the nurses rushed her to the operating room. He turned and looked at Thorn with concern and worry etched into his face. Thorn had no words to comfort his father. He was more worried about Hunter pulling through this then Elena.

  “Dad, let’s go and get some coffee. Elena will be fine. She wouldn’t want us to sit here and worry.”

  Hunter nodded. They walked down to the coffee machines and back to the waiting room. Both of them watched the clock and didn’t talk. After what seemed like hours (but really wasn’t a very long time) Doctor Allan came to talk to them. “Elena is going to be fine. There’s a little girl in the nursery getting cleaned up and you can see her shortly. After you see the baby, Elena may be back in her room—but she’ll be on Demerol so she won’t be very alert. We had an issue with the cord being wrapped around the baby’s neck which is why we decided to do the C-section.”

  Hunter thanked the doctor and they headed to the nursery to meet the new baby.

  The nurses held up the baby (who had Elena’s dark hair) and Hunter sagged against Thorn. “I got to see her. I thought I wouldn’t be here. Thank God, I lived to see my daughter born. Last night before you called I was looking up at the stars, thinking about my life. I was thinking life is unfair. Why did I get sick? Why is there nothing the doctors can do for me? But you know what? I had a good life. I have two children that will live on and you both will make me proud. Don’t go mourning me. Tell your sister the good things I did and give her happy memories of me. Elena might move on, but make sure my daughter knows I was her father and I loved her mother and her. Can you do that, son?”

  “Dad, you know I will. You need to rest. Why don’t we head to Elena’s room where you can at least sit and relax?” Hunter was tired and agreed which surprised Thorn. They walked down the hall quietly. Thorn got him settled in a chair and covered his father with a blanket that he snagged from a nurse. He watched as his father closed his eyes and fell asleep. It was going to be a long night and one Thorn knew he would never forget.

  Thorn dragged over a chair and shut his eyes, not long after he too was asleep.

  At some point Elena had come back into the room. When Thorn woke up Hunter was sitting next to her. A nurse was helping them fill out the birth certificate together. When they were finished she walked out of the room with the papers. Hunter kissed Elena on the forehead and she closed her eyes. Thorn wished with all his heart that this was a new beginning for Elena and Hunter, not an ending.

  “Elena agreed on Rhiannon Dakota. I’m going to head home after I look at the baby again. I’m glad you called me, son. You stay with Elena so when she wakes up somebody is here.” Hunter ran a hand through his hair and looked tired.

  Thorn smiled, “Yeah, you’re leaving me here so when she wakes up and finds out you named the baby I hear the bullshit, huh? I know your tricks, old man.”

  Hunter grinned, “You know it. I doubt she’ll be too happy to find out I named the baby, but I did the right thing. Elena never stays mad at you for long, anyway.” He walked over to the bed and gently moved her hair from her face, leaned down and softly kissed her lips. “I love you so much, Elena. You’ll never know how much.” Hunter walked out of the room leaving Thorn to deal with whatever fallout there would be.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jersey opened the sliding glass doors to the beach and watched as Joy ran down to the ocean. She was tossing her clothes off as she headed toward the water. Jersey followed slowly behind her, picking up her discarded clothing. Joy was dancing naked in the moonlight and he was enchanted with the sight of her before she ran into the water. The ocean was calm and Jersey was glad because he didn’t want to have to go into the water to save her. He looked at Joy and saw a side he hadn’t seen before—a happy almost childish side. Naked as the day she was born, his Joyful was playing at being a mermaid. He should have thought to bring a towel, but he didn’t think she was going to strip her clothes off and run naked into the ocean. He walked closer to the edge of the water, careful not to get his boots wet.

  “Joyful, enough of the mermaid shit! The beach patrol will come around.”

  “Who gives a fuck? I’m having fun, Jersey. It is sad that we live so close to the ocean yet we never go to the beach. If I come out, do you promise to take me to the beach one day?”

  “Yeah, yeah, just get out of the water. You’re gonna get arrested if the beach patrol comes around. I promise I’ll take you to the beach. Joy, aren’t you scared of sharks? I was a lifeguard as a teenager and sharks are all over this area.” He grinned as he watched Joy come flying out of the water.

  “Fuck you Jersey, I didn’t think about sharks! So you were a lifeguard. Were you a jock, too?” Joy was trying hard to imagine Jersey as a lifeguard or a jock.

  “Yup, I was and I went to college, too—played football even. I work for my dad part of the year. I do accounting; I told you I had a real job. Let’s get back to the room.”

  Jersey handed Joy her clothes and carried her back to the motel room over his shoulder. She headed to the shower as he shook the sand out of his clothes. He tossed her clothes on the other double bed and turned on the television before pulling off his boots and removing his clothes. Jersey decided to join Joy in the shower because he felt a bit sandy, too.

  Joy felt Jersey’s arms around her waist and leaned back into him. She was so ready for him to touch her. She turned around and her soapy breasts touched his hard chest. The shower wasn’t that large so they were constantly touching each other. She soaped up her hands and ran them over his body. As she grabbed his hard cock, he let out a hiss. He tweaked a nipple and pushed her under the water. He wanted them soap free so they could get down to business. Once she was done, he got under the shower and made sure there wasn’t a trace of soap on his body. Joy got out and had a towel wrapped around her and handed him one. They had fogged the bathroom up and she traced a heart on the mirror. Jersey added their initials and Joy looked at him in surprise. Seeing that made her smile, but Jersey was a charmer. They headed for the bed, Jersey taking the time to close the siding doors and lock them before drawing the drapes. No peepers were going to ruin tonight. They lay on the bed looking at each other.

  “What are we really getting into here, Jerz? I think it’s more than that silly bet, isn’t it?” Joy needed to hear his answer and hoped it’d be one that she could accept.

  “Joy, it was never about that damn bet. I wanted you from the time that shit went down with Rabid and Kima. The bet was because Nailz was acting all high
and mighty. I wanted to shut him up, but make him pay. Why do you think I never pushed you into fucking me? I wanted you to want me—I want you to see we have a future together. I don’t need dancers if I have you. All I need is you, Blondie. I’m no cheater, either. If you don’t want to dance, great—I’ll work more. I love the farm and I love you.”

  “You love me without fucking me? What if you don’t fit or something or don’t like the way I suck cock?” Joy was amazed at all of this.

  “Joy, if I don’t like the way you suck my cock, I’ll tell you what I like. Same goes if you don’t like the way I lick your pussy. Just tell me what you want and I’ll do it. I want a relationship and someday marriage. So before I fuck your brains out, I need to know if you want the same.”

  “Are you asking me to marry you, Jersey? Because I’m not ready for that… I don’t like to be bossed around as you know. I like horses better than most people. I don’t think I fit in well with your club either.” Joy wanted to be honest to him.

  “All your friends are old ladies in my club, Joy. You’ve been living as my ol’ lady, think that will change anything? We’re taking this slowly. I’m happy with the way it is…. for now. Just shut up and let me kiss you.”

  Jersey didn’t wait for her to answer him. He pushed her wet blonde hair aside and put his lips on hers. As they parted, Jersey pushed his tongue inside Joy’s mouth.


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