Blindsided (Bound For Hell MC Series Book 3)

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Blindsided (Bound For Hell MC Series Book 3) Page 16

by Needa Warrant

  Thorn removed another letter from the metal box. Silently he handed it to Darko. Like Tramp, Darko wanted to read it privately. He downed a shot, moved to Hunter’s chair and sat down. He carefully opened the letter and began to read.

  Darko, brother,

  I’m gone and you know that because you’re reading this letter. I wish I was there but I’m not and I wish I could see where you’ll go in life, bro. You want power and that can be a blessing and a curse. It’s hard to do the right thing at times, man. I knew that back when I had my own club. You watch out for my girls, all of them and Kima, you make sure she stays happy. I hope you’ve moved on from her by now. Yeah, I knew you loved her but she loves V, we don’t always make the right choices in life (how well I know that, bro) but always keep her as a close friend. I think you’ve found something with Dusty. I don’t know if you can keep her, she has a lot of damage from Bound for Hell, but you may as well try, she is a good chick. You know what Kima told you about that bastard is true. I made sure he won’t ever be found. If you’d look after my family I’d consider that an honor. Thorn may need advice and you’ve got a head for business. Nailz may want to kill him but don’t let him. Nailz usually he acts before he thinks…Veiko needs to stop putting everything before my girl, Kima but he won’t hear that from anyone. He’ll learn the hard way, I guess. I don’t know where this thing between our clubs will go… I’ve seen a lot in my days but I hope both clubs stay friendly. That’s going to take a lot of hard work over time, but I think you’re the man to do it. All I’ve had to do lately is think. I know I put too much on my son. He’s gonna fuck up, that is normal but if it gets too bad, step in and do whatever you can do to get him back on the right track. I’m hoping Elena and Thrash get together but if they don’t, make sure no scumbag comes on to my woman. She deserves a good man in her life. I was that man once and I should have taken better care to stay that man. As for Kima, she is going to be lost for a while, maybe she’ll need advice, I don’t know. That girl needs somebody to lean on at times and Veiko better step up and be the man she needs. I looked on Jack as a son and he’s wild but he’s got a good head on his shoulders. You were smart to grab him for your club. Try to make sure he doesn’t go to jail if you can, it would break his mother’s heart. I’m laughing here because I can picture you rolling your eyes about now. Times are changing and I don’t know what the future will bring. You’ll change with the times but some of the brother’s won’t be able to. I guess that is all, I’m rambling here because the pain killers fuck with my head. It was a pleasure to ride with you and call you Brother. I’ll be seeing you again.

  Ride free, ride safe… Hunter.

  Darko closed his eyes and sat like that for a few minutes. Hunter had always treated him with respect and he wondered if he’d be able to do the things he asked of him. He thought of Kima and the day she had told him about Rabid’s death. He had figured out Hunter helped her when she said Rabid was fish food. Hunter wanted Thrash and Elena together—now that was news to him. He was keeping his letter private unless he needed to show it to Thorn or Kima someday. He stood up and like Tramp he walked over to Thorn and laid both hands on his shoulders. “You need anything, I’m here for you, bro. Your dad asked me to be and I’ll honor that.” He felt Thorn relax a bit and felt badly for the pain he was suffering. Darko noticed someone had put another bottle of Jack Daniels on the table. “I think we should all do a shot for Hunter. He was a hell of a brother who will be greatly missed by both of our clubs.” He poured the shots for all of them and waited until everyone had theirs. “Hunter, rest in peace, brother. You will be missed!” The men raised their shot glassed and downed them, banging the table as they put them down.

  Thorn had another letter in front of him. He nodded to Jersey and held the letter out to him. Jersey got up and took the letter, heading to Hunter’s chair as the others had. He held the letter for a few moments looking out at the water that had taken Hunter’s life. Finally, he opened the letter and began to read.

  Jersey, my brother,

  I’m going to be laying a lot on you, man. I am sorry for that, bro. You and Joy, I saw that coming. You’ll be good for each other, just don’t boss her around, she hates that. I hope you like horses, bro, it took me some time to get used to these chicks and their love of them. Hell, we love our bikes so why shouldn’t they love their horses. As long as they don’t want to ride Harleys be fine with it. I hope you never lose your sense of humor because somebody needs to have one and you got enough of it to spread it around. Now Nailz is going to want to kill Thorn. I hope you won’t let him do that. Blame me. I took them to Maryland to get married. Maybe I was wrong but I wanted to see my son married before I left here. They were together anyway so I made sure Thorn did the right thing. Nailz had to have figured it would happen; his girl was all over my son. I’m not blaming Tears, Elena and I figured it was going to happen the day we met her. Now my Elena, you make sure that if she hooks up with Thrash, he knows I am good with that. I knew for years he had a thing for her and Elena needed a younger man. Maybe if I hadn’t gotten sick, I could have made our relationship better, I’ll never know and I’m not wasting words about what woulda, shoulda or coulda been. I hate writing too, but I’m not sure how long I’ve got. You should step down from Central Jersey and take my seat. That is a smart move. Nailz doesn’t want it and I can’t think of anyone better then you. Tell Tramp I said that and show him this letter if you feel he needs to see it. I figure he’ll see the sense in it. After all you’re living here now. Thrash may want the seat but I’d rather see you take it frankly. Nailz and Thrash are better fighting while you and Veiko are better dealing with the brothers. I don’t know what is headed your way, future wise, but I know from history, change happens and shit repeats. Never let anyone take over like Rabid tried to do. I know you’ll look out for my son and daughter, some shit you just know a true brother will do without asking. You’re that kind of brother. I’m worried about Kima, she takes stuff hard and she doesn’t always show it. Tell V that I said to be there more for my girl. Either he has the worst luck or he doesn’t understand how important family life is. The club matters but so does your ol lady and kids. I hope you have a family one day. You need to carry on the family name, bro. Right now, you think shit like that doesn’t matter much but it does when you’re where sitting where I am. I left a letter for Elena, now isn’t the time to give it to her but make sure she reads it when she’s done being mad at me. I know she’s angry and I don’t blame her at all. She’s going to be mad at me all over again but I couldn’t deal with her watching me die. Hell, I didn’t want anyone to see what this cancer does to your body. Maybe that is selfish of me. I don’t know and I don’t care. I want everyone to remember me as I always was. I have some pictures for you. Look at first one under the paperclip. I took that one just for Nailz. I wish you the best bro, I hope you always stay on the right path. I’ll see you again.

  Ride free, ride safe… Hunter

  Jersey folded the letter and looked at the first picture Hunter had told him to look at. It was Hunter and Tears. He had his arms around her and he was giving the camera his middle finger. Jersey burst out laughing. He looked at other pictures and memories came flooding back through his mind. There was a letter addressed to Elena and he knew one day he would give it to her, but Hunter was right, now was not the time. He placed everything back into the envelope and walked out on to the deck. He looked at the water and thought of Hunter. He was glad Hunter had left him the letter. He felt more at peace now. Jersey turned and watched through the window as he saw Veiko getting his letter. He wondered what advice Hunter had for V and looked back out at the water with a slight smile on his face. Hunter had been known to be blunt and he was sure Hunter wasn’t going to mince words in his letter to Veiko.

  Before opening his letter, V poured himself a shot and downed it. He looked at Thrash and Nailz and wondered in what order their letters would be. He too went and sat in Hunter’s chair. He wasn’t sure he
wanted to read the letter, but since the other men read theirs he knew he had to open it. He took out his buck knife and slid it under the flap of the envelope neatly. V looked at the pictures before reading the letter. He had to grin at a few of them and thought of the good times they all had.

  My brother Veiko,

  Many times, I wanted to tell you things in person but knew you wouldn’t listen. Hell, you’d have fought with me and brothers don’t fight. Now you can read this or you can stop. Be the man I know you are and read on. There is always a way to get around stupid. Always. I’m not calling you stupid but you are when it comes to Kima, sorry bro but I’m being honest here. You’ll lose her if you don’t start putting her first when she should be. Yeah, I’m going there bro. Because once I had a love as great as yours is for Kima and slowly I lost my Elena. I took her for granted, I partied, and I didn’t pay attention to her needs. I slowly lost her over the years and still she stayed with me, trying to make our love as beautiful and strong as it once was. Her love and commitment to me still blows me away. When I got sick, I realized what I had lost. Elena never would have left me, cancer or not. But the right thing to do was make her leave me. I didn’t want her to nurse me or feel sorry for me. But the thing was, I didn’t want pity from any of you, or my family. What I wanted was for her to be happy and I couldn’t give that to her any longer. It sucks writing this but I don’t ever want you to end up like me and losing the best thing that ever came into your life. Kima is going to take my death hard. We had an even greater bond after Josie was born. You’d better be right by her side for the next baby. Do whatever you can to make her happy, just be there for her, bro. She’s strong but she needs to lean on you. To be honest there was a time I hoped she’d pick Darko but she didn’t and I’m glad you two have made it this far. Just remember nothing lasts forever. Who would have thought I’d be writing letters to my brothers, but lately all I do is think. There wasn’t enough time to say and do all the things I meant to in my life. I know I could have told you what was happening to me and you’d have been right there for me. I never doubted that, Veiko. Now I’m gone and you’re left, use your time wisely. I don’t have to ask you to watch out for my family because I already know you will. Now, I want you to know that Thrash has my blessing to be with Elena. I’ve watched them together over the years and I know there is something between them. Neither of them ever acted on it, they wouldn’t have done that to me. You tell Elena to move on with her life and to be happy. I don’t want her to be alone and I want somebody to help her raise Rhiannon. Thrash will treat my daughter as his own and I know that. I also know he will be good to Elena and that makes it a little easier leaving knowing that. If they don’t end up together, try to get Elena to find a decent man. She makes a damn fine old lady. I’m leaving you a mess V, and I am sorry about that. Nailz and I go back a long time and he will want to kill Thorn and me. Since I’m dead now he’s going to really go after my son since he can’t get to me. Remind him of Jo’s age and tell him I told them to get married. If he didn’t see what was right under his nose than he’s partly to blame. I really don’t understand why none of you didn’t see Tears and Thorn sneaking around. But with all the new babies I guess only I did. I was selfish and I wanted to see them married. I asked two things from God when I got sick and that was to see my child born and to see my son married. God was good to me and gave me that. I never was a very religious man but since I found out I was dying he and I got a bit closer. I hope you can forgive me for leaving you with this mess with my son and Nailz. I know you won’t let me down. Now I’m going to give you some advice, buy Anya’s place. Go partners with Nailz or borrow money from the Regan’s to buy it. That land will be worth a lot of money someday as will the Lodge. I looked into the garage and I talked to Anya about you buying it. All she wants is a place to live and she will give you a good deal. She won’t sell it to John or his son, she doesn’t trust them. The only thing Anya and I ever agreed on was to keep the damn land developers out of here. My dream was to keep Sea Woods as natural as it could be. Plus I hate most people and the thought of developers destroying my slice of heaven makes me feel worse. You could make a decent living with the garage and that marina right there. People will bring their boats to you and the garage is in good shape. It is sound advice and I talked to Kima about it years ago before she met you. She’s pretty smart about money and you should listen to her. I want Jersey to take my seat, he’ll make a good vice president. Your brother and Nailz are better off being national and we all know that. Maybe Nailz is getting too old for that now that he is a family man. Who woulda thought our bro Nailz would be having a family at his age! One thing Jo did was calm his ass down. I see changes in him I never thought would have been possible. You’re going to see changes come and I’d stay close to Nefarious MC. Don’t let the small and stupid things take the club away from the greater picture. Watch out for the greed that will come. Steer the club into more legal activities, jail sucks. But you know from our talks about how I feel. Brothers like easy money and don’t like jail so look for loyal ones to join the club. Tramp is a smart man but I’m telling you this because one day I have the feeling you’ll be in his spot. My advice is don’t take it! All I can tell you V is that you’re a good brother and you’re a good man. Don’t end up like me in the end. I’ll be waiting for you.

  Ride free ride safe…Hunter

  Veiko brushed a tear from his eye and folded up his letter. He walked over to the table and grabbed the half-full bottle of Jack Daniels off the table. He walked to the door and went out on to the deck. V opened the bottle and chugged some of the liquor before handing the bottle to Jersey. They both were looking at the water and thinking.

  Finally, Jersey spoke up. “I guess he gave you hell, huh? Hunter left us a mess with Thorn marrying Tearney and Nailz is going to flip the fuck out.”

  Veiko grinned. “Nailz isn’t gonna kill Thorn. We won’t let him and yeah, he gave me some advice. I think I’ll be taking it, too. Now, since you’re living down here do you want his seat? It really does make the most sense. Plus, we don’t have a charmer here unless you’ve retired from that now that you’re settling down?”

  “I’ll always be a charmer and yeah, I want his seat. Why would you think I’d retire my personality? It’s who I am, bro. I guess Nailz is going last because Thorn just handed Thrash his letter. Pass me the bottle. I think we’re gonna get drunk out here and then we’re gonna stop Nailz from killing Thorn, right?” Jersey was very serious and looked at V with concern in his face.

  Veiko was still grinning. “We may have to let him get a punch or two in—after all Tears is his daughter. I get upset thinking about Josie dating and she’s a newborn. Just wait until you have daughters, Jersey.”

  “Joyful is having all boys—I already told her that. We’ve got enough women in my family. She didn’t agree with me, but someday we’ll have sons. Hell, maybe one of my sons will marry one of your daughters.”

  “Like hell, Jersey. Kima isn’t having just girls. The thought of our kids marrying when you don’t even have one yet is ridiculous. Pass the Jack.”

  Thorn held a letter out to Thrash, who took it over to Hunter’s favorite chair, as had the others. He tapped the letter on his thigh as he watched his brother Veiko and Jersey drinking and laughing. If they were laughing than maybe, these letters weren’t bad news. He wondered what Hunter wanted to tell him and carefully broke the seal on the envelope.

  Thrash, my brother,

  If my son handed these letters out in order, I bet you’re wondering why I made you wait until almost last. Well, I figured the rest of them are drinking by now and I figured you’d stay pretty sober wanting to know what I’ve got to say to you. Plus I need you to stop Nailz from killing Thorn. Now I’m getting tired here, I’ve written a whole lot of letters lately. So I’m going to get to the point. You have my blessing to make Elena your old lady. I don’t know if you needed it but you have it if it means anything to you. Raise my baby as if she w
as yours. Have more children with Elena and never take her for granted. I sure as fuck hope you like horses because if you don’t, she won’t have you. There is money put aside for her and Rhiannon but earn your own way, just like you’ve been doing. You make a good living from you tattoo parlor, open one down in Ocean View, since there isn’t one there yet. Keep my money for when times get tough and they sure as hell may. Since I got sick, I pay more attention to the news and I actually have gone to church. I’ve made my peace with God if that is possible. What I never did was make peace with Elena. I need some favors besides stopping Nailz from killing Thorn. Let Jersey take my seat. You never liked the politics bro. He’s good at it being charming and sneaky like, Rabid was always afraid of what Jersey might do so that makes him a good politician. Funny if you think about using the word politician in a MC but it’s really all about politics isn’t it? You’re a better fighter and you see things other brothers don’t so stay national bro. Watch out for the club, keep friendly with Nefarious and Darko. I see greedy bros coming around and greed will bring a club down hard. Like I told your brothers go as legal as you can. It won’t be easy but I see it being the way to stay out of jail. My son is going to fuck up most likely, try to help him out when he does bro. One of the happiest times of my life was seeing him marry Tears besides being there for my daughter being born. Make sure he doesn’t take her for granted, it would pain me to think he might treat Tears the same as I did to Elena. I put a letter for him in with your letter. When you think he needs to read it, give it to him. I tried to tell Veiko to be around more for Kima. I hope he will be. I do know from a promise you once made that you’d always be there for her. You made it at the Lodge right after Kima got away from Rabid. I’m reminding you of that promise now. Be there for Kima if V isn’t and call your brother out on it! We’ve gone through some tough times and we always been tight as brothers. I respect you and always have. I want you to know that I trust you to be the one to make my or maybe I should say our Elena happy. Over the years, I knew you had a thing for her. Elena, she wouldn’t have ever left me. I guess I took that for granted. I think she learned about that shit with me so she won’t be as easy on you, sorry about that. The small things in life matter to her. A few wildflowers picked from the side of the road means more to her than a dozen roses. She likes the left side of the bed and feather pillows. Elena loves the sound of rain and she hides in the barn when she is upset. When she needs to be alone, she will ride her horses for hours. I’d let her, it calms her down real fast. Good luck with trying to talk her out of buying a horse. If she sees one that needs a home, trust me, you’ll be hauling it back to the farm. She can’t be dancing anymore now that she is a mother. Let her dance in the pastures. Because dance to Elena is a huge part of her life as much as her riding those horses is. Don’t let her stop doing either of them. I cleared up some legal issues she had back home. She isn’t in any trouble if she wants to contact her family. Over the years there were things, she thought she hid so well, I found them all out. They weren’t nearly as big as she thought they were. Elena tends to try to do things herself, remind her you’re there to help her through the good and bad times. I never did that and I wish I had. If you can get her love my brother, than you are going to be one lucky man. I was once that man and until I found out I was dying, I didn’t even know it. She isn’t a saint and she has a temper but she makes a fine old lady. I won’t ask you to tell her that I love her but please remember me. Talk about me with my daughter. Don’t let me be forgotten brother. Thrash, I’m trusting you, bro with everything that means the world to me. My family, my club and don’t you let me down. Grab happiness while you can. Life is short, brother. Do the best you can with it. Until we meet again.


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