Blindsided (Bound For Hell MC Series Book 3)

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Blindsided (Bound For Hell MC Series Book 3) Page 17

by Needa Warrant

  Ride free, ride safe… Hunter

  Thrash sat perfectly still holding the letter in his hand. Fucking Hunter, he gave him his blessing. He’d needed it and Hunter came through for him. Nailz wasn’t going to be killing anybody. He could do that one thing right now for Hunter. He went to put the letter back and saw some pictures were inside the envelope. He looked at them and saw a few of him and Elena standing together or partying. Others were of Elena on horses and parties at the Lodge. He never knew Hunter had these. He wondered if Elena knew about them. He tucked the letter into his pocket and went out on the deck.

  “Pass me that bottle, you two fuckers. We lost a hell of a brother in Hunter. He gave me his blessing to ask Elena to be my ol’ lady. Even dead, Hunter made sure we’d be alright. Now we gotta make sure Nailz doesn’t go crazy when he reads his letter.” Thrash took a long swallow from the bottle. “Guess we’d better head inside since Thorn is handing him his letter and Thorn looks kinda pale. I feel for our ‘lil bro. He’s been through hell with all of this. I don’t know if I could have done everything he did and still be active in the club as he has been.”

  Veiko and Jersey each took another chug and the three of them went back to the table. They looked at Tramp who shook his head. Nobody was quite sure what Nailz was going to do after he found out about Thorn and Tears running off and getting married—but it seemed that they were all in agreement that he wasn’t going to be killing Thorn today or any other day.

  Nailz sat there at the table waiting to be handed his letter. Of all the brothers present, he’d known Hunter the longest and the best. Nailz had only done shots of Jack Daniels when they were in honor of Hunter. He knew something was up and wondered what he was going to read and how it was going to make him feel any better. Losing Hunter sucked and he didn’t like funerals at all. He looked at Thorn and saw how pale and tired he was. His daughter had been all clingy over him and he figured they had something going on. He took the letter from Thorn’s hand and followed what seemed now to be a custom. He sat in Hunter’s chair and like Veiko, he used his knife to open the envelope. There were pictures in another envelope, but he didn’t want to see them yet. He wanted to read what Hunter had to tell him.

  Nailz, my brother and my friend,

  What you’re going to read may get you a bit angry with me. Maybe, more than a bit, haha. Wherever I am, since I am not there with you, I hope I’m watching you. Bro, we’re related! I’m Tears’ father in law, no shit. Dead serious about that man, I kid you not! My son and your daughter were screwing around for quite a while although both told me they waited until Tears turned eighteen. Don’t be jumping up and going at my son. Read what I have to tell you. Anyway none of you saw it but I knew and I took them to Maryland to get married. I wanted to see that bro and I figure your parents will want some fancy wedding for them anyway so it isn’t like I stole nothing from you except now we’re related. So as your relation and brother I’m asking you not to take your anger out on Thorn. They’re perfect for each other and Tears has some good ideas for the future of the Lodge. As you know I was always a thrifty man and I own quite a bit of land and stuff you never knew about so it isn’t as if Tears isn’t marrying well. Plus they love each other and that is why I was fine with them getting married with her so young. As far as I know you won’t be grandpa Nailz anytime soon. Your daughter plans to go to college and they want to wait awhile before they have any children. I think all the recent babies have turned them off to having any of their own for now. I sure wish I was there to have a shot of Jack Daniels with you and see your face. Now that we are related, I need you to make sure my son doesn’t fuck everything up. I know you hate business and all that shit. I figure Thorn will screw up and you may need to guide him, yeah guide him (not kick his ass Nailz) at times. I am guessing shortly he may go on a binge and that would be normal according to these doctors I talk to about dying. You can kick his ass if he ever loses the Lodge though. Hell kick it a few times for me if my son becomes that much of a fuck up. I am counting on common sense and Tearney to keep him going. Now I told the others to have Jersey take my seat. I doubted you wanted it and I know Jersey does even if he doesn’t think he wants it... yet. He can talk to bros better than most of us and I see him and Veiko going farther than we ever wanted to with the club. As for the club, well I think there will be changes coming and I don’t trust the law very much. What I do think is the club needs to go as legal as possible. Some of the brothers are fucking lazy and want to make money the easiest way they can. That means rats and jail so watch out for those fuckers. I think Jo calmed you down and that is a wonderful thing. Finally seeing you truly happy always put a smile on my face. For so many years you weren’t really a happy man, you lived for the club and you keep shit bottled up. Stop that, stress kills you. I’ve been learning all kinds of shit since I got this cancer. Now about the way I chose to live out my life, I think you know exactly why I didn’t tell you all about the cancer. I wanted to spare everyone as long as I could and I wanted everyone to remember me as I always was. Not some sick dying man. You’d do the same brother and you know that. Of course my son figured it out and I had to make him give me his word not to tell anyone. Tears knew too and let me tell you she is a fine woman. Bro, she has so much of you in her that it amazes me at how she can take control of everything and she does it without ever complaining. I see a future for our children together. Do me another favor and kick Veiko in the ass if he screws shit up with Kima. I told the others and I told him he needs to be there more for her. I tried to get all my affairs in order and you’ll need to talk to my lawyer since I did put some restrictions in my will about the Lodge and you’ll have to sign before Thorn can do any major changes to the Lodge and so will Elena. It won’t be forever, just until he knows how to run the place, about five years I think I made. Or maybe it was more… I’m tired now and trying to get everything I want to tell you, is taking its toll on me. (This cancer sure does suck, so keep yourself healthy.) Elena always knew my dreams for this place so I figured all of you would make sure it goes the way I planned and maybe make it even better. We kept this land in the family and it better stay that way. We brought Thorn up knowing that too. So it should be fine, not that I am trying to run shit from the grave here. But I started thinking maybe him getting everything all at once wasn’t the best idea. Plus I have Rhiannon to think about now too. I left Elena money for her and the baby and some income properties. If you would, please make sure my daughter knows all about me. Tell her the good shit I did and that I wanted to be there for her but that God had other plans for me. I guess she’ll be calling Thrash, Daddy and I am good with that, Nailz. I already told the others that. Now if Elena doesn’t end up with him kick the shit out of any scumbag who tries to get with her. I think Elena is too smart to hook up with a loser. I think she will end up with Thrash, hell we used to laugh at him looking at her over the years. Do you remember that? Well, Jersey seemed to have found himself his ol lady finally and she is a dancer. I hope he stays the same because he keeps us laughing. To be honest I was thinking that he wasn’t ever going to find the “one” and never would have thought Joy would hook up with him. I guess you lost that bet. You think we all didn’t know about it? Stuff never stays quiet in this club for long. So pay up bro. I didn’t tell anyone they could have my bikes or anything else. If anyone claims that kick their ass and tell Thorn if he sells any of them ever to let you and my closest brothers have first pick at them. I don’t want to even think about anyone riding them honestly. Nailz, it has been one hell of a trip and I never expected it to end this way. Look at the fucking bright side, you get to see all of this and it is gonna be one hell of a ride for you. I wish I was by your side. I love you bro. I feel the pain killers kicking in and I am getting all sappy here. You take care of everything for me and I’ll be fine brother. Man, I don’t want to leave you all, there was so much more I had planned to do. So do it for me. I’ll see you again.

  Ride free, ride safe…Hunter ps. look
at the pictures!!

  Nailz sat in Hunter’s chair with tears streaming down his face. He swiped at them with his sleeve and remembered the pictures. The first one he saw was Tears with Hunter’s arm around her and Hunter was giving the camera the middle finger. Nailz turned it over and read the print, “this one was just for you bro!” he shook his head. Damn Hunter for dying on him. All of this had blindsided him. But Hunter had left him years of memories and a son in law to deal with. He wasn’t angry about that. In a way he understood it all and felt bad that Thorn had dealt with all of this with just Tears to help him. He stood up and noticed everyone looking at him. Oh hell, he thought. They really think I’m going to flip the fuck out and kill Thorn. He grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniels and poured shots. He looked Thorn in the eyes and muttered “Welcome to the family, bro.” The sense of doom and gloom left the room and everyone relaxed. After a few more shots Nailz grabbed Thorn up in a hug, he whispered into his ear, “You and me, we got some talking to do, later on. I’m going to be watching everything and don’t hurt my daughter. Your dad asked me to watch over you and that I will be doing. Make Hunter proud of you always.”

  Thorn had no words, he just nodded. At least he wasn’t ending up next to his father. That was a big relief. He heard the door open and his wife came running in.

  “Daddy—if you killed my husband, I’ll never ever forgive you. Where is he?” Tears saw Thorn and ran into his arms.

  “Tearney you’ve got a hell of a lot of explaining to do, but it can wait for now. I’ll let you tell your grandparents about your marriage.” Nailz began to laugh thinking about the reactions from Dianna’s parents already.

  Hunter was right—what a ride this was going to be…

  Try the drinks the Bound for Hell MC & their Ol’ Ladies love!

  Red Death Recipe Ingredients

  1/2 oz Southern Comfort

  1/2 oz Vodka

  1/2 oz Amaretto

  1/2 oz Triple Sec

  1/2 oz Sloe Gin

  1/2 oz Lime Juice

  Orange Juice


  Pour all ingredients (except orange juice) into an ice-filled collins glass. Fill with orange juice, and serve.

  Kamikaze Shots

  Original recipe makes 8 shots

  6 ounces vodka

  3 ounces lime juice

  3 ounces triple sec

  Pour the vodka, lime juice, and triple sec into a cocktail shaker over ice. Cover, and shake until the outside of the shaker has frosted. Strain into a chilled shot glasses to serve.

  (Note from author, Hunter’s letters were left unedited as though he would have written them).

  There are so many people to thank for all the help and kindness they have given me. Angie, you are awesome and we love you! RW, you rock as always, love you! SA, well you pushed me down this road, but I love you! Lacey & Jo, my love! KN, so many great talks & as you say, you can always get around stupid, love you! JT, I love you and our talks! RB, love you, too! BY, I love you lady, same to you Caro! To Elena & Joy…I love you both! To the ol ladies who keep telling me to write, I love you all.

  Thank you to Casey Harvell my editor.

  To my author friends,Ryder Dane, Addison Jane, Bink Cummings, Cat Porter, Bella Jeanisse & Elle Chardou, ladies you rock! Check out their books, I love them. So many authors are so very nice and if I missed one of you, I am sorry.

  To the wonderful and amazing Angel Dust, thank you so much, Love you!

  To the members of Warrant’s Wenches, I love you all!

  To my beta readers, I am not naming you because you’ll get stolen & I love & need you too much, but you have my love & thanks

  To my family for feeding me, and understanding when I scream… GET OUT, I am writing. I love all of you for dealing with me.

  To my Ol Man, you need to write a book, seriously, you have quite a fan group waiting!

  To all my readers: Thank you so much for your support. I appreciate each and every one of you. The horses and animals that you help me feed and shelter send their gratitude as well. If you can, please think about donating your time or money to a local animal shelter or animal rescue in your town. These rescues truly need help, and if giving local, you know where your money and donations goes to. You can always call them; many even have a website, to see what they are in need of at any specific time. Donating money isn't always necessary. Helping animals is good for your soul.

  I will be writing Thrash and Elena’s story most likely with Tears and Thorn’s story, later this summer. But I think I want to do some Nefarious MC stories next. Look for Nobody’s Ol Lady soon. Look for Darko and Dusty’s story along with Angie and Hyway’s story in the near future. Thank you all…Needa xoxo

  Contact Needa at:

  Needa Warrant author’s page Facebook

  [email protected]

  Needa and Cara Mia both love Muriwai Fusion jewelry


  Once Upon a Time Cover for my Blindsided covers, I love them and my thanks!

  Check out Bonnie Trujillo’s covers, she is new and makes some great covers.

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