Right Girl

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Right Girl Page 5

by Lauren Crossley

  “W-what are you doing?” “Don’t you have to get ready to meet up with Rachel?”

  “Not yet.” He growls, nuzzling against my neck as his hands tear at my clothes. “I need to be inside you.”

  “Again?” I chuckle, closing my eyes and moaning loudly. “You’re insatiable.”

  “You’re everything to me… you know that, don’t you? You’re all that matters.”

  “That’s not true.” I whimper, arching my back so I can bring my half naked body closer to his. “Not anymore.”

  He places his dominant hand around my throat, squeezing it gently. He’s using his masculinity as well as his control against me. This would intimidate me in any other circumstances but I trust him completely. Zack would never, ever hurt me and the promise of this is enough. I will always feel safe with him, even when he’s using his strength to overpower me.

  “Believe me, it is.” He whispers, making sure he speaks directly against my ear.

  This causes me to tremble and I pull him towards me, circling my legs around his waist so I can bring him closer.

  “Fuck me.” I urge him, needing him to understand how much I need him. “Fuck me on this bed right now.”

  “You realise what you’re asking?”

  Zack has always made it known to me that he’s been holding back. He’s a broad, athletic man with an incredible physique and a great deal of stamina. It’s a huge contrast to my own petite frame and I am aware that he’s always been careful when it comes to our love making. He’s somewhat terrified he’ll hurt me but tonight… I don’t want him to be gentle.

  “I know exactly what I’m asking for.” I say, gazing up at him intently. “I just hope you will give it to me.”

  He doesn’t even hesitate, pulling on my hair so I’m forced to look up at him. He kisses me again, his mouth bruising mine as he sucks my tongue into his mouth, devouring me completely.

  We’re naked together in no time at all, our limbs tangling together as we roll across the bed. His fingers stroke me between my legs and I let them fall apart. He groans when he feels how wet I am, brushing his fingertips across my lips so I can taste myself.

  I suck on them, gliding my tongue as well as using my teeth to bite them gently. I know that my actions will turn him on even more but can’t stop myself from teasing him.

  “Do you have any idea how much I want you?” He asks, grazing his lips along my collarbone. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  “No.” I lie, choosing to be coy and flirtatious instead of honest.

  “I think you do.” He replies, calling me out on my lie. “I think you know exactly what you do to me.”

  He grinds his hips against my own, pressing his arousal against me. I pull on his hair and wrap my arms around him, taking delight in the fact that I’m capable of doing this to him.

  With one fluid motion, he’s inside of me. I cry out in ecstasy, struggling to accommodate his size. I feel so full, so complete… so satisfied.

  He keeps his promise and doesn’t hold back this time, taking from me exactly what he needs and demanding that I give him everything I have. He fucks me hard and ignores my screams, burying himself so deep inside of me. I almost feel like we’re one person, joined together for all eternity.

  “You feel incredible.” I tell him, opening my eyes so I can look up and connect with his.

  “Yeah? Tell me how good this feels, baby. Show me how much you’re enjoying this.”

  He increases his pace, slamming into me over and over again. It’s almost violent but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I asked for this and don’t want him to hold anything back from me. My need to pleasure him is beyond anything I can describe and want to please him more than anyone has done before.

  “Don’t stop.” I plead, grabbing hold of his shoulders.

  “You can’t get enough of this, can you? You want it to be like this every time I fuck you?”

  “Uh-huh.” I murmur, somewhat inaudibly.

  “You know you won’t have this with anyone else but me. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Yes, yes… I know.”

  “Do you? Do you really know?” He persists, brushing a strand of hair out of my eyes.

  “What are you saying?”

  “That if you ever try to run away from me, I will find you. I’ll hunt you down and claim you as my own all over again.”

  “I am yours.” I assure him. “I always have been.”

  “Good girl.” He encourages me, biting my bottom lip. “Now prove it.”

  “H-how?” I stammer, glancing up at him apprehensively.

  “Suck my cock.” He demands roughly. “Get down on your knees and clean your juices off of me.”

  I gasp, astonished by the crudeness of his words and wait a few moments to see if he’s being serious.

  “But I…”

  “Do it, Samantha.”

  It’s a command I don’t wish to ignore and find myself doing what he asks. Making my way to the side of the bed so I can kneel down before him. He grabs hold of himself in one hand, pushing the tip into my mouth.

  He tastes exquisite and I moan with appreciation, parting my lips for him to enter. His right hand rests on the top of my head, controlling the rhythm of his thrusts. All I can do is let him, surrendering myself to his dominance as well as my own pleasure.

  “You have no idea how beautiful you look right now. You’re perfect.” He tells me, gazing down at me with smouldering brown eyes.

  A cry escapes my throat, urging him to continue. I never thought I’d enjoy something like this or the extremity of it but I am. It’s intoxicating as well as thrilling and I can’t get enough of him.

  Before his release, Zack stops and pulls me up from my kneeling position.

  “Ride me.” He instructs, leaving no room for my doubts.

  He switches our positions so I’m sitting on top of him. His hands grab my hips, urging me to seek my own satisfaction now that I’m above him. He remains seated, allowing me to lower myself onto him.

  Our urgency increases and so does my movements, bouncing, riding and circling my hips so I can reach my climax.

  “Together.” I mumble, panting heavily. “I want us to do this together.”

  “Take it. Take all of me, baby. I’m all yours.”

  His words are my undoing as I give into the undeniable temptation. We come together, both of us biting, scratching, clawing and grabbing one another.

  I collapse onto the bed beside him, trying to catch my breath. I figure I’ll be covered in bruises tomorrow from the nature of our afternoon session but no longer care. I wanted Zack to mark me, needing him to show me just how much I mean to him before he leaves me to meet up with Rachel.

  “You best get going.” I advise him, glancing at the clock beside our bed.

  It’s been half an hour since we fell asleep in each other’s arms and I’m thankful I woke up when I did or Zack might have missed out on seeing Amber altogether.

  “Shit, what time is it?” He asks, jumping up out of bed.

  “Don’t worry, you’re not running late.” I assure him, watching him get ready.

  “Thank God.”

  “But you should probably take a shower before you go.” I remind him, raking my fingers through my tussled hair.


  “Because you smell of me.”

  He grabs his shirt and inhales deeply before he carries on getting dressed.

  “Good. I don’t mind.”

  “Zack, you can’t want Rachel to know what we just did before you meet up with her.”

  The thought of my sister finding out we just had sex is inconceivable. It would crush her and despite the fact that she hates me, I still love her. I can’t hurt her again and will do anything in my power to protect her if I can.

  “I really don’t care if she can tell I just made love to you. You and I are together now… she needs to accept that.”

  “It still seems insensitive.” I murmur, fee
ling somewhat uncomfortable.

  “Just trust me, ok? I don’t have time to take a shower and she won’t know anything about what we’ve just done. I promise you.”

  “Ok.” I acquiesce, realising he won’t change his mind about this.

  “So what are your plans for the rest of today?” He enquires, buttoning up his shit before putting his shoes back on.

  “Nothing much. I might just curl up with a new book this afternoon.”

  “How about I take you out to dinner tonight? Somewhere nice so I can make things up to you for last night.”

  “You really don’t have to.”

  “I want to.” He insists, taking a seat on the bed beside me.

  “Then you got yourself a deal.” I say, smiling weakly.

  “Do you want my credit card so you can go shopping while I’m out?”

  “But I went into town yesterday.” I point out, remembering the disastrous afternoon I had the day before.

  “It’s not like you actually got to enjoy yourself though, is it? You were far too traumatised after seeing Rachel and… him”

  His jaw is clenched and so are his fists from thinking about my uncle. I appreciate how protective he is but hate to see him get so worked up and angry.

  “Is that your answer for everything?” I joke, eager to change the subject. “For me to shopping?”

  “I just want to spoil you.” He chuckles, tucking my hair back behind my ear.

  “I’m not interested in your money, Zack.”

  “Fair enough.” He sighs, standing up so he can finish dressing. “I see its pointless trying to persuade you. However, I’m going to leave my card right here for you in case you change your mind.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No need to thank me. What’s mine is yours, remember?”

  “Good luck.” I say, standing at the front door with him a few minutes later.

  “Thanks.” He replies, placing a kiss on the centre of my forehead. “I wish you were coming with me.”

  “Me too.” I lie, hoping he can’t see right through me.

  “I’ll be back soon, ok?”

  “Don’t rush.”

  “I love you.” He says, turning back when he’s half way down the corridor.

  “I love you too.” I reply, closing the front door behind him.

  Chapter Eight

  I can’t settle once Zack has left, pacing up and down our apartment while I figure out what to do in his absence.

  I can’t get the thought of them out of my mind, picturing the three of them together in the park. It makes my chest hurt and my heart ache when I think about it and try to distract myself by putting on the TV.

  I always want to watch an old movie when I’m feeling like this, something I’ve seen before which I know the ending to. Deciding to pick one out, I search through our collection of DVD’s and choose one I’ve seen a thousand times.


  The Mel Gibson movie is a favourite of mine. It’s one I used to watch with my friend Jason and a part of me isn’t sure I should even watch it again now.

  It doesn’t take me long to make my decision. Half an hour later, I’m curled up on the sofa with a cup of coffee and the TV remote by my side. Memories triggered by the movie and my old friendship with Jason cause me to reach for the birthday card I received from him the day before, reading the heartfelt message he wrote inside it.

  Dear, Sam…

  I know this birthday card will come as a bit of a shock to you. To be honest, I’m surprised at myself for sending it. I know it’s been months since we last spoke and I know you have a new life now with Zack. A life you are no doubt happy with. I also know it’s not fair of me to send this now and the reason behind it is purely selfish. You see, the truth is… I miss you. I miss you so much that it hurts. You were my best friend. I still think of you as my best friend even though we’ve been apart for months. I long to speak to you and for us to reconcile what went wrong between us. I take full responsibility for what happened and all I can say is… I’m sorry. I apologise for everything I ever did that hurt you and I’m sorry for the lies I told you about Zack and Rachel. I thought you would turn to me for support if you thought they were back together and even though the reasons behind my lie are beyond pathetic, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I love you and I miss you, Sam. I don’t want to lose my best friend forever and this is why I’ve chosen to reach out to you now. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and get everything you want. I’m always here for you, Sam. Please call me. I’ll meet you anytime, anywhere. I mean it. I want this to be a fresh start for us.

  Love always, Jason. X

  Zack was furious when he read the note, wondering why hell he would contact me again after several months of silence. I guess I’m curious as well and can’t stop myself when I reach for my phone, dialling the number which Jason provided in my birthday card.

  “Hello?” He says, answering my call straight away.

  “Jason, it’s me.”

  There’s a prolonged silence before he responds, his voice trembling slightly.

  “Samantha?” He asks, sounding incredulous. “I can’t believe it’s really you.”

  “You did send me a birthday card.”

  “I know but I didn’t think I’d actually hear back from you.”

  “We were friends a long time before… before everything that happened.” I point out, thinking about our friendship. “I just want you to know that I don’t hold grudges. I don’t want to stay bitter and think we should move forward.”

  “Wow… I’m so pleased you feel that way, I really am.” He exhales deeply, obviously relieved that I chose to get in touch.

  “So… how’s things?”

  We end up talking on the phone for a couple of hours, catching up on the past few months we’ve spent apart as well as the usual chit chat.

  I can’t believe I was actually nervous when it came to picking up the phone. Jason used to be the one person I could confide in and now he’s a complete stranger. I regret taking a step back from him and hope we can rebuild our friendship one step at a time.

  It would be so easy for me to hold onto the resentment I once felt towards Jason. He was the one who lied to me several months ago, convincing me that Zack and my sister had rekindled their relationship once I left town. He lied and said they had moved back to London so they could raise their baby together and I was naïve enough to fall for it.

  It wasn’t until Zack tracked me down five months ago that I found out the truth. He hadn’t even tried to sort things out with Rachel and still believed my sister had ended her pregnancy. He had no idea she decided to go through with it and that’s the only reason he let her move back down to London.

  What Jason did was wrong but who am I to judge him? It’s not as though I’m perfect, making so many mistakes these past few months. I understand that Rachel will never forgive me for what I did with Zack but the least I can do is forgive Jason. In his own screwed up way, he thought he was doing what was best for me and I can’t blame him for doing that.

  I must have fallen asleep on the sofa because it’s gone nine o’clock when I next check the time. My first thought is where the hell is Zack? He left six hours before and I haven’t heard from him since.

  Reaching for my phone, I begin to dial his number. However, I change my mind and hang up the phone before it starts to ring.

  He’s with his daughter and I should respect that. I’m sure Zack doesn’t want me to intrude on his time with her and the last thing I want to do is cause problems with him and Rachel.

  I decide to check my messages and find several which are waiting for me from him. He must have sent them when I was asleep and they’re all pretty much the same. He’s been checking up on me since he left, asking if I’m ok and if I decided to go shopping after all. He’s sent a couple during the last hour, letting me know he’s ok and apologising for being so late.

  I’m just about to respond to his latest me
ssage when the front door opens and Zack walks in, startled to find me sprawled out on the sofa.

  “Are you ok?” He asks, kneeling down in front of me. “I’ve been texting you all afternoon.”

  “I fell asleep, I’m sorry.”

  “I’m the one who’s sorry.” He apologises, kissing my lips gently. “I’m sorry for being so late back.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I told you not to rush back.”

  “That doesn’t mean I didn’t miss you.” He tells me, smiling warmly.

  “Oh, really?”

  “Really.” He says, eyes sparkling with mischief.

  “So how was she?” I enquire, realising we have to talk about it sooner or later.

  “God, Samantha… she’s perfect. She’s absolutely perfect.” He gushes, taking a seat beside me. “I made sure I got a picture of her too, do you want to see?”


  I try to sound enthusiastic, hoping it’s enough to convince him. The last thing I want to look at is a photo of the baby he shares with my sister. However, it’s not as though I can just blurt that out and refuse to see a picture of her.

  “She really is gorgeous.” I congratulate him, gazing down at the sleeping baby on his phone.

  “So are you.” He adds, putting his phone down. “Gorgeous, I mean.”

  “I’m not sure about that.” I joke, feeling my cheeks turning crimson.

  “You’re perfect.” He whispers, watching me intently.

  “I’m officially blushing.” I laugh, covering my face with my hands.

  I’ve never been great at taking compliments and don’t think I’ll ever get used to Zack giving me so many of them.

  “Ok, I’ll stop.” He concedes, making his way into the kitchen so he can grab a beer from the fridge. “What have you been up to since I went out?”

  I hesitate, wondering if I should say anything to him. I know he won’t be happy when I tell him I’ve been in touch with Jason but I can’t lie to him either.


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