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Faery Revenge

Page 14

by Donna Joy Usher

  I snorted. He looked far more than a little unbalanced. He looked ready to puke. ‘We need to rethink this.’

  He pulled a face. ‘Actually, I have to go. Someone’s trying to wake me.’

  ‘Oh. Okay.’ I managed to keep my voice neutral, even though I immediately had a vision of Ebony, breathtakingly lovely in a slinky nightie as she shook his shoulder. Possibly she was doing more than just shaking his shoulder to wake him up. And possibly she wasn’t wearing anything.

  ‘You don’t look so good?’ He put a hand on my shoulder and peered into my face. ‘Are you dizzy?’

  ‘Something like that.’ I stepped backwards out of his reach. ‘Well, you’d better get going.’ I turned away from him and concentrated on my room back in Millenia.

  ‘Izzy,’ he said. ‘What’s the matter?’

  I looked over my shoulder, forcing a fake smile onto my face as I said, ‘Nothing. Everything is peachy.’

  Even without all his memories of me he knew me well enough to know that I only used the word peachy when everything was as far from peachy as possible.

  ‘No, really.’ He grabbed my hand and spun me back towards him. ‘You’ve been so distant lately. What’s on your mind?’

  I had a vision of Ebony straddling him, her full breasts pressed against him as she kissed his neck. I shook my head, trying to dislodge the image.

  ‘Really?’ I said. ‘You have no idea what might be wrong with me?’

  He shrugged. ‘I know things have been pretty stressful. And you must feel that we are all depending on you.’

  Well, that was true.

  ‘And, you’re stuck in another world.’ He paused, looking thoughtful as he cocked his head to the side. ‘Have you met someone else?’ he finally asked.

  ‘What?’ I coughed out a laugh. ‘Have I met someone else?’

  He reached out and grabbed my hand again. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Oh please.’ I snatched my hand away. ‘I mean I know you didn’t have a say in it but, really.’ I put my clenched fists onto my hips.

  His mouth opened-and-closed a few times and then he said, ‘Izzy. I have no idea what you are talking about.’

  ‘Really?’ My voice went up a couple of octaves. ‘So it’s not Ebony there trying to wake you?’

  Realisation dawned on his face. ‘You think…you think I’m with Ebony?’

  ‘Well, aren’t you? I mean you must be married by now.’

  ‘What ever gave you that idea?’

  ‘I saw it.’ I could feel my face flushing red. ‘I saw it as we were leaving. They presented Ebony to you, as the new heir.’ I looked down and shuffled my feet, starting to feel foolish. ‘It’s important to keep the night faeries on our side. I understand. It’s okay.’

  He took a step closer, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward him. ‘So that’s what’s got your knickers in a knot?’ He reached out his free hand and tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear. ‘You know, you’re even more beautiful when you’re jealous.’

  ‘So you’re not marrying Ebony?’

  He pulled a face. ‘I’m not married to her.’

  ‘Ah hah.’ I snatched my hand away and shoved him in the chest. ‘So you’re betrothed to her.’

  He pulled a face. ‘Well, if you’re going to get technical about it. But honestly Izzy, I’m trying not to think about it.’

  ‘Oh, a fat lot of good that’s going to do me.’ I stomped a foot. ‘Honestly, Aethan.’

  ‘Honestly, Izzy?’ He stepped toward me as I took a corresponding step back. ‘Lately, the only thing that gets me through the days is the knowledge that I get to be here, with you, at night.’

  This time when he stepped forward I didn’t move. He placed his hands on either side of my face and tilted my face back so that I was staring up into his glorious eyes.

  His thumb traced a line across my lower lip as he said, ‘I don’t remember what it was that we used to do here together, back before all this started, but I’m guessing it was a little less like what we’ve been doing, and a little more like this.’

  He closed the gap between us, lowering his mouth to mine. And for a few seconds I let myself forget about Ebony, instead concentrating on the overwhelming sense of Aethan.

  The familiar scent of him; the feel of his lips moving against mine; the sensation of his fingers trailing over the bare skin of my arms. I gave myself over to those things. To things that made my toes curl up and not those that made my hair stand on end.

  But all too soon reality forced its way back to the front of my mind. He may not be married to Ebony yet, but he was going to be. He was no longer mine.

  I put my hands on his chest and pulled away. Tears welled in my eyes as I looked up at him.

  ‘Don’t,’ he whispered. ‘Don’t cry.’ He wiped at my eyes with his thumbs. ‘I love you, Izzy. Only you.’

  ‘I wish that was enough,’ I said. ‘I wish we were just two normal people.’ I shook my head and stepped back, relinquishing contact with him. ‘But we’re not Aethan. We’re not normal. And whether we like it or not, the world needs us to do what’s right.’

  ‘Maybe,’ he said. ‘But if this all ends sooner than it should. If we win before I am married, then this will all go away.’

  ‘No it won’t.’ I could hear tears of frustration in my voice. ‘Do you think your parents would let you slight the night faeries like that? We would be exchanging one war for another.’ I stepped backwards. ‘I love you,’ I said. ‘But I can’t let you do that.’ I took another step backwards from him, both physically and mentally. The tears were running freely now. ‘I’m sorry,’ I said, ‘but it’s over.’ And then I willed myself away.


  I went to where I knew I would be safe. Where I knew he wouldn’t think to follow – because he couldn’t remember. Because Galanta had stolen that from us as well as so many other things. And as I lay on the soft bed of grass in the flower-filled meadow and cried myself out, I renewed my pledge to find the goblin Queen and kill her.

  If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be in this emotional mess. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have had to walk away from the man I loved more than life itself. If it wasn’t for her, and he had his memories still, I knew he wouldn’t have let me go.

  I also knew that in the big scheme of things, one part-faery’s feelings were immaterial. There were far bigger, far more important matters being decided, but I was sick of putting my emotional needs second to that of the universe. I wanted to wallow in my misery for a few minutes, or hours, or however long it took for me to regain the strength to get up and go on.

  And so I lay there, and I cried, until my head ached and my nose was blocked, and only then, when I had no more tears to cry, no more agony to give, did I let myself go home.


  ‘Did you get her?’ Isla looked up from the book she was reading as I sat up in bed.

  ‘No.’ I looked guiltily at the white bandage bound around her wrist. ‘But we were close.’ I sighed. ‘It’s not working though, even when we get her alone we can’t get her to stay still long enough to kill her.’

  She let out a tinkly laugh. ‘Did you expect her to make it easy for you?’

  ‘Of course not.’ I rubbed Scruffy on the head just behind the ears the way I knew he liked it. He let out a huffing noise of pleasure and collapsed onto his back with his paws in the air. ‘I thought you’d be back up at the cavern by now.’

  Isla’s face lit up. ‘I was,’ she said. ‘But guess who made it out of the cavern?’

  ‘He flew out?’

  She nodded. ‘And Turos said we can start rider training tomorrow.’

  ‘But, he’s only a month old.’

  ‘Oh, we won’t be trying to fly yet. But we are going to practice riding positions and getting him used to the feel of the bridle. Turos is having a special one made up.’

  ‘All this happened while I was asleep?’

  ‘It’s nearly lunch time.’

lly?’ I hopped out of bed and walked over to the open window. The sun was positioned high over the mountains. I had cried for longer than I’d thought.

  ‘Turos said to meet him for training this afternoon.’

  I pulled a face. The last few training sessions had ended with me throwing a tantrum and stalking out.

  ‘You’re getting better at it,’ she said.

  I snorted. ‘I don’t call continually getting my butt whipped an improvement.’

  ‘Turos told me he’s impressed with your progress.’ Her voice floated back from the lounge area.

  ‘The only one whose progress is impressive is Arthur,’ I said.

  She reappeared holding a covered tray which she placed on the corner of my bed. ‘Are you having any progress with the other thing you’ve been trying?’

  She was talking about my attempts to open a pathway home.

  I rolled my eyes and sat back down, lifting the cover off the food. ‘Of course not.’

  ‘We have to get home,’ she said. ‘The goblins are gaining momentum. It won’t be long before they start marching their army on Isilvitania.’

  ‘I know. I know.’ Of course I knew. I had given her that information. ‘I just have no idea what I am meant to be doing.’

  You’ll work it out.’ She sat down beside me and patted me on the hand. ‘When we’re ready, you’ll know what to do.’

  I blew out an unhappy sigh. Her blind faith in me was disconcerting. ‘I’m not sure about Emerald,’ I said. ‘It seems unfair to ask her to return. She’s so happy here.’

  Isla sighed and sat down. ‘I know. Perhaps you could hold the gateway open for her to return.’

  ‘I can’t promise that. And it’s not fair to lie to her. And what about Arthur? Do you think she would leave him?’

  ‘No.’ Her long hair swished across her shoulders as she shook her head. ‘And I can’t go without him.’ She flashed me a smile. ‘It will all work out. You’ll see.’

  I snorted. ‘The last person who said that to me was Wilfred. And look how well that worked out.’ I froze in the process of moving a fork towards my mouth.

  ‘It did work out.’ Her smile was radiant. ‘He is alive and serving a higher purpose. And he’s doing well.’

  ‘How can you possibly know that?’

  She shrugged elegantly. ‘I have faith. You should too.’

  I put the fork into my mouth, chewing and swallowing before saying, ‘You’re going to have to have enough faith for both of us I’m afraid.’

  ‘Consider it done.’ She laughed and clapped her hands. ‘Now finish your breakfast so we can get to training.’ She jumped off the end of my bed and danced towards the door.

  ‘You’re going to train as well?’

  She nodded. ‘I consider it wise that at least one of us perfect the mind control necessary.’

  I grabbed one of the many pillows on my bed and threw it at her. Her tinkly laugh floated back to me as she disappeared from my room.


  ‘You don’t get a stick today.’ Turos grasped the end of the fake, wooden sword I was holding and twisted it out of my hands. ‘I, however, get to use this.’ He hefted a long fighting pole in his right hand.

  I rolled my eyes. Oh Great. ‘How am I meant to defend myself?’

  ‘Dodge, weave, duck. Do whatever you need to prevent me from getting you.’

  ‘Or what?’

  ‘Or it’s going to really, really hurt.’ His eyes twinkled merrily.

  ‘You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?’

  ‘Just remind me, is it two or three times you’ve broken my nose?’

  I ignored that. I didn’t want him remembering it was four.

  Isla sat off to the side with Scruffy lying next to her. Her eyes were shut and her hands were behind her back. Chanda, one of the other Millenium warriors, sat in front of her. His hand floated in front of her face, a stone nestled within. As I watched, she opened her eyes. His fingers opened and her hands whipped around from behind her back to snatch the stone out of the air.

  I let out a groan. She was already better at it than I was.

  I closed my eyes and cleared my mind, pushing thoughts of Aethan away. I pulled up Galanta and Santanas and tossed them aside. I rid myself of all of them and a peaceful void formed in my mind.

  I couldn’t do anything about any of them at that precise moment in time, so why had I been giving them so much energy? Why had I been allowing them so much space in my head?

  I could hear the hum of a nearby bird’s wings; feel the air around me being jostled by the dragons playing in the valley below. I opened my eyes and focused on the mountains on the far side of the valley. The rocks and blades of grass zoomed into sharp focus. I could taste scents on the wind: the forests of trees, the fertile dirt in the valley, the musky scent of Turos.

  I turned my vision to the wooden pole that Turos held. I could see the wood grain along its shaft and smell the strong scent of the pine it had been carved from. I forgot about everything else as I watched it.

  Turos’s hands flexed and the pole flicked forwards. Shockwaves radiated through the air, rippling out from the pole as it moved. Air pushed ahead of it, showing me which way it was moving. I watched in astonishment as it got closer-and-closer, light refracting through the swirling air like a tiny fireworks display. And then it….

  ‘Ouch.’ The pain snapped me back into my body. I reached up and rubbed my shoulder.

  ‘You didn’t even try.’ Turos shook his head.

  ‘I got it.’ I rushed forwards and wrapped my arms around him. ‘I saw it, and I smelt it, and it was beautiful.’ I pulled back and looked up into his face. ‘I could see…everything.’

  Turos looked down at me. ‘Well then. I guess that’s understandable. The first time is pretty distracting.’

  I realised I was still clutching onto him, my legs threaded through his and my body pressed hard against him. Dark Sky. What would it be like to kiss him in that state of mind?

  Heat infused my cheeks and I let him go. ‘Distracting. That’s one word for it.’ I closed my eyes again, waiting till the same feeling of peace flowed over me, before opening them again.

  Turos’s pole whipped towards me in a blur of sparkling light. I stepped to the side, just enough to avoid it, and then ducked under it as it swung at my head. The other side flicked around, aiming for my ankles. I jumped lightly over it, a smile on my face as I landed.

  ‘Don’t get cocky,’ he said.

  ‘I’m not.’ I said the words lightly, trying to keep all emotion out of them, but a little bit of pride snuck into the back of my mind. I was doing it. I was really doing it.


  The end of the pole caught me mid-shin and pain exploded in my mind as the thin skin over the bone split apart. The other end of the pole whipped around, driving into my stomach. I wrapped myself around the pole like a pretzel, before whipping up into the air. I landed on my back a few metres away.

  ‘Yoooowwwwwww.’ I didn’t know whether to hold my leg or my stomach. They were neck-and-neck in the running for the year’s most painful body part.

  ‘Oh dear.’ Isla looked down at me with cool, appraising eyes.

  ‘It hurts.’ I took shallow quick breaths as I stared up at her.

  ‘Push the hurt away,’ Turos said.

  ‘I can’t.’ I let out another groan. ‘It huuurrtttssss.’

  ‘You’ve had worse.’ Isla’s voice was analytical.

  ‘What?’ I clenched my teeth. ‘So all my future injuries don’t count because I got gutted by Galanta?’

  ‘Well.’ She cocked her head to the side. ‘It does sort of pale in comparison. I mean then there was blood everywhere. Now there’s not even a drop.’

  ‘Well, there is some coming through the leg of her pants,’ Turos said. ‘Now take a deep breath and push all that pain out of your mind.’

  But the problem was that my leg and my stomach weren’t the only things that were hurting. It appeared I had
n’t done quite enough crying the night before and now my heart had joined the race. It sped past all the other body parts, a shoe-in for an easy win.

  I rolled onto my side, pulled my knees up and wrapped my arms around them, and then I began to cry. I tried to stop. I mean it was so embarrassing, crying in front of Chanda. Crying in front of Turos. But I had broken up with Aethan, and I couldn’t regain control.

  ‘Oh dear,’ Isla said again. But this time she knelt beside me and put her arms around me. ‘This isn’t about your leg, is it?’

  ‘No…ooo…ooooohhhh,’ I howled. I could feel my heart ripping into tiny pieces.

  ‘Do you want to talk about it?’

  I shook my head. The last thing I wanted was an audience to my private pain.

  ‘So you can’t heal yourself?’ Turos asked.

  ‘No.’ I let go of my knees and rolled onto my back. Why wouldn’t they all go away and let me cry in private?

  ‘Are you sure?’ Isla asked. ‘I mean nobody else can. But you…well who knows what you’re capable of.’

  ‘Don’t you think if I could, that Santanas would have healed himself?’ I stabbed at the bloated ball of pain, deflating it enough that I could breathe again.

  ‘You have a point.’ Isla stood back up and reached a hand down to me. ‘Can you stand?’

  So much for my moment of self-pity. I let her help me to my feet and put my weight gingerly onto my damaged leg. It didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.

  ‘Shall we begin again?’

  I looked over to where Turos was standing. He had removed his shirt and was using both hands to twirl the pole in a circle above his head. His forearms and biceps flexed with the movement so that he was seven foot of delicious, rock-hard muscle.

  Huh. Suddenly the drool threatening to escape my mouth was more of a problem than my pain. And that was as potentially as embarrassing as my crying had been. I pushed it all away until the world hummed with life around me.

  The pole in Turos’s hand seemed to halve, then quarter its speed. Light sprayed in its wake, cascading around him in a circle of fire. Sweat glistened on his bronzed skin, glowing like diamonds in the sun. His eyes blazed like aquamarines as he met my gaze, his lips parting into a smile. He was magnificent. He was beautiful. He was glorious in his perfection.


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