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Faery Revenge

Page 38

by Donna Joy Usher

  ‘Awkwaaaard,’ Turos whispered in my ear.

  I flashed him an angry look and tipped the water over my head. The dried blood turned to slime as I scrubbed at it.

  Where are they? I sent my mind out to Emerald. I could feel her enjoyment as she swooped and dived, chasing one of the few remaining Vulpines. Most of the dragons had landed to water and rest, but she, Lance, and Arthur and Isla were still up there.

  Almost instantly, an aerial view filled my mind. A sea of dark faeries flowed over the land, their Ubanty slaves riding behind with the pack horses. In a few minutes they would join with our army.

  ‘They’re almost here.’ I glanced at Aethan, trying not to notice how handsome he was with his wet hair slicked back off his brow. His dark-blue eyes met mine and I glanced away. Not mine.

  ‘Right.’ He straightened and handed one of the other water bearers his mug. ’Rako.’ He beckoned to the stocky head of the Guard. ‘The dark faeries are here.’

  Rako smacked his hands together, a brief flicker of a smile on his face as he turned and trotted back towards the front.

  Aethan turned back to Ebony and said. ‘Fine. Let’s go.’

  She held out her hand, shaking it at him till, with a sigh, he reached out and took it. Then she turned and started walking toward the distant rocky outcrop.

  I thought about following them, but guilt stopped me. Let her have her moment of triumph.

  ‘Coming up?’ Turos reached out his hand and shook it, mimicking Ebony perfectly.

  I laughed and looked at the outcrop. It was a few minutes’ walk away and I was exhausted. Plus, I could get a much better view than that right where I was. ‘Nah. I think I’ll watch it with Emerald.’

  He surprised me when he said, ‘I think I’ll go anyway.’

  Since when would he rather spend time with Aethan than me? Unless it wasn’t about Aethan. Unless it was about…Ebony.

  A flash of jealousy I didn’t know I had the energy for, stabbed into my gut.

  I blew at a stray piece of hair, annoyed at myself. Really? With everything going on, I still had time for jealousy?

  Confusion battered the inside of my head as I watched him walk away. He towered above the soldiers around him, his white-blond hair glistening in the sun. His broad shoulders tapered into that narrow waist and, well, I knew how spectacular his legs were. And that wasn’t helping at all.

  I puffed out a breath of air, too tired to lift my arm to push at the piece of hair tickling my cheek.

  ‘Isadora.’ Ebony’s voice echoed back to me. ‘You should come too.’

  ‘Fine.’ I shook my head as I looked at the outcrop. What I wanted to do was sleep, but I told my right leg to move forwards. The left followed obediently and before I knew it I was trudging after them.

  I sent my mind questing up to Emerald. The dark faeries had reached the back of the army. One rider at the front, Arracon most probably, was talking to someone at the back of the army. I was guessing Tamsonite was greeting them.

  I glanced up at the outcrop. Aethan and Ebony were already there, standing on the edge. Turos was a third of the way up the path.

  The entire dark faery force held frozen, their banners snapping in the breeze. Then Tamsonite turned and a minute later our army started to shuffle apart, making a pathway down the centre.

  Ebony held one delicate arm in front of her, pointing down the valley. Could they even see what was happening from there? It was so far away.

  I reached the bottom of the path, sighing as I looked upward. It felt like a lifetime to the top.

  The dark faeries flowed into the space as it opened up even further, pressing towards where our troops met Santanas’s. Their riders on their horses, towered over our soldiers.

  Turos reached down and grabbed my hand, hauling me up the last few feet to the top. I gave him a tired smile and followed him to where Ebony and Aethan stood.

  I squinted into the distance, huffing in surprise when the dark coats of the faeries there were visible. I really hadn’t expected to be able to see them. Still, my view with Emerald was much better, I needn’t have climbed all this way just to watch Ebony’s smug satisfaction.

  The dark faeries lifted gleaming spears into the air as they approached the front. I held my breath waiting for the first attack, the first thrust to come, but when it did, it was not what I had expected.

  ‘No.’ The shout left my throat as I froze in horror.

  The dark faeries were attacking. They just weren’t attacking our enemy. They were attacking us.

  Treachery. Dark treachery.

  The savage attack beat down on the army from three sides. They had divided them and surrounded them, and now they were slaughtering them.

  Why? How? It didn’t make sense. We had their Princess. Why would they risk her life like that.

  I ripped my mind away from the carnage and stared at Ebony. Her hands covered her mouth, muffling her shout of horror.

  ‘No,’ she said. ‘Why?’ She looked up at Aethan, her huge green eyes brimming with tears. ‘Why?’ It came out in a whisper and I knew what she was asking. Not, ‘Why would they attack their allies?’, but, ‘Why would they throw her life away?’.

  His face contorted in rage and his hands fisted at his sides. ‘It’s okay.’ The words made it out through his clenched teeth. ‘You are safe here.’ He looked back towards the other end of the valley. ‘You will not be harmed.’

  Turos’s posture snapped, his knees and elbows bent into a predatory position. A trickle of rocks rolled down the cliff, a puff of dust rising where they landed.

  Look. Look. Emerald pushed the view of the end of the valley back into my head.

  The dark faeries still attacked, but something was happening at their rear. A crack of light appeared in the sky, fracturing the bright blue open and glowing as if a second sun shone there. The Ubanty thrust their arms into the air, and their slave bracelets fell off.

  ‘They’re rebelling,’ I gasped. ‘They’re fighting back.’

  ‘Who is?’ Ebony asked.

  ’The Ubanty.’

  ‘Impossible. They are bound to us.’ She stalked towards me, an angry cat with a twitching tail.

  ‘Not any more.’ I pointed at the widening crack. ‘Ulandes has come to claim them.’

  She’d done it. Samuel had done it. They’d rallied the Ubanty and staged their rebellion for when it could help us the most.

  Ebony’s cheeks reddened as air hissed out from between her teeth. I would have thought she’d be pleased, but it was obviously true what they said, blood ran thicker than water.

  Two people appeared within that white-hot fissure. Larger than life, they looked down on the fight below. The Ubanty pushed their brown cloaks back and pulled daggers from their belts. Their mouths opened in screams I couldn’t hear as they hurtled towards their masters.

  ‘No,’ Ebony screamed. ‘This can not be happening.’

  A ramp appeared in the sky, lowering till it touched the ground. I let out a laugh as Wilfred, it could only be Wilfred, jumped onto the shiny slope and surfed his way to the bottom. I saw Ulandes shaking her head as she followed him at a stately pace. A blade of shining light appeared in her hand as she reached the bottom.

  ‘Uhhh, Izzy.’ Turos pulled his swords free, whirling them to warm up his wrists.

  I brought my awareness back, turning towards him. The trickle of rocks became a stream, and then a river, till rocks the size of my hand were bouncing off the top of the outcrop.

  ‘Incoming.’ Turos danced back a few steps.

  My eyes flew up the cliffs, following the slide until I saw the group of goblins riding it down. Galanta balanced in the middle of the pack, her face lit with a triumphant smile as she landed like a cat.

  I was surprised to see my swords in my hands. I hadn’t realised I had drawn them. But then Galanta had that effect on me. I suspected if she passed within one hundred feet of me while I slept, I would wake to find my blades in my hands. I wanted to kill her
that badly.

  ‘Ahhh, Aethan.’ I backed back from Galanta’s razor-sharp smile.

  ‘Surprise killed the cat,’ she crooned.

  ‘It was curiosity,’ I snarled. ‘Curiosity killed the cat.’

  ‘What-ev-er.’ She looked way too cocky. She had to know the ten warriors with her were no match for Turos, Aethan and me. ‘You ready?’

  I thought she was talking to me, until I heard Ebony’s cold voice from behind me. ‘Let’s finish this and get the hell out of here.’

  I swung around. Ebony had one arm snaked around Aethan’s waist. The other held the tip of a dagger to his throat. His eyes bulged with anger as he stared down at her.

  ‘You little snake,’ he hissed. ‘You will die for this.’

  ‘Oh phooey.’ She pursed her lips. ‘Does this mean the wedding’s off?’

  ‘You bitch.’ I raised an arm and pointed a finger at her. I was almost sure my aim would be good enough to take out her and not harm Aethan. Almost sure.

  She let out a triumphant laugh as I shook my head and lowered my arm.

  ‘Shall we make this an even fight?’ Galanta cocked her head to the side. ‘We all know that these won’t even dent you.’ She waved the tip of her dagger at the warriors.

  ‘Who did you have in mind?’ I wasn’t sure how Turos could make his voice sound so nonchalant.

  A tear appeared in the veil revealing the twisted, scarred face that would haunt me forever.

  ‘Me,’ Santanas said as he pulled the way open further and stepped through.

  I swallowed the lump wedged in the back of my throat. ‘You just had to go and ask, didn’t you,’ I hissed at Turos.

  ‘Forewarned is forearmed.’ He backed up till he was standing next to me.

  ‘Daughter, fancy meeting you here.’ Santanas brushed at the front of his tunic as he glanced out over the battlefield.

  No one had noticed what was happening on the outcrop. They were either fighting or staring at the far end of the valley. Communication bubbles wobbled their way up and down the valley.

  I shot a look over my shoulder at Aethan. He had relaxed in Ebony’s grip. As I watched, he blinked his eyes. Once…twice…

  ‘Go,’ I shouted as he blinked the third time. I spun and threw a fireball at Santanas as Aethan dropped low, twisting backwards out of Ebony’s grasp.

  She let out a yelp of pain, and then I could hear metal clashing behind me.

  Turos and Galanta leapt at each other, her dagger flashing up to deflect his sword. The rest of the goblins moved to the top of the path, taking up sentry there.

  Great. Even if somebody did realise our plight, they would have to fight uphill through a wall of goblin muscle to get to us.

  Santanas flicked my fireball to the side, the corners of his twisted lips pulling till his face was even more grotesquely deformed. I was going to go with happy, in the guess-the-mood competition.

  He held both his hands together till a ball of black energy filled them up. Then he plucked a piece off and blew on it. It rose into the air and floated towards me, all the more ominous for its lack of speed.

  I felt my shield firm in front of me, my eyes widening with horror as the black smudge boiled on the surface like a patch of burning tar.

  ‘You know what I want, daughter.’ He blew on another piece of black energy. ‘Give it to me and this will all go away.’

  ‘Me?’ I watched the second ball join the first.

  ‘You are my family.’ His voice shook with emotion. ‘I want my family back.’

  For a brief flicker of time, I saw reality from his point of view.

  He was alone. All alone. His wife and unborn children ripped from him by the very creatures he now aligned himself with. His desperate need had warped him, twisting him into what he had once despised. If I would concede, then all of it, every terrible thing he had done, would have been worth it. To be loved again, that’s all he wanted.

  And for that brief flicker of time, pity touched my soul. I heard a sigh in my head and then Ulandes’ voice whispered, ‘You are exactly what we need.’ They were both gone as quickly as they had come, leaving me with a lingering sadness and an unborn idea.

  ‘Sorry.’ I flipped my braid back over my shoulder. ‘I’m a bit full up in the family department at the moment. But I’ll pencil you into my diary and let you know if a position comes up.’

  ‘You will see things my way, eventually.’ He shook his hands and the black ball disappeared. ‘But for now, It looks like we have to do this the hard way.’ He flicked his fingers and the ground beneath my feet exploded.

  I shot up into the air, shrapnel slapping into my legs and tearing at my arms. Sharp stings told me that blood had been drawn.

  I had time for a quick glance at Aethan before I landed again. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he traded blows with Ebony. She hadn’t been lying when she’d said she could look after herself. She was trained. But she wasn’t a match for Aethan. Not on a good day. But he had been fighting for hours and she was still fresh. The life-and-death contest was closer than I would have liked.

  I landed in a squat, rolling to the side to avoid a bolt of flame. I grasped at the air with my two hands, slamming them together. The air around Santanas mimicked me. He winced at the crushing force, gritting his teeth as he forced his hands out, grabbing at the air and slamming it back.

  It smacked into me, lifting me up and throwing me backwards. I landed with an, ‘Ooooof,’ letting the momentum roll me over and back onto my feet.

  Where was everybody? Couldn’t they hear what was going on up here?

  Turos circled Galanta warily. Blood streaked his biceps, showing where she had gotten inside his guard with her daggers. Her smile was crazy, her eyes wide with battle lust. She stalked him even as he stalked her.

  I stabbed my fingers at Santanas. Air, hardened to spikes, jabbed into his flesh before he realised what I was doing. He flicked a hand downwards locking my wrists in place as he threw a lightning bolt at me. I deflected it, batting it towards the group of goblins guarding the path. Surprised screams echoed as it tore through flesh and bone.

  Ebony shrieked in fury as a thin trail of blood blossomed on her cheek. It welled and trickled slowly, making its way down her previously perfect skin.

  ‘That’s going to scar,’ she hissed.

  ‘No, it won’t.’ Aethan waited, his blade held ready to attack.

  ‘You think?’ For one second she was the vulnerable, defenceless girl again.

  ‘It’s not going to get a chance to. You’ll be dead long before that.’

  I heard her snarl as she threw herself at him, her swords whistled as her rapid attack forced Aethan back.

  ‘Isadora, you can not win.’ Santanas sent a wall of fire rolling toward me.

  Turos dived sideways as the flame whistled past. I held my hands up, halting its progress. Heat radiated towards me, lifting loose bits of hair to dance around my face.

  I grunted as I forced it back toward Santanas inch-by-inch. Rocks popped and cracked, and leaves burst into flames.

  Galanta dodged to the side, sweeping her leg out and thrusting a dagger at Turos. He jumped nimbly over her leg and grasped her wrist, blocking her free hand as it gouged at his eyes. He palmed her in the face and then swept his blade up, but she was already gone. Blood dribbled from her nose to her top lip as she grinned at him.

  ‘Dark Sky, it’s goblins.’ Voices rose from below.

  ‘Prince Aethan’s up there.’

  ‘What are you waiting for? Get up there.’

  I tried not to feel relief. I tried not to feel anything as I struggled against Santanas. I traded blow-for-blow, and to anyone watching, it would have looked like an even fight. But I knew it wasn’t. He was playing with me. Letting me think I might win.

  ‘Finish him,’ Galanta snarled.

  ‘I’m trying.’ Ebony’s hissing reply was followed by a grunt of exertion.

  Fear fluttered under my rib cage. All it would take was on
e wrong move and Turos or Aethan would die. I didn’t know if I was equipped to deal with that. Didn’t know if I would survive that level of pain.

  Galanta twisted and turned, her foot knocking a stone as she stabbed upwards. It rolled, dribbling forwards till it stopped right where Turos’s foot came down. His ankle twisted, throwing him onto one knee.

  Galanta leapt. She grabbed his hair and twisted his head back, her dagger flicking towards his throat.

  ‘No,’ I shrieked, sending the spell I had prepared for Santanas at her instead.

  It smacked into her as the tip of her knife bit into his smooth skin. She flew through the air and smashed into a boulder. Her body wrapped around it, the back of her head connecting with a crack.

  A wall of air smacked into me, throwing me backwards. Stones ripped at my arms and back as I tumbled over the rough ground. My breath left me in a whoosh as I crashed into a boulder. Pain lanced through my ribs as I struggled to refill my lungs. I took a short breath and then another, but it didn’t seem to be enough to satisfy my body’s screaming need for oxygen.

  Turos pushed to his feet, a wash of blood running down his neck as he stumbled towards Galanta. He raised his sword above his head and chopped it down into the soft flesh of her throat.

  Blood sprayed, and I stared as her head bounced down the side of the boulder and rolled towards me across the ground. It came to a stop, her black dreadlocks lying like octopus tentacles around her skull. Her eyes, wide with astonishment, blinked once before the light inside them died.

  Santanas let out an annoyed sigh, shaking his head as he looked at Galanta.

  Shouts came from the top of the path. I lay limp, unable to summon energy back into my limbs, trying to remember how to breathe. I knew I had to get up. Or shield myself. Or do something. But the rocky terrain felt blissful under my body. I was done. I had nothing left to give.

  ‘Aghhhhhhhhh.’ Aethan clutched at his head with his hands. His swords fell from his fingers as he dug at his temples. ‘Garghhhhhh.’ He slumped to his knees and toppled slowly to the side, convulsing as his body collapsed to the dirt.

  Ebony planted one of her swords into the dirt as she stepped forwards. Grasping the hilt of the other in both hands she lifted it above her head. Her arms held straight, she aimed the tip at Aethan.


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