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Philip's Rules (Bridal Discipline Book 1)

Page 17

by Golden Angel

  Felix studied her as her gaze went to the doors leading back into the ballroom. "I wonder if you truly do."


  The ball was heralded as a success in the gossip columns. It was especially noted that the sister of a duke had befriended Gabrielle, and thanks to her beauty and the ton's interest in and approval of the new Lady Dunbury, Gabrielle was already one of the most popular debutantes of the Season. Fragrant bouquets had been delivered all morning the day after her ball, delighting Gabrielle.

  To her own surprise, Cordelia didn't feel even the slightest bit jealous, despite the fact that she'd never been a debutante. She was well aware her reception into the ton, before her marriage to the late Baron, would have been very different. Besides, she truly wanted no one's attention other than Philip's, and so it was very easy for her to just be happy for Gabrielle.

  She did notice that Gabrielle looked a bit disappointed after reading the last of the cards, as if she'd been waiting for a token from a gentleman that hadn't arrived. But perhaps she was mistaken, because Gabrielle immediately went back to gushing over the meanings of all the flowers she'd received.

  "Forsythia means anticipation, gardenias mean secret love -"

  "It's not very secret if he's declaring it, is he?" Philip asked, his voice tempered with amusement. Although his eyes were still on his morning paper, obviously he'd been listening in.

  "Philip," Cordelia scolded him. She smiled as Gabrielle stuck out her tongue at Philip and immediately turned away as Philip lifted his eyes up. While she was fairly sure her husband had seen, he didn't call Gabrielle on it. In fact, both of them were smiling. At some point yesterday evening they'd both come to some kind of a truce, and Cordelia was glad of it.

  The success of the evening and the alarming number of flowers that had descended upon the house probably didn't hurt either.

  Gabrielle looked down consulting her book. "This one means marriage!"

  "Who is that one from?" Cordelia asked, more than a bit surprised. Whomever had sent that one certainly moved quickly.

  "Viscount Fenworth."

  "Well he'll have to be disappointed then," Philip said, his voice dismissive.

  Scowling, Gabrielle glared down the table, still fingering the bouquet. "Why? He was very charming."

  "He won't make a very good husband."

  "Why not?"

  Cordelia bit her lip, recognizing a simmering Gabrielle when she saw one. The fact that Philip's voice remained calmly indifferent was only exacerbating the young woman's temper. Did she really like Viscount Fenworth, or was she just feeling rebellious against Philip's dictates?

  "He just won't, Gabrielle," Philip said, putting down his paper, with a clear warning in his voice. "Stay far away from Viscount Fenworth. He's not the type of gentleman that a young lady should have as an acquaintance, much less a suitor."

  "And your friend Mr. Hood is?" Gabrielle demanded, her cheeks flushing as she jumped to her feet. "I heard all about him last night. He's a rake and a scoundrel, but you don't eschew his company!"

  A thunderous expression on his face, Philip slapped his hand against the table, making both Cordelia and Gabrielle jump. "My friendships are not up for your judgment, young lady, but who you marry is up for mine. Now I suggest you find another topic of conversation, or you'll be going to tonight's ball with a very sore bottom."

  Gritting her teeth, obviously wanting to say more, but withholding herself from it, Gabrielle turned and stomped from the room. "Please excuse me. I'm going for a walk in the gardens," she said haughtily on her way out, not bothering to turn her head to see what either of them thought about it.

  So much for any supposed truce between her husband and stepdaughter.

  Cordelia sighed. "Philip... What's wrong with Viscount Fenworth?"

  "Other than his penchant for gambling, drink and... ah... women?" Philip asked dryly, picking up his paper again. "He's a fortune hunter, and Gabrielle can do better than that."

  "You could have just told her that," Cordelia said, a bit reproachfully.

  Her husband shook his head. "You didn't meet Fenworth last night or you would know a declaration probably wouldn't work. He's a rake of the worst kind, handsome enough, young enough, and charming enough to make quite a few young women eager to marry him, no matter his vices. Last year there was talk that he'd convinced a Duke's daughter to elope with him. I'm sure she thought he loved her, and that it was romantic. Of course, it didn't come to fruition, and he won't be making off with Gabrielle under my watch either."

  The protective side was more than a little endearing, Cordelia had to admit. One day Philip was going to make a wonderful father.


  Watching his wife in the arms of another man was enough to make Philip's teeth hurt. Probably because he was grinding them to a fine powder. They'd been to six balls since Gabrielle's debut, and at each one he'd had to watch his wife dancing with other men. Numerous other men. Men that liked to hold her too close and stare down her décolletage. Especially during the waltzes.

  Philip hated the waltzes.

  They were well into the Season now, and the rakes were out in force. He was starting to feel as though those that weren't drawn to his ward were drawn to his wife. Fortunately, he had his friends for assistance, but he still couldn't help but worry that Cordelia might be swept away by the excitement of all the attention that was being paid to her. She wasn't the type to be unfaithful, but she was also very new to the social scene. With her beauty, her innocence, and her inherent faithfulness, many of the more dangerous roués would see her as a challenge.

  While bored, long-married wives were easy game, it was the newer wives, with less experience, that could be tempted by excitement. Especially wives from the country, who might be flattered by a handsome and dangerous man's attentions. Gabrielle hadn't been entirely wrong with her summation of Felix's traits; those women were exactly the type he usually aimed for. Of course, now he was too busy assisting Philip. He was quite handy when Philip needed a trustworthy person to squire Cordelia around while Philip attempted to chase the rakes and fortune hunters away from Gabrielle.

  Fenworth was still hanging about, as were Conyngham and Wallace. Actually, Conyngham seemed to be dividing his attentions between Gabrielle, Arabella, Cordelia, and Lady Brooke. Lord Brooke had developed a tendency to hover around his wife whenever Conyngham was near, although she treated the rake as a dear friend. Philip dimly recalled some gossip that Conyngham had been her lover at one point, while the couple had been living separately.

  Actually, if Conyngham wasn't dancing and talking so often with Cordelia, Philip privately admitted he would probably have less of an aversion to him as one of Gabrielle's suitors. At least he wasn't a fortune hunter. On the other hand, he probably wouldn't make a very good husband, since he seemed to prefer other men's wives, from what Philip could see.

  And if the damned man looked down Philip's wife's cleavage one more time, he was going to get his teeth knocked out. Then they'd see if he could make the ladies swoon at his smile without any teeth.

  "Go seduce your wife."

  Philip jerked in surprise. He hadn't even noticed Lord Hyde appearing next to him. "What?"

  The former rake nodded towards Cordelia on the dance floor, where she was laughing at something Conyngham said. "Seduce your wife. Sneak her off to a darkened room and give her the exciting encounter you're worried some other rogue is going to provide." He chuckled. "My Eleanor loves it when I do that. We'll watch over Gabrielle until you return." His eyes moved, and Philip followed his gaze to where Hugh and the Earl and Countess of Spencer were now joining Gabrielle's group.

  Philip had moved away from the conversation, although he'd stayed in the immediate vicinity, so he could watch Cordelia. Seeing his cousin and his cousin's friends setting themselves up as guards meant he could focus his attention where he truly wanted it to be.

  On his wife.

  Chapter 12

  Pulling his giggling wi
fe into the semi-lit room, Philip smiled down at her. He'd practically dragged her away from Montague at the end of their dance, saying he needed to speak with her, and then proceeded to pull her down the hall. At first she'd been anxious, but the grin on his face had apparently relieved her of the idea that she was in trouble, and now she'd been caught up in his excitement.

  Her eyes glowed with an inner light, curious anticipation on her face... exactly the kind of expression a bored matron of the ton would have as she went on a rendezvous with a rake. Lord Hyde was truly inspired. The exact sort of man Philip's cousin Eleanor needed as a husband. As a former rake himself, he obviously knew exactly what tactics to employ in order to keep his wife from searching out excitement elsewhere.

  Philip saw a definite future of coaxing his wife out of ballrooms and into more intimate surrounds. The possibility of being caught certainly lent an extra air of excitement to the proceedings. He wondered if it would be more scandalous to be caught with his own wife than with another woman. Given the vagaries of the ton, probably the former.

  The dim lighting allowed them to see just enough to not bump into anything. Locking the door behind them, Philip turned and gathered his willing wife into his arms.

  "Philip," she whispered, her hands pressed to her chest as she looked up at him with wide, excited eyes. "What are you doing? Anyone could walk in!"

  "That's why I locked the door."

  Lowering his lips to hers, he felt her trembling, her hesitation, but then her mouth opened for him, submitting to his desire. Philip groaned as he pulled her more firmly against him, pressing his already swollen cock against her softness. His hands trailed down her arched back to mold themselves to her bottom, his fingers digging into her soft flesh, pushing her groin against his.

  Making a little whimpering noise, Cordelia clung to him, now dependent on his hold to keep her balance. He rocked against her, holding her to him, knowing that both of them were listening for footsteps coming down the hall, for any indication someone might also try to enter the room. Moving his lips down the side of her neck, enjoying her small gasps for air, Philip felt her pulse fluttering. He licked it, sucking gently on the spot, and reluctantly let go before he could leave a real mark. It was very tempting to do so, especially where other men could see, but Cordelia wouldn't thank him for it. It would be extremely scandalous for him to leave such visible evidence of their passion.

  Slowly letting his grip relax as he moved his lips down to the tops of her breasts, nibbling at her skin, he felt Cordelia sway on her feet.

  Straightening, he glanced around the room and moved them over to a chaise.

  "On your knees, sweetheart," he said, giving her a gentle push. "Put your hands on the back."

  "But my gown will wrinkle."

  "It won't. Trust me." Philip turned her body, moving his hands up and down her sides, caressing and teasing her as he pressed his lips against the soft skin at the nape of her knee.

  Helping her lift her skirts so she could easily kneel on the furniture, he positioned her so that she was leaning forward with her hands on the back. Draping the back of her skirts over her hips, he smiled at her lack of knickers. She hadn't been allowed to wear any since her last punishment, and it never failed to make him smile when he lifted her skirts to her bare legs and bottom.

  As he smoothed his hands over her bare bottom, she shivered, but when he slid his fingers down to the delicate petals of her womanhood, she was soaking wet.


  Heart pounding in her throat, Cordelia mewled as Philip pressed his cock against her pussy, rubbing the head up and down her wet slit. Every time it pressed against her clitoris, her body jerked. She was so aroused, so shocked and excited by his actions, she could barely contain herself. Out of all the scandalous things Philip had done to her, surely this was the most!

  As he pressed forward, filling her, she moaned and gripped the back of the chaise even tighter. His hands slid up her body to her breasts, gripping the soft mounds and using them to pull her back as he thrust forward. Cordelia cried out, trying to be quiet, as the pleasure surged through her. They were both still fully clothed, which strangely added to her perverse excitement. Her breasts felt so swollen in her dress, the rubbing of his hands moving the fabric over her mounds, abrading her sensitive nipples.

  Cordelia pushed her hips back at him, needy for the pleasure that was growing in her core. His body slapped against hers, his hands rough on her breasts as his own urgency grew. Biting back her moans, Cordelia shuddered and tightened, small whimpers escaping as her inner tension wound itself around her center.

  Footsteps sounded in the hall, coming closer, and even through their panting breath, she heard them.

  "Philip," she whispered, thinking that he must not have.

  "Hush," he murmured back, pinching her nipples through her dress so that she nearly shrieked.

  He wasn't stopping. If anything, his thrusts were coming harder, faster, as the footsteps moved closer.

  Excited apprehension welled up inside of her, winding its way through her ecstasy.

  Closer... closer... closer...

  The footsteps passed the door to their room, and Cordelia found herself leaning forward even more, pressing her mouth against the back of the chaise, between her hands, as she screamed into the upholstery. Philip's cock split her in two, taking her so deep and fast, riding her through her climax while she writhed before him in abject ecstasy.

  Warmth flooded her womb as Philip held himself deep inside her, and she could feel her muscles clenching around him, milking him, in the most intimate manner possible.

  With the delightful ache between her legs and the fluid coating the tops of her thighs for the rest of the evening, her mind was always on her husband, no matter which gentleman she was talking to or dancing with.


  Two weeks and several more delightful interludes later - in addition to Philip's amorous nature at home - and Cordelia felt like she was walking on air. She had noticed some of the London beauties flirting with her husband, but it was hard to feel jealous when his eyes were constantly following her through the ballrooms and he was constantly taking the opportunity to whisk her away for little adventures. So far they'd debauched their hosts' libraries, morning rooms, a dining room table, and a bench in a gardens. They hadn't been caught, although there had been a few close calls, and one time they'd walked into a room that was already occupied, from which they'd beat a quick retreat. It was thrilling and terrifying all at the same time, but so far Cordelia certainly didn't want to stop.

  She did feel as though she'd been neglecting Gabrielle a bit, however. The young woman had become fast friends with Arabella, and the two of them were constantly together, under the watchful eyes of Philip, Arabella's brothers, and other friends and family members. It was a bit of a relief for the chaperoning duties to be shared; Gabrielle went out with Arabella and her mother as often as Arabella accompanied Cordelia and Gabrielle. The men seemed to rotate during the various balls and engagements. Hugh and Irene had already left the capital, due to Irene's delicate condition, which was becoming harder to conceal, but Felix, Lord Hyde, Lord Brooke, and the Earl of Spencer were often on hand to assist Philip, in addition to Arabella's three brothers. It was really rather amusing to watch the imposing, glaring men hovering near Gabrielle and Arabella's court. Yet that didn't stop many men from approaching; the combination of beauty and wealth was too much to resist.

  Cordelia appreciated it because Philip spent more time with her at the balls. Enough so that they'd caused a little stir of gossip, but she didn't care, and he didn't seem to either. More than one person had commented on his preference for his wife's company and she knew the mutterings about a love match between them had increased. For her part, Cordelia did not know whether or not Philip loved her, but she knew she loved him. It made her feel a bit insecure, because she didn't know what she would do if, when, his attentions to her waned.

  But she pushed those thoughts
away because she also didn't know what to do about them. So far he'd done nothing but shower attention on her, and she'd done her best to follow Marjorie's instructions when it came to pleasing a husband. She enjoyed her riding lessons with him in the mornings, and even more enjoyed their evenings together.

  Setting those thoughts aside, Cordelia knocked on Gabrielle's door and entered without waiting for the young woman to answer.

  "Who- oh." Suddenly flushed, Gabrielle stood abruptly from the table she was sitting at, grabbing at the paper she'd been writing on and tucking it behind the blue skirts of her morning dress. Her cheeks turned an even brighter red as she realized that her actions had highlighted what she wanted to conceal, rather than hiding it.

  Frowning, Cordelia strode forward. "What is that? What are you writing?"

  Anxiety rose up inside of her. Things had been going so well. Gabrielle hadn't received a spanking since before her debut, and, while Cordelia couldn't say the same, she hadn't been punished since then either. She'd like to continue avoiding it. While the aftermath was explosive, the erotic spankings were more satisfying because they didn't include Philip's disappointment or her guilt. They also didn't hurt as much.

  "Nothing important," Gabrielle said defensively, her chin going up with her usual hauteur but without her usual confidence.

  Cordelia's apprehension made her brave in a way she'd never been before. She held out her hand. "Let me see it."

  "It's just a note to a gentleman," Gabrielle said, backing away. "Can't I have any privacy?"

  Although her green eyes flashed, this encounter was already different from any they'd had in the past. For one, it was a true confrontation, and rather than driving Cordelia from the room, Gabrielle was the one of the defensive. She was treating Cordelia with more respect than she ever had in the past, and Cordelia was certainly acting with more confidence than before. It was amazing the change living for just a month in Philip's household could make.


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