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Love by Deception (Age of Innocence)

Page 7

by Debra Elizabeth

  “My dearest, is something on your mind?” Ethan asked as he strode into the parlor.

  Emily glanced at her husband. He cut a dashing figure in his well-tailored soft brown jacket, dark trousers, and gleaming black boots. “No, not at all. I was merely wondering how much Lucas had grown since I last saw him. I can’t wait to see him again.”

  “I dare say, you’ll soon find out. It shouldn’t be long now before they arrive.”

  Emily stood and went to her husband. “Are you going out?”

  Ethan pulled his wife into his arms and kissed her sweet lips. “Perhaps I should go later. Your lips are quite tempting, Mrs. Richardson.”

  Emily chuckled and ran her finger along his strong jaw line. “Oh Ethan, you are insatiable.”

  “Indeed I am, but is that a bad thing?”

  “No, my darling,” she said and kissed him again. “Never a bad thing as far as I’m concerned, but Mia should be here any time now. I’m afraid I’m otherwise engaged. May I ask if you can hold your passion at bay until later?”

  Ethan kissed her forehead. “Of course. I suppose I can wait until you are mine again this evening. I shall be thinking of you while I’m gone. I do have some business to attend to, but I won’t be long.”

  She nodded and stepped back. “I’m looking forward to it,” she said with a tone of mischief and longing lacing through her words. “I’ll see you later.”

  Ethan raised her hand to his lips for a gentle kiss before he left the room, leaving Emily alone with her thoughts again. She felt so lucky to have such a kind man who loved her. She’d never been happier and her hand rested against her belly. “Hello, little one,” she whispered. “Your father and I can’t wait to meet you.”

  The sound of a carriage pulled her back to the window. She moved the curtains aside and was delighted when she saw the driver helping Mia descend the two stairs to the street. She was holding tightly to the sweet bundle in her arms.

  She hurried to the door, but Mrs. Fullerton was there to greet her guest.

  Today Emily would not stand on ceremony. “Mia!”

  The housekeeper stepped aside as Mia came inside and hugged her friend with her free arm. “Emily, how good to see you. You look as beautiful as ever.”

  Emily kissed Mia on each cheek. “Thank you. How was your journey? Did Lucas fare all right during the ride?”

  “Yes, he’s fine,” Mia said, drawing the blanket away from her son’s face.

  Emily peered at the sleeping infant. “He’s such a handsome boy. May I take him for a bit?”

  Mia nodded and placed the baby in Emily’s arms. “He’s grown so much since you’ve last seen him.”

  The housekeeper cleared her throat. “Mrs. Richardson, would you like the tea now?”

  “Oh yes, thank you, Mrs. Fullerton. And please ask cook for some refreshments.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” She turned toward Mia. “Mrs. Giles, I’ll have the driver bring in your chest.” Mrs. Fullerton stepped to the door and gave instructions. “Please have her things brought to the front bedroom.”

  The driver nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Come Mia, let’s sit where when can talk,” Emily said as she led Mia into the parlor.

  Mia followed Emily and sat next to her on the sofa. “Oh, this is such a lovely room.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “Yes, it’s beautiful. I especially like the different shades of blue you’ve chosen. It is a well-appointed room, indeed.”

  “Thank you. Ethan had the workman working all winter to make sure it was ready for the Season, and now you’re here – my first guest. It couldn’t be any more perfect than this. How long can you stay?”

  Mia untied the ribbons on her bonnet and pulled off her gloves. She set them aside and pushed a wayward wisp of brown hair off her face. “Only a week, I’m afraid. Charles will be home by then and I’d like to be there to greet him. I’ve missed him dearly.”

  Emily stroked the baby’s head. “I can imagine. I find myself missing Ethan when he’s only gone for the day. I don’t know how I’d fare if he left on business for a week.”

  “Is Ethan here?”

  “No, but he’ll return shortly. He’s looking forward to seeing you again. Cook has a special dinner planned, as well.”

  “Oh, wonderful, but you know you shouldn’t have gone to any trouble on my account.”

  Emily squeezed Mia’s hand. “It’s no trouble at all.”

  The baby stirred in Emily’s arms. “Mia, I cannot hold this inside any longer. I have a secret to tell you.”

  Mia looked at Lucas before returning her gaze to Emily. Her hand flew to her mouth. “Have I guessed it? Are you with child?”

  A wide grin split Emily’s pretty face. “Yes. I’m so thrilled.”

  Mia reached over and hugged her friend. “There is no blessing that can rival having your own child. It’s been an absolutely joy having Lucas. I’m so very pleased for you.”

  Emily kissed the soft down on the baby’s head. “It will be wonderful I’m sure. By winter, I’ll be able to experience that joy myself.”

  Mrs. Fullerton came into the room carrying a tray a tea and refreshments. “Would you like your tea at the table, Mrs. Richardson?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Mrs. Fullerton put the tray on the table near the side window and poured the tea for her and Mia. “Anything else, ma’am?”

  “No, we’re fine for now. That will be all. Thank you, Mrs. Fullerton,” Emily said as she and Mia sat down at the table.

  The housekeeper nodded and left the room, leaving the two friends to talk in private and enjoy each other’s company.

  “I’m glad you’ll be here Friday. Mother is hosting a dinner and she’d be sorely disappointed if she didn’t get to see you while you’re in London.”

  “How is your mother? And your father?”

  “They are both well, but you know Mother. She makes sure that Father doesn’t stress himself too much. He does not always welcome it, but I know that he appreciates her good intentions.”

  “I don’t blame her. It must have been a terrible shock when he took ill last year.”

  “Yes, it was the most horrifying experience for both of us.”

  Mia took a sip of her tea. “I cannot even imagine what I would do if anything happened to Charles. I worry when he leaves on business, but he must go and I realize that. Doesn’t mean I like it, though.”

  “I understand. It is our lot to worry about our men, but it is worth every minute when they return to us safely, don’t you agree?


  “Mia, you look more beautiful than ever. Are you still happy?” Emily asked while sipping her tea.

  Mia nodded. “Oh yes, Charles is a wonderful man. I find myself loving him more each day.”

  “I feel the same way about Ethan. He continues to surprise me with little things and I daresay that I love every one of them.”

  Lucas began to fuss in Emily’s arms. “I think your little man is hungry.” She handed the baby to Mia. “Here you go, little one. Mama will make it all better.”

  Mia smiled broadly as she took her baby back in her arms.


  Isabel looked out the window for tenth time in the past hour. It was Friday and tonight was the Stanton dinner, but their dresses had not been delivered from Mrs. Phillips' shop yet.

  “Isabel, if you don’t stop pacing, you’ll wear a hole in the carpet,” Iris said.

  Isabel stepped away from the window and plopped down in the chair. “Do you think the dresses will be here in time? What will we wear if they do not come? Can we even go to the Stanton dinner without an evening dress to wear?”

  Iris held up her hand. “So many questions. Calm yourself, my dear. Mrs. Phillips has never missed a deadline before, and I doubt if today will be her first. There is plenty of time yet for the order to arrive.”

  Isabel pushed a wayward dark curl away from her face. “I suppose so, but…”
br />   A knock at the door interrupted Isabel. She jumped out of her seat and rushed to the window. Standing at the door was a courier with several boxes in his hands. “Oh, they’re here!”

  Iris smiled. “Didn’t I tell you that Mrs. Phillips would not fail us?”

  “Oh yes. I shall never doubt her again.”

  Mrs. Smithfield opened the door. “Yes, may I help you?”

  “A delivery for Miss Condiff and Miss Knott.”

  “Please come in,” the housekeeper said as she led the courier to the parlor.

  Isabel waited in the doorway, bouncing from foot to foot. “Bring the packages in here, please,” she said.

  The courier nodded and put the packages on the table.

  “Thank you,” Isabel said.

  The courier gave her a short bow and left the room.

  Mrs. Smithfield waited in the hallway and escorted him to the door. “Please thank Mrs. Phillips for the delivery.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the courier said as he went down the front walk.

  “Mrs. Quinn, may I open the packages?” Isabel asked.

  Iris smiled. “Of course, dear. But why don’t you see what Georgette is up to. It may be fun to open the packages together.”

  “Oh yes, of course. I’ll go find her,” Isabel said as she rushed out of the parlor and up the stairs.

  She burst into the bedchamber she shared with her sister. “Georgette, they’re here!”

  Georgette looked up from the small lady’s desk in the corner. “What? Isabel, why are you so flustered, dearest?”

  “The dresses from Mrs. Phillips. They’re here. The courier delivered them and just in time, too. Come down and see what she’s sent us.”

  “Can you give me a moment? I’m finishing up some correspondence that I would like delivered today. Mrs. Quinn was right about invitations arriving for us. We’ve received two invitations for tea thus far and we haven’t even gone to a dance yet.”

  Isabel nodded and sat on the edge of the bed, but couldn’t quite sit still as her foot bounced up and down.

  It didn’t take Georgette long to finish writing out her replies. “There, see, that didn’t take long. Let’s go and see what grand treasures Mrs. Phillips has made for us,” she said as the two young women went down the stairs and into the parlor.

  “There you are,” Iris said. “I dare say that I’m almost as excited as Isabel to see what Mrs. Phillips has sent.”

  All three of them moved over to the table. With great anticipation, Isabel and Georgette peeled the paper back and began to open their packages.

  Isabel stared open-mouthed at the gorgeous lavender satin dress lying amongst the paper wrapping. “Oh my, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. I’m almost afraid to touch it.” She reached out and ran her finger along the delicate lace at the bodice and sleeves.

  “It’s lovely, Isabel and you will look beautiful in it,” Iris said. “It’s a perfect color for you.

  “Georgette, open your package,” Isabel said.

  Georgette nodded and tore the paper away, revealing a light blue satin evening dress. “It’s stunning,” she said. Her eyes filled with tears and spilled down her cheeks.

  “My dear, why are you crying?” Iris asked. “Are you displeased with the dress?”

  Georgette wiped the tears away. “Oh no, not at all. It’s stunningly beautiful. I’m so happy, that’s all. Happy we’re here with you, happy we have new dresses, and of course, happy that I can share it with Isabel.”

  Iris pulled both young women to her breast. “And I’m happy you’re both here with me as well. Did I not tell you that Mrs. Phillips was the best modiste in London?”

  “Yes, you did. She’s a wonder,” Georgette said as she hugged the older woman.

  Isabel was the first to break the embrace. She lifted her dress from the box and held it against her as she twirled around the room. “Look at me! I’m dancing in satin.”

  That brought a chuckle from both Georgette and Iris.

  “Come, you have more surprises to unwrap,” Iris said.

  Isabel nodded and reluctantly put her dress back in the box. They finished opening all the packages to many ‘ohs’ and ‘ahs’. Each item was lovelier than the previous one, but the satin dresses were the favorites of both girls.

  “I know you both will be the loveliest ladies at dinner tonight. I’ll have Mrs. Smithfield take your packages upstairs.”

  Isabel picked up her dress again. “I’ll bring it upstairs myself. I don’t want to let it go, for I can’t believe it’s actually mine.”

  Iris smiled. “Of course it’s yours, my dear. And there will be plenty more lovely dresses for both of you soon.”


  A few hours later, the carriage pulled up in front of the Stanton family home.

  “Such a grand home,” Isabel said as she peered out the window.

  The driver jumped down and opened the carriage door. One by one he helped each of the ladies out of the carriage.

  “Please return at 11:00,” Iris said.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  At the door, the butler took their wraps before announcing them. “Mrs. Quinn, Miss Condiff, and Miss Knott.”

  Catherine Stanton came into the foyer to meet them. She gave Iris a kiss on each cheek. “Iris, it’s been too long since I’ve last seen you. When Emily told me you were coming this evening, I was overjoyed.”

  “Yes, as was I. It was delightful to see Emily again. She’s as pretty as ever. I have two houseguests myself this Season. May I present Miss Georgette Condiff and Miss Isabel Knott.”

  “Welcome to my home,” Catherine said.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Stanton. We are pleased to be here,” Georgette said, speaking for Isabel as well.

  Isabel could see where Emily got her beauty. Catherine Stanton was stunning in a pale green dress that complimented her vibrant green eyes.

  “Please come in and meet my other guests,” Catherine said as she led them into the parlor.


  Colby stood at the fireplace catching up with Ethan. “Thomas Galen sends his regards,” he told his cousin.

  “Thomas is a good man.”

  “Absolutely. Beth has given him a fourth son.”

  “Really? He must be proud.”

  Both men looked up when Catherine came into the parlor with her three guests.

  Colby knew Mrs. Quinn, but he didn’t know the two young ladies with her. He leaned toward Ethan. “Who are the lovely ladies with Mrs. Quinn?”

  “They must be the guests Emily told me about. She met them at the modiste earlier in the week.”

  Colby gave an appreciative glance over the young women. One was a pale delicate beauty with light brown hair, but her companion was the one who piqued his interest. She was a stunning, dark-haired beauty.

  Emily stood and welcomed the guests. “Mrs. Quinn, Georgette and Isabel, it is good to see you again. I’m so pleased that you could attend tonight.”

  Ethan moved to his wife’s side. “Good evening, ladies,” he said with a bow. “Mrs. Quinn, a pleasure to see you again.”

  Iris inclined her head. “May I present Miss Condiff and Miss Knott,” she said. “I’m hosting them for the Season.”

  Georgette and Isabel both gave Ethan a curtsy. “Good evening, Mr. Richardson,” Georgette said.

  “Mr. Richardson, pleased to meet you,” Isabel chimed in.

  Ethan turned to Colby. “I’d like to introduce my cousin, Colby Tisbury.”

  Colby strolled over and gave the women a bow. “It’s my pleasure, ladies. I think the most beautiful women in all of London are in attendance tonight.”

  That brought a giggle out of Isabel. “I see that you are quite the flatterer, Mr. Tisbury.”

  Colby stared into the most intense violet eyes he’d ever seen and his heart thumped in his chest. It was so out of character for him to be affected this way. He’d met many beautiful young ladies over the years, but none had captured his attention so full
y and so quickly as Miss Knott. He flashed her an engaging smile. “Already you have learned my secret, Miss Knott.”

  “Only one secret? Where is the challenge in that?”

  Georgette leaned toward Isabel and whispered in her ear. “Dearest, be careful of your boldness.”

  Isabel nodded. “Mr. Tisbury, I do hope I have not offended you.”

  Colby inclined his head toward Isabel. “Not at all, Miss Knott. It’s refreshing to have a lively conversation with a young lady.” He watched for her reaction and was rewarded with her dazzling smile.

  Emily linked arms with Mia. “And I’d like to introduce my dearest friend, Mrs. Giles. She’s visiting this week as well.”

  “Good evening, but please call me Mia.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Georgette said.

  “Do you live in the country?” Isabel asked.

  “Yes, we have a lovely cottage about two hours from London. I rarely get to London anymore, and especially not with the little one.”

  “You should see her son, Lucas. He’s the most adorable baby,” Emily gushed.

  Mia smiled. “I’m afraid Lucas’s godmother is biased, although I must admit, I find him quite lovely myself.”

  “Every mother feels that way. I know I did,” Catherine said as she glanced at Emily. “Why doesn’t everyone have a seat. Dinner will be announced shortly,”

  Colby held out an arm to both Isabel and Georgette and escorted them to the sofa. He took the chair opposite. “Miss Condiff, how are you finding London thus far?”

  “It’s been a wonderful experience. Our small village cannot compare to the hustle and bustle of the city and, of course, we cannot thank Mrs. Quinn enough for hosting us.”

  He turned his attention to Isabel. “And you, Miss Knott. Are you enjoying your stay?” He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. She was positively the loveliest thing he’d ever seen.

  “Oh yes, it’s been so exciting. I’ve never seen so many folks on the streets before.”

  Before Colby could ask another question, the dinner bell rang and everyone filed into the large dining room. He was pleased when he was seated next to Isabel. It would allow him to talk with her more privately.


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