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Love by Deception (Age of Innocence)

Page 9

by Debra Elizabeth

  Colby’s head snapped up when he heard Isabel’s strangled cry. He pulled Kathryn’s arms away from his neck. “Kathryn, what are you doing?”

  “My dear Mr. Tisbury, I know you’re familiar with a kiss. Didn’t you enjoy that?”

  “No. You presume too much.”

  Kathryn reached for his arm. “Don’t be like that. I know you liked it. You can admit it. I’m not one of those women who plays silly games with a gentleman’s affections.”

  Colby pushed past Kathryn. “Games? Is that what you think I’ve been doing? You’re wrong and I think you’ve done quite enough. Good evening, Miss Larkinson,” he said as he stormed past her and left her standing alone on the balcony.

  A sly smile spread on Kathryn’s lips. She hadn’t known if Isabel would follow Colby out on the balcony, but her timing with their kiss had been perfect. It got the desired response from that country girl. Isabel had been unnerved by their passionate embrace and had run crying from the scene. No doubt she’d tell whoever would listen what she had seen. Let Colby try to talk his way out of this one. He was a gentleman who had been found compromising a young lady’s reputation. That should speed along his marriage proposal. It was perfect. Who did Isabel Knott think she was, coming into her home and trying to steal her intended away? She had put Isabel in her place. No one took away the things she wanted, absolutely no one.

  “It won’t be long before you and I are engaged, Mr. Tisbury,” she said. “You’ll see I’m the perfect match for you.” With a flounce of her skirts, she walked back into the ballroom in time for the next gentlemen to claim her for their dance together.


  Isabel couldn’t breathe. The intense pain she felt in her chest kept her from taking a breath. She had to get away, but she was blinded by her tears and didn’t see Mrs. Quinn standing in her way.

  Iris reached for the young woman before they collided. “Isabel, what’s wrong, my dear?”

  Isabel stopped short. “Oh, Mrs. Quinn. Please forgive me. I didn’t see you standing there.”

  “I can see that, but why are you crying?”

  “Can we just go home? I can’t stay here any longer. Please.”

  Iris put her arm around her shaking shoulders. “Of course. Let me tell Florence that I’ll send the carriage back for Georgette later.”

  Isabel nodded and went into the foyer to wait.

  “Would you care for your wrap, Miss Knott?” the butler asked.

  “Yes, please,” Isabel answered.

  Iris was back within minutes and the butler had brought her wrap as well. He held the door open for them and signaled for their carriage to come to the door.

  The driver jumped down and helped them inside before he was back in the driver’s seat and snapping the reins signaling the horses to move.

  Inside the carriage Iris pulled a linen handkerchief from her reticule and handed it to Isabel. “Here, my dear. Dry your tears. Do you want to tell me what has upset you so this evening?”

  Isabel shook her head and a new round of tears burst forth.

  Iris patted her hand. “Very well, we’ll talk about it later. Try not to be so upset. We’ll be home soon.”

  Once inside the familiar home, Isabel ran up the stairs and burst into her bedchamber.

  Rachel was stoking the fire and turned at the sudden entrance. “Miss Knott, you’re home early this evening.”

  Isabel nodded, but couldn’t stop her tears.

  Rachel went to her side. “I’m so sorry. Did I say something to upset you?”

  Isabel shook her head and flung herself on the bed not caring if she wrinkled her dress.

  Rachel didn’t know what to do. “Shall I leave?”

  “Yes,” came the strangled response.


  Georgette felt giddy as Dalton led her around the dance floor. She had only met Dalton this evening, but it seemed like they’d known each other for a lifetime. He was kind and a bit reserved like she was, but when he talked about his love of books, she knew he was someone special. She began to understand what Isabel had been talking about. She was quite smitten with Dalton and she’d just met him this evening.

  Neither noticed anyone else as they talked for hours before Dalton led her out on the dance floor for the last dance of the evening.

  “Miss Condiff, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself this evening and I do hope you’ll allow me to call on you.”

  Georgette gazed into his beautiful brown eyes and a shy smile played on her lips. “I would like that very much indeed.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Would tomorrow be too soon then?”

  Georgette nodded. “That would be lovely. My cousin and I are staying with Mrs. Quinn. Do you know where she resides?”

  “Yes, I do. Perhaps if the weather holds, we may take a stroll outside. Of course, your cousin is most welcome to come along. It would be lovely to see her again.”

  “Isabel loves London and I’m sure she’d enjoy a pleasant walk.” She looked around the dance floor, but there was no sign of Isabel. She had been so wrapped up with Dalton, that she had not thought of Isabel in hours.

  “Are you looking for someone?”

  “Yes, I don’t see Isabel or Mrs. Quinn.” An uneasy feeling started in Georgette’s belly. “I don’t like this. I must find them. Please excuse me, Mr. Hunt.”

  “Not a problem. Let me escort you.” Dalton walked with her off the dance floor.

  Georgette spotted Mrs. Larkinson across the room. “I should like to ask our hostess if she has seen them.”

  “Of course, come,” Dalton said as he led her around the perimeter of the room.

  Dalton and Georgette stood within Mrs. Larkinson's line of sight. It wasn’t long before their hostess excused herself from her group of friends and came to them. “Miss Condiff, there you are. I have a message for you.”

  “Has something happened to my cousin? I don’t see her anywhere?”

  “Mrs. Quinn took her home earlier this evening. She wasn’t feeling well.”

  Georgette felt the color drain out of her face and she clutched at her stomach. This did not sound good and was entirely out of character for Isabel. Her sister rarely got sick, and had been in high spirits earlier in the evening. What could have possibly happened to make Isabel leave, especially when she knew that Isabel was looking forward to seeing Mr. Tisbury this evening? “I must leave at once. Thank you for inviting me. Good evening, Mrs. Larkinson.”

  “The pleasure was mine. I do hope your cousin is not too terribly ill.”

  “My carriage is outside. I’ll escort you home immediately,” Dalton said.

  “Thank you, Mr. Hunt. That is so very kind of you.”

  The butler handed Georgette her wrap and called Dalton’s carriage forward. The driver jumped down and helped them inside. Georgette counted the minutes as the horses flew across the cobblestones. Something dreadful had happened, she just knew it. But what? She was at a loss to puzzle it out.

  It didn’t take long to reach Mrs. Quinn’s home. Dalton pushed open the carriage door and helped Georgette out.

  “Thank you, Mr. Hunt. I have enjoyed our evening very much,” Georgette called over her shoulder as she ran for the front door.

  “Good night, Miss Condiff. I hope all is well with your cousin.”

  Mrs. Smithfield had the front door open before Georgette had a chance to knock. “Mrs. Quinn is waiting in the parlor for you, Miss Condiff.”

  Georgette nodded and hurried into the parlor. “Mrs. Quinn, is Isabel all right? Mrs. Larkinson said she left early and I’m sorry, but I didn’t see her go.”

  Mrs. Quinn stood and patted Georgette’s arm. “Something upset her. I found her crying at the dance. She begged me to take her home. She’s upstairs, but wouldn’t tell me what happened.”

  Georgette nodded, flew up the stairs and raced down the corridor to their bedchamber. She flung open the door and found Isabel rocking back and forth on the edge of the bed, tears streaming down her face.
br />   She pulled Isabel into her arms and stroked her back. “Dearest, whatever is the matter?”

  Chapter 11

  “Oh, Georgette, I was so happy tonight,” Isabel said swiping at her tears. “Mr. Tisbury told me he was falling in love with me and then…” Another round of sobs wracked her slender body and she slumped into Georgette’s embrace.

  Georgette held her tight and spoke in gentle soothing tones while rubbing her back. “Take your time. When you catch your breath, tell me what happened next.”

  Isabel turned swollen red eyes toward her sister. “It’s all ruined now. If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I never would have believed it.”

  “Believed what?”

  Isabel sat up. “I saw him kissing Kathryn Larkinson out on the balcony!”

  That was not what Georgette had expected to hear, and didn’t sound like the Mr. Tisbury she had come to know over the past several weeks. “Really? Were you perhaps mistaken in what you saw?”

  “Georgette, I know I’m not as sophisticated as some young ladies, but I know what a kiss looks like, and they were definitely kissing.”

  “Oh, my. Did you talk to him? Give him a chance to explain?”

  “No. I was too upset and I ran from the balcony. I found Mrs. Quinn and begged her to bring me home. Oh, Georgette, whatever am I going to do? I think I love him, but now I feel like such a fool.”

  “You love him?”

  Isabel nodded and another round of sobs escaped her throat. When they subsided, she whispered. “I wish we had never come to London. I cannot bear such heartache.”

  Georgette held her sister. “Dearest, don’t despair. We’ll think of something, but first let’s get you into your nightdress. I’ll ask Rachel to bring you a cup of tea. Would you like that?”

  Isabel nodded. “Yes, please. That sounds good.”

  Georgette stood and went to the bedchamber door. Rachel was waiting in the hallway. “Rachel, could you bring us some tea, please?”

  “Of course, miss. Be right back.”

  “Georgette, I’ve been so rude burdening you with my problems,” Isabel said. “I haven’t even asked about your evening. Did you have a good time at the dance?”

  Georgette turned toward her sister with a smile on her face. “I did indeed. I spent most of the evening talking with Mr. Hunt.”

  Isabel moved to the vanity and started pulling pins out of her hair. “He seemed a pleasant enough fellow. Do you like him?”

  “Well, I’ve only met him so I don’t know yet, but I dare say he and I share a mutual love of books. We talked and talked for most of the evening, it seemed,” Georgette said as she helped pull the rest of the pins from Isabel’s hair.

  “You did?”

  “Yes, he was the one who escorted me home this evening when I couldn’t find you or Mrs. Quinn. He was very gallant the way he took charge.”

  “Oh, wait. I did see you chatting with him earlier.”

  Georgette nodded. “Isabel, I’m so sorry I was not there when you needed me. I feel terribly bad about that.”

  Isabel reached up and squeezed Georgette’s hand. “It’s all right, really. I’m very happy that you’ve met someone you like. That’s so exciting.”

  Georgette picked up the brush and began to comb out Isabel’s hair. “I’m glad you feel that way, because Mr. Hunt is due to call on me tomorrow afternoon. He’s asked me to take a stroll with him, but I couldn’t possibly accept unless you accompanied us. Do you feel up to that? I can send word and cancel if you’re not.”

  “Yes, of course. I’d be delighted to go with you and your Mr. Hunt.

  Georgette chuckled. “He’s hardly my Mr. Hunt.”

  “Give him time. Anyone who knows you can’t help but fall madly in love with you.”

  Georgette leaned over and kissed Isabel’s cheek. “Thank you for saying such sweet things.”

  Isabel nodded. “I only tell the truth.”

  The bedchamber door opened and Rachel brought in a tray of tea. “Here you go, misses. A nice cup of tea to settle your nerves.”

  “Thank you, Rachel,” Georgette said.

  The maid nodded and went to Isabel and began unbuttoning her dress. She helped her into a nightdress before turning her attention to Georgette. “Ready to brush your hair, Miss Georgette?”

  Georgette nodded and sat at the vanity. Rachel undid the pins before brushing and braiding her hair and helping her into a nightdress.

  “Will there be anything else this evening?”

  “No, thank you,” Georgette said. “We will be fine now. Good night, Rachel.”

  Rachel gathered up both dresses. “Very good, miss. See you tomorrow,” she said as she left the room and closing the door behind her.

  Both young women sipped their tea for long moments, each lost in their own thoughts.

  Georgette was the first to put her teacup down. She went to the pitcher on the chest and poured water into the basin. She dipped a cloth into the cool water and squeezed out the excess. “Isabel, into bed with you now. Put this on your eyes to help with the swelling. Can’t have you going out tomorrow with puffy eyes, now can we?”

  Isabel nodded and climbed into bed. “Thank you for taking such good care of me.”

  Georgette laid the cloth across her sister’s eyes. “It’s my pleasure, you know that. You’re my sister. I would do anything for you.” She kissed her cheek before blowing out the candle and then climbing into bed beside her. “Try to get some sleep now. You’ll feel better in the morning.”

  “I’ll try. Good night, Georgette.”


  The next day dawned bright and the sun streamed in through the lace curtains in their bedchamber. Georgette woke first and a smile ghosted her lips. The day promised to be a wonderful one and she was looking forward to seeing Dalton Hunt again. She had thought about him long into the night and found it difficult to fall asleep. Was Isabel right? Was he her Mr. Hunt? Could one fall in love in one night? Perhaps that was only true in fairy tales, but whatever the case, Georgette longed to be in Mr. Hunt’s company once again.

  Isabel turned over and flung her arm over her waist. Georgette looked at her sister’s face and sighed. It pained her to know that Isabel was so unhappy, but she wasn’t willing to give up on Mr. Tisbury yet. She was sure there was a reasonable explanation for what Isabel witnessed although she couldn’t imagine what it could be. Why would he kiss Miss Larkinson when he had professed his love for Isabel? He didn’t seem to be the type of man to trifle with a young lady’s heart, so perhaps there was something they were missing.

  Isabel’s eyes fluttered open. “Morning.”

  “Morning, sleepy head. I’d thought you’d sleep the day away.”

  Isabel rolled over on her back and raised her arm over her eyes. “That sounds like a better idea. Would you mind?”

  Georgette reached over and tickled her sides. “Oh no, you don’t. We’re going walking with Mr. Hunt, remember? You promised.”

  “Stop tickling me,” Isabel said. “I was merely teasing you, that’s all.”

  “That’s my girl. It looks to be a lovely day out and the fresh air will do you good.”

  There was a soft knock on the door.

  “Come in,” Georgette said.

  The door opened and Rachel entered the room. “Good morning, misses. Are you ready to dress?”

  Georgette slipped out of bed. “Yes. We’ll be going out later today.”

  Rachel nodded and went to the armoire and began pulling out day dresses, petticoats, and stockings. She held up the dresses. “Are these to your liking?”

  Georgette nodded. “Those are perfect. Isabel, do you have a preference? Cream or blue?”

  “It doesn’t matter to me. I think you’ll look stunningly beautiful in the blue dress, though.”

  “Thank you, dearest. That’s so kind of you to say.”

  “I agree with Miss Isabel,” Rachel said. “Blue compliments you very well.”

  “The blue dres
s it is, then,” Georgette said with a chuckle.

  Once dressed, they went downstairs and found Mrs. Quinn in the dining room enjoying her breakfast.

  “Good morning,” Iris said.

  “Morning, Mrs. Quinn. I trust you slept well,” Georgette said.

  “Very well, thank you.”

  “Morning,” Isabel mumbled as she took her seat at the dining table.

  “Isabel, are you feeling better today?” Iris asked.

  Isabel nodded and sipped at her tea.

  “Mrs. Quinn, I have some delightful news,” Georgette said.


  “Yes, Mr. Hunt will be calling later and he has invited us to go walking with him.”

  “Dalton Hunt?”

  “Yes, that’s him. Do you know him?”

  Iris smiled. “I haven’t seen him in a number of years. Charlotte Hunt is a friend of mine. The Hunts are a highly regarded family, and you would be well taken care of if you two were to marry.”

  Georgette reached for the toast and jam. “I’ve only met him last night, but he is a very pleasant fellow and I very much enjoyed talking with him.”

  “That’s wonderful, and a good first step. I knew it wouldn’t be long before you attracted the eye of an eligible gentleman.” Iris turned her attention to Isabel. “And you, Isabel? Will Mr. Tisbury be coming to call today as well?”

  Isabel shot Mrs. Quinn a glance that spoke volumes. “No, he will not.”

  “I see. Well, I’m sure you’ll enjoy walking with Mr. Hunt. The weather is quite pleasant.”


  It was early afternoon when Dalton reached Mrs. Quinn’s home. He wiped his hands on his trousers, trying to wipe away the sweat before he knocked on the door. Georgette was the first young lady he’d ever courted, and he hoped his nerves would not ruin their walk together. Would they have anything to say to each other? They had talked and talked last night; what if that was everything they had to say to each other?

  Within moments, the door opened. “Good day, sir. May I help you?” Mrs. Smithfield asked.

  Dalton took off his hat and swiped his hand through his thick dark hair. “Good day. I’ve come to call on Miss Condiff.”


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