Alien Romance: Snatched By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Celestial Protectors Book 3)
Page 7
“Don’t touch me!” Joanne said icily. “You’re disgusting!”
“Now, don’t be like that. You and I are going to get to know each other very well before we’re finished,” Kordo said with relish.
He waved with his hand and a compartment appeared in the wall behind him. Joanne’s eyes widened at the selection of wicked looking knives, whips and hook-headed rods all arranged out in inside the compartment.
Kordo saw the fear in her eyes and laughed harshly. “Like my little collection? I’m very proud of it. The other Raadians devote themselves to sensual pleasure, but I realised a long time ago that I preferred something much more brutal. I enjoy giving pain to others more than giving them pleasure.”
He ambled over to the compartment and selected a curved, serrated knife and touched its tip with his finger. “I am so glad you have come to us, Joanne. I get very few chances to indulge this side of my nature.”
“Rot in hell!” Joanne screamed. Her body tensed as he came and ran the blade over her stomach. She closed her eyes shut as tears started streaming down her face.
There was a sudden explosion that ripped through the far wall. Joanne opened her eyes in shock as Kordo was thrown off his feet. In the smoking hole where the wall once was came the diminutive figure of Pero.
“Sorry to spoil your fun, Kordo, but you’re not touching this girl. In fact, you won’t be touching anyone ever again. You’re going into a rehabilitation pod until your sadistic tendencies have been completely erased. It should take a couple of hundred years by my reckoning.”
“How dare you interfere!” Circe roared coming forward. “You will be erased for this!”
“I’m afraid not, Circe, Tamas upgraded my programming remember? I am not controlled directly by you like the rest of the AI. A good thing too, I’ve suspected there was something wrong with you for a long time.
It’s a good thing I decided to keep an eye on Joanne and Tamas or I’d have never have noticed when you snatched her away. It’s time to rewrite your programming.”
“You don’t have the power!” retorted Circe. “I will erase you!”
“We’ll see about that, shall we?” Pero said innocuously. He outstretched his small arms and a blast of golden energy shot out from his hands straight at the other AI. Circe staggered, but then fought back, surrounding itself in blue light and sending a beam of energy back at the sylph.
Joanne stared at the battle and almost forgot Kordo until he weaved himself up over the table. He still clutched the knife in his hand. “You’re still going to die!” he snarled.
He raised the knife over her chest and was about to plunge it in when Tamas suddenly appeared. He lunged like a tiger at Kordo knocking him off his feet.
Fury was etched into his face and he punched Kordo hard in the face. When the other man tried to fight back, Tamas pummelled him with blows until the sadistic thug slipped into unconsciousness.
As soon as Kordo was down Tamas was at the table pulling off the restraints. When they were finally free he grabbed Joanne and pulled her tightly to him.
“You’re all right,” he gasped and sobs wracked his voice. “I was so scared that I’d lost you!”
She returned his hug with equal ferocity. “You’ll never lose me,” she cried. “I’ll going to stay with you forever! I love you!”
“I love you too!” Tamas said fiercely. “I’ll never let you go!”
“Well, this is all very touching,” Pero said behind them.
They both turned to see him glowing brightly. Circe was on its knees, subdued and dull. “I managed to wipe the virus from Circe’s mainframe,” Pero said. “I’m now the Ultimate AI. I think this calls for a party, don’t you?”
Joanne and Tamas stared at him, and then burst out laughing.
Chapter 7: Brave New Worlds
Standing in the huge observation bubble aboard Prism Star, Joanne looked down on Earth and smiled. Already, crystal structures were forming on the planet’s surface as many people began exploring their new potential.
In the space of day since Tamas had returned to the planet and offered them the technology to upload to a higher level of existence, the wars, poverty and disease that afflicted her world had disappeared overnight.
Many Earthlings were exploring the myriad worlds of Prism Star or creating new worlds. In return, Raadians were visiting Earth as well and having an equally enjoyable time of it. Everybody had what they needed and what they desired most. She had what she wanted too. Tamas.
Turning away from the view she looked at the massive hall inside the dome. People were dancing and partying to celebrate the new union between Prism Star and Earth.
On the huge stage at the far end of the hall, Jayden was singing his heart out and in the crowd a younger Larry, now slim and handsome, was dancing with two lovely ladies and having the time of his life. It was the same story for all her friends.
From the throng of partygoers Tamas stepped forward and walked towards her. Her heart skipped at beat as she gazed on his handsome face and toned body, accentuated by the tight wine red outfit that he wore. He gave her a heart melting grin and kissed her on the forehead when he was close enough.
“There you are,” he said warmly. “I’ve been looking for you.”
“I’ve just been looking out at Earth,” Joanne said wrapping her arms around his waist. “I still can’t believe this is happening. It’s like a dream come true.”
“It is a dream come true,” he replied. “For me it is. I get to be with you for all time.”
She smiled and kissed his lips. “And I get to be with you. I couldn’t be more happier.”
“So you should be. You are now the Queen of Prism Star.”
“Queen,” she said dreamily. “Are you really King?”
“Now that Kordo is in rehabilitation and Circe has been freed of the Reptilian virus the other princes are more than happy to give me control of Prism Star.
Now that Earth has been upgraded, we will find other struggling civilisations in other universe and offer them the same gift. This is just the beginning my love and it’s all thanks to you.”
She hugged him tight and looked into his eyes. “It’s all down to us. Together we’ll make everybody happy.”
“But first though I need to make you happy,” Tamas said.
“I am happy,” Joanne returned. “What are you talking about?”
“I mean I need to make you happier and wetter,” Tamas clarified running his hand along her bare leg.
His touch was like wildfire, and she pressed closer to his powerful body. “I understand. Why don’t you do that right now?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” grinned Tamas and taking her hand in his headed across the hall.
They went back to the savannah and their luxurious residence, almost tearing their clothes off before they entered the bedroom. Joanne kissed him hard on the mouth as he peeled off her clingy dress.
His fingers slipped into her silk panties and fondled her swollen cunt. She let out muffled moans and eagerly pulled off his top, breaking the kiss as she got it over his head.
Her mouth went straight to his perfect oval nipples, and she sucked and nibbled them as he played with her throbbing clit.
“Oh Joanne,” he whispered. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” she replied before running her tongue along his smooth torso and up his neck to his lips. “I never want this to end.”
He pulled his hand from her panties and placed her on the bed, taking off the rest of her clothes followed by his own. Slipping a pillow behind her hips he opened her legs and slipped his tongue into her wet hole.
Pleasure speared through her as his tongue danced over the sensitive tissue of her pleasure spot and as he sucked on her labia he pushed his fingers into her making a ‘come wither’ gesture.
She writhed in delirium as his fingers caressed the sensitive walls of her pussy until they came upon her g-spot. As he rubbed and tapped it, she let out a
pitched cry.
“Oh Tamas! Tamas! You’re so wonderful! Use me however you want!”
With masterful motions he made her g-spot swell and the heady rush of orgasm engulfed her. Her sweet nectar gushed out of her pussy over his hand and into his mouth. He licked her greedily, and then climbed onto the bed.
Joanne nibbled his nipples playfully and then pushed him onto his back. Wet and dripping she eased herself onto his massive cock. He grunted with pleasure as he sank inside her and caressed her hips as she bounced on top of him.
She threw back her head and moaned without abandon, giving herself over to the pleasure he sparked in her.
He thrust up beneath her, his fingers digging into her flesh as he lost himself in her wild beauty. Another orgasm hit her with all the force of a freight train and she let out a ragged cry. A few heartbeats after she felt him release inside her.
Sated, they snuggled down together and watched the sun set from the tower window. They would be love mates forever, and never be apart again.
Together, they would bring light and hope to the myriad universes. Closing her eyes, Joanne rested her head on his chest and dreamt of the future.
Chapter 1 … A Spirited Purchase
After so long in the dark, even the muted lights were garish. Beings that never came anywhere near Milky Way – Earth Bound filled the room. Crystalline walls that sparkled so beautifully should never be part of something as dark and horrible as an auction of flesh – human flesh. It seemed Amelia’s time had come.
Her eyes refused to focus, a migraine building as lights were fixed on her – the thin shift that had been roughly forced over her head was nearly transparent beneath the blaze. That shift had only been allowed because she was prime value – a virgin. Still, she was restrained, bound within a metal ring, limbs splayed.
Amelia couldn’t decide in that moment whether it was a good thing or not that she turned down the member of the terra-mining frat on his oh so generous – yeah right – offer.
Apparently, her standards had saved her from being assaulted by her captors as well as from the dive markets; but really, was any slave auction all that different from the next? And that’s what was transpiring, an auction.
Amelia could hardly differentiate individual ‘words’ through the din; not that it would matter, not a single one of the beings – she assumed that they were in the process of bidding on her – spoke in any of the languages she knew.
That surprised Amelia; she was a linguist, an excellent one at that, with nearly thirty alien dialects in her repertoire. Even though she knew that she shouldn’t be surprised; her abductors had taken her outside the galaxy of her birth – it was disconcerting to, for once, not know what was being said around her.
The din quieted, a single voice – the officiator’s mumbled out once, twice. However, if three was the charm on this planet, another voice boomed through the hall before the auction could be closed.
“Aftnich luerma.” Judging by the sudden buzz among the buyers, whoever that voice belonged to had either just placed a significant bid, was very important on this planet, or both.
Galtan had thought himself cold. He hadn’t believed compassion remained within him; however, there had been something that called to him when he had glimpsed the female on the security feeds at the spaceport as he was doing an inspection earlier that day.
He had tried to convince himself that it had been the human’s coloring. Hair darker than starless space on the outer rim – it had hung down her back in heavy coils; her eyes, a brighter blue than luerma, the most prized gems of his world; her skin looked smoother than polished crystal and was a warm-hued cream.
As he looked at her skin, he had wondered whether the galaxy she hailed from, had been named for women as fair as she. Yes, that particular female was likely the most beautiful human Galtan had ever seen – but there was more. There was spirit – they hadn’t broken her.
She had fought in the back hall of the port. Galtan had watched her strike out at the collectors over the security feed, shocking everyone. He smiled, an expression that felt uncomfortable on his face, thinking about the way the human had moved.
She had been swift with her feet as she kicked, but by haltrak, she was just mean when she used her fists to shatter softer structures of the face and to hit poorly guarded week points on the body.
When the collectors had managed to subdue her, with help from private guards, they had been forced to take her to the medibay to heal her tender flesh. Slaves had to be in prime condition to fetch the best price.
It was then, that the men around him had started chattering about how the female’s new owner would have to break her in. Men that more than feared Galtan had stood about, before the monitors to discuss the best methods to break down a spirited slave: pain, deprivation, humiliation, etc. For the first time in nearly two and a quarter cycles – eighteen of the human’s years – Galtan felt the emotion one might call regret, or perhaps pity.
That stirring within him had driven Galtan to attend his first auction in at least a cycle. When he had been ushered with great commendation into the hall, the hosts desperate to fulfil any desire he might have, the Spirit – Galtan couldn’t help but think of her any other way – had been given some sort of light sedative and was on display for bidding.
A Murga couple had just placed the top bid, thirty standard shalkan, on Galtan’s female and were doubtless going to close out the bidding. Thirty shalkan was a nice profit on any slave, worth approximately a tenth of a single standard luerma.
The concept had been completely reviling – the Murga used human slaves for some very sick pleasures, no human lasted long. Unable to stand the thought of the slimy, dripping with mucus, aliens having the beauty, Galtan had silenced the auction house’s manager with a single raised digit, and bid.
“Five luerma.” The hall went silent for but a heartbeat, before voices in various languages buzzed. Few ever had an actual luerma in their possession – only the highest elite might have more than one. To put such a value on a slave that wasn’t of status or empowered was unheard of; and even when royalty or kinetics came on the market, to pay more than a luerma or two was absurd. Galtan knew this, but didn’t care. The female’s spirit was worth the price.
The palat, the officiator, stood there in silence. To facilitate the man, Galtan pulled a pouch from an interior pocket in his coat, took five luerma and held them in his open palm. Even in the low light, the stones flashed brilliantly – miniature, blue supernovas.
“Does anyone beat five luer?” The palat looked around the room for form. “Five luer?” Staring straight at Galtan, knowing no one would beat the bid the palat uttered one last time, “Five luer?”
The spotlights dimmed, Spirit was his.
Amelia felt ill. Whatever the slavers had forced into her veins at the port was making her ill. She had felt the effects before though – when she was taken.
Amelia had always been brilliant, but unfortunately there were times she disconnected from reality and made some bad choices. The mating conference had been a bad choice, but her friend Simone had found a lovely mate from the Morpal planetary system, even if he was a bit orange in hue.
She had been on her way to that conference on Umbriel – the Uranus moon that had developed a reputation as the moon of love in the 26th century – from earth when the transport had been attacked.
Any men on the transport had been ejected into space by the slavers; they only wanted the women. Amelia had been the prize of the capture as the only virgin on board.
In the common date system declared 2734, within Earth’s planetary system, virginity held zero value, and hadn’t since the end of the 23rd century; so the valuing of lack of experience was an antiquated notion.
As much as Amelia might seek to analyze what she perceived to be a lack of logic, she wasn’t up to the effort. She was exhausted, hu
ngry, cold, and drugged.
They didn’t bother to take her off the ring she was suspended in; instead they ran the hook holding the ring along a track system. The ring jerked to a stop, which didn’t help the queasiness, when she reached another brightly lit area.
Through barely cracked lids, Amelia saw that this was the place where the buyers thoroughly examined their new purchases. Other women that had been auctioned before her were being probed and prodded.
Someone…something was fiddling with the shift she was clothed in, they were going to strip it from her. Bracing herself to face the humiliation, Amelia squeezed her eyes tight. The booming voice sounded again.
“Threk!” Suddenly whatever had been preparing to strip her jumped away from her bound body.
Galtan didn’t want the greedy limbs, tentacles, or eyes of those around to touch her. Though familiar with the processes of the auction houses, he was not of a mind to go through the motions with Spirit.
The displayer dashed away from her; so called for the transparent nature of its specialized limbs – tentacles really. Displayers were aliens hired by slavers. They would probe a human’s orifices with the clear tentacles, holding a female’s body open.
The process served a couple of purposes: first many buyers wanted to scrupulously examine their new purchase; many buyers also took great enjoyment in the humiliation and degradation that the slave would feel from the process; and lastly it was simply another method by which a new slave could be further broken.
“My lord?” Galtan’s position awarded him such an address, Lord Commander of the Armies – of the entire super planet of Amirak-Ren.
“I don’t pay a fortune for a slave, for your minions to turn around and expose what is mine, to everyone.” Galtan kept his voice cold, menacing, as he walked to the pale beauty. Her skin was coated with a light sheen of sweat even though her body shuddered – the sedative that had been used to tame her for the auction wasn’t sitting well in her body.