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Welcome to the Underworld (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 1)

Page 5

by Template, Con

Hear no evil, see no evil, she chanted in her head. He can’t hurt me if I don’t make eye contact…

  “My God, are you kidding?” There was utter disbelief in his voice. When they passed through the revolving door, he said, “Assistant, please tell me you’re joking right now.”

  When she didn’t reply or meet his incredulous gaze, Tae Hyun shook his head.

  “Choi Yoori, don’t be like this,” he coaxed, his tone more lenient. His expression softened. He was addressing her as he would a fragile child. He took his eyes off her for a fleeting second when he sensed company. He smiled, nodding courteously at a group of people in the lobby. Once they ambled past the group, Tae Hyun returned his full attention to her.

  At this instance, she almost tripped after feeling a tinge of pain in her neck. The woes of keeping your head lowered for so long, she thought. Ignoring the pain, Yoori decided it was best to continue to avoid eye contact and eliminate any verbal communication between herself and Tae Hyun. She did not want him to put a bullet in her mouth for saying something wrong to him. She shuddered at the thought. Damn gang bangers and the danger that comes from being around them...

  "When did you become such a chicken?" Tae Hyun finally asked. He was befuddled with her behavior. "Choi Yoori...” He nudged her in an attempt to shake some life back to her. It was quite obvious that Tae Hyun wasn't the type who appreciated being ignored. “What happened to that spunk you had?"

  Yoori flinched at his touch but continued to keep her chin tucked in and lips sealed.

  Spunk died when I realized I could leave this world at any moment, she thought stiffly. Though her head was still lowered, she could tell that the building was an apartment complex and with the gold plated tiles, it was an impressive apartment complex at that.

  "I don’t believe this," uttered Tae Hyun. With no warning, Yoori felt him grab her wrist as they went further into the building. It surprised her that it wasn't fear that ran through her when their skins made contact but electricity. The nice kind that glides through your body and makes you warm all over.

  Thrown by the unexpected reaction she received from it, Yoori followed obediently when Tae Hyun herded her into an elevator. She could hear him sigh when he pressed a floor button. After the button illumed, the doors slid closed and the elevator started to ascend.

  Awkward silence reigned.

  Though Yoori felt compelled to break the tense silence, she vetoed that idea as quickly as it materialized. The truth was that she really had nothing to say. Nothing to say that was worth dying for anyway.

  "Look," Tae Hyun began understandably, gently pulling her closer. His lethargic eyes studied the reflection of himself and a cowering Yoori on the gold surface of the door. "I know that this caught you off guard..."

  She mentally scoffed at the casualness of his statement. No kidding.

  "But you're not making matters better by not talking to me."

  Matters don't matter if I die.

  Their reflections parted ways when the elevator stopped and the doors slid open. Yoori waited for Tae Hyun to step out of the elevator. She almost yelped in surprise when she felt him pull her along with him.

  "I know that first days are hard," he continued, still trying to breach the silence.

  Oh God, thanks for reminding me that there are more days like this to follow.

  "You're worried about making a good impression."

  That's because guns are a big motivator.

  "You meet some intimidating people."

  Murderers, she corrected in her mind. Her attention shifted to the hall they were in. She was impressed with the extravagant décor that embellished the hall, which was lined with gorgeous white carpeting. On the ceiling, a string of stunning chandeliers lit up the breathtaking landscape paintings that sat on the walls. The air of affluence was palpable. Lost in observation, Yoori was brought back to reality when Tae Hyun's soothing voice invaded her mind.

  "And I know it's worse because I’m a demanding boss.”

  No shit. My life is now hanging in the balance.

  "But I have a feeling you can handle it." He smiled after he stopped in front of a metal door. It didn’t take a genius to conclude that they’d finally reached his apartment.

  Oh goody, he can murder me without anyone around now.

  He pulled a key card from his pocket and slid it into a card reader. The door automatically clicked open. Yoori followed him in, her head still hanging low. Judging from the decadence of the hall leading to this apartment, Tae Hyun's apartment was just as expected. It was amazingly picturesque.

  A massive chandelier hung from the center of the ceiling, lighting up the rest of the apartment. Black tiles with dashes of silver lined the base of the apartment while black leather couches and sofas were spread out in the center of the living room. Half moon shaped glass shelves protruded from the walls, holding up various collectible weapons that ranged from ancient swords to crossbows to butterfly knives to various guns. This final (albeit dangerous) decor brought the whole “King of Serpents” ambiance together.

  To add to all of that magnificence, the apartment had a spectacular view of the city as well. Yoori glanced at the huge balcony that stood outside the glass sliding doors. She could only imagine how nice it would be to just sit out there and enjoy the panoramic view.

  "How long do you plan on keeping the silence going?" said Tae Hyun, drawing her out of her observation. His voice contained suppressed irritation.

  As long as I can, she stubbornly answered in her head.

  "Choi Yoori, come on!" he said disbelievingly. "I’m not going to kill you! I just hired you!"

  Yoori squeezed the red cap in fear. You killed the other guy!

  He expelled a weary sigh. Then, after taking in a deep inhalation, his voice grew inflexible. "Choi Yoori. Hold your head up high and look at me while I am speaking to you."

  Yoori flinched at the steel in his voice. She knew she couldn't avoid looking at him anymore. With trepidation, she gradually lifted her head. Her eyes rested upon him. Although he did not look scary, she knew there was more than what met the eye. He did not become the undisputed King of a notorious crime syndicate by being a nice guy.

  "Please say something," he said wearily, crossing his arms with impatience. His face said it all: he was getting tired of this game.

  Yoori merely blinked at his request.

  Frustrated with her stubbornness, Tae Hyun uncrossed his arms. "Wow, you really are something."

  He shook his head, turning his eyes away from her. After pacing back and forth for a few seconds, he stopped.

  Yoori could’ve sworn she saw his eyes glimmer deviously when he laid his gaze back on her. She suddenly found herself becoming very uneasy. What was he up to?

  He began toward her, his eyes on her every step of the way. He only stopped when he found himself an inch away from her. He was so close that she could inhale his alluring cologne. She was surprised that she was actually becoming a big fan of the scent.

  "I suppose I can work with this," he murmured, reaching up and stroking her hair, his eyes glimmering with seduction when he did this.

  Yoori's eyes grew huge at his unexpected actions. Her mind was skittering with confusion. What the hell was this guy doing?

  "Tell me, Choi Yoori...are your lips as soft as they look?"

  Huh? Before she could utter a reply, she felt his hand reach behind her head. At the touch, she instinctively closed her eyes. What happened next threw her into a whirlwind. He pulled her head forward and without preface, pressed his supple lips against hers.

  "Oh my God!" she finally screamed, her voice muffled by his kiss. Yoori was gobsmacked by the emotions that assailed her–the primary one being that of pleasure. Though it was inappropriate, Yoori couldn't deny that the kiss actually felt...nice? It was so strange. A part of her wanted to wrap her arms around his neck so they could prolong the kiss. Yet the bigger part of her knew that it was wrong. Prolonging the kiss was most certainly not an option. Giv
en her state of affairs, Yoori went with choice number two. She started slapping and punching his chest, attempting to free herself from his grasp.

  Amused by her violent actions, Tae Hyun only pulled her closer and continued to interlock her lips with his. The grin on his face was a telltale sign that he enjoyed this immensely.

  "TAE HYUN!" Yoori shouted desperately, her lips still pressed against his. The heat of her blood was scorching beyond all measure. This was her first kiss and it wasn't supposed to be like this. Distressed, she did the only thing she could do at that moment: she went crazy.

  "TAE HYUN, YOU BASTARD! LET GO OF ME!" she hollered at the top of her lungs.

  Tae Hyun released her from his hold as if her indignant scream was the only thing he was yearning for. Sporting a satiated smile on his face, he took a step away from her. Nothing but delight adorned his handsome face.

  Yoori touched her former virgin lips. Fury rushed through her as she gave him the most venomous glare she could muster up. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?"

  Tae Hyun chuckled, utterly guiltless. "You were being rude. I asked you a question and you ignored me. So I did the only thing I could do…I had to find out the answer myself." He touched his own lips and grinned. "In any case, glad to hear your voice again, assistant."

  Yoori gawked at the childish idiot before her. Really? This was the gang leader? And not just any gang leader at that, but the gang leader of one of the most powerful gangs in the country. How was it possible that someone of his authoritative stature just kissed her because she gave him the silent treatment?

  She shook her head. What a strange world.

  "You're an idiot," she said simply, her sassy personality returning. Gang leader or not, this guy was a fool and he was pissing her off royally. She pointed a warning finger at him. "If you ever pull another stunt like that again, I’m going to kill you."

  She was pretty sure the threat was worthless but she felt powerful saying it anyway. The anger in her voice became intermixed with bitterness and curiosity. She was angry but also curious. Now that he kissed her...what did he think?

  His arms still crossed, he approached her with that familiar smirk. He made it no secret that he was staring at her lips while he was speaking. "Then don't give me a reason to do it again.”

  He then sighed, a bit more dramatically than Yoori would've liked. It made her stomach drop in anticipation. He had that playful, mischievous glint in his eyes again. With no filter, he said, "I thought it would have been softer. It was kinda salty...”

  Yoori stopped breathing. Salty? What the hell? She had never felt so small and embarrassed in her life. Judging by the good-natured tone in his voice, Tae Hyun could very well be joking. However, it didn't matter to Yoori. She already took the critique to heart and she was pissed.

  "You're salty, you jerk!" she retorted. Her face was red. Not from the anger, but from being mortified.

  Openly pleased with her reaction, Tae Hyun patted her on the shoulder. Yoori shook his hand off.

  "Glad to see your spunk is back," he approved. He took a step away from her but then returned a second later. Steel present in his voice, he said, "But if you talk to me like that again, you're dead. You hear me?" He walked away, only to return again. "And also, if you ignore me again, you're dead. When I talk to you, you better talk back. But when you talk back, you better not ‘talk back’ to me. Just reply, but watch your mouth. You got that?"

  Yoori folded her arms in disbelief. Even though he was her boss and there was nothing she could do about that, Yoori knew it would be really difficult for her to speak civilly to him. It was obviously best to watch her mouth, but she had the feeling it wasn't going to do much good. She was a hothead by nature and even the threat of death would do little to stop her from expressing her thoughts – especially if she was provoked.

  "I'll..." try to, she added in her mind, "watch my mouth, your highness," she sneered, doing her best not to sound too evil.

  Tae Hyun ignored the sneering tone in her voice and nodded. "Good. Now let's get down to business."

  He reached for a brown briefcase on the sofa. He held it toward Yoori.

  A fearful expression frozen on her face, Yoori only stared at the mysterious looking briefcase in dread. What the hell was in it?

  When she didn't take hold of it, Tae Hyun shook the briefcase with impatience. The scowl on his face convinced Yoori to grab the briefcase by the handle, her whole body shaking.

  "What's in here?" she asked with a quivering voice. She stood motionless, worried that a bomb might go off from inside the briefcase if she moved the wrong way.

  "Don't concern yourself with it. Just guard it and hand it to me when I ask for it."

  He made his way to a desk and pulled out the top drawer. Chills traveled down her spinal column when she saw that he was taking out a silver gun.

  Uh oh.

  Concealing the gun in the space behind his back and under his blazer, he eyed her with a smile that resembled the mischievousness of a child. "Let's go have some fun."

  Yoori’s whole body froze when Tae Hyun eagerly grabbed her hand.

  “In my line of business, it is quite possible that you may get hurt while on the job. This is why I offer full health coverage.”

  His words replayed over and over again in her head as he pulled her along.

  Yoori struggled to peel herself from his grip. It didn't take a trained investigator to deduce the danger Yoori was about to be placed in.

  "No, wait!" she shrieked, struggling against Tae Hyun's hold. "Can't I stay here? DON'T YOU WANT ME TO COOK?"

  Tae Hyun laughed, effortlessly dragging her to the doorway. "Don't worry, you'll get to do that soon enough. Well..." he trailed off, “assuming nothing happens to you of course."

  He laughed at his own joke.

  Yoori stared in dismay as he pushed her out the door. She didn't find it funny.

  "Don't worry," he cajoled, herding a terrified Yoori into the elevator. "If they shoot, just duck. It's that easy."

  Yoori gulped in the purest of agony. "Shit. Holy shit."

  “That’s why I’m here right now.”

  05: Boss

  Yoori clutched the mystery briefcase and red cap close to her chest, frightfully dragging her feet after Tae Hyun. Her heart galloped so fast that she thought she was going into cardiac arrest. She stole a bitter glance at him. He walked a few feet in front of her, hands in his pockets, strutting his stuff like he was on a runway. She glanced lower and stared at his back. She couldn't see the gun but it was obviously there and he was obviously planning to use it.

  Tightening her grasp on the briefcase and cap, she peered up at the clear blue skies in utter despair. It had only been a little over an hour since she woke up and left for work. How was it possible that her life could change so drastically within such a short period of time?

  "I want to go home,” she murmured, lowering her head to keep from losing her balance. She flickered another look at Tae Hyun, who appeared to be quickening his already brisk pace.

  "Why are we walking so fast? Shouldn't we wait for your men?" Yoori inquired, quickening her pace after him. Death is far less likely when you have more numbers by your side.

  "I don't need any men to take care of this," Tae Hyun answered like she had just insulted his capabilities. He stole a glimpse at her and caught sight of the worry on her face. Softening his stern expression, he added, "Two of them are already there,” before he turned back and continued down the street.

  Yoori glared at his back. She felt better that they had back up but she was appalled with his nonchalant behavior. She couldn't believe the guy. There she was, shaking in fear and he was walking around like he was getting ready to go gallivanting around the mall. Yoori shook her head. Apparently shooting people was normal for the guy. Shortly after making this observation, she scoffed at herself for stating the obvious. He was a crime lord. Of course all of this was a normal occurrence for him.

  The walk toward impend
ing fatality did not take as long as Yoori would’ve hoped for. After turning the corner, she noticed that Tae Hyun had stopped walking. She closed her eyes in dread. Stopping only meant that they have arrived at their destination. Her eyes snagged on the dark alley before her. Another torrent of anxiety washed over her.

  Of course.

  Of course this meeting was going to take place in an alley. Where else could stereotypical gang members shoot each other to their heart’s content?

  Tae Hyun turned to face her. A grim mask marked his face. "When we walk through it, stay close to me but stay hidden in the shadows, alright?"

  Yoori nodded obediently. Maybe it was because he had a gun. Maybe it was because he was the leader of a gang. Maybe it was because he had reinforcement in the alley already. Or maybe it was because of the lack of fear that he showed. Whatever the reason, the words from Tae Hyun's lips made Yoori feel less afraid, but only marginally.

  "And try not to gawk too much when I beat all those guys." He chuckled softly. He turned around and advanced into the alley.

  Yoori gaped at him, watching as he disappeared into the alley. She felt the uncertainty cultivate. Was this guy for real? Was he really joking with her at a time like this? Paranoia struck her at full speed. Would he be able to protect her if the situation called for it? Would he be able to keep her safe or would she end up like the other assistant? Dead and only to be talked about when he recruited another assistant? She groaned at the horrible thoughts cycling in her mind. She mumbled something unintelligible and ran after Tae Hyun, hoping and praying they would make it out alive.

  Deep in the alley, she could hear faint sounds of screams emitting from the further end of the narrow pathway. Her fears came back at full throttle when the sounds of bones cracking disturbed the air. She craned her neck to get a better view of what was happening. Straight ahead was a group of ten shadows beating up two other shadows.

  A sinkhole formed in her stomach. She knew her luck. She knew it all too well. She knew who those two men were. She knew right away they were Tae Hyun's men.


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