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Welcome to the Underworld (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 1)

Page 39

by Template, Con

  Her throat growing dry with the passing seconds, Yoori gazed at Tae Hyun. Reluctant hope lit in her eyes. “But, even if they're caught, they'll be okay, right?"

  She had hoped that he would nod in agreement. She was disappointed when she saw the uncertainty on Tae Hyun's expression.

  "Ju Won is a retired crime lord, but a crime lord nonetheless." His eyes brimmed with concern. His own explanation was making an impact on him as well. "He highly values respect. If he catches them, he'd more than likely go on a power trip and execute them before everyone as an example."

  A paralyzing horror overcame Yoori.

  Execute Jae Won and Kang Min?

  "That's why I'm taking you home now," he continued, his eyes urging her to get on the bike. "If all three of the Advisors are back, then they'd likely call a meeting for Ji Hoon and I. The Advisors would be at that mansion. I have to get to Jae Won and Kang Min's side before Ju Won catches them or does anything to them. But, before that, I have to take you home. It'll be safer there."

  Though lost in a stupor, Yoori had enough hold on reality to know that she still wanted to go with Tae Hyun. "But – "

  "No arguments," he cut off. "It's safer for you to be home. Now get on."

  Yoori breathed quietly, her eyes practically gleaming with fear. Acknowledging that anymore arguments with Tae Hyun would be futile, Yoori obediently got onto the bike and wrapped her arms around him.

  The truth was she was afraid.

  Tae Hyun had given her so much new information to register that she was now sincerely afraid. Though Tae Hyun didn’t view Ju Won as much of a threat, Yoori somehow just had a bad feeling about the man. There was something about him that made her uneasy, something about Seo Ju Won that made her think he was much more of a threat than Tae Hyun gave him credit for.

  Moreover, the fact of the matter was that she had no more strength or bravery left within her. A big part of her knew that going home would be the best option and she was willing to listen to Tae Hyun. Tightening her arms around him, her fears of the unknown plagued her. There was no more combative personality left. In times of urgency, she relinquished her curious and hardheaded traits. The only important trait left to hold onto was self-preservation.

  As Tae Hyun was getting ready to drive off, his Blackberry sounded, catching the immediate attention of Yoori.

  She somehow already knew who it was.

  The grave expression on Tae Hyun's countenance when he glanced at his Blackberry screen confirmed Yoori's suspicions as to who the person on the other line could be.

  It was indeed the eldest Advisor.

  "Ju Won," Tae Hyun answered punctually, holding the phone extremely close to his ear. He was attempting to block out any residual sound that may allot Yoori the opportunity to hear the other side of the conversation.

  "Tae Hyun, my boy," the hoarse voice said clearly from the other line.

  Curiosity got the best of Yoori when she heard Ju Won's voice. The ticking clock of a long life swam in his rasp but strong voice. Though his voice didn't sound too intimidating, the amused and ominous echo within it led Yoori to conclude that Ju Won was no ordinary man enjoying retirement. If the tone of his voice gave any indication, Ju Won was not only a power hungry old man, but he was also a scheming one at that.

  She purposely rested her head on Tae Hyun's slouching back. Very closely, she listened to the phone conversation.

  "How are you?" Tae Hyun asked coolly, straightening his back to get Yoori off so she wouldn't be able to eavesdrop.

  Annoyed, Yoori made sure to wrap her arms tighter around him. She continued to rest her head against his back. She didn't care if he didn't want her to hear the conversation. The temptation to know what was happening was just too strong for her to resist.

  Ju Won got straight to the point. "It seems that I have a couple of unexpected visitors tonight – your men to be exact. Kang Min and Jae Won." He chuckled. "From the sounds of it from Jin Ae, I believe you've ordered them to find her and have her kneel before someone?"

  Though Ju Won's voice was calm when he asked this, Yoori could hear the subtle scowl in it. Ju Won was pissed. He may have been pissed at Tae Hyun, but he was more pissed at whomever Tae Hyun wanted Jin Ae to kneel before.

  "My girlfriend," Tae Hyun answered without reservations.

  Her heart expanded. Though it was sweet of him to announce it so proudly, she wished that Tae Hyun would keep the specifics about her intact. It was such a rash thing to do, and Ju Won didn't have to know the specifics. It scared Yoori. She didn't want the man to know anything about her.

  Ju Won laughed at Tae Hyun's answer. "Bring her here," he said at once. "I, along with the rest of the Advisors, would love to meet her."

  The intonation of his voice was one of those nice pitches that had mockery clearly wrapped within it. Sensing the insulting tone, Tae Hyun's eyes sharpened. Even in the face of losing one of his potential “investors,” Tae Hyun's pride will never fail to get into the mix.

  "Do not tell me what to do," he growled.

  The humor in Ju Won's voice did not cease. "My boy, it was not an order but a request from an old man's part."

  As if looking at something, Ju Won continued. "Kang Min and Jae Won are a little tied up right now. I'm sure they'll be happy to see you and your girlfriend. Plus, I've already invited Ji Hoon to come. We'll have our impromptu meeting since everyone is in town."

  Tae Hyun had already stiffened up upon the mention of Kang Min and Jae Won being tied up.

  "Let them go, Ju Won," he ordered gravely. "I'm not in the mood for anymore meetings."

  Ju Won refused to let up. He had something Tae Hyun wanted, and he wasn't afraid to dangle it in Tae Hyun's face. "This meeting will only prove beneficial to you, especially after finding out that you've somehow managed to get Jae Won to merge into your gang. It's impressive and we must celebrate."

  The fire in Tae Hyun's eyes cooled.

  He was reminded of a particular empire that he had been after for quite some time. As his senses came back to him, so did the diplomatic tone in Tae Hyun's voice.

  "Another nigh – "

  "You're already standing on higher ground than Ji Hoon," Ju Won interrupted before Tae Hyun could suggest an alternative. "Are you really going to compromise that position because of an attendance problem?"

  Tae Hyun fell silent.

  Satisfied with Tae Hyun's silence, the smiling voice of Ju Won barreled on. "I'll see you soon. And please, bring your new girlfriend. I'd love to meet the girl you want Jin Ae to kneel before."

  The mention of Yoori was the only thing that brought combative fire back to Tae Hyun. "Ju Won," he gritted firmly, "I'm not bringing her."

  "See you soon, young King," Ju Won said clearly, feigning ignorance to Tae Hyun’s retort before hanging up.

  Muttering a muted curse that he couldn't get a word in edgewise, Tae Hyun angrily placed his Blackberry back into his pocket. When Tae Hyun made no comment to Yoori about the content of the conversation, she concluded that he was still set on taking her home.

  Too bad for Tae Hyun.

  Yoori had already made up her mind when Ju Won abruptly hung up on him.

  "I'm going with you," she said resolutely, her voice struggling to remain strong when she said this.

  She was still afraid, really afraid; however, the thought of Kang Min and Jae Won getting hurt because of her was clawing at her. She was terrified, but Yoori wanted to do all that she could to help them – even if that meant she would have to show her face to the Advisors, all of whom she could only imagine were waiting to punish her for being the “troublemaker.” Her fears, as overbearing as it had become, was no match to the protective nature she had for both Kang Min and Jae Won. Under her watch, nothing will happen to them. She was determined to make sure of that.

  Tae Hyun looked at Yoori like she was now the one being reckless. He made no effort to appear diplomatic. "Are you crazy? There’s no way in hell you’re going with me."

es, I am!" she shouted back. "You heard the tone of his voice. He's not going to let them go unless I show up."

  "Don't be stupid. I can take care of Ju Won. I'm not letting you go in there."

  "You have to take me with you."

  "Why do I have to take you with me?" Tae Hyun asked, his voice tight with anxiety.

  "Because you can't go alone."

  "Are you kidding me? This is me we're talking about. I can handle Ju Won and the rest of them. It’s you who can't handle them."

  Yoori held onto her stubbornness. "I have to go help Jae Won and Kang Min.”

  At that moment, both had lost their patience – Tae Hyun being the first contender. "What did I tell you about doing stupid things?"

  "Tae Hyun," she said inflexibly, her mind already set on going with him. Now it was Yoori's turn to lose her patience. She knew what she had to say to end this senseless argument. "You’re taking me. If you don't take me with you, then I swear to God I'm going to run off. The moment you take me back to the apartment and take off, I'll run without any hesitation. And this time, trust me. I'll go so fucking far that I'll make sure you will never find me again."

  A pause collapsed over Tae Hyun as his disbelieving gaze met her decisive and threatening face.

  After taking a moment to seemingly search for any bluff within her fiery eyes, Tae Hyun shook his head. Irrefutable anxiety flooded over his visage.

  "Choi Yoori," he began, his voice graver than she had ever heard it. "Do you realize that the world that you've been exposed to so far is nothing compared to the world you're about to enter if you officially meet the Advisors?"

  Yoori nodded, unabashed fear seeping out of her once stubborn gaze. If Tae Hyun was trying to make her think twice about going, it worked pretty well.

  "Tae Hyun," she said again, her voice trembling. Despite Tae Hyun's grave warning, she still had to go. "You'll watch over me, right?"

  Yoori knew that the decision to go was a stupid and reckless one on her part. Even though she knew that her safety would be guaranteed at home, the stubborn part of her felt the unbearable obligation to go. At this rate, all that she needed to compartmentalize her fears were the reassuring words from Tae Hyun. That was all she needed.

  With his last thoughtful glance on her, Tae Hyun offered her a quiet sigh as a confirmation of his response that he would still watch over her. Turning around, he had already started the motorcycle.

  "Stick close to me," he said before taking his foot off the ground and steadying them on his bike.

  Her heart feeling a bit lighter than before, Yoori tightened the enclosures of her arms around him. She rested her face on his back as they sped off into the night. While this occurred, Yoori did her best to maintain the last vestige of strength and bravery she had left.

  She wasn't sure how fast her heart was beating as they raced through the empty streets. She wasn't sure how pale her face had become as they whizzed past several stoplights. She wasn't even sure how long it took them to get there once Tae Hyun parked his motorcycle in front of the massive silhouette before them. Yet, as she gazed up at the infrastructure that towered over her, Yoori couldn't help but bite her lower lip in awe.

  Standing enormously in the silence of the night, enveloped in shadows cast by the full moon behind it, the white mansion couldn't have appeared more magnificent – or intimidating – for Yoori.

  It was probably fear.

  It was probably fear that was eating at her as Tae Hyun helped her off the motorcycle. It was probably fear that clawed its way out of her terrified eyes, and it was probably fear that made her think twice about coming here. Now that she saw what she had gotten herself into, Yoori couldn't help but regret the fact that it was too late to change her mind.

  They were at Ju Won's mansion and there was no turning back.

  As though sensing her overwhelming fear, Tae Hyun cupped his hands on her cold cheeks and lifted her face up to meet his. "When you speak to them, make sure to look them dead in the eyes. Do not let them know that you're afraid. You got that?"

  Yoori nodded meekly, feeling marginally better that she at least had Tae Hyun by her side. Though the feminist within her would kill her for thinking this, she did feel better going into this knowing that Tae Hyun was around to protect her if anything were to happen.

  Hopefully nothing too deadly happens.

  He released his hands from her cheeks. His left hand then managed to find her right hand. Interlocking their fingers together, his reassuring smile on her remained. "Whatever happens in there, remember to hold on tight."

  Though her throat was almost too rigid to speak, Yoori nodded. "Alright."

  She tightened her grip on his hand. Her fears, although still present, subsided for the time being. However deluded it was of her, having Tae Hyun there made her feel safer than she ever could with anyone else.

  Hand in hand, they descended toward the mansion.

  While striding toward it, it felt strange for Yoori to feel that her senses had suddenly heightened. She took inventory of her surroundings.

  She took note of the six cars that were in the driveway. Six cars that looked empty, but she was sure was occupied by at least four men in each car. She took inventory of the subtle breathing in the shadows of Ju Won's enormous gardens. She couldn't see them, but she knew there were at least eight men patrolling the area. And finally, she also took notice of the five individual silhouettes hiding on the roof of the mansion. It was hard to see, especially in the blinding darkness. At second glance, she no longer saw the subtle silhouettes. However, she knew they were there. Bodyguards or intruders, whoever these people were, she doubted they would be on her side if anything were to go down in that mansion.

  She inhaled deeply at all of the new anxiety her heightened senses brought her. She silently prayed to come out of this long night alive and with all of her limbs intact. She glanced quickly at the brick walkway that had smears of fresh blood on it. She shook harder. Yoori was beginning to think that such a prayer was probably far-fetched in this place.

  When Tae Hyun rang the doorbell, Yoori found herself biting her lower lip in worry for what was to come. The truth of the matter was it had just occurred to her that the path she had been on had only been the bridge leading her into the depths of the Underworld.

  With uncertainty deluging within her, Yoori knew that this night was a marked night.

  This particular evening was not only the night where she will finally meet the crime lords of the 2nd layer, but it was also the night where she will officially enter the world she’s had her curious eyes on for so long.

  “Choi Yoori...” she whispered warily when the door swung open, the unknown contents of a long night staring at her dead in the eyes. “Welcome to the Underworld.”

  “It’s truly a terrible thing.”

  32: Blood In

  The instant they stepped into the estate, Yoori felt a tsunami of chills ram against the fortress of her skin. The artificial odor of an icy coolness filled her nostrils while her lungs struggled for breath upon the unsuspecting attack that left her with no feeling of warmth.

  Seo Ju Won’s mansion was unexpectedly and painfully cold.

  Reeling from a temperature that would do the North Pole proud, Yoori shivered as one of Ju Won’s men, whom Yoori suspected to be one of Ju Won’s many bodyguards, spoke to them—or to Tae Hyun to be precise.

  “They’re waiting for you in the meeting room,” the man, who was dressed in a sleek black suit, voiced politely. His tone was embedded with every ounce of respect for Tae Hyun. Seemingly afraid that a direct line of sight with Tae Hyun would merit him an early grave, his gaze was lowered the entire time as he spoke to him.

  Tae Hyun, whose sole attention was still focused on Yoori, gave a careless nod.

  Taking Tae Hyun’s response as a nod of dismissal, the bodyguard bequeathed a distracted Tae Hyun with a respectful bow before closing the door and disappearing into the abyss that lined the corridor of Ju Won’s spaciou
s mansion.

  Yoori looked around.

  The mansion itself was an unusual one.

  Its gargantuan size was more defined indoors than its outer appearance. It lacked everything a proper home would require. To start off, it had no stairs, no living rooms, and no bedrooms – none of the likes. The vicinity was merely a rectangular shaped infrastructure that housed a second rectangular room implanted in the center of the “home.” Four separate corridors surrounded the space between the two separate chambers.

  The mansion was reminiscent of an arena more than anything.

  To the further right hand corner of the corridor they were in, Yoori spotted two oak doors that led into the entrance to what she could observe as the meeting room. To the side of it, her eyes caught sight of two silhouettes.

  Before being allotted the chance to get a better glimpse at them, her attention was swayed by Tae Hyun.

  “You’re freezing,” he observed, barely noticing the bodyguard bidding him goodbye. He faced Yoori and placed his hand on her pale cheek. His face lit with alarm when he noticed that her body temperature had dropped dramatically.

  “Why is it so cold in here?” she stuttered, forgetting about the silhouettes when she felt his touch. Albeit his hand was just as cold, it made her feel faintly warmer.

  “Your body is much more alert under the freezing temperature,” he explained, paying more interest to the chattering of her teeth. He sighed at the sight of her quivering lips and extracted his free hand away. “Your body, if and when an unexpected fight occurs, will react with more instincts than thought. This cold temperature can only be more favorable to you.”

  As Yoori thoughtlessly nodded at his explanation, Tae Hyun was already pulling her into the far corner of the left corridor. They moved behind a small wall that led to the coat closet. Tae Hyun only stopped to place her in the triangular corner, right beside the closet door.

  He lifted his arms up.

  “W – what are you doing?” Yoori uttered, even though it was quite obvious to her what he was doing.

  She watched Tae Hyun pull his black hoodie up over his head. She was surprised to find that he was also wearing a black track jacket underneath the hoodie.


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