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Men of Honor: Cosa Nostra book 1

Page 7

by Jasmine Denton

  “You could always try standing up to him,” he said. “I mean, he’s got to let you grow up sometime, right?”

  “How do you stand up to a mob boss?” she asked with a laugh. “I mean, I know he’d never hurt me, but I take one look at my dad and my knees start quaking with fear.”

  He studied her the same way he always did, with compassion and understanding.

  “I didn’t come here to talk about any of that, though.” Lifting herself up, she swung one leg over him and lowered herself until she was on his lap.

  Subtle signs of surprise crossed his face, turning to desire as she closed her mouth over his. Winding her arms around his neck, she ran her fingers through his soft locks of dark hair. The kiss ignited their passion and soon, they were both lost.

  His hands moved over her back, down the tight, black fabric of her strapless dress. His fingertips brushed across her bare shoulders, leaving her skin tingling in their wake. His tongue pushed past her lips, delved into her mouth, torturing her with the slow, sweet kiss that never seemed to end. Reaching behind her back, she started to unzip her dress, but he brought his hands to hers, stopping her.

  “Bela,” he whispered, his voice husky and deep.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, but didn’t wait for an answer before she brought her lips to the curve of his neck. He let out a small sound of pleasure and stammered on his words.

  “It’s just that I…I…” Pushing her back a little, he caught his breath. She could see his eyes, smoky with need, with longing, and she didn’t understand why he was hitting the brakes. “I think it’s best that we wait.”

  “For what?”

  “For things to get a little less dangerous,” he said.

  “Is this about Trey?” she asked. “Because he’s not going to find out, I promise.”

  “No, this isn’t about Trey,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist. “This is about us. I don’t want to do anything that would jeopardize what we’ve got going here.”

  She tried her best to be mature about this, but she couldn’t help but feel rejected.

  “Sex changes things.” He brought one hand up to caress her cheek, grazing his thumb across the soft, flushed skin. “And this…what we have…it’s perfect already.”

  “And you’re sure that’s the reason?” she asked. “If you don’t want me that way, you can tell me.”

  He gave an honest laugh. “Are you kidding?” he asked. “You’re smart and sexy and completely irresistible.”

  “Yet somehow, you’re resisting.”

  “I’m very self-controlled.”

  “I can see that,” she said.

  “How about we just stick to this?” he asked as he stretched up to bring their mouths together again. The passion he sparked with a simple touch threatened to consume her, making her body ache to be close to him, to feel his skin against hers with nothing in between them. Pulling away, she tried to catch her breath.

  “Maybe we should just watch TV instead,” she said, winded.

  He had to take a slow breath to steady himself, too. “Good idea.”

  She started to get up and move to the space next to him, but he pulled her back down on his lap. Leaning them both forward, he stretched to reach the remote and then settled back against the couch again. Snuggling in against his body, her head resting on his shoulder, she stretched her legs out across the couch and relaxed against him. Warm and safe in his embrace, she felt her love for him overflowing. There was something so natural and comfortable about the way he draped his arm across her knees, the way his thumb absentmindedly stroked back and forth across her leg, the way his head rested against hers as he used the remote to channel surf. In some ways, it was more intimate and satisfying than sex could ever be, and it was definitely the best way to spend her birthday. She knew they were perfect for each other when he said, “Let’s order pizza.”

  In the dull, flickering candlelight of Mandi’s bedroom, Trey kissed her, easing her back onto the bed. As their lips moved in rhythm with each other, he could feel something between them change. Unlike their first night together, this was soft, and sweet. Tender. Last time, it’d been about hormones and lust and need, but this time…something was different. Deeper. There weren’t words to describe how good it felt to have her in his arms, to have her underneath him, to cover her soft lips with his own.

  He took his time kissing her, running his hands along the bends of her body, the flat of her stomach and the curve of her breasts. Enjoying the sound of each shuddered breath, reveling in the sensation of his fingertips gliding across her skin. She dragged her nails across his back when he entered her, letting out a small groan. The sound drove him wild, but he made an effort to restrain himself.

  As her body arched beneath his, he brought his hand up to grasp hers, pressing it into the bed, and kissed her passionately. Without warning, she started to struggle under him. Bringing her hands to his shoulders, she gave him a hard shove. She was small but the force of it sent him soaring back toward the foot of the bed.

  Her breathing was quickened and her cheeks were flushed as she brought the sheet up to cover herself. “Sorry,” she said quickly. “I’m sorry. I…” Raking a hand through her tousled blond hair, her cheeks turned redder and he realized she hadn’t meant to push him away; it’d been a reflex. But why?

  “Did I…” he struggled to think through his hazy, lustful emotions. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No,” she said. “You didn’t. I just…I felt something.”

  “That’s kind of the idea,” he said with a grin.

  As she tried to laugh and shake it off, he realized what she meant. She had feelings for him and it was scaring the hell out of her. So far, he’d only caught glimpses of her life: foster families, abusive ex-boyfriend, greedy boss, dead-end job. She’d probably been on her own for a long time—and been taken advantage of a lot—and the thought of letting him in was too much to handle.

  “It’s okay,” he said, crawling up to sit next to her. “We don’t have to…”

  She gave him a suspicious look. “Why not?”

  “Because…” he said, the suspicion in her eyes making him stumble for words. “Because I care about you. Believe it or not, I’m after more than just your ass.”

  This seemed to throw her off more. She scrambled off the bed, dragging the sheet with her. She had to yank it a couple times because he was sitting on it, and when he lifted himself up, she stumbled back a step. “See, this is what’s freaking me out!”

  “What? That I care?”

  “Yes,” she hissed, looking angry with him. “This isn’t supposed to be that. I thought you were a player.”

  This girl never stopped confusing him. She was hot and cold, and could switch from one to the other in an instant. “Maybe the game changed.”

  She shook her head. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”

  He kind of liked watching her squirm, and he knew she’d never be able to handle…whatever was happening between them until he was completely honest with her about it. He stood up, taking a couple steps closer to her. “I’m in love with you,” he said.

  “No, you’re not,” she said, and it sounded like an order.

  “Yes, I am,” he said. “I love the way you dance and the way you talk and the way you hate to be loved. I love it all.”

  She reached out and shoved his shoulder. “Don’t say that!”

  “You don’t have to be afraid of it,” he said. “You could just…take a risk and let me in.”

  Her blue eyes met his with temptation. “Yeah? And what if you trample all over my heart? Huh? What happens then?”

  “I would never hurt you,” he said, locking eyes with her so she would know he was sincere. “And I’ll make sure nobody else does, either.”

  “I’m a stripper, remember?” she said. “Strippers and boyfriends don’t mix. It messes with the whole male ego thing.”

  “You can overlook my job,” he said. “The least I can do i
s return the favor. Right?”

  She looked at him suspiciously. “Really? Because the last time you were in the club, you almost punched a customer. In front of everybody.”

  “So I’ll stick to your private shows,” he said, raising an eyebrow. “Come on. Be my girlfriend.”

  “What? No,” she said, looking shocked and appalled.

  He brought his hands together prayer-style and gave her the pout. “Please?”

  She sighed, looking frustrated. “You don’t get it.”

  “No, I do,” he said. “You’re falling for me too and you’re scared to death.”

  She didn’t deny it. She just began to chew on her lip nervously, which he found adorable. “This is crazy.”

  “I love you,” he repeated, wrapping his arms around her waist. This time, she didn’t push him away.

  “What if I can’t?” she asked.

  “Can’t what?”

  She looked up at him again. “What if I can’t love you back? What if I’m too…damaged?”

  Could she really believe she was too damaged to fall in love again? That last boyfriend must’ve really done a number on her heart, he thought. “Then I guess the only one who’ll get hurt is me,” he said with a confidant grin. “So, really, what do you have to lose?”

  She was quiet for a minute, thinking this over. “You can’t try to change me,” she said. “I am who I am.”

  “I know. I won’t.”

  “I don’t expect you to change, either,” she said.



  He couldn’t help but think of how cute she looked, wrapped in that pink sheet, negotiating the terms of their relationship. “So that’s a yes?” he asked, just to be clear. Knowing her, she’d change her mind tomorrow.

  “Yes, that’s a yes,” she said, looking a little annoyed and flustered at the same time. “How can I say no to you?”

  He grinned as he brought his lips to meet hers again.

  Chapter eleven

  As maids cleaned up from the night before, Trey walked through the mess and found a group of his henchmen waiting for him just outside the den.

  “What’s with the 911?” Johnny asked.

  “You. Call Vincent and get him to come down here. And you two, go to this address and find me anything you can.” As he was giving orders, he glanced down the hallway and spotted Bela, just now entering. She looked tired and was still wearing the dress from the night before as she walked down the hallway in a daze, with that lovey-dovey look on her face. Taking a good look, Trey headed over.

  “Are you just now getting home?” he asked.

  When she saw him, she rolled her eyes and walked past him.

  He reached out and grabbed her arm, turning her to face him.

  She yanked away from him, looking too annoyed and too tired for his macho act.

  “Who were you with?” Looking at her, he waited, expecting an explanation.

  “Can’t you ever just mind your own business?” Bela asked. “Surely you’ve got more important things to do.”

  “Look, I get it. You’re nineteen. You wanna stay out all night with some guy there’s not much I can say about it. To you.”

  She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

  “So, give me the name.”

  “Why?” Bela asked, raising an eyebrow. “So you can set him on fire?”

  His gaze continued to study her, even and steady.

  “For once, will you just leave it alone?”

  He gave her a disapproving look as he stepped away. “Go shower before anyone else sees you.”

  She gave him a glare as she walked past him. They turned, walking down opposite hallways as she headed to her room, and he went back to his men.

  Seeing his men staring at him, he said loudly, “What are you waiting for? Don’t you guys have jobs to do?”

  They scattered, but Trey grabbed Johnny as he headed away. “You go pull up security footage from last night. I want to know what time Bela left and which way she went.”

  “Yes, sir,” Johnny said quickly and then took off toward the security office.

  With the moon rising higher and higher in the sky, Bela and Vincent met on the rooftop. It was quiet and peaceful—a nice contrast to their lives. She greeted him with a kiss and a tight hug.

  Suddenly she heard a voice say, “So this is why you wouldn’t give me his name.”

  They both whirled around to see Trey entering the rooftop.

  Bela’s heart leapt in fear at the sight of him, all tall, intimidating and pissed. “How did you…”

  “Well, after you made that crack about me setting someone on fire, I started to ask myself…where could you possibly have heard that story?” His gaze travelled to Vincent. “Then, I followed you. It was almost too easy.”

  “Trey, I can explain—”

  “Oh, now you want to explain?” he asked. “Because you weren’t too chatty this morning.”

  “I wanted to tell you,” she said. “I’ve been wanting to tell you for so long, but I knew you wouldn’t understand.”

  He seemed to ignore everything she said, as if it had no affect on how he felt or how he viewed this situation. “How long has this been going on?”

  She looked over her shoulder at Vincent reluctantly.

  “A couple months,” he said, taking her side. “Since before I wanted to join your crew.”

  “So both of you have been lying to my face for months.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets, and for a second, Bela thought he might be going for his gun. Instead, he just continued to look at them, his face showing no signs of whatever he was feeling.

  Bela nodded once, watching carefully for a reaction.

  Trey stepped forward, taking her by the arm. “Alright, it’s time for you and me to leave.”

  “I don’t want to.” She tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong.

  Though he’d been quiet and compliant at first, this was too much for Vincent’s patience. He stepped up, his dark eyes narrowed on Trey in a warning. “Let her go.”

  He released her, turning to Vincent. Their chests were inches away from each other and Trey’s voice had that threatening tone that always gave Bela chills. “Really? You want to do this now?”

  “If she says she doesn’t want to go, she doesn’t have to,” he replied. “She’s an adult, it’s time you started treating her like one.”

  “Now you’re going to tell me how to treat my own sister,” Trey said, chuckling with amusement.

  “Someone’s got to.”

  Bela wedged herself between them, pushing each of them back a pace. “Just stop,” she said desperately. “We can talk about this. There doesn’t have to be any violence or fighting or—”

  “You shut up,” Trey snapped, glaring at her. “It’s bad enough you’re sneaking around with someone on my crew, but this one? A Marcano! After what they did to Mom?”

  “He had nothing to do with that,” she said. “He was just a kid when that happened—we all were!”

  “Well, you know what they say. The sins of the father…”

  “I’ve had it with that ancient way of thinking,” Bela said, her voice rising too. “I’ve had it with your vendettas and your rules and…all of it!”

  “I see how it is.” Trey’s eyes fixed on her in a glare, as if she’d disappointed him. “Some smooth-talker feeds you a couple lines and your loyalty goes right out the window.”

  “What am I supposed to be loyal to?” she asked. “To your crusade? To your plan to control and conquer the entire city?”

  “To your family!”

  “What family?” she cried. “You don’t give a damn about me unless what I want for my own life interferes with your plans. And Dad’s even worse! So don’t stand there and act like I’m the one who’s betrayed our family.”

  “So that’s what you’ve got her thinking?” Trey’s gaze travelled back to Vincent. “You’ve convinced her she means nothing to us.”

nbsp; “I think for myself,” Bela snapped. “You’ve never been able to understand that. And this…this damage between us started long before I ever met him, you were just too blind to see it.”

  “Oh, I’m the one who’s blind?” He pointed to Vincent as he said, “He’s using you, Bela. Open your eyes!”

  “You’re paranoid, Trey. Not everything is about you,” Vincent began, but he was quickly cut short again.

  “What’s your angle?” Trey asked, his eyes glowing with hatred. “Huh? I know you have one, so what is it? Weaseling your way into my organization, sleeping with my sister. What are you trying to do?”

  “All he’s trying to do is get you to see past his last name,” she said, still standing firm, like a barrier between them. “He wanted your respect. He wanted you to give us a chance.”

  “That’s never going to happen,” he said, enunciating each word. He seized her arm again.

  “Damn it, Trey,” she shouted, struggling to get free. “You don’t own me!”

  “Yes, I do,” he yelled. “Dad told me to look out for you and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”

  “Stop it, you’re hurting her!” Vincent clamped his hand down over Trey’s, trying to pry it off her arm. The second their skins came in contact, Trey swung his free arm in a powerful blow. Vincent didn’t see it coming and it knocked him to the ground between them. With one hard shove, Trey tossed Bela out of the way and began to wildly kick Vincent in the stomach.

  “Stop it!” Bela cried, unable to see her brother hurt the man she loved. Even as the violence continued, she knew this wasn’t about her relationship with Vincent. It wasn’t about her at all. This was about whatever Trey thought Vincent was up to. It was about Trey’s pride; it was always about Trey’s pride. She grabbed Trey’s arm and pulled at him, but it was about as effective as a mouse snarling at a lion. “I’ll go with you, okay? Just stop hurting him!”

  Only then did he cease kicking and step back, looking winded and triumphant. Before Trey could stop her, Bela dropped to her knees at Vincent’s side. Tears stung her eyes, blurring her vision.


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