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Saved by the Alpha

Page 21

by Jessica Snow

  Kimberly giggled sexily as she looked at Edward. His cock was already jutting out hard and heavy. "Well, I think it’s very, very sexy," she said. "Or can't you see?"

  She stroked her fingers up and down the lips of her labia, spreading them for Edward's gaze. The moist excitement made the pink folds shine in the light of her room, and her body was already opening, excited and ready for him. "Edward, do your people have anything special about Mating?" she asked suddenly, sitting up and reaching for him. She rubbed his chest and stomach, letting her hands play lower and lower, but not touching his cock at all.

  It was Edward's turn to growl in frustration, as he knew exactly what Kimberly was doing to him, and knew she was paying him back for his teasing caresses earlier. "No, it's a mental and spiritual thing more than anything else. Why, do yours?"

  "Yes, there is a very specific physical thing that must be done," she said, her mind awhirl with the possibilities and wondering if she had the courage to do what her instinct was screaming for her to do. "If we do, we will most likely form a bond similar to what Keith and Melanie share. It's why for us, there is a difference between having sex and Mating. One can be for fun, the other had a lot deeper meaning."

  "I see," Edward said, coming forward again to kiss her lips. “Well, I do hope that day comes. But first, I want something else."

  "What?" Kimberly asked, kissing him back. His hand cupped her breast, teasing her nipple and sending a small spark through her that made her jump.

  "This Bear wants some of your honey," he joked, pushing her back and spreading her legs. Kimberly's laugh was cut short as his tongue dragged across her clit, a thick moan replacing it. "Delicious."

  Edward licked her up and down, slowly relishing the delicious flavor of the woman he could now call his wife, his mate. He knew that now, in his heart, she would be the one. He had always sought someone like Kimberly and had almost lost faith that it would happen. Now, with her spread before him, powerful and vulnerable and commanding all at once. Darting deeper, he found the source of her nectar, lapping it up greedily into his waiting mouth, her taste searing its way into his mind, unique and superior to anything else in the world.

  Kimberly could only throw her head back as Edward licked her. She'd had a few lovers in her time, and some of them were considered good, but Edward, perhaps because of the fact that she knew deep down that he was the one, or maybe because of his actual skill, was doing things to her she had never dreamed of. Her mind flashed with colors as he licked and sucked on her pussy, and more than once her eyes rolled back involuntarily it felt so good. When he pulled his tongue back, she had barely a moment to catch her breath before the feeling of his tongue on her clit sent her reeling again. He circled and fluttered over her clit before tracing up and down again, his tongue searching every fold of her pussy until Kim couldn't stand it any longer. Grabbing his head, she ground her hips into him, her body feeding its need as she rushed over the edge of orgasm, her legs pushing on the bed as he fluttered his tongue inside her, she cried out, biting her lower lip to prevent her screams from echoing around the Manor.

  Sagging into the bedspread, Kimberly let her body relax as Edward came up, his face covered in her wetness. "Damn I didn't know I was that messy," she said, stroking a droplet of wetness off his forehead. "Sorry about that."

  "I did it on purpose," Edward said, smiling. "I want your scent all over me."

  Kimberly stroked his face, looking Edward in the eyes. "Edward, you're a fine man, and you make me laugh. I have a very serious question for you. Can you answer me honestly?"

  "I swear," Edward said, his fingers stroking her hair and along the curve of her ears. "I will never lie to you, ever."

  Kimberly nodded, semi-distracted by the feel of his fingers on her sensitive skin. "Edward, can you accept Lycan law and my position as Alpha Female? And damn that feels good."

  "I'm glad," Edward replied, continuing his caresses. "And yes, I can. I don't care about my or your standing in any Clan. I just want to be with you."

  "Even though you may face prejudice and racism?"

  "Even though. If anything, Melanie can help me. From what some have told me, she faced it bravely."

  Kimberly nodded, smiling that Edward already had such a high opinion of her Sister. She wanted Edward to make the Waldwyck trio a full quartet, and still be just as close at they were before. There was one more question to ask. "And if we Mate, would you be willing to have a child with me?"

  “That would be a dream come true,” Edward replied, stroking over her belly.

  “Good," Kimberly said with a smile. “I don’t recall it ever being done. We’ll make history.” Pulling him down, she kissed Edward slowly and sensuously, reaching down with her free hand and finding his cock still hard and ready. "Give me some room," she said, turning over and getting on her hands and knees.

  "Edward, do you know what this means?" she said, wiggling her backside at him. It was hypnotic and frisky at the same time, and the look in Kimberly's eyes was so sexy it stunned Edward for a second.

  Finally, he blinked and shook his head. "You like it from there? Not that I mind, I've heard it is very popular with many people."

  Kim chuckled and shook her head. "Edward, I'm inviting you to Mate with me. But be warned, if you do, there are serious consequences. The Link is one of them."

  Without responding, Edward got on his knees behind Kimberly, his cock brushing against the cleft in between the perfect globes of her ass. "This bond.... is it permanent?"

  "It can be, if we want it to be," Kimberly moaned, lust filling her as she felt the warm pulse of his cock against her skin. "I want you, Edward. I want to be your Mate."

  "I want nothing more,” Edward replied, taking his cock in his hand. He traced it up and down the already soaked slit of her pussy, groaning at the heat that teased the tip. "Can I tell you something?"

  "If you take more than ten seconds I'm going feral," Kimberly threatened again, her voice dropping to a throaty growl. "I swear to blood I will."

  “Yes, ma’am. No more talking,” he said. He lined his cock up with her pussy and pushed, both of them sighing as their desire was temporarily quenched. Edward paused when he felt Kimberly's body start to pull away, letting her adjust to him by drawing out before pushing in again, this time finding nothing but the delicious embrace of her body around his cock as he filled her up.

  "Now show me how strong you are," Kimberly said, gripping the edge of the mattress. "No holding back."

  Edward pulled back before pushing forward again, his cock sending waves of pleasure through Kimberly's body as she lowered her head and whimpered. Edward's massive hands rested on her back, rubbing the muscles as he pulled back and pushed in again, and again. Without pausing, he reached under her body, finding her breasts and massaging them. Kimberly, who had never in her life submitted to any man in bed, felt herself taken by this man, her Mate, who stroked in and out of her with amazing strength and speed. He pushed her down into the mattress, her body flat, and she could feel his hands sandwiched between her breasts and the sheets, still somehow moving enough to continually stimulate her nipples.

  Kimberly felt the change in her mind, and the first soft tendrils as she began to feel Edward's thoughts and sensations. The first feeling that came was a pure, unadulterated love and adoration of her, something that was as erotic as the feeling of his cock pistoning in and out of her, each stroke faster and faster. Reaching beneath her, she found his left hand and clasped it over her heart, letting him feel her love as well. The connection made, both of them felt the building tide of energy within each other, doubling the sensation they felt and driving both of them wild. Edward's hips pushed harder and faster, smashing against Kimberly's upturned ass until she was sure she would have bruises there tomorrow, bruises she would happily carry until they faded far too soon.

  Edward was so close, she could feel. Opening her mind more, she drew on his feelings, fueling her own body until they were in perfect sync. With a
muffled cry as she buried her mouth into the mattress, she felt her second orgasm tear through her as Edward came, filling her body with his seed. Over and over he exploded, until she thought it would never end, and they would spend the rest of eternity on this high.

  When the light finally started to filter back into their perception, they stretched out on the mattress, cuddling. Kim turned around to trace her fingers through the hair on Edward's chest, twisting some of it around her finger. "Edward?"

  "Yes, Kim?" he asked, stroking her hair. "What is it?"

  “I could get used to this” she giggled, looking at his gray eyes.

  Edward smiled and kissed her nose, knowing that it was one of Kimberly's favorite tokens of affection from their Link. "I'm more than happy to serve you, my Lady," he said.

  Kim had never heard the title of Lady used with more love and affection that when Edward said it, and she thought she could get used to him saying that. "Yes, my Mate," she said, kissing him again. She would never call another being Lord, but if anyone deserved it, it was Edward. "Tell me something else. Do your Bear powers give you a quick recovery, or do I have to wait a long time?"

  Edward smiled and rolled her onto her back. “It depends on what you consider a long time. But either way, let me show you some of the other skills I've learned in my years."

  Kimberly laughed deep in her throat, her chuckle cut off again as Edward's fingers began to weave magic spells on her body, lighting her nerves up again. “I’m going to love being Mated."

  Chapter 37

  "Your excellency, I’m surprised that you came all the way out here," the man said, watching as the Archbishop climbed out of the Mercedes SUV. Bending down, he kissed the man's silver signet ring and lowered his head in obedience. "We will have our report ready within a day."

  The old man, who had long ago fought against the cursed werewolf while in his native Germany, waved his hand. “I’m sure your report will be very detailed, Brother Caedus. But sometimes, the horrors of what happened must be seen in person. I learned that long ago as a boy, when as a schoolchild I was taken to Auschwitz to see that wolves do not always wear fur. Come, show me."

  Moving carefully in his cassock and in respect for his seventy years of age, he crossed over the pockmarked ground, carefully avoiding the blackened spots where explosions had occurred. It wasn't that he was afraid of them, far from it. Forty years prior, he had been one of the most feared Hunters in Europe, one of the few humans that the werewolves feared. "Don't lose control," they'd tell their children who struggled with their change, "if you get noticed, Franz Knochenmus will come for you!"

  His hunts had taken him all over Europe. He had hunted werewolves in his native East Germany, then what had then been the Soviet Union before the Order had brought him past the Iron Curtain to hunt in France, England, Spain, and even as far away as North Africa. Finally, he had been elevated first to Bishop and then for the past eight years Archbishop Knochenmus, Knight of the Order. Still, even twenty years after his last hunt and the wound that had crippled his right hand, the tales of the Marrow Grinder, a play on the German meaning of his name, were whispered amongst the European Clans.

  "Have you found any more survivors?" Knochenmus asked Brother Caedus who was still next to him. "My last update said you had a few possibilities."

  "There is one, your excellency, but I don’t know if he can survive. His right leg was pinned underneath a falling chunk of concrete. The doctors say they will have to amputate the limb, but they are more worried about his lungs. The final assault by the werewolf helicopter seared his lungs severely. They are concerned about infection, and if he'll even be able to regain the use of his voice ever again."

  "He is a Hunter, he is strong enough to survive worse," Knochenmus replied. "Never doubt the strength that faith gives you."

  "Of course, apologies Eminence. It’s just, the amount of carnage, many of the men haven't seen such ferocity before."

  "I understand. Normally the American Clans have been much more clandestine. Perhaps I’ve been too complacent, thinking that since they were supposedly contained that I could turn my focus back to Europe and the Asian expansion. For that Caedus, I have been in error. It’s an error I plan on rectifying."

  "Your excellency, there’s been another development that I wanted to talk to you about in person," Caedus said, leading the Archbishop around to what had once been the front gate. "I disregarded the reports at first, but we have confirmed, there were bears that joined the werewolves in their attack. Many of the men are confused, they don’t understand how the enemy was able to train these animals to work with them."

  "They didn't," Knochenmus replied, kneeling down painfully to look at a bloody pawprint that was still on the blacktop that made up the facility parking lot. He placed his hand next to the print, which was easily twice the size of his. "Although that they were involved is very concerning to us."

  "Your excellency?" Caedus asked, clearly confused.

  Knochenmus pushed up painfully, refusing assistance from the younger man, but still pushing off his knee with his left hand. "There is more than one kind of shapeshifter in the world, young Caedus," he said, looking at the charred and smoking ruins of Brother's John's foolish plan. Knochenmus reflected that his death, most likely from the Richter woman considering the way he had been found, had been sort of a mercy. The Order's method of execution for such a colossal bungling would have been far more painful.

  "The Order was created to combat a very specific type of shapeshifter, the werewolf," he continued, making his way towards the building. He wanted to look inside, and see where the Richter woman had been held. "However, that doesn’t mean we’re unaware of others. For example, our Asian Brothers in India are dealing with Tigers as well as Wolves. In North America, we have had occasional contact with various groups of Bears. These two groups cooperating could be a disaster, and I need to discuss it with some of my advisors. Caedus, if you can find any physical evidence of the Bears, or even better, video. If you find it, I want you to send it to me immediately. I need to know if this is a small group of independent Bears or an organized group."

  "Of course, your Excellency."

  The old man looked over at Caedus, a grim smile on his face that made Caedus think that for the first time, he was truly looking at the Marrow Grinder himself and not the old man in a cassock. "Don’t worry, son. If they want a fight, they will see just how much of a fight we can bring."

  Chapter 38

  "Wait a moment, he did what?" Melanie asked, trying not to laugh too much. She knew if she did, she'd get a belly cramp, and that was the last thing she needed right then.

  "I'm telling you, he went out there in front of the main gate, fully changed, and started doing front rolls, sitting up like a dog begging for a treat, everything," the other man, one of the Thornblood warriors who had been injured and had therefore been brought to the Manor for treatment, said. Mostly recovered from his wound, he still sat down to let the hole finish healing but was in great spirits.

  Edward and the other Aklark had earned his respect, and like most warriors, respect was shown through tales that could sometimes be seen as embarrassing to the subject of the story. "I just about damn near lost it when he stood on his head and then rolled to his side. It was the cutest damn distraction I think a twelve foot tall Bear could have ever pulled off. Then the tone in our radios went off, and he was up in what seemed like a flash, tearing that front gate off its hinges before me and my Brothers could even get two rounds off. That Bear was a fighting machine, I'm glad I wasn't in his way. Between him and Lady Thornblood following behind him, those fuckers never stood a chance. The only thing we did was put a few of them down, they did all the heavy lifting."

  Suddenly, Melanie's eyebrow shot up as she felt a wave of erotic energy over her Link, and she looked at Keith, whose face was impassive. Kimberly was nowhere near as loud as Keith was it seemed, or perhaps her quarters had better soundproofing. Well, that didn't take them long.r />
  We have no room to comment, Keith thought back. Or do you forget how we first Mated?

  How could I? I still daydream about it on a regular basis.

  Melanie could feel the shiver of anticipation over her link with Keith, and they shared a secret smile. Later, my love. It's been far too long for us, too.

  "Thank you for the story, it helps me understand a lot. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask Lady Thornblood about it as well. Enjoy the party."

  "Of course, Lady Lockwood," the Thornblood warrior replied, raising his glass to her in a farewell salute. Melanie almost corrected him, before she remembered that she was, at least to others, Lady Lockwood.

  Finding Keith, she took her Mate's arm. "A very interesting storyteller, that fella’,” she said. "He should make a living off of it."

  "He might. I think it’s time though that we talk to Akiko. Are you sure about this?"

  Melanie nodded, squeezing Keith's arm tightly. "Yes. It helps all of us, I think." Together, they approached Akiko Thornblood, who was sipping some champagne.

  "A wonderful ceremony," Akiko said, smiling. She looked at Melanie and sobered quickly. "I have so much to apologize to you for, Lady Lockwood."

  "First off, it's Melanie. Lady Lockwood is my Sister," Melanie said with a smile. "Your warriors and perhaps some of the lower ranked Lycans I can’t stop, but you’re an Alpha Female yourself, so we can dismiss with the formalities when we can. Second of all, considering what Keith has told me, and what I saw, there’s nothing left to apologize for. You’ve acted with great honor since the initial Gathering difficulties."

  Akiko nodded her thanks. "Then at least when we're not in politics, I am Akiko. I must admit, I wasn't just acting out of a sense of obligation. The pure romance of the Waldwyck quest to get you back stirred my heart. Even after seventy years, I can still feel a bit of the old fires inside me."


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