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Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy

Page 15

by K E Osborn

  The doorbell rings.

  “I’ll get it,” Aiden says as he walks toward the door.

  “What are you girls talking about?” Chris asks, looking at us.

  “Nothing, just the usual girly stuff. What are you girls talking about?” Sarah asks back at him.

  He frowns. “Cars, the usual girly stuff.”

  We laugh as Aiden comes back down the hallway with a gigantic pizza box and garlic bread. Sarah and I move to the dining area, and Chris grabs some glasses and takes some soda from the fridge.

  “This is like a double date,” Sarah says happily. We laugh and dig into the pizza.

  Aiden and Chris continue to talk “man stuff.” Basically about cars. Sarah and I roll our eyes at each other as we eat the pizza.

  “Glad to see you guys have sorted your shit out,” Sarah says, not holding back. They both grin.

  “Well, in typical male style, and as Jeni kindly pointed out, we’ve finished pissing our testosterone all over the floor. We’re all good now, right, dude?” Chris asks Aiden.

  “Yeah, once the testosterone is completely out of our systems, we can then move on and calmly talk about cars and other masculine shit,” Aiden replies.

  “Yeah, like boobs and beer,” Chris retorts as they hold their glasses of cola up and cheers each other. Sarah and I both shake our heads as they grin from ear to ear, now seemingly the best of friends.

  Chris folds up the empty pizza box, and Aiden takes our glasses to the sink.

  “Crap, I have to go,” Chris says, looking up at the clock. “It’s nearly six o’clock.”

  “Can’t you call in sick?” Sarah asks, snuggling up to him.

  “Ha! I wish. Some of us have to make a living, baby.”

  She gives him the evil look. “I’m studying, not slacking off.”

  He laughs at her crappy comeback. “I know, but I really have to go. I start at seven.”

  Sarah frowns as Chris lets her go, grabs his keys, and gives her a quick peck.

  “See ya, dude.” Chris waves to Aiden.

  “See ya,” Aiden replies as Chris, followed by Sarah, walks down the hallway and out the front door.

  “Alone at last,” Aiden whispers into my ear as he kisses me softly on my cheek. I turn to kiss his lips. He takes my hand and pulls me up from my seat.

  “Whoa,” I say as he catches me in his arms.

  “I think you should show me your bedroom again,” he says seductively. I succumb to his advances, walking toward my room. He follows behind, shutting the door as we enter. I sit on the edge of my bed silently as he walks around the other side of my queen-sized bed and lies down on the quilt.

  “What cha doin?” I ask, sounding child-like.

  He pats the bed next to him, gesturing for me to lie down. “You look worried. I only want to cuddle, no more sex today,” he says, smiling.

  I give him the evil eye. “You had me worried there for a minute,” I say, moving closer to him and laying my head on his chest.

  “I know. It’s fun watching you squirm,” he says playfully, wrapping his arm around me. We lay there in complete silence, holding each other closely. In this moment I feel completely relaxed and feel my eyelids getting heavy.

  I wake under the covers. The room is dark, pitch-black, disorientating me slightly. I turn to look at my cell phone to check the time, three seventeen a.m. I turn on my side and feel that Aiden is no longer beside me. I turn on the bedside table light to see a small hand-written note on the pillow where he was lying.

  To my Dearest Jenifer,

  I’m so sorry to leave you, but I had to go home to get some sleep to be ready for work tomorrow. I didn’t want to wake you when I left, as you were sleeping so soundly. You’re so beautiful when you sleep. I hope you don’t mind I took off your jeans to make you more comfortable. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Have a good day at work, baby, and I can’t wait to see you again. Wednesday, for dinner? Let me know if you’re available. Sweet dreams, my gorgeous girlfriend.

  Mr. Car-Crashing Flower-Giving, Moronic Smart-ass Man xoxo.

  I smile at the note and hold it to my chest. I stand to take off my top and bra, casually throwing them to the floor. I put on fresh underwear, followed by my pajamas. I turn off the light and drift back to sleep.

  Chapter 16

  I get up from my bed and feel my whole body aching. It’s a good ache; it reminds me of him. I pick up my cell phone and turn off the alarm. I open my message app and write to Aiden.

  Morning, babe, hope you slept well. Sorry I fell asleep on you last night, but thank you for leaving a note. As for Wednesday, I’m in. Tell me when and where and I’ll be there. Thank you for a fantastic weekend. I had the time of my life. I can’t wait to see you on Wednesday. xoxo.

  I hit Send as I stand to get ready for a new day. My usual routine of choosing clothing, hair, and makeup, having breakfast, and driving to work all run smoother than usual. I pull into the parking lot at work as Mel is getting out of her car. She waves and waits for me as I exit my car with handbag and keys in hand.

  “Morning, sweetie. How was your weekend?” Mel asks.

  “Great, thanks, and how was yours?” I blush at the memory of a truly memorable weekend.

  “My weekend was great too thanks,” Mel replies.

  “How’s the twenty-first party planning going?”

  She looks at me and rolls her eyes. “Twenty-one years old and she changes her mind like the wind. First she wants purple as her theme color and then she wants turquoise. Then she wants cupcakes but changes her mind to a three-tiered cake. I can’t keep up!”

  I laugh at her. “I guess there’s never a dull moment.”

  She chuckles in agreement as we walk inside.

  “Remember, no presents,” Mel says as a green van pulls up outside the front of the reception area.

  “No presents, got it.” I say, staring at the van. A young man steps out, moves to the back of the van, and opens it. Mel stops to look as I instantly realize what is going on.

  “What’s that about?” Mel questions as the driver comes through the door with a large vase of flowers. I shake my head as Mel looks inquisitively at me.

  “Delivery for a ... Miss Jenifer Taylor.”

  Mel looks at me in surprise. “And who are these from?”

  I can’t hold back my smile as I sign for the flowers.

  “Is there something you want to tell me, Jenifer?” she asks with an air of playfulness.

  The driver exits through the door to his van and drives off.

  I place the vase of pink tulips, roses, and hydrangeas on the counter.

  “Oh, c’mon, don’t leave me in suspense,” she says like a teenager.

  I laugh at her. “They’re from my boyfriend?” I say, biting my lip.

  Her face lights up. “Oh my god, when did this happen, and why didn’t you tell me? How long have you been together? What’s he like? What does he do?” I laugh at her. “Sorry, got a bit excited.”

  “His name is Aiden. He’s the guy who crashed into me last week. I didn’t tell you because we only made it official on Saturday. He’s in finance. I think that covers all your questions,” I say as she smiles from ear to ear.

  “Oh, I’m happy for you, and he spoils you rotten by the looks of it. John stopped buying me flowers years ago.”

  Bob walks in with his morning iced coffee.

  “Morning, Bob,” Mel and I both say in unison.

  “More flowers?” Bob asks as he walks past. “He’s got it bad if he sends you two bunches in two weeks,” he says, walking down to his office.

  Mel’s face lights up as if she has a brilliant idea. “Aiden is most definitely welcome on Saturday; I’d love to meet him.”

  “I’ll ask if he would like to come.”

  Mel sighs. “Guess we had better do some work then,” she says, heading toward her office.

  I take the card from the flowers and open the envelope to read what’s inside.

  To my beautiful

  I hope you have a better Monday this week than last week, although I am glad we “ran” into each other. Have a great day at work, talk to you soon.

  Aiden xoxo

  I smile at the card, handwritten of course, with a cute little teddy bear on it. I place the card back into the envelope and put it into my handbag. I take last week’s dead flowers to the trashcan and put the new vase in the same spot. I take my cell phone out of my handbag to find a message waiting for me.

  Morning, beautiful, I slept like a baby, thank you. Sorry I left you. You looked so peaceful. Thank you for a fantastic weekend. I honestly can’t think of a time I’ve felt happier. Would you like to go to Nana’s on Wednesday? I know she would love to see you again. xoxo

  I hit Reply.

  Thank you so much for the flowers, again. You didn’t have to do that you know. But thank you anyway. They’re beautiful. I love them. You really do spoil me. Seeing Nana will be perfect for Wednesday, at the Café? Oh, by the way, if you’re not busy on Saturday, would you like to come with me to my boss’s daughter’s 21st birthday BBQ?

  I hit Send as I turn on the computer and check the answering machine for messages. Beep.

  I know I don’t have to buy you flowers, but I like to show you how I feel about you. The dinner will be at Nana’s house, but it’s right behind the café. Hope this is okay with you? I’ve no plans for Saturday, other than to spend every second of the day with you ;-) so BBQ sounds perfect. I have to go to work now, so I probably won’t be able to be contacted until tonight. I hope you have a great day. xoxo.

  I hit reply.

  That’s fine with me; it’ll be great to see Nana again. Oh and you too, I guess, lol. Have a great day at work, babe. Talk to you tonight. xoxo

  I hit Send and put my cell phone into my bag as my emails download. Once I’ve sorted through them, I decide to email Sarah.

  To: Sarah Carlisle

  From: Jenifer Taylor

  Subject: Another Special Delivery!

  Hey Sez,

  Guess what I got today. Another vase of flowers from Aiden. I’m so spoiled! I had the best weekend with him. I’ll have to tell you all about it when I get home. Sorry I flaked last night. We went into my room when Chris left, and I fell asleep. I didn’t even hear Aiden leave. How was your weekend? Other than that stupid little tiff our men decided to have, idiots!

  Luv Me xoxo

  I giggle to myself, remembering the guys and their stupid argument. It was like watching two male gorillas pounding their chests, fighting for the virtue of their mates. I still find it remarkable that when men have a fight, which nearly comes to a punch-up, they are able to go back to drinking and slapping each other on the back. It astounds me. I look down to see an email from Sarah.

  To: Jenifer Taylor

  From: Sarah Carlisle

  Subject: Another one?

  Hey Jen Pen,

  I can’t believe he sent u some more flowers, I’m so jealous! I thought when u guys disappeared into your room u were doing other things than sleeping, if u know what I mean

  ;-p glad u had a great time. Tell me this, um how can I put this, did he fuck u senseless? Lol I know, I know it’s a work email blah, blah, blah, but did he at least make second or third base? I need the juicy details!!!

  Luv your BFF

  P.S. Don’t tell Chris but OMFG!!! Is Aiden HOT or what? Go you!

  I laugh at her email; hopefully they don’t read my emails here because Sarah always says the most inappropriate things in them.

  To: Sarah Carlisle

  From: Jenifer Taylor

  Subject: Grrr you know better!

  Hey Sez,

  First of all, stop with the sexual innuendo! I’m only going to answer you because if Mel is reading this email I know she would want to know the answer as well lol. So, for both of you, all I’m going to say is, he hit a home run! And, yes, the crowd went wild; quite a few times I might add, if you know what I mean ;-p

  Now I have to get to work and you should get to your studies, missy!

  Luv Me xoxo

  P.S. He’s H.O.T hot! I know, right? That’s why I’m still not sure why he likes me...

  I send the email and get back to the running sheet and clientele task lists for tomorrow. I look up at the clock, twelve thirty. I finish what I’m doing on my computer as the alarm sounds. I get up and walk to the kitchen with a slight spring in my step. I make my way to the fridge and pick out a sandwich and a Sunkist. Still bent over in the fridge, I feel the customary slap on the ass.

  “Ouch,” I say, jumping slightly and hitting my head on the inside of the fridge. The guys laugh as I back out of it, rubbing my head.

  “Thanks, Timmy,” I say as he glares at me.

  “Don’t call me Timmy,” he says like an angry child.

  “Okay, sorry, Timothy,” I say as I walk out the door.

  “Hey, that’s just as bad,” he yells as the guys laugh at him.

  I get back to my desk and see a reply from Sarah. This should be good.

  To: Jenifer Taylor

  From: Sarah Carlisle

  Subject: Studies Shmudies!


  Finally u got some! Welcome back to the land of the promiscuous, we’re happy to have u! Lol as for not knowing why he likes u - who cares! He DOES like u, so deal with it, girlfriend! And I can tell u like him so get on with being happy and stop with the second guessing, it’ll drive u insane! So stop - just relax, take each day as it comes and enjoy yourself I say!

  Luv your BFF

  I laugh at her line, “Welcome back to the land of the promiscuous, we’re happy to have you.” To be honest, I’m happy to be back. The way Aiden makes me feel when he makes love to me is indescribable, unimaginable, and let me say very, very satisfying. I can’t help it as my mind wanders back to the first time he kissed me at the waterfall. A smile crosses my face as I bite my lip at the memory. This man, this relentlessly gorgeous man, is now mine. I shake my head at the thought. How can he possibly want to be with me? He knows about my fears, and yet he still wants to be with me? It doesn’t make any sense.

  * * *

  The next days are filled with boredom and loneliness at work and endless texting with Aiden during each night. Wednesday arrives, and the anticipation of tonight’s date grows stronger with every passing minute. Beep.

  Morning, beautiful, hoping you slept well. I’ll pick you up from your place tonight at six thirty to go to Nana’s for dinner. I can’t wait to see you. Feels like I’ve been waiting an eternity to see you again. Have a great day at work, Aiden. xoxo

  He knows exactly how I’m feeling, almost as though he’s reading my mind or something. I hit Reply.

  Morning, babe, I slept well, thank you, hope you did too. Six thirty sounds great; I’m looking forward to it. I know what you mean about feeling like it’s been an eternity. I can’t wait to see you. I look forward to our “hello kiss.” Until then, have a great day at work. See you tonight xoxo

  I hit Send and straight away I hear Beep.

  I dreamed of you last night so my sleep was perfect. I’m also looking forward to our “hello kiss.” xoxo

  It’s nice to know I’m not the only one affected by dreams. I hit Reply.

  I dream of you all the time, you have no idea! xoxo

  I hit Send and blush at my admission. Beep.

  Oh really? You’ll have to tell me all about them but for now I have to go to work. We have important meetings all day today. See you tonight beautiful. xoxo

  I take in a deep breath, close my eyes, and exhale. I’m happy, I’m perfectly blissfully happy, submerged in my new life as girlfriend of Aiden O’Connell, wealthy bachelor extraordinaire, who, for some reason, seems to be completely and utterly besotted by me. Is this a dream? If it is, please don’t wake me up.

  I take the short drive home from work with the anticipation of seeing Aiden throbbing throughout my entire body. Pulling up in the driveway, I see Chris’ car parked on the street as
usual. I struggle to get out of the car, forgetting to undo my seatbelt in my rush to get inside. Taking in a deep breath, I undo the seatbelt, take my keys and bag, and exit the car, shaking my head at my idiocy. It’s nearly five o’clock by the time I get home from work and settled in. I walk through the front door, down the hallway, placing my bag and keys on the buffet as usual. As I walk to the kitchen, I see Sarah and Chris cuddling on the sofa, watching TV.

  “Hi, guys,” I say, making my way to my bedroom.

  “Hey, Jeni,” Sarah announces as she briefly looks up at me then back to the TV.

  I decide to get ready early for my date tonight. I wander over to my closet and search for something suitable to wear to Nana’s house. I figure I want to look good for Aiden. I decide on a knee-length flowing black skirt, diamante black belt, and a pink sleeveless ruffled top. I walk out to the living room and parade in front of Sarah and Chris.

  “Is this okay?” They both casually look up. Chris nods as Sarah yawns.

  “Yup, looks fine.”

  I laugh at their apparent lack of enthusiasm.

  I sit down on the sofa next to them and watch some of the trashy reality TV show. Chris is casually laughing at the people who are falling over drunk. I shake my head at the ridiculousness of it all. I completely lose track of time when the doorbell rings. I stand up and rush to my room to put on a pair of low black heels.

  “Have fun,” Sarah yells as I run through the house, grabbing my bag and keys on the way. I open the door, flustered, trying to get my keys into my bag.

  “Hi, Mike,” I say as I accidentally run into him, not looking where I’m going. He takes hold of my arms and steadies me.

  “You seem a little flustered.”


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