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Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy

Page 18

by K E Osborn

  “Please don’t worry, Mike. I won’t say anything,” I whisper. He nods as the doors shut.

  Aiden comes out of his bedroom, a towel wrapped around his waist as he’s scrunching his hair dry using another towel. He spots me gawking at him.

  “Didn’t hear you come in, baby,” he says, moving toward me.

  “Hmm,” is all I manage to say.

  He stands in front of me practically naked. I sigh as he reaches me.

  “You okay?” he asks curiously as he kisses me softly.

  “Just amazed.”

  His head tilts slightly. “Amazed?”

  “Yes, amazed that you’re so unbelievably gorgeous.”

  “I could say the same about you,” he says, pulling me into an embrace. The towel he was drying his hair with drops to the ground. His hot flesh against my body radiates through me, making me break into a sweat.

  “I see you’ve brought some things with you,” he says, glancing to the bag on the floor.

  “Yup,” I say matter-of-factly. I walk my fingers across the edge of the towel around his abdomen. He looks down.

  “Hmm, and what are you up to, Miss Taylor?” I lick my top lip seductively, making him bite his bottom lip. My hand skims the towel’s edge, and as I slowly start to undo it, revealing him, his mouth creases with a half smile. The elevator chimes, and he quickly grabs hold of the towel, covering himself. I look at him and giggle as he pulls me toward him in an embrace.

  Mike walks out of the elevator. “Sorry to interrupt you, sir, but your father is here.”

  Aiden rolls his eyes and exhales. “Let him up. I’ll go and get into something a bit... ah... less revealing.”

  I giggle as he lets go of me and walks briskly to the bedroom. I look at Mike as he makes his way to the elevator.

  “Is it okay for me to be here?” I ask Mike quickly.

  “I assume so, Miss Taylor,” he says as the doors close.

  I make my way to the sofa and sit. I find I’m nervous about seeing his father again. Last time I saw him was no picnic. He intimidates me. Hopefully this time he’ll be in a better mood.

  The elevator chimes, and I stand up as the doors open.

  “Hi, Mr. O’Connell,” I say politely.

  He looks me up and down. “You again,” he says as he walks to the middle of the living room.

  I look down at my hands. Why is he so mean?

  “Aiden, where are you?” he shouts, making me jump at the sudden volume of his voice.

  “I’m here, Father. There is no need to shout,” he says, walking out of the bedroom.

  “Why is that here?” His father points in my direction.

  I see Aiden’s face turn red. “Father, she’s here to see me. She’s my girlfriend, and you need to get used to it and treat her with respect.”

  His father huffs as I sit back on the sofa. “Can’t it go somewhere? I need to talk to you about today,” Alistair says, acknowledging my presence.

  “Father, Jeni is not an it. Don’t be so ridiculous.”

  “Whatever, just go away, little girl,” Alistair says, causing Aiden to exhale abruptly.

  I stand and walk toward Aiden’s bedroom.

  “Don’t you listen in either, girlie,” he says to me.

  I look at Aiden with a deflated look. He gives me a sympathetic half smile and mouths, “sorry.” I nod in acknowledgement. I walk into his bedroom and close the frosted doors. My subconscious decides she wants to hear what Alistair has to say. I sit against the wall next to the doors, listening intently.

  “What are you doing?” he says loudly. “I told you she’s no good for you or your career.”

  “Father, I thought you were here to talk about what happened today, not my love life.”

  “That’s the point, Aiden. You shouldn’t have a love life! You’re too young, and if you want the vice president position, you have to earn it, not expect it. Having her in your life is a total distraction. I want you to achieve your goals, son.”

  “Your goals, Father, not mine.” Aiden raises his voice. “I don’t expect it. I never have. I know I have to earn it. The distraction is not Jeni; it’s that detective breathing down my neck.”

  “We’re all being investigated, Aiden, not just you! You don’t see Matthew wasting his time with meaningless women.”

  “Jeni’s not meaningless, Father. I love her, and I’m not going to jeopardize my relationship with her to make you happy.”

  I can’t help but smile as he defends my honor.

  “Love. There is no such thing as love. There is only convenience, and at the moment, she’s a convenient distraction. It won’t last.”

  “No such thing as love? What are you talking about? What about Mom? Don’t you love her?”

  “Convenience, Aiden. It’s all a matter of convenience.”

  “What? You’re full of shit, you know that!”

  “Don’t you talk to me like that! I put you where you are today, boy, and I can take it all back in an instant if I wish to. I’m guessing your girl won’t stick around for long once you’re a poor man living in a trailer.”

  “You patronizing son of a...” Aiden’s voice calms before he begins talking again. “Father, listen. Thank you for bringing me up the way you have. I appreciate it. However, I have worked hard to get to where I am today. Yes, you may pay my wage, but I still work for it, and damned hard too. As for Jeni, I trust that she doesn’t care about my money and would stick by me no matter what.”

  “You’re a bigger fool than I thought you were. Women like only one thing in a man—money. That’s all she’s after, Aiden.”

  “Father, why are you here?” Aiden sounds defeated.

  “What did they say to you?” Alistair asks.

  “That they’re getting closer to the culprit. They said that when they find out who it is they are going to take them down. That’s basically it.”

  “Did they say who they suspect?”

  “They seem to suspect us all. That’s why we’re all being questioned.”

  “All right, keep your guard up and get rid of the girl.”

  “Father... Jeni stays.” Aiden exhales.

  “Whatever. Don’t say I haven’t warned you. She’s no good for you. She’s too much of a distraction, son.”

  “I’ll see you Monday,” Aiden says, sounding farther away.

  “Mmm,” Alistair replies. The elevator chimes, and I hear Aiden sigh loudly and walk toward the bedroom doors. I stand quickly and run to his bed, lying down and pretending I wasn’t listening. He slides the doors open. I look up at him.

  “Hey, babe,” I say, trying to sound upbeat.

  “How much did you hear?” he asks me sullenly.

  “Nothing,” I lie to him.

  “Jeni?” He looks at me, knowing that I must have heard them.

  “Um, everything.”

  He runs his hand through his hair, frustrated. “First of all I want to apologize for my father and the way he talks about you. God, I want to hit him so badly right now,” he says, his face scrunched with rage. He moves over to the bed and sits next to me.

  “Are you okay?” I ask him.

  “Ha! He has a go at you like that, and you ask if I’m okay? I should be asking you that question, baby. Are you okay?”

  “Someone once gave me some great advice regarding your father. I was told that insults and intimidations are his way of communication and to take anything he says with a grain of salt.”

  Aiden tilts his head slightly. “Very wise words.”

  “She’s a very wise woman, your Nana.”

  “Ah, yes, she is.”

  “Can I ask you something?” I ask Aiden shyly.

  “Let me guess. What’s the investigation about?”

  “Yeah, it’s not the first time someone has mentioned it. I’m just curious.”

  He inhales sharply and has a very worried look on his face. “Father says that someone within O’Connell Finance is embezzling money from company funds.”

  I feel shock run through me as a seed of doubt about Aiden’s involvement is planted in my mind by that horrible subconscious of mine.

  “Do they know who it is?”

  He shakes his head. “No, but everyone is under investigation, including me,” he says, looking at me intently.

  “Do you suspect anyone?” I ask, looking down at my hands in my lap, as I don’t want him to see that subconsciously I think it might be him.

  “I have my suspicions, but I can’t be sure,” he says, moving his hand to my chin and raising my head to meet his.

  “It’s not me,” he says, staring into my eyes.

  “I know,” I say, reassuring him but not completely reassuring myself.

  He kisses me gently on the lips. “All that bullshit he said about you, that’s not how I feel. You know that, right?”

  I smile at him, easing his growing angst. “Yes, babe, I know, and I’m not after you for your money either,” I say in all honesty.

  He laughs, but it’s only a scoff. “I know that. The thought never crossed my mind.”

  “Now that we’ve that sorted out, what are we having for dinner?” I ask, trying to change the subject.

  “Can we skip to dessert?” he asks cheekily as he pounces on me, pinning me to the bed and kissing me passionately.


  It’s a beautiful Saturday morning; my eyes adjust to the sunlight beaming in through the windows. A naked Aiden holds me from behind, his legs wrapped tightly around mine and his face snuggled into my neck. I yawn and try to move out of his grip. I rotate my body toward him, waking him from his slumber. My face is right next to his. His eyes scrunch open and shut a couple of times before they focus on me.

  “Morning, beautiful,” he says as he nuzzles his nose against mine.

  “Morning,” I say, moving in to kiss him.

  “Mmm, naked morning cuddles,” he says as he pulls me close so that our bodies are touching in every way possible. I can’t help but giggle at the smile on his face.

  “So, barbeque today?” he asks as he plays with my hair.

  “Yeah, it should be good. Are you looking forward to meeting all my work peeps?”

  “Did you really just say work peeps?” he asks, grinning. “Yeah, it’ll be nice to put a face to the names,” he says, stretching out around me.

  We cuddle for a little longer until the alarm sounds at eleven o’clock. We both slowly let go of each other and get out of bed. I no longer feel embarrassed to be naked in front of him in the daylight.

  * * *

  I walk to the living room and pick up my bag. I start to unpack my clothes onto his bed as I search for the outfit I’m wearing to the party. I start dressing as I watch Aiden dress in a blue polo shirt and jeans, and no underwear, as is his new normal. He watches me as I pull up my underwear.

  “You know, you should go without your panties. It’s easier access for me,” he says jokingly.

  I pause as I can’t help but laugh at him. “Uh-huh. Is that your perverted inner old man talking?” I joke back to him.

  “Yeah, that’s the one,” he says as I pull my underwear up completely, dispelling his suggestion.

  He smacks me on the ass, and walks into the en-suite. I continue putting on the rest of my clothes and take my cosmetics to the en-suite, where Aiden is putting shaving cream over the morning growth on his face.

  Luckily the mirror is wide, and there is enough room for him over the sink and me putting on my makeup. I put the cosmetics case up on the bench and open it. Aiden exhales at the size of the case.

  “What?” I ask as he looks at me.

  “Nothing, dear,” he says as he skims a blob of shaving cream off his face and plants it on my nose.

  “Hey!” I say, laughing at him. I grab his towel off the rack and wipe it off then whip him with it before I put it back. He laughs and continues to shave. I start to apply my makeup as Aiden catches my eyes in the mirror. He winks at me, and I blow him a kiss. When we finish in the bathroom, we head out and over to the elevator. I grab my handbag on the way.

  Chapter 19

  We call in the local shops on the way to buy a box of chocolates and some flowers for Skye. Although I know Mel said that our presence is her present, I still feel like I need to get her something. We arrive, and Mike pulls up on the side of the road to let us out.

  “Thanks, Mike,” I call out to him as he drives off. There are purple and turquoise balloons forming an archway at the entrance of their home. Aiden takes my hand, and we walk through the archway into the backyard.

  As we turn the corner, I see Mel serving drinks. She spots us and comes straight over.

  “Hey, sweetie, how are you?” she asks, giving me a big hug.

  “Hi, Mel, let me introduce my boyfriend, Aiden.”

  She smiles at him as her eyes quickly dash to mine. She raises her eyebrows at me and then shakes his hand.

  “Nice to meet you,” Aiden says.

  “You too, Aiden. Would you both like a drink?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Beer and wine okay?”

  Aiden answers for both of us. “That will be great, thanks.”

  We head into the backyard where a lot of people I don’t know are sitting around a long rectangular table set with a purple tablecloth, turquoise paper plates, some cutlery, and napkins.

  I see a table in the corner set up for the presents, so we head over and put the chocolates and flowers on it. John spots me and makes his way over.

  “Hi, John, how are you?” I ask, giving him a hug as the rented jukebox plays another song.

  “Fit as a fiddle, hun.”

  “John, this is Aiden, my boyfriend. Aiden, this is John, Mel’s husband.”

  Aiden puts his hand out to shake John’s. “Nice to meet you, John. Lovely place you have here.”

  “Yeah, it’s not too shabby. So you’re the culprit who’s responsible for all those flowers appearing in the reception area then?”

  “Yes, sir, that’s me.”

  “As long as you keep treating our girl right, you’re okay by me,” John says as he takes a sip of his beer. I shake my head as Mel brings us our drinks.

  “Here you go, guys. Make yourselves comfortable. Everyone should be coming downstairs shortly,” she says as we take our drinks and head over to the table and sit down.

  Aiden takes my hand under the table, interlacing our fingers as usual. He takes a sip of his beer. We hear a ruckus coming from the stairs. It’s the girls in their short dresses and high heels. They look very grown up, not like the picture in Mel’s office. Aiden chuckles as they chatter loudly among themselves coming outside to join the party. One of them spots Aiden and looks him up and down. He doesn’t notice it at first. Her eyes open wide with excitement as she sees my handsome boyfriend. She elbows one of her sisters and points him out to them. I start to laugh as Aiden looks at me, confused.

  “What’s so funny?” he asks.

  “The girls are excited to see you,” I say, looking over at them.

  He turns his head to look at them, and they all giggle, so he waves. They shriek and whisper to each other like the fans of a boy band. He laughs and takes another sip of his beer, looking back at me.

  Mel walks over to the girls and brings them over to us. “Girls, this is Jenifer from work. Jeni, these are my girls, Skye, Amy, and Jade.”

  I let go of Aiden’s hand and stand up to greet them.

  “Happy birthday, Skye,” I say, giving her a hug.

  She whispers in my ear. “Thanks for the eye candy,” and then she giggles.

  I laugh and look at Aiden, who is suddenly very shy around his fan club.

  “Oh and here’s my son, CJ,” Mel says, pointing to him as he walks around the corner with a young tall brunette in hand. He walks toward us, and I recognize him instantly.

  Sarah runs up, hugs me, and whispers in my ear, “Oh my god I didn’t know you’d be here. I don’t know anyone, and I’m so nervous.”

I comfort her with a smile. “Oh, hey, Chris, I didn’t know you were Mel’s son. What does the J in CJ stand for?”

  He looks shocked to see me and says, “I didn’t realize you were the Jeni that they never shut up about. Now I understand why I feel the need to be so overprotective toward you. The J is for Jagger. It’s embarrassing, and that’s why I never mention it. Dad is obsessed with the Rolling Stones.”

  We laugh as Aiden stands to shake hands with him.

  “Hey, man,” Chris says.

  “Hey, small world,” Aiden replies.

  “Tell me about it,” Chris says, taking Sarah’s hand and pulling her to him.

  “Mom, I want you to meet Sarah, my girlfriend.”

  Sarah blushes as Mel hugs her.

  “I’ve heard so much about you, Sarah. Just so you know, I do read all our workers’ emails, and I’ve just figured out that I officially know way too much about my son’s sex life.” Sarah’s face drops, as does mine.

  “So glad he’s using protective measures in your climactic events,” Mel says with a smirk as she kisses Chris on the cheek. “It’s great to finally meet you, Sarah,” she says as she walks away.

  Chris and I burst out laughing as Sarah blushes relentlessly.

  “Well, that was officially mortifying,” Sarah says, hand over her mouth.

  “You guys talk about our sex life in your emails?” Chris asks quietly.

  “Sarah talks; I listen and tell her off. I always thought that Mel read them but was never sure. I do think it’s pretty hilarious that she was reading about her own son.”

  I look over at Aiden, who is not so amused.

  “You okay, babe?” I ask him quietly as Chris tries to comfort Sarah.

  Aiden looks at me. “Do you talk about our sex life via email?” He doesn’t look happy at all. He looks hurt.

  “Um, not explicitly.”

  He inhales sharply as Chris slaps him on the back, sitting next to him and interrupting us as Sarah sits next to me.

  “Hey, dude, what have you been up to?” Chris asks Aiden, taking his attention away from me.


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